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24 Cards in this Set

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Yes, I follow what you said, nodding, an accepting response indicates the nurse has heard and followed the train of thought it does not indicate an agreement but is not judging

Broad openings

Is there something you'd like to talk about, where would you like to begin, client has the lead in the conversation, helps a client who is hesitant to talk take initiative

Consensual validation

Tell me whether my understanding agrees with you, are you using this word to convey that..., this make sure that words phrases or slang terms are correctly understood with the same meaning

Encouraging comparison

Was it something like? Have you had a similar experience? Using similarities and differences comparing ideas experiences or relationships may bring out recurring themes as well as recall past coping strategies

Encouraging description of perceptions

Tell me when you feel anxious what is happening, what does the voice seem to be saying, ask client to verbalize what he or she perceives encourages the client to describe ideas more fully and may relieve tension. Patient may be less likely to take action or be harmful

Encouraging expression

What are you feeling in regards to, does this contribute to your distress, ask client to appraise quality of experiences, plant will describe events in his or her own values not how others seem to value


Tell me more about that, describe it more fully, delving further into a subject or idea to better understand the subject. Nurse must respect patient if unwilling to explore a subject

Formulating plan of action

What could you do to let anger out harmlessly, next time this happens how could you handle it, ask client to consider behavior that is appropriate if situation happens in the future, allows for better coping

General leads

Go on, and then? Tell me about it, encourage client to continue generally indicates nurse is listening and following what patient is saying without taking away initiative of the conversation, helps patient if they are uncomfortable

Giving information

My name is, visiting hours are, my purpose is, make available facts the client needs, lets patient know what to expect and builds trust

Giving recognition

Good morning, you finished your to do list, I notice you comb your hair, acknowledging and indicating awareness of patients efforts without giving an indication of it being good or bad

Making observations

You appear tense, are you uncomfortable when..., you are biting your lip, nurse will verbalize what they perceive sometimes client cannot verbalize to make themselves understood or may not be ready to talk

Offering self

I'll stay with you awhile, I'll stay here with you, I'm interested in what you think, make oneself available to the patient unconditionally

Placing event in time/sequence

What seemed to lead up to this, was this before or after, when did this happen, putting events in proper sequence helps nurse and patient to see them in perspective and May shed light on recurrent patterns or themes in clients behavior or relationships

Presenting reality

I see no one else in the room, that was a car backfiring, your mother is not Here I am a nurse, when patient is misinterpreting reality nurse can indicate what is real by calmly and quietly expressing the facts without arguing with the client or belittling the patient


Client- do you think I should call the doctor. Nurse - do you think you should call the doctor. Reflection encourages client to recognize and accept their own feelings indicates client point of view is valuable and client has the right to have an opinion make a decision or think independently


Client - I can't sleep I stay awake all night. Nurse - you have difficulty sleeping. Nurse repeats what patient says in approximately same words the client used this lets client know they communicated the idea effectively and encourages them to continue or if patient was misunderstood they can clarify the message

Seeking information

I am Not sure that I follow, have I heard you correctly, seek to make sure vague statements or understood this helps avoid making assumptions and helps client to articulate thoughts feelings and ideas


Silence encourages client to verbalize ideas and gives patient time to interact

Suggesting collaboration

Perhaps we can discuss and discover trigger for your anxiety, let's go to your room and I'll help you look, offering to share to strive or work with the patient for their benefit offers a relationship where patient can identify problems in living with others grow emotionally and improve relationships, offer to do things with patient not for patient


Do I have this straight, you said that..., we discussed, organizing and summing up the conversation, bring out important points of the discussion

Translating into feelings

Client - I'm dead, nurse - are you suggesting you feel lifeless, verbalize client's feelings that they express indirectly, statements that are not taken literally, nurse must try to understand the feeling the patient is trying to express

Verbalizing the implied

Client - I can't talk to you or anyone its a waste of time, nurse - do you feel that no one understands, put into words what the client has implied

Voicing doubt

Isn't that unusual, that's hard to believe, responding to distortions of reality is to express doubt these expressions permit client to become aware that others do not perceive things the same way order all the same conclusion that they do