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18 Cards in this Set

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Dorsal column
1) Contains

2) Conveys

1) Ascending axons from ipsilateral DRG neurons that innervate mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors

2) Vibration, joint position, touch to thalamus

________ contains second order neurons that receive input from dorsal roots and project to supra spinal levels.

________ contains second order neurons that receive input from dorsal roots and project to supra spinal levels.

Dorsal horn.

The _______ contains somatic motor neurons and the ______ contains preganglionic SNS fibers.

The _______ contains somatic motor neurons and the ______ contains preganglionic SNS fibers.

Ventral horn; lateral horn.

1) Prevent m from injury by eccentric contraction

2) Golgi tendon organs

1) Ia interneurons

2) Ib interneurons

Neural cells responsible for recurrent inhibition.

Renshaw cells.

1) A fibers

2) C fibers

1) myelinated afferents

2) Pain fibers

(Descending) Corticospinal tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Corticospinal tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Voluntary movements

2) Motor areas (4,6) of cerebral cortex

3) Motor neurons in spinal cord

4) Yes, becomes the lateral corticospinal tract

(Descending) Cortico-bulbar tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Cortico-bulbar tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Motor function

2) Central portion of cerebral peduncle of midbrain

3) Motor cranial nerve nuclei + other motor neurons

4) No.

(Descending) Rubrospinal tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Rubrospinal tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Non-voluntary motor control involving flexion of the limbs.

2) Red nucleus in the midbrain (input from cerebral and cerebellar cortex)


4) No

(Descending) Lateral vestibulospinal tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Lateral vestibulospinal tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Provide corrective muscle function when the body/head tilt or change orientation in space.

2) Lateral vestibular nucleus in pons


4) No

(Descending) Reticulospinal tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Reticulospinal tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Modulates postural adjustment and locomotion (gait) and influences the cortical excitation/inhibition at the spinal level (modulation of neural inputs)

2) Pontine and medullary reticular formations.

3) Spinal motoneurons

4) No

(Descending) Tectospinal tract
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Descending) Tectospinal tract

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Mediate the reflex postural movements of the head in response to visual/auditory stimuli.

2) Superior colliculus

3) Cervical spinal cord

4) Yes

(Ascending) Dorsal column pathways -- Cuneate and Gracile
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Ascending) Dorsal column pathways -- Cuneate and Gracile

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Carries modalities of discriminative touch, joint position, and sense of vibration

2) Synapse at the medulla where they cross and become the medial lemniscus...

3) ..., ascends through brainstem, relays in thalamus, and projects to cortex.

4) Yes, at the level of medulla

(Ascending) Anterolateral system
1) Function
2) Origin
3) Termination
4) Decussate?

(Ascending) Anterolateral system

1) Function

2) Origin

3) Termination

4) Decussate?

1) Carries modalities of pain and temperature and crude/light touch

2) Synapse at dorsal horn where they cross before ascending to the brain...

3) ... fibers relay in thalamus and many project to primary sensory cortex.

4) Yes, before ascending to the brain.

(Ascending) Component of anterolateral system called the anterior/lateral spinothalamic tract. This transmits information to the ________________________ nucleus of the thalamus. It transmits information about _________________ (4 modalities).

Ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus; pain, temperature, itch, crude touch.

(Ascending) Dorsal spinocerebellar tract: Conveys feedback from (2 modalities) __________ to the ____________ (ipsilateral/contralateral) cerebellum. The pathway is critical for _____________.

(Ascending) Dorsal spinocerebellar tract: Conveys feedback from (2 modalities) __________ to the ____________ (ipsilateral/contralateral) cerebellum. The pathway is critical for _____________.

Proprioception and low-threshold mechanoreceptors; ipsilateral cerebellum; maintenance of station and gait.

(Ascending)  Ventral spinocerebellar tract: Axons ascend ____________ (ipsilateral/contralateral) in the spinal cord and then cross again in the ___________ to terminate in the ipsilateral __________.

(Ascending) Ventral spinocerebellar tract: Axons ascend ____________ (ipsilateral/contralateral) in the spinal cord and then cross again in the ___________ to terminate in the ipsilateral __________.

Contralaterally; superior cerebellar peduncle; vermis/paravermis.

(Ascending) Spinoreticular tract: autonomic responses to __________. Axons are relayed from the spinal cord --> ___________ --> thalamus --> ___________.

(Ascending) Spinoreticular tract: autonomic responses to __________. Axons are relayed from the spinal cord --> ___________ --> thalamus --> ___________.

Pain; reticular formation; cortex