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52 Cards in this Set

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Which combination of factors will produce thesmallest value for the standard error?

a large sample and a small standard deviation

Ifα is held constant at .05, what is the relationship between sample size, thecritical region, and the risk of a Type I error?

d. There is no relationship between sample size,the critical region, and the risk of a Type I error.

Increasing the alpha level (for example fromα = .01 to α = .05) _____.

a. increases the probability of a Type I error b. increases the size of the critical region

c. increases the probability that the samplewill fall into the critical region

d. All of the other options are results ofincreasing alpha.

Whichof the following is an accurate definition of a Type II error?

c. failing to reject a false null hypothesis

Aresearcher conducts a hypothesis test to evaluate the effect of a treatmentthat is expected to increase scores. Thehypothesis test produces a z-score of z = 2.37. If the researcher is using a one-tailed test, what is the correctstatistical decision?

b. Reject the null hypothesis with either α =.05 or α = .01.

If a researcher is using a t statistic to testa null hypothesis about a population, what information is needed from thepopulation to calculate the t statistic?

d. The t statistic does not require any information about the population.

Twosamples from the same population both have M = 84 and s2 = 20,however one sample has n = 10 and the other has n = 20 scores. Both samples are used to evaluate ahypothesis that μ = 80 and to computeCohen’s d. How will the outcomes for thetwo samples compare?

. The larger sample is more likely to rejectthe hypothesis but the two samples will have the same value for Cohen’s d.

The range and the standarddeviation are both measures of variability.


Adding a constant value toevery score in a sample will change the standard deviation of the sample.


Any individual with apositive z-score has a score greater than the mean.


According to the centrallimit theorem, the standard error for a sample mean becomes smaller as thesample size increases.


A significant hypothesistest does not necessarily indicate a large treatment effect, so APA recommendsreporting effect sizes in research reports.


Generally speaking, the larger the effect size, sample size, or α level, the greater the power of a hypothesis test.


For a hypothesis test using a t statistic, the boundaries for the critical region will change if the sample size is changed.


Which of the following is an example of a discrete variable?


The average verbal SATscore for the entire class of entering freshmen is 530. However, if you select a sample of 20freshmen and compute their average verbal SAT score you probably will not getexactly 530. What statistical concept isused to explain the natural difference that exists between a sample mean andthe corresponding population mean?

Sampling error

Determining the classstanding (1st, 2nd, and so on) for the graduating seniorsat a high school would involve measurement on a(n) _____ scale of measurement.


A distribution ispositively skewed. Which is the mostprobable order, from smallest to largest, for the three measures of centraltendency?

b. mode, median, mean

A population distributionhas σ = 6. What position in this distributionis identified by a z-score of z = +2.00?

c. 12 points above themean

A sample of n = 20 scores is transformed intoz-scores. What is the mean for the setof 20 z-scores?


What z-score valueseparates the top 10% of a normal distribution from the bottom 90%?

a. z = 1.28

The distribution of samplemeans ____

d. will be normal ifeither the population is normal or the sample size is n > 30.

What happens to thestandard error of M as sample size increases?

b. It decreases.

Which of the followingaccurately describes a hypothesis test?

c. an inferentialtechnique that uses the data from a sample to draw inferences about a population

Which of the followingcorrectly describes the effect of increasing the alpha level (for example from.01 to .05)?

a. increase thelikelihood of rejecting H0 and increase the risk of a Type I error

What is a Type II error?

c. concluding that atreatment has no effect when it really does

The critical boundariesfor a hypothesis test are z = +1.96 and -1.96. If the z score for the sampledata is z = - 1.90, then what is the correct statistical decision?

b. Fail to reject H0.

If a hypothesis test isfound to have power = 0.70, then what is the probability that the test willresult in a Type II error?

a. 0.30

A sample of n = 25 scoresproduces a t statistic of t = -2.062. Ifthe researcher is using a two-tailed test, then which of the following is thecorrect statistical decision?

c. The researcher would fail to reject the nullhypothesis with either α = .05 or α = .01.

Which of the following is afundamental difference between the t statistic and a z-score?

The t statistic usesthe sample standard deviation in place of the population standard deviation.

Which of the followingdescribes what a confidence interval does?

It uses a sample meanto estimate the corresponding population mean.

Which of the following isINCORRECT about effect size?

a. Cohen’s d is onetype of effect size for a t test.

b. r2, ameasure of effect size, gives us the percentage of variance accounted for.

c. Effect sizeis only worth examining when a hypothesis test is significant.

d. Effect size is ameasure of treatment effect.

Ina hypothesis test, a large value for the sample variance increases thelikelihood that you will find a significant treatment effect.


Thesample mean will always be exactly in the center of a confidence interval thatis estimating the value of the population mean.


For anindependent-measures research study, what is measured by Cohen’s d or r2?

c. the size of the difference between the twotreatments

Whichcombination of factors is most likely to produce a significant value for anindependent-measures t statistic?

large samples and small variance

What is stated by the null hypothesis (H0)for an ANOVA?

a. There are nodifferences between any of the population means.

Foran analysis of variance comparing three treatment means, H0 statesthat all three population means are the same and H1 states that allthree population means are different.


Posttests such as Scheffé are not necessary for an analysis of variance comparingonly two treatment conditions.


Ina two-factor ANOVA, what is the implication of a significant AxB interaction?

The significance of the interaction has no implications forthe main effects.

If the results of a two-factor experiment arepresented in a line graph, then what pattern appears in the graph if there isan interaction?

d. the lines move toward each other or cross

A researcher predicts that a special trainingcourse will be highly effective for females but will have little or no effectfor males. This researcher is predicting an interaction between training andgender.


What would the scatterplot show for data thatproduce a Pearson correlation of r = +.88?

a. points clusteredclose to a line that slopes up to the right

Whatcorrelation is obtained when the Pearson correlation is computed for data thathave been converted to ranks?

a. the Spearmancorrelation.

4. For an independent-measures research study, what is measured by Cohen’s d or r2?

c. the size of the difference between the two treatments

In a study evaluating the effectiveness of a new medication designed to control high blood pressure, one sample of individuals is given the medicine and a second sample is given an inactive placebo. Blood pressure is measured for each individual. For this study, what is the dependent variable?

C. Blood pressure

Which of the following is nota continuous variable?

D. Number of children in a family

Frequency distribution bar graphs are intended for use with

either nominal or ordinal scales

A sample of n = 25 scores has a mean of M = 11. If each score in the sample is multiplied by 6, the new mean would be __________.


After 5 points are added to every score in a distribution, the mean is calculated and found to be = 30. What was the value of the mean for the original distribution?


Which of thefollowing is a property of the mean?

a.changing the value of a score will change the value of the mean

b.adding a constant to each score will add the same constant to the mean

c.multiplying each score by a constant will multiply the mean by the same constant

d.All 3 of the other choices are correct

For a perfectly symmetrical distribution with µ= 30, what is the most probably value for the mode?

d. cannot be determined from the informationgiven