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100 Cards in this Set

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Capillary blood gases are less desirable than arterial blood gases (ABGs) for what following 3 reasons?
skin puncture blood is only partial arterial
skin puncture blood contains tissue fluid
the blood is exposed to air during collection
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) recommends the maximum depth of a heel puncture is?
2.0 mm
EDTA specimens are obtained before other specimens when collected by skin puncture, why?
to minimize platelet clumping
What is the safest area for an infant heel puncture?
lateral planter heel surface
What is the purpose of wiping away the first drop of blood during skin puncture
to eliminate tissue fluid contamination
A capillary puncture should be done rather than a venipuncture except in what following situation?
Patient who is dehydrated or has poor ciruclation
when the blue top tube is needed
A purple top microcollection container would be used to collect a specimen for what test?
A hereditary inability to metabolize phenylalanine is called?
The purpose of warming the site before skin puncture is to?
It increases the blood flow up to 7 times
To make a thick blood smear you should take a large drop of blood and spread it to the size of a ____________.
Fluid that comes from between tissue cells is known as _____________ __________.
interstitial fluid
A capillary puncture site should not appear ____________.
A good blood smear should exhibit a ______________ edge.
Capillary bilirubin specimens should be protected from ____________.
A microhematocrite tube is NOT primarily used for what type of specimen?
Blood Culture
If a baby has a huge, fleshy big toe, is it acceptable to collect a bilirubin specimen from it?
A patient who has just awakened at 0600 after fasting all night is an instance that most closely resembles a________________ ____________.
basal state
When you are ordered to draw a protime specimen from a patient with an IV in both arms, where is it best to draw the specimen?
distal to the site
It is not a good idea to collect a CBC specimen from a screaming infant because?
it increases the wbc
Prolonged tourniquet application may cause a change in blood composition primarily because of?
A ____________ ___________ is a vascular access device that is placed in a peripheral vein for the purpose of blood collection and administration of medication.
heparin lock or saline lock
If a phlebotomist has attempted twice to draw a partial thromboplastin time (PTT) specimen from a patient with difficult veins, and both times has been able to draw only a partial tube what should they do?
get someone else to try
Levels of Cortisol (an analyte) can differ by _____ % or more between morning and late afternoon.
If blood pulses in to the tube this is an instance in which may lead you to suspect that you have accidentally punctured an _____________.
If blood is drawn too quickly from a small vein, the vein will have a tendency to ______________.
A fistula is a permanent fusion of an __________ and a _____________.
artery and a vein
A clue that the patient was not fasting for a test that requires a fasting specimen is that the serum would appear ______________.
Removing blood on a regular basis or in large amounts can lead to _______________ anemia.
Obstruction or complete stoppage of lymph flow is called ___________________.
A condition in which blood components that cannot easily leave the blood stream become concentrated in the smaller plasma volume is known as ___________________.
If blood is filling the tube very slowly and a hematoma is beginning to form, the needle may not be?
all the way in the vein
Blood cultures are a test that requires strict _____________ procedures before specimen collection.
skin antisepsis
Documentation is carefully maintained from proctor to courier, what kind of test does not agree with NIDA patient collection requirements.
Urine drug screen
What type of additive is recommended for collecting an ethanol test specimen?
sodium fluoride
When should timing begin when performing a GTT?
as soon as the patient finishes the drink
What test is used to monitor heparin therapy?
At what intervals is blood blotted during a bleeding time test?
30 second
To prevent introducing a contaminating substance into a trace-element collection tube, it is suggested that the phlebotomist do what?
draw it by itself
All POC glucose analyzers approved for hospital use have 3 things in common, list them.
sample types used may be venous, arterial or capillary
they allow data for the glucose meter to be downloaded to data management program
they require QC, and patients or authorized operator id number
When collecting a blood culture specimen directly from a butterfly into blood culture bottles, the _________ should be collected first.
A _______ _______ is a test that may require special “chain of custody” documentation when collected.
drug screen
A condition called __________________ is when a unit of blood is withdrawn from a patient as treatment.
A _______________color topped tube can be used to collect blood for a type and crossmatch.
A _______________ is the test that requires a specimen with a 9:1 ratio of blood to anticoagulant.
Tests that can be performed using special POCT instruments or test kits include (1) ___________________ (2)_________________ (3) __________________ _________.
INR,ACT,APT,Platelet Function
TDM is used by physicians to determine what?
Everyone who performs POCT in a clinical setting must meet the requirements of the _________ for testing and the guidelines of the ______________ for specimen handling.
What type of curve will a patient who is lactose intolerant have after ingesting a dose of lactose?
A patient who is suspected of having lead poisoning should have his or her lead test specimen drawn in _____________ tube. What color?
In what instance would a specimen still most likely be accepted for testing despite this problem?
_________ is permanent computer memory that instructs the computer to carry out user-requested operations.
Applications software called _______________ accepts data downloaded from POC instruments.
Inadequate centrifugation is an example of a ________________ error happening during specimen processing.
_____________ is emerging in healthcare as a method of specimen identification.
Give an example that has nothing to do with maintaining the sterility of the sample.
Would misreporting a patient’s results be considered a preanalytical error?
A _________________ ____________________ is an example or source of preanalytical error that occurs before specimen collection.
age of patient
dehydrated patient
An ___________________ specimen needs to be chilled.
The ____________ is the organization that develops standards for specimen handling and processing.
According to CLSI _______ hours from the time of collection is the maximum time limit for separating serum or plasma from cells.
What 2 specimens are the least likely to require special handling?
Cholesterol, Uric Acid
If collection was difficult, ________________ red cells is a circumstance that is least likely to result in delayed clotting of a serum sample.
Calcium in a ___________ topped tube is a specimen that can be centrifuged immediately upon arrival in specimen processing.
Carefully pouring the contents into the aliquot tube represents what?
The handling of a specimen before it is actually tested is part of the _____________ phase.
What is the recommended procedure for collecting a 24-hour urine sample?
between 6am- 8am disgaurding first urine
What type of fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture?
cerebral spinal fluid
In addition to biohazard warnings, what additional information is typically required when handling a nonblood specimen?
specimen type
____________ analysis is the test that involves intravenous administration of histamine or pentagastrin.
The sweat test is used to diagnose ___________________.
cystic fibrosis
If you are testing for Ova and parasites what type of sample would be unsuitable for this test?
A urine, C&S is typically ordered to detect the presence of a ____________.
urinary tract infection
An NP swab is collected to detect the presence of organisms that causes __________________.
whooping cough
The first morning specimen is preferred for hCG testing because it is what?
highest HCG concentration
Sputum samples are typically collected to diagnose ________________.
_________________ is the type of collection that involves the aspiration of urine directly through the wall of the bladder using a sterile needle and syringe.
A urine specimen collected directly from the bladder through a tube in the urethra is called _______________________.
Fluid found around the heart is what type of fluid?
pericardial fluid
Mucus or phlegm from the lungs is called ___________________.
Inserting a needle between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae to collect fluid from the spinal cavity is a ___________________.
lumbar puncture
Cellular components in urine are NOT well preserved and do require what?
A breath sample can be analyzed to detect ________________ in the stomach.
helicobacter pylori
_____________ is the fluid that is aspirated from the peritoneal cavity.
serous fluid
The ______________ artery is typically the easiest to access during low cardiac output.
When performing the Allen test the ______________artery is released first.
List the 3 things that happen when an ABG specimen is left at room temperature for a prolonged period of time.
blood cells continue to consume oxygen
continued metabolism produces acids
levels of carbon dioxide increase
An ______________________ is the most common arterial puncture complication even when proper technique is used.
To maintain the integrity of an ABG specimen collected in a plastic syringe, it should be analyzed within ______ minutes.
30 minutes
PaO2 is the abbreviation that represents a test that is typically part of an _________ evaluation.
Why is Heparin used in an ABG specimen collection
to help prevent clotting
A __________ _______________ for ABG specimen collection is a patient who has been asleep for 30 minutes while breathing room air.
steady state
The best way to tell if a specimen is arterial as the specimen is being collected, is?
pulsating in the tube
_________ ____________ is the proper cleaning solution for preparing an arterial puncture site.
Isopropyl alcohol
The measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a patient’s blood is known as the _________.
The most common local anesthetic used to ease a patient during an ABG procedure is _________________.
An ABG specimen can clot if there is inadequate or delayed ________ of the specimen.
When an area is supplied with blood from more than one artery there is ___________ circulation.
Does the composition of venous blood vary relative to the metabolic needs of the areas of the body it serves?
What additive are ABG syringes usually pretreated with to prevent clotting?
According to the CLSI recommended order of draw the lavender tube is drawn when?