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118 Cards in this Set

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What is measurement error?

Assigning an incorrect value

Not actually measuring what you claim you are measuring

What types of measurement error can occur

Random vs systematic (aka measurement bias)

What are sources of measurement error?

Human mistakes or poor operationalization

What is sampling error?

The difference between 'true' population parameters and point estimates of your indicators - any error resulting from your sample

What is sampling bias?

Any relevant characteristics that are over represented or underrepresented

What are sources of sampling error?

non-probability sampling (selection bias/volunteer bias), sampling frame underrepresented portion of population, low response rate

What can we use to estimate sampling error?

Inferential statistics (as long as the error is not systematic)

What is an incorrect inference?

Overgeneralization - generalizing beyond population of study, stay as close as possible to indicators

Correlation does not mean causation

What is a meaningless calculation?

Performing calculations that do not make sense

What are the five main dangers of statistics?

1) Measurement Error

2) Sampling Error

3) Incorrect Inferences

4) Meaningless Calculations

5) Politics Behind Study

What is operationalization?

Identifying unit of analysis, indicators, and possible values

In the concept of sexism, what is the unit of analysis?

The individual

In the concept of sexism, what is the indicator?

Agreement with sexist statement

In the concept of sexism, what are possible values?

Strongly agree to Strongly Disagree

What can nominal variables do?


What can ordinal variables do?

Categorize & rank

What can interval variables do?

Categorize, rank & have equal distance between values

What can ratio variables do?

Categorize, rank, have equal distance between values & a natural zero point

Why are higher levels of measurement preferred?

They allow more opportunities for data analysis

What is a dichotomous (or binary) variable?

A variable that can only assume two values

(ie: yes/no)

What are continuous variables?

Can assume any possible non-integer value - more precision is always possible

What is a discrete variable?

Can only assume a limited number of (typically only integer) values

What is coding?

Assigning a numerical value to response values

What are the two types of missing data?

User-missing = data missing because the respondent gave no answer or no useful answer

System-missing - data missing because the question has not been asked to the respondent

Why is it important to recode missing data?

So that they do not taint the analysis and interpretation of the findings

What is the purpose of visualization?

To present the data in tables and figures and provide initial observation of findings, mistakes and outliers

What is a frequency distribution?

A tabular display of response categories and the number of people or objects within each category

What are the most common visualizations for univariate statistics?

Frequency distributions, bar charts and line graphs

What is the difference between bar charts and histograms?

Histograms are barcharts of continuous variables - there is no space between the bars

What is a measure of central tendency?

What is the "average" value?

What is the measure of dispersion?

How much variation is there between cases? How average are the average values?

What measure of central tendency can be calculated for a nominal variable?


What measure of central tendency can be calculated for ordinal variables?

Median & Mode

What measure of central tendency can be calculated for interval/ratio variables?

Mean, Median & Mode

What does the mode tell us?

The value with the highest frequency/most common value

What does the median tell us?

The value of the middle case

What does the mean tell us?

The arithmetic average

What is a disadvantage of calculating mode?

It give little information when the spread is large

What is a disadvantage of calculating median?

It is misleading when extreme values are common

What is a disadvantage of calculating mean?

It is susceptible to outliers

What do univariate statistics examine?

A numerical summary of the values of one variable for the cases under study

What is a measure of dispersion?

Gives information on the heterogeneity of the cases under investigation

In other words, gives information about the variability in a set of cases on a specific variable

What does it mean when the measure of dispersion is larger?

The more the cases differ from each other

What measure of dispersion can be calculated for nominal variables?

Variation Ratio

What measure of dispersion can be calculated for ordinal variables?

Range, Quintile Range & Variation Ratio

What measure of dispersion can be calculated for interval/ratio variables?

Standard Deviation, Quintile Range & Variation Ratio

What does the variation ratio measure?

The proportion of valid cases that does not have the modal value

What does range measure?

The difference between the highest and lowest value

What does quintile measure?

The range of the middle 60%

When is quintile range more useful than range?

When the total number of cases is very large because the range becomes less and less useful

What does standard deviation measure?

The average distance to the mean

What do higher values of measures of dispersion tell us?

The more diverse the cases are

What can probability theory be used for?

To determine how likely it is that our sample represents the population

What are inferential statistics?

Calculations aimed at generalizing findings from our sample to the popuation

What numbers are probability measured between?

0 = certainty it will not occur & 1=certainty it will occur

What is theoretical probability?

Probability calculated on the basis of theory

What is empirical probability?

Probability calculated on the basis of empirical investigation

What does the law of large numbers state?

That empirical probabilities will become very similar to theoretical probabilities as the number of empirical observations increases

What is an independent event?

The outcome of the first event DOES NOT influence the outcome of the second

What is a dependent event?

the outcome of the first event DOES influence the outcome of the second event

What is a mutually exclusive event?

Events cannot both occur at the same time

What is a non-mutually exclusive event?

Events can occur at the same time

What is the basis of inferential statistics?

Probability Theory

What does a normal distribution look like?

- The shape of a bell

- It is symmetrical

- Mode = Median = Mean

- The further we move from the mean, the lower the frequeny

What three characteristics are crucial for describing the normality of a distribution?

1) Unimodality

2) Mesokurtosis

3) Symmetry

What is Central Limit Theorem?

For random sampling with a large sample size, the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately a normal distribution

In a normal distribution, what % of vases fall within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations of the mean?

1 - 68%, 2 - 95%, 3 - 99.7%

What is a confidence interval?

Range of values within which we believe the parameter value to fall (54.3% - 57.7%)

What is a confidence level?

Probability that our confidence interval indeed contains the parameter value (95%)

How do the confidence level and the confidence interval relate to each other?

The higher the confidence level, the wider the confidence interval

What is standard error?

Standard deviation of a sampling distribution

What kind of statistics are confidence intervals and levels used for?

Univariate statistics

What is statistical significance?

If we feel that we can safely exclude the possibility that our findings were produced by change, we can call them statistically significant

How do we express statistical significance?

As the probability that we would reach the same conclusions under the conditions of randomness

What is the Alternative Hypothesis?

Expectation we want to investigate

What is the Null Hypothesis?

There is no effect, no difference, no significant finding

What does the p value tell us about rejecting hypotheses?

If p is low - we reject H0 and accept H1

If p is high (>0.5), we do not feel comfortable rejecting H0 but failing to reject H0 does not mean accepting H0

What is a type 1 error

rejecting a 'true' alternative hypothesis (giving wrong info)

What is a type 2 error

Failing to reject a false alternative hypothesis (not giving enough info

Which type of error do we prefer, type 1 or type 2?

Type 2

What do you have to make sure H0 and H1 are to eachother?

Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

If the hypothesized values of H0 DO NOT fall in the calculated confidence interval, we can therefore ______

Reject H0

If the hypothesized values DO fall within the confidence interval, we can therefore _____

Not Reject H0

What does bivariate analysis look at?

The relationship between two variables

What is covariation?

As the values on one variable change, the values on the other variable change as well

What five stages does bivariate analysis proceed through?

1) formulated hypotheses

2) visualize data

3) calculate point estimate

4) conduct test of statistical significance

5) draw conclusions

What is ANOVA?

Analysis of Variance

What is a measure of association?

A statistic measuring the strength of the relationship between two variables

What types of visualizations are used for bivariate analysis?

Boxplots, scatterplots, and crosstabs

Where does the dependent variable go on a cross tab?


Where does the independent variable go on a cross tab?


What measures of association can be calculated for nominal variables?

Cramers V and Lambda

What measures of association can be calculated for ordinal variables?

Gamme and Tau

What statistical significance test can be calculated for nominal variables?

Chi Square

What do the values tell us about Cramers V?

0 = no relationship at all

1 = perfect relationship

less than 0.1 = weak

0.1 - 0.3 = moderate

greater than 0.3 = strong

What is a Proportional Reduction in Error (PRE) statistic?

Expresses the relationship between two (or more) variables by stating how much better we are at guessing the value on the DV if we would know the value on the IVs

What is a marginal prediction for Cramers V?

What is our best guess of the value on the DV if we did not know anything about the case?

Modal value on DV

What is a relational prediction for Cramers V?

What is our best guess of the value on the DV if we knew the value of the IV?

Modal value on DV for each separate value on the IV

What do PRE statistics compare

How much error we make in each prediction, and express the reduction in error as a proportion of the error in the marginal prediction

How are PRE statistics measured

Scale of 0-1

Value shows proportionate reduction in error

If we multiply the value by 100% it tells us by which % our guesses improve once we know the IV and what % of the variation between cases in their value on the DV can be explained by the IV

What is the distinct advantage of lambda for measuring the relationship between two nominal variables?

is easy to interpret

What is the distinct advantage of Cramers V for measuring the relationship between two nominal variables?

is sensitive to associations that are not captured by differences in modal values that Lambda does not capture

What does Kruskalls Gamma predict?

Whether high values on the IV tend to be associated with high or low values on the DV

How does Gamma make its prediction?

By looking at pairs of cases

What are concordant pairs

Pairs that suggest a positive relationship

What are discordant pairs

Pairs that suggest a negative relationship

What is the problem with Gamma and how is it overcome?

It ignores ties, use tau

Tends to overestimate the strength of the relationship by excluding some info

When do you use tau b?

When the cross tab is square

When do you use tau c?

When the cross tab is not square

What is the problem with bivariate analysis?

It misrepresents reality when it omits and important third variable

What three outcomes can you see from using a control variable?

1) Replication

2) Explanation and Interpretation

3) Specification

If the measure of association stays the same after CV what do we see?

replication, the CV and IV are unrelated

If the measure of association becomes lower after CV what do we see?

explanation, CV causes IV and DV - confounding/spurious originally

interpretation, IV influences DV through CV, intervening

If the measure of association moves in different directions for different values on CV what do we see?

Specification - relationship between IV and DV is different for different values on CV - statistical interaction, CV is a suprresor

What does Pearson's R tell us?

How much better we are able to predict values on the DV is we know the values on the IV - used for interval/ratio variables

What are the values of Pearsons R?

R = -1 = perfect negative relationship

R = 0 = absence of a relationship

R = 1 = perfect positive correlation

R squared = % of variance in the DV explained by the IV

What is another term for Pearson's R

The correlation coefficient

How does regression analysis model the relationship between the IV and the DV

As a straight line