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94 Cards in this Set

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Visible features of the spinal cord include:

1. Posterior median sulcus

2. Anterior median fissure - deep crease

3. Enlargements

4. Conus medullaris

5. Filum terminale

6. Cauda equina

this is a shallow longitudinal groove on the dorsal surface

posterior median sulcus

this is a DEEP CREASE on the ventral surface

anterior median fissure

along the length of the spinal cord the regions devoted to processing information associated with the limbs are enlarged


The enlargements include:

cervical enlargement (C5 - T1)

lumbosacral (lumbar) enlargement (L2 - S3)

this enlargement supplies nerves to the upper limb and pectoral girdle.

cervical enlargement ( C5- T1 )

this enlargement supplies nerves to the lower limbs and pelvic girdle.

lumbosacral (lumbar) enlargement

this feature is the conical end of the spinal cord

conus medullaris

this feature is a slender thread of fibrous pia mater that extends from the tip of the spinal cord and anchors it longitudinally

Filum terminale

This feature is where the spinal cord stops growing before the vertebral column. As a result the dorsal and ventral roots continue to grow as their exit points move further away. This collection of roots within the vertebral column at this point form the"

cauda equina

How many spinal cord segments are there?


how many cervical segments?


how many thoracic segments?


how many lumbar segments?


how many sacral segments?


how many coccygeal segments


Each segment is associated with the pair of __________ that arise from it.

spinal nerves

the spinal nerves result from the fusion of ______ and _________ roots.

dorsal, ventral

How do the dorsal and ventral roots exit the vertebral column?

through the intervertebral foramina

What can be found at the exit point of dorsal and ventral roots?

dorsal root ganglion

The dorsal root ganglion consists of what?

cell bodies and sensory neurons

What does the ventral root contain?

motor neurons

These are specialized membrane that provide protection, physical stability and shock absorption within the bony vertebral canal.

Spinal Meninges

What are the 3 meningeal layers?

1. Dura mater

2. Arachnoid mater

3. Pia mater

this is the outer layer with consists of dense irregular CT.

Dura mater

between the dura mater and the inner wall of the vertebral canal there is an ___________

epidural space

The epidural space contains what 3 things?

1. areolar CT

2. adipose tissue

3. blood vessels

Explain who the dura mater is attached:

it is attached cranially to the periosteum at the margin of the foramen magnum and tapers distally.

when the attachment of the dura mater tapers distally what does it form?

the coccygeal ligament that attaches to the periosteum of the sacrum and coccyx.

this is the middle meningeal layer

Arachnoid mater (spider mother)

what type of epithelial cells does the Arachnoid mater have?

simple squamous epithelium that attaches directly to the inside of the dura mater.

What is the Arachnoid mater separated by?

subarachnoid space

what does the subarachnoid space contain?

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the pia mater.

The space between the arachnoid and pia mater is also spanned by collagen and elastic fibers that form bundles of fibers called?

arachnoid trabeculae

This is the innermost meningeal layer

Pia mater

what does the Pia mater consist of?

collagen and elastic fibers that adhere closely the contours of the nervous tissue.

lateral extensions of the pia mater and arachnoid mater between the dorsal and ventral roots attach to the dura mater and are called?

denticulate ligaments

What do the denticulate ligaments do?

prevent side to side and inferior movement of the spinal cord

this feature of the spinal cord is deep within the spinal cord in the shape of an "H"

Gray matter

Gray matter has:

1. posterior gray horns

2. anterior gray horns

3. lateral gray horn

4. gray commissures

what type of nuclei do the posterior gray horns contain?

somatic and visceral sensory nuclei

what type of cell bodies do the anterior gray horns contain?

cell bodies of somatic motor neurons

whats type of neurons do the lateral gray horns contain?

visceral motor neurons

what do the gray commissures contain?

they form the cross bar of the H and contain axons crossing over from one side to the other.

_____________ is superficial with respect to gray matter and is divided into regions by the posterior and anterior gray horns.

White matter

What are the major regions of white matter?

1. posterior while columns

2. anterior white columns

3. lateral white columns

Within the columns, collections of axons performing a similar function forms a ________.


tracts that cary sensory information to the brain are ____________ tracts.


Tracts that carry motor information to the spinal cord are ______________ tracts.


What are the 3 layers of CT found in peripheral nerves?

1. Epineurium


3. Endoneurium

this is the outermost layer of CT that is continuous with the dura mater. It also includes the CT in between any fascicles (bundles) within the nerve


this is the CT sheath that surrounds a fascicle of axons.


this is the delicate CT fibers that surround individual axons


After the ________ and ________ roots of the spinal segment fuses the spinal nerve divides into several branches

dorsal, ventral

this is the branch that innovates the skin and muscles of the neck and back.

Dorsal ramus

this is the larger branch that innervates the ventrolateral body surface and the limbs

Ventral ramus

the thoracic and first lumbar spinal nerves have this branching its associated with the autonomic nervous system.

Rami communicantes

the sensory fibers of each spinal segment collect information about a specific regions of the body surface called a _____________.


Loss of sensation in a dermatome can be used to diagnose ______ or ___________ damage.

nerve, spinal cord

The fibers of neighboring ventral rami fuse and divide to form interwoven networks of nerves called _______________.

nerve plexuses.

What are the 4 nerve plexuses

1. Cervical Plexus

2. Brachial Plexus

3. Lumbar Plexus

4. Sacral Plexus

this plexus forms from the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1 - C4 and some fibers from C5.

Cervical Plexus

this nerves innervates the diaphragm and arises from the cervical plexus .

Phrenic nerve

this is a large and complex plexus that innervates the pectoral girdle and upper limb with contributions from the ventral rami of C5 to T1.

Brachial Plexus

The nerves that arise from the brachial plexus include:

1. Axillary nerves

2. musculocutaneous nerves

3. median nerves

4. ulnar nerves

5. radial nerves

this plexus is formed by the neutral rami of T12 - L 4

Lumbar Plexus

the _____________ is a major nerve that arises from the Lumbar plexus

femoral nerve

this plexus contains fibers from the ventral rami of L4- S4

Sacral Plexus

the ____________ is a major nerve of the Sacral plexus

Sciatic nerve

the pathway that impulses follows to produce an immediate response is called the ______________.

reflex arc

What is the first step the reflex arc can be divided into ?

Activation of a receptor by a stimulus.

What is the second step of the reflex arc?

info is carried to the CNS in the form of an impulse that travels along a sensory (afferent) fiber

what is step 3 of the reflex arc?

the info is processed within the CNS by interneurons

what is step 4 of the reflex arc?

the motor neurons are stimulated to conduct an impulse along an efferent fiver to the periphery

what is step 5 of the reflex arc

the impulse arrives at an effector organ that produces the response.

the _____________ is a simple monosynaptic reflex which enables a muscle to automatically adjust tone in response to stretching.

stretch reflex

What is the most familiar stretch reflex?

the patellar (knee-jerk) reflex

thesis reflects involve interneurons and can be very complicated depending on the number of interneurons.

Polysynaptic refelxes

the ______________ from a painful stimulus is an example of a polysynaptic reflex.

withdrawal reflex

which division of the nervous system coordinates vital function associated with cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive functions that are out of our voluntary control?

Autonomic Nervous System

Within the autonomic nervous system, 2 neurons, connected in series, sends out the motor command. The first neuron is _______________ and has its cell body within the CNS.


after the first neuron, preganglionic neuron receives the motor command, the second neuron in the chain is ______________ and has its cell bodies OUTSIDE of the central nervous system in a ganglion.


What are the subdivisions of the ANS?

1. Sympathetic Division

2. Parasympathetic Division

This subdivision of the ANS is called the "fight or flight" division and prepares the body for exertion, or stress by increasing tissue metabolism.

Sympathetic Division

this subdivision of the ANS is called the "rest and repose" system and promotes activities that conserves or increases energy such as digestion

Parasympathetic Division

The sympathetic division is also called the __________________ because its preganglionic neurons are located in the spinal cord segments T1 to L2 in the lateral gray horns.

thoracolumbar division

Which ganglia are associated with the Sympathetic division?

1. Sympathetic chain ganglia

2. Collateral ganglia

3. Adrenal medulla

these ganglia lie lateral to the vertebral column and control effectors in the body wall, head and neck, limbs, and inside the thoracic cavity

Sympathetic chain ganglia

these ganglia lie anterior to the vertebral column and innervate effectors in the abdominal pelvic cavity.

Collateral ganglia

the core of the adrenal gland represents a modified sympathetic ganglion; making it "like" a postganglionic neuron which releases the functional hormone to all the relative effector organs **

Adrenal medulla

This division is also called the craniosacral division

Parasympathetic Division

Which division of the Autonomic Nervous system is associated with cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X?

Parasympathetic Division

In regards to the parasympathetic division, where are the ganglionic neurons in the peripheral ganglion located?

very close to or within the target organs.

the neurons within this division sometimes must travel a distance; even enter the walls of the effects organs.
