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32 Cards in this Set

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In HOCM, which portion of the heart hypertrophies?

Where causes the defect in circulation

Interventricular septum

The hypertrophied interventricular septum and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve produce left ventricular outflow obstruction

Describe the murmur of HOCM?

What maneuvers decrease/improve the murmur

1. Systolic ejection murmur, loudest at left sternal border

2. Increasing venous return

Name the maneuvers that increase preload

1. Lying down

2. Squatting

3. Hand grip

4. Elevating legs

5. Administering vasoconstrictors

Name the maneuvers that decrease preload

1. Standing

2. Valsalva

3. Nitrates and peripheral vasodilators

Decrease in Preload. What will be the effect on:

a) Aortic stenosis

a) Improve

Affect on afterload:


b) Handgrip

a) Reduces afterload

b) Increases afterload

Affect on Preload:

a) Spirinolactone

a) Reduce preload

Tx for symptomatic premature atrial contractions


Harsh holosystolic murmur at lower left sternal border, frequently associated with thrill.


1.Systolic ejection murmur at 2nd intercostal space at the right sternal border, with a thrill that radiates to the carotids

2. How does it clinically present?

1. Aortic stenosis

2. Angina, dizziness, Heart failure

Increase in afterload. Affect on:

1. Mitral regurg

1. Worsens the murmur (e.g. handgrip)

Decrescendo murmur

Aortic regurg

What will be the effect on afterload?

a) Dobutamine

b) Hydralazine

c) Handgrip

a) Reduces afterload

b) Reduces afterload

c) Increases afterload

List the negative inotropic agents?

1. BB


Loud, blowing decrescendo diastolic murmur

Bounding peripheral pulses

Increased pulse pressure (waterhammer pulse)

Aortic insufficiency/regurg

Holosystolic murmur heard at the apex that radiates to the left axilla

Loudest over PMI

Usually S3 and a mid-systolic click

Mitral regurg

Reasons for Mitral regurg?

1. Mitral valve prolapse

2. Dilated cardiomyopathy

3. Annular calcification

Harsh systolic murmur in the left 2nd-3rd interspaces

Radiates to the left shoulder and increases with inspiration

Pulmonary stenosis

What is the presentation of Mitral Stenosis

Mitral stenosis usually presents in young adult patients:

1. Shortness of breath and CHF is a/w all forms of valvular heart disease

2. Dysphagia from LA pressing on the esophagus - LA Hypertrophy

3. Hoarseness - LA pressing on laryngeal nerve

4. Atrial fib (very common) and stroke from enormous LA

5. Hemoptysis

6. Mid Diastolic murmur - just after opening snap. Increased S1 sound

What worsens Mitral Stenosis murmur

Increase in Preload: e.g. Squatting and leg raising increases intensity due to increased venous return to the heart

1. What are the common EKG findings in Mitral Stenosis

2. What are the late findings of MS after pulmonary HTN has indued?

1. - Atrial rhythm disturbance esp. atrial fibrillation

- Left atrial hypertrophy -shows up as biphasic P wave in leads V1 & V2

2. Increased P2 heart sound

What decreases intensity of Aortic Stenosis

Decreasing Preload

- because it decreases the volume the LV must eject

____ heart sound is a/w Aortic Stenosis


Most common valvular lesion causing syncope and angina with exercise

Aortic stenosis

What microscopic finding might be seen in AS

Hemolytic anemia with Schistocytes

- an indication for AV replacement

_______ presents with increased pulse pressure.

Aortic regurgitation

Presence of ______ murmur is an indication for AV replacement

Austin Flint murmur

- diastolic murmur

- Regurg hits the anterior MV leaflet producing functional mitral stenosis

Reasons for Tricuspid regurg?


- Due to stretching of TV ring

E.g: RHF, Pulm HTN, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, RV infarct


Infective Endocarditis

Carcinoid Heart Disease

What increases the intensity of Tricuspid regurg?

Deep inspiration

Pressure over liver

Pansystolic murmur

S3 and S4 heart sounds

Increased intensity of deep inspiration

Tricuspid Regurg

Whats the indication for valve replacement in MR

1. LV End Systolic Diameter (LVESD) above 40 mm

2. EF < 60%

Etiology of Aortic regurg

AR is caused by anything that makes the heart or aorta dilate in size:

- MI


- Endocarditis

- Marfan syndrome or cystic medial necrosis

- Inflammatory disorders e.g. ankylosing spondylitis or Reiter syndrome


- Syphilis
