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44 Cards in this Set

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Sport psychology is.... (3)

explain, predict and influencing behaviour of individual participants in a sports context

2 main goals of sports psych

improve performance & enhance QOL and personal growth

3 roles of sport psychology

research, teach, consult

3 components of personality

psychological core, typical responses, role-related behaviour

5 approaches to understanding personality



psychodynamic, trait, interactional, phenomenological, situational

Big 5 personality traits







2 types of perfectionism



Personal standards perfectionism: high personal performance standards; high self-oriented achievement striving; adaptive functioning


Evaluation concern perfectionism: fear of negative social evaluation; excessive self-criticism; poor outcomes and maladjustment

4 subtypes of perfectionism (Gaudreau & Thompson)

Pure PCP; Mixed perfectionism; Pure ECP; non-perfectionism

4C Model (personality; Clough et al)

Challenge to overcome situations; Control over experiences; Confidence to overcome experiences; Commitment to achieving goals

Thematic Apperception Test

TAT; look at the following pictures and ask yourself who, what, next, etc.; looks at biases due to history & repressions; appraisals

Motivation is the ____ and ____ of effort

direction; intensity

Theories of motivation (5)

Need Achievement Theory

Attribution Theory

Achievement Goal Theory

Competence Motivation Theory

Self Determination Theory

Attribution theory made up of 3 components

Stability, locus of causality, locus of control

Achievement Goal Theory: 3 types of goal orientation

Outcome, Task, Social

Self Determination theory assumed 3 psychological needs

Autonomy, competence, relatedness

6 levels of motivation of Self Determination theory

Amotivation, External Regulation, Introjected Regulation, Identified Regulation, Integrated Regulation, Intrinsic Regulation


a blend of psychological and physiological activation, varying in intensity along a continuum (energy)


a negative emotional state characterized by feelings of nervousness, worry, and apprehension; tends to be future-oriented


a substantial imbalance between demand and response capability where failure to meet demand has important consequences

4 stages of stress

Environmental demand... Perception of demand... Stress response... Behavioural consequences

Conditions of social-evaluative threat that elicited the largest cortisol increase effect sizes (3)

- when performance was videotaped... - when audience was present... - when persons present offering negative social comparison

2 types of anxiety

Cognitive (negatively related to performance; voices inside your head)... Somatic (related to performance in an inverted-U parttern; physiological activation)


a catastrophic deviation from expected performance under pressure

2 attentional theories for why we choke

Distraction & self-focus

Home-field advantage

- clear home-field advantage in the regular season (mostly in hockey and basketball; negligible in baseball and football)

- in playoffs, proposed home-field disadvantage; evidence is mixed; seen in baseball and basketball mostly

3 ways to intervene our arousal/anxiety

- reduce the level... distract ourselves from the anxiety... change our relationship with the anxiety itself

core relational theme

relationship between athlete and environment

core emotions related to sport and exercise

anger... anxiety... fright... guilt... shame... sadness... envy... jealousy... happiness... pride... relief... hope... love... gratitude... compassion

2 types of cognitive appraisal (interpretation of what is happening)
Primary (evaluation of what is at stake; what happened)... Secondary (evaluation of what can be done; how am I going to cope)

3 stress appraisals

Harm/Loss... Threat... Challenge

3 types of stressors in sport (___ vs. ___)

1. acute vs. chronic... 2. expected vs. unexpected... 3. competitive vs. non-competitive


cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage specific external/internal demands that tax or exceed a person's resources

3 types of coping strategies

problem-focused... emotional-focused... avoidance

5 emotion regulation strategies

situation selection... situation modification... attention deployment... cognitive change... response modulation

3 characteristics of burnout

physical exhaustion... devaluation of one's pursuit... reduced sense of accomplishment


a person's ability to exert deliberate mental effort on what is most important in any given situation

4 components of concentration

1. focusing on relevant environment cues... 2. maintaining attentional focus... 3. situational awareness... shifting attentional focus when necessary

2 types of attentional strategies

associative and dissociative

4 categories of positive self-talk

firing up... confidence... instruction... arousal control

3 categories of negative self-talk

worry... disengagement... somatic fatigue

3 parts of the cognitive triad

thoughts, feelings, behaviours