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41 Cards in this Set

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side effect of ACEI
cough, rash, proteinuria, angioendema, taste changes, teratogen
side effects of amantadine
livedo reticularis, ataxia
side effects of aminoglycosides
ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity - acute tubular necrosis
side effects of amiodarone
AV node block, hypotension, brancy, pulmonary fibrosis, peripheral and corneal deposition
side effects of amphotericin
fevers/rigors, nephrotoxocity, bone marrow suppression, anemia
side effects of antipsychotics
sedation, dystonic reactions, akathisia, parkinsonism, TD, NMS
side effects of AZT
thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic anemia
side effects of BB
asthma exacerbation, masking of hypoglycemia, impotence, bradycardia, AV block, CHF
side effects of carbamazepine
agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, liver toxicity
side effects of chloramphenicol
grany baby syndrome, aplastic anemia
side effects of cisplatin
nephrotoxicity, aoustic nerve damage
side effects of clonidine
dry mouth, severe rebound HA and HTN
side effects of clozapine
side effects of cyclophosphamide
myelosuppression, hemorrhagic cystitis
side effects of digoxin
GI disturbance, yellow/green vision change, arrhythmias
side effects of doxorubicin
side effects of ethyl alcohol
renal dysfunction, CNS depression
side effects of fluoroquinolones
cartilage damage in kids, achilles tendon rupture in adults
side effects of gemfibrozil
myositis, reversible elevation of LFTs
side effects of halothane
hepatotoxicity, malignant hyperthremia
side effects of HCTZ
hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia
side effects of statins
myositis, reversible elevation of LFTs
side effects of hydralazine
drug induced SLE
side effects of hydroxychloroquine
side effects of isoniazid (INH)
peripheral neuropathy (give with B6), hepatotoxicity, seizures in OD, hemolysis with G6PD D
side effects of methanol
side effects of methotrexate
hepatic fibrosis, pneumonitis, anemia
side effects of methyldopa
positive coombs test, drug induced SLE
side effects of phenytoin
nystagmus, diplopia, ataxia, arrhtyhma, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, teratogen
side effects of propylthiouracil
agraunlocytosis, aplastic anemia
side effects of quinidine
cinchonism (HA and tinnitus), thrmobocytopenia, arrhythmias - torsades
side effects of reserpine
side effects of salicylates
respiratory alkalosis with metabolic acidosis
side effects of succinylcholine
malignant hyperthermia
side effects of of TCAs
sedation, coma, anticholinergic effecgts, seizures, arryhthmias
side effects of tetracyclines
tooth discoloration, photosensitivity, Fanconi's syndrome, GI distress
side effects of trimethoprim
megaloblastic anemia, leukpenia, granulocytopenia
side effects of valproate
teratogen - NTD, fatal hepatotoxicity
side effects of vanc
nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, red man syndrome
side effects of vinblastine
severe myelosuppression
side effects of vincristine
peripheral neuropathy, paralystic ileus