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84 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following aspects related to speech delivery most affects whether a statement sounds sincere or sarcastic?

a. Pronunciation

b. Articulation

c. Pitch

d. Rate
The correct answer is C. A speaker's pitch can alter the meaning of a word or phrase. The highness or lowness of a speaker's voice determines whether words seem happy, sad, sincere, or sarcastic.
Using performance visualization to reduce speech apprehension involves which of the following?

a. Imagining anxiety-producing events

b. Maintaining a positive self-perception

c. Learning the processes of effective speaking

d. Practicing presentation skills in front of a mirror
The correct answer is B. The visualization method of overcoming speech apprehension involves developing a positive self-perception. Speakers imagine themselves giving effective speeches, which helps reduce nervousness.
A politician who makes a campaign promise to provide police protection in schools and on the streets is using which of the following?

a. Credibility appeal

b. Emotional appeal

c. Logical appeal

d. Ethical appeal
The correct answer is B. The politician is making an emotional appeal. People have a basic desire for safety, and politicians who address such needs in campaign speeches are making emotional appeals.
When motivational speaker Richard Simmons shares his personal experiences about being obese and then changing his life with exercise, he is using which of the following?

a. Extrinsic proofs

b. Exemplary narrative

c. Intrinsic proofs

d. Explanatory narrative
The correct answer is B. Exemplary narratives are examples that are worthy of admiration. Stories about saints or stories about people who made significant improvements in their lives are exemplary narratives.
A speech divided into three methods for treating chronic heart disease would be best organized according to which of the following patterns?

a. Spatial

b. Motivational

c. Topical

d. Chronological
The correct answer is C. A speech about three methods for treating heart disease should be organized in a topical sequence. Each main point in the body would address one type of medical treatment.
Which of the following is the LEAST important element to consider when criticizing a speech?

a. Delivery

b. Personal appearance

c. Supporting materials

d. Language
The correct answer is B. Although personal appearance is a factor in speech delivery, it is the least important element. When providing speech criticism, an evaluator should give more ideas for improving delivery and organization and less for improving the speaker's clothing.
Which of the following would be suitable for a speaker who needs to show impartiality about a controversial topic?

a. Words with denotative meanings

b. Slang and jargon

c. Words with connotative meanings

d. Clichés and imagery
The correct answer is A. Words with denotative meanings would be appropriate for a speaker who needs to focus on literal meanings. Connotative words might lead to intense reactions from listeners.
The mental process of drawing conclusions from factual information is referred to as which of the following?

a. Persuading

b. Reasoning

c. Visualizing

d. Transitioning
The correct answer is B. When a speaker is reasoning with listeners, he or she is providing arguments for listeners to consider. The speaker is drawing inferences for the audience.
Which of the following terms describes the term used when love, hate, or prejudice are employed to encourage an audience response?

a. Egocentrism

b. Regionalism

c. Evaluative listening

d. Emotional appeal
The correct answer is D. Emotional appeals attempt to persuade audiences through emotions, such as love, hate, and racism. An ethical speaker attempts to persuade an audience with knowledge rather than emotions.
Applause, laughter, nodding heads, and quizzical looks are examples of which of the following?

a. Feedback

b. Interference

c. Attending

d. Channels
The correct answer is A. Feedback is the verbal and non-verbal messages conveyed from a listener to a speaker. Applause, boos, laughter, and shuffling feet are examples of audience feedback.
What is the primary difference between research material found on the Web and research material found in a publication?

a. Published works are written by well-known authors and experts

b. Web-based materials are evaluated for accuracy by the public

c. Published works are reviewed for reliability by editors and experts

d. Web-based materials are sponsored by public-interest groups
The correct answer is C. Before publication, editors review a book for reliability. Although some Web-based material derives from published works, much of the information found on the Internet is unmonitored.
Which of the following is the method of selecting a speech topic that involves beginning with a broad subject and then drawing connections between associated topics using circles and lines?

a. Listing

b. Outlining

c. Clustering

d. Brainstorming
The correct answer is C. Clustering is a method of linking ideas through free association to develop a speech topic. The main subject is written on the center of a piece of paper and then related subjects are written down on the paper as they come to mind.
Which of the following increases the likelihood that a speech will appeal to the majority of audience members?

a. Cognitive consistency

b. Purposeful listening

c. Listener adaptation

d. Audience homogeneity
The correct answer is D. If audience members are very similar in terms of demographics and attitudes, then it is easier for a speaker to present a speech that will appeal to the majority. If an audience is extremely diverse, then finding an appealing topic becomes more difficult.
Transitions and signposts are examples of which of the following?

a. Fallacies

b. Visual aids

c. Connectives

d. Supporting materials
The correct answer is C. Transitions and signposts are types of connectives. Connectives are used in speeches to show the relationship between ideas.
Reasoning from a generally accepted truth to a specific example is referred to as which of the following?

a. Argument by induction

b. Extrinsic proof

c. Argument by deduction

d. Intrinsic proof
The correct answer is C. An argument by deduction takes place when a conclusion is deduced from a major and a minor premise. If the two premises are true then the conclusion is also true.
According to Aristotle, what five elements are the basis of speech preparation and criticism?

a. Argument, reasoning, memory, structure, voice

b. Invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery

c. Introduction, body, conclusion, sources, presentation

d. Persuasion, technique, style, language, and structure
The correct answer is B. Invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery are the five stages of speech preparation. Although Aristotle devised the five-stage process, it remains the basis of rhetoric today.
A specific purpose statement should be phrased as which of the following?

a. A question

b. An infinitive phrase

c. A declarative sentence

d. An exclamatory statement
The correct answer is B. A specific purpose statement should be written as a full infinitive phrase rather than as a declarative sentence or a question. The following is an example: "To persuade my audience that the federal government should discontinue Social Security."
The denotative meaning of a word refers most closely to which of the following?

a. Synonym

b. Dictionary definition

c. Antonym

d. Emotional association
The correct answer is B. The denotative meaning of a word is its dictionary definition. Denotative meaning refers to a word's precise and literal meaning.
In a democratic society, which of the following is considered the ethical obligation of those who listen to public speeches?

a. Suppress offensive viewpoints

b. Allow ideas to be presented

c. Restrict minority viewpoints

d. Permit ideas to be accepted
The correct answer is B. In a democratic society, the First Amendment protects public speaking. It is the duty of an audience to listen to the ideas of others, or freedom of expression will be diminished for everyone.
Which of the following terms refers to the way a speaker's nervousness gradually declines as a speech progresses?

a. Performance orientation

b. Adaptation reaction

c. Communication orientation

d. Anticipation reaction
The correct answer is B. Adaptation reaction occurs when a speaker's anxiety begins declining. Most speakers start feeling less nervous a few minutes into their speech.
When reasoning from specific instances, which of the following should be included to strengthen an argument?

a. Analogies

b. Narratives

c. Statistics

d. Examples
The correct answer is C. The conclusion of an argument based on specific instances can be refuted because exceptions to the argument exist. However, statistics or testimonies will show that the specific instances are representative.
Hypothetical examples are useful for which of the following purposes in a speech?

a. Clarification

b. Validation

c. Transition

d. Confirmation
The correct answer is A. Hypothetical examples clarify information presented in a speech. Since hypothetical examples can be tailored to suit the purpose and subject of a speech, they can increase understanding for audience members.
Which of the following methods of concluding a speech would most likely encourage a listener to seek further information about the topic?

a. Asking a question

b. Sharing a famous quotation

c. Telling a humorous story

d. Providing a shocking statistic
The correct answer is A. Asking a question places the next step in the hands of listeners. A question at the end of a speech may motivate the audience to seek more information or to take action.
Mumbling words, slurring sounds, and leaving off word endings are problems associated with which of the following?

a. Regional dialects

b. Pronunciation

c. Linguistics

d. Articulation
The correct answer is D. Errors in articulation include chopping, slurring, and mumbling words. Sometimes articulation problems are a result of physical issues, but many times, they are the result of carelessness when speaking.
Which of the following methods will most likely improve a person's ability to evaluate a speech in a classroom setting?

a. Practicing speech criticism in small groups

b. Analyzing vocal methods of paid speakers

c. Watching political speeches on television

d. Studying famous historical speeches
The correct answer is A. Analyzing speeches within a small group setting is one method of improving the quality of speech evaluations. A small group of people working together to evaluate speeches can lead to useful insight and constructive criticism.
A speaker who studies the clothing worn by audience members to detect visual clues about their economic and political views is analyzing the audience through which of the following methods?

a. Observation

b. Interviewing

c. Data collection

d. Intelligent empathy
The correct answer is A. The speaker is observing physical aspects of the audience to learn more about them. The type of clothing or jewelry they wear may suggest their economic status, activities, attitudes, and culture.
Which of the following patterns of organization would be appropriate for a persuasive speech?

a. Structure-function

b. Time-sequence

c. Multiple-definition

d. Problem-solution
The correct answer is D. A problem-solution structure fits the goal of a persuasive speech. In this type of pattern, a problem is illustrated and a solution is recommended.
What is the benefit of using demographic information when preparing a speech?

a. Develop statistical credibility

b. Adapt the message to the listeners

c. Establish goodwill with listeners

d. Modify the message to match values
The correct answer is B. Demographic information helps a speaker create an effective message for the audience. Knowing about the audience enables a speaker to choose key ideas that will appeal to listeners.
A speaker who argues for peace throughout the world is most likely using which of the following appeals?

a. False dilemma

b. Slippery slope

c. Determination

d. Idealism
The correct answer is D. Idealism argues for high human expectations. For example, former President Jimmy Carter exhibits idealism through Habitat for Humanity.
Which type of listening distraction occurs when an audience member finds an idea presented in a speech distasteful or disturbing?

a. Factual

b. Semantic

c. Physical

d. Mental
The correct answer is B. Semantic distractions are words or phrases that emotionally affect a listener. Certain topics, terms, and ideas may be offensive to audience members, who will then tune out the speaker and the message.
A single sentence that summarizes the major ideas of a speech is referred to as which of the following?

a. Central idea

b. Residual message

c. Specific purpose

d. General purpose
The correct answer is A. The central idea of a speech is a statement that summarizes what a speaker intends to say. The central idea, which is also known as the thesis statement, should sum up the main points of the speech.
A speaker who is viewed as friendly, pleasant, and likeable is said to have which of the following attributes?

a. Character

b. Extroversion

c. Sociability

d. Composure
The correct answer is C. Sociability is the idea that a speaker is perceived as friendly. Sociability is one of the aspects of source credibility.
Which of the following modes of speech delivery would be most suitable for a president addressing Congress or a CEO presenting an annual financial report to stockholders?

a. Memorized

b. Impromptu

c. Manuscript

d. Extemporaneous
The correct answer is C. Manuscript mode is appropriate when precision is necessary. Addressing Congress or stockholders requires near perfection because a mistake made when reporting any kind of data could create confusion.
Which of the following should occur in the fourth stage of Monroe's motivated sequence pattern?

a. Present the solution

b. Visualize the solution

c. Request action

d. Establish a need
The correct answer is B. In the fourth stage of the sequence, a speaker should visualize a solution for the audience. The audience should be able to imagine the benefits of the speaker's proposal.
Statements such as "state universities should admit all high school graduates" or "John Doe committed armed robbery" would be referred to as which of the following?

a. Claim

b. Warrant

c. Support

d. Qualifier
The correct answer is A. The claim is the assertion that is to be proven. In a speech, the claim would be supported by statements of evidence.
Which of the following is a method that can be useful in resisting distractions while listening?

a. Focus on the speaker's body language

b. Remember everything said by a speaker

c. Mentally review the speaker's message

d. Utilize empathic listening techniques
The correct answer is C. Mentally reviewing a speaker's message can help a listener maintain focus. Asking mental questions also helps a listener focus on key elements of a speech.
Which of the following would be the most suitable Internet document?

a. An article that lists the author's name, credentials, and references

b. An article that is sponsored by a well-respected organization

c. An article that has received positive ratings from readers

d. An article that includes current and updated statistics
The correct answer is A. Information about the author is critical to verifying the reliability of a document. An Internet article should not be cited without determining the author's name and credentials.
Which of the following delivery modes is most often used for ceremonies, paid lectures, and commencement addresses?

a. Extemporaneous

b. Memorized

c. Impromptu

d. Manuscript
The correct answer is B. The memorized mode is typically employed for speeches given at formal occasions. With a memorized speech, a speaker is able to master words and gestures much like an actor with a script.
The surge in anxiety that occurs when a speaker first begins a speech is referred to as which of the following?

a. Confrontation reaction

b. Situational communication apprehension

c. Adaptation reaction

d. Audience-based communication apprehension
The correct answer is A. Confrontation reaction is the surge in nervousness that a speaker feels when first beginning an oral presentation. The anxiety level usually drops after the speaker has been talking for one or two minutes.
Bias in speech evaluation often occurs for which of the following reasons?

a. Attempt to gain power

b. Knowledge of rhetoric

c. Cognitive dissonance

d. Inability to listen actively
The correct answer is A. Bias in speech criticism often occurs because the critic wants to wield power over the speaker. The critic controls whether feedback is positive or negative, and in either situation, the critic's power increases.
Speech outlines that adhere to the principle of subordination will indicate sub-points with which of the following?

a. Capital letters

b. Arabic numbers

c. Roman numerals

d. Lower-case letters
The correct answer is A. Capital letters are used to indicate sub-points if an outline follows the principle of subordination. Main points are indicated with Roman numerals.
Which of the following is a statement made in the introduction that indicates the main points that will be addressed in the body of a speech?

a. Preview statement

b. Introductory statement

c. Thesis statement

d. Persuasive statement
The correct answer is A. A preview statement provides listeners with a preview of the points that will be made in the speech. The preview statement is usually included at the end of an introduction and provides a smooth transition to the body of the speech.
Which of the following terms is used to describe a belief that is easily changed?

a. Fixed belief

b. Altered belief

c. Variable belief

d. Modified belief
The correct answer is C. Variable beliefs are not firmly fixed in a person's mind. Variable beliefs may change because of personal experiences, age, or time.
Supporting a claim by indicating similarities with another concept or subject is referred to as which of the following?

a. Argue from causation

b. Argue from example

c. Argue from analogy

d. Argue from sign
The correct answer is C. Arguing from analogy occurs when a speaker supports a claim with one comparable example. The example is similar enough to the subject that it serves as strong support.
Which of the following patterns of organization divides speeches into five steps and is often used in political speeches and advertisements?

a. Topical pattern

b. Motivated sequence

c. Structure-function pattern

d. Comparative advantages pattern
The correct answer is B. The motivated sequence was originally developed as a way to organize sales presentations, but it is now used in many kinds of persuasive situations. Unlike other speeches that are divided into introduction, body, and conclusion, the motivated sequence pattern is divided into five steps: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action.
Which of the following aspects of an audience is most affected by age?

a. Cultural interests

b. Educational level

c. Attitude stability

d. Ethnic identity
The correct answer is C. The stability of a person's attitudes is most affected by age. Since young people have not had opinions about different subjects for very long, their attitudes are unstable and more likely to change. Older people have held their attitudes for longer periods, so their opinions will generally remain unchanged.
A speech that builds toward an exciting conclusion employs which of the following patterns?

a. Temporal

b. Climactic

c. Pyramidal

d. Anticlimactic
The correct answer is B. The climactic pattern of organization builds up to an exciting conclusion like an exciting story. Climactic and anticlimactic patterns can be used to organize entire speeches or may be used in addition to other organizational patterns.
Which of the following is an example of a specific purpose statement for a speech about the U.S. Supreme Court?

a. To teach the audience about the Supreme Court

b. To help the audience understand an idea or concept

c. The most significant influence on the Supreme Court is the Chief Justice

d. Understanding how the Supreme Court functions is important for all citizens
The correct answer is A. The statement provides the main goal of the speech. A specific purpose may be broad but should provide the general topic of the speech.
Which of the following refers to a listener's perception about a speaker's interests and is often influenced by the speaker's reputation?

a. Persuasiveness

b. Goodwill

c. Effectiveness

d. Credibility
The correct answer is B. Goodwill is the perception the audience has about a speaker's intentions. Listeners infer from the speaker's actions, words, and reputation whether their best interests are of concern to the speaker.
All of the following are useful guidelines to consider when selecting a speech topic for a classroom presentation EXCEPT

a. Speak about a topic that you find interesting

b. Speak about a topic that is current and relevant

c. Speak about a topic with which you are an expert

d. Speak about a topic with which listeners are experts
The correct answer is D. A speech topic that is familiar to an audience may be boring for listeners. Therefore, the best speech topics are often ones that the speaker understands, the speaker finds interesting, or the audience will view as current and relevant.
Which of the areas of speech criticism is the most difficult to evaluate?

a. Results of the speech

b. Ethics of the speaker

c. Artistic nature of the speech

d. Validity of speaker's ideas
The correct answer is B. A speaker's ethics and motives are nearly impossible to determine when listening to a speech. A critic cannot know for sure whether a speaker is presenting truthful information and evidence in a speech.
For most public speaking situations, which of the following is recommended?

a. Keep a steady facial expression

b. Gesture during key arguments

c. Minimize random movements

d. Maintain a constant pitch
The correct answer is C. Speakers should avoid moving unnecessarily during a speech, although purposeful movements can be effective in certain situations. Random movements may distract audiences from the ideas presented in the speech.
Which of the following is a primary advantage of the extemporaneous mode of speech delivery?

a. Persuasiveness

b. Reasoning

c. Versatility

d. Precision
The correct answer is C. Versatility is the main advantage of extemporaneous speaking. The lack of extensive notes allows a speaker to engage in eye contact; eye contact enables the speaker to analyze audience responses and adapt as necessary.
Which of the following is the best method for achieving an informal style in a speech?

a. Using slang

b. Using contractions

c. Defining technical terms

d. Including hypothetical examples
The correct answer is B. The use of contractions is one way to achieve an informal style of speech. Contractions make a speech seem more conversational.
A method of limiting a speech topic that involves repeatedly dividing the topic into smaller parts is referred to as which of the following?

a. Tree diagram

b. Clustering

c. Search directory

d. Brainstorming
The correct answer is A. With a tree diagram, a speechwriter begins with a general topic and then divides the topic into parts. Each part is divided again until a narrow topic remains.
Which of the following speech organization patterns is the simplest one to use?

a. Topical

b. Cause-effect

c. Inquiry

d. Pro-and-con
The correct answer is A. The topical pattern is often used when a speech topic can be divided into sub-categories. Topical patterns work well for speeches that describe aspects of people, places, or things.
Sub-points of a speech outline should be written in which of the following ways?

a. Infinitive phrase

b. Complete sentence

c. Question and answer

d. Complete paragraph
The correct answer is B. Sub-points in a speech outline should be written as complete sentences. Elaborating on the sub-point will occur through supporting materials, such as examples, statistics, and personal experiences.
Undeveloped examples that are usually presented in a list are referred to as which of the following?

a. Specific instances

b. Segments

c. Magnitudes

d. Trends
The correct answer is A. Specific instances are not developed because quantity is more important than quality. Extensive detail is not necessary when providing a list of specific instances to support a point in a speech.
A speaker whose conclusion generates deep emotions by evoking dramatic or sentimental images is using which of the following?

a. Appealing ending

b. Dissolve ending

c. Emotional ending

d. Crescendo ending
The correct answer is B. A dissolve ending concludes a speech by fading step-by-step to an emotional statement. The final words end the speech with deep emotion.
Which of the following organizational patterns do scientists often use when they present the procedures and techniques of an experiment?

a. Spatial

b. Inquiry

c. Chronological

d. Problem-solution
The correct answer is B. Inquiry order organizes a speech by steps taken. Inquiry order presents all of the facts and possibilities to listeners, which enables audience members to judge the validity of the information.
Which of the following establishes a memorable message and develops a positive connection between a persuasive speaker and an audience?

a. Narratives

b. Statistics

c. Illustrations

d. Analogies
The correct answer is A. Stories that are used to clarify a point are known as narratives. During a persuasive speech, a narrative can serve as a memorable method of conveying a speaker's ideas or beliefs.
Complimenting the audience, using personal examples, and using specific names of audience members are ways to develop which of the following during a speech?

a. Clarity

b. Credibility

c. Immediacy

d. Vividness
The correct answer is C. Immediacy can be created by using personal examples and specific names of listeners. Immediacy refers to how connected and related a speaker is with audience members.
Which mode of speech delivery is NOT recommended for most public speaking situations because it prevents audience adaptation?

a. Manuscript

b. Memorized

c. Impromptu

d. Extemporaneous
The correct answer is A. Manuscript mode is not recommended for public speakers because it hinders audience adaptation. When speaking from a manuscript, an orator makes no eye contact with the audience and is unable to make necessary adaptations.
Which of the following most often determines what bodily movements are appropriate during a speech?

a. Setting

b. Topic

c. Confidence

d. Visual aids
The correct answer is A. Setting typically determines what bodily movements are suitable for a speech. Setting refers to room size, distance between speaker and audience, and whether the speaker is using a podium.
Which of the following describes the language of a politician who says, "I will reform the government"?

a. Oversimplification

b. Direct language

c. Denotation

d. Connotation
The correct answer is A. Oversimplification occurs when a complicated issue is described as a simple one. Campaign speeches are typically riddled with examples of oversimplification.
A student gave a speech that he stole from one magazine article. Which type of plagiarism occurred?

a. Self-plagiarism

b. Patchwork plagiarism

c. Global plagiarism

d. Incremental plagiarism
The correct answer is C. Global plagiarism occurs when a speaker uses a single source for a speech that is presented as an original work. If the individual copies the information almost word for word from the magazine article, then he has participated in global plagiarism.
A broad category, such as films, South Africa, nanotechnology, or child psychology, would be considered which of the following?

a. Topic

b. Subject

c. Concept

d. Context
The correct answer is B. A broad area of a speaker's expertise is the subject of a speech, such as films. The topic is a specific facet of the subject, such as the impact of technology on the film industry.
Which of the following is most important to consider when evaluating a persuasive speech based on the speaker's desired results?

a. Purpose and goal

b. Language and style

c. Organizational structure

d. Introduction and conclusion
The correct answer is A. Criticizing a speech based on the speaker's desired results depends on the speaker's purpose and goal for the speech. For example, if a speaker is trying to raise money for a cause, and audience members make donations, then the speaker's goal has been met.
Which of the following is most important for a person to consider when evaluating Internet documents in preparation for a speech?

a. Sponsoring organization of the source

b. Objective and reliable nature of the source

c. Opinions and data provided by the source

d. Name of search engine that located the source
The correct answer is B. Evaluating Internet information involves determining if the source is objective and reliable. Anyone can post an article on the Internet, but only information that is authentic and reliable should be included in a speech.
Studying observable characteristics in an audience, such as age, gender, and ethnicity, is known as which of the following?

a. Psychological analysis

b. Demographic analysis

c. Economic analysis

d. Cultural analysis
The correct answer is B. Analyzing observable traits such as age, gender, and cultural background is a demographic analysis. A demographic study generally occurs first in the process of audience analysis.
Which of the following methods of selecting a speech topic involves the process of self-discovery and the consideration of personal interests?

a. Group brainstorming

b. Clustering

c. Monitoring behavior

d. Surveying
The correct answer is C. Monitoring your own behavior is a good way to determine what you like and enjoy. Choosing a topic based on your own interests makes speech writing less difficult.
What is the term used to describe words and phrases, such as "because," "then," and "likewise," that indicate relationships between ideas in a speech?

a. Parallel words

b. Generic language

c. Adaptive terms

d. Internal transitions
The correct answer is D. Internal transitions serve to emphasize relationships between ideas and points within a speech. Examples of internal transitions include "therefore," "in other words," and "as a result."
Although it is unethical, name-calling during a public speech is not illegal and is protected by which of the following Constitutional Amendments?

a. First Amendment

b. Second Amendment

c. Third Amendment

d. Fourth Amendment
The correct answer is A. Freedom of speech is guaranteed under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Although name-calling is unethical, freedom of expression is protected in a democratic society.
Undecided voters who listen to the campaign speeches of political candidates are participating in which type of listening?

a. Appreciative

b. Empathic

c. Critical

d. Active
The correct answer is C. Critical listening involves evaluating a message to determine whether to accept the ideas or reject them. People participate in critical listening when they listen to the pitch of a salesperson or listen to the campaign platform of a politician.
An example that is given in the format of a story is referred to as which of the following?

a. Presentation aid

b. Explanation

c. Illustration

d. Narration
The correct answer is D. A narrative is an example used in a speech that is presented in story form. A narrative helps maintain the attention of the audience because most people enjoy listening to interesting stories.
Dividing an audience into various subgroups is referred to as which of the following?

a. Audience segmentation

b. Audience analysis

c. Audience adaptation

d. Audience centeredness
The correct answer is A. Audience segmentation is an approach that divides an audience into different subgroups. For example, an audience composed of members of a community organization might consist of doctors, teachers, and executives; the speaker could address each subgroup's interests.
Which of the following terms refers to language that does not stereotype or patronize people?

a. Inclusive

b. Specific

c. Diverse

d. Nonparallel
The correct answer is A. Inclusive language is the term used to describe language that does not stereotype people based on gender, race, or other factors. Speakers should consider the language they use in order to show respect towards listeners.
The desired action that a speaker hopes will occur among audience members is referred to as which of the following?

a. Primary audience outcome

b. General purpose

c. Specific purpose

d. Secondary audience outcome
The correct answer is A. The primary audience outcome is what the audience will do if the speech is successful. For example, the desired primary audience outcome for a sales presentation is listeners purchasing products from the sales team.
Which of the following patterns of organization would be most appropriate for a speech about the relationship between cell phone usage and car accidents?

a. Topical pattern

b. Inquiry order

c. Causal pattern

d. Elimination order
The correct answer is C. A causal pattern of speech organization is used when a speaker wants to tell listeners about a cause-effect relationship between two events, such as cell phone usage causing car accidents. Speeches organized in this manner are typically divided into a section about causes and a section about effects.
Which of the following is most important to consider before evaluating an after-dinner speech, commencement address, or a eulogy?

a. Epideictic speech standards

b. Rhetorical criticism standards

c. Impromptu speech techniques

d. Genre and cultural expectations
The correct answer is D. Speeches given outside of the classroom should be evaluated based on cultural expectations and the genre of the speech. After-dinner speeches, commencement addresses, and eulogies do not follow the same format as classroom speeches, so the cultural expectations for a special occasion speech should be carefully considered when giving criticism.
A speaker who makes a comparison between two different objects using the words "like" or "as" is integrating which of the following into a speech?

a. Metaphor

b. Analogy

c. Simile

d. Cliché
The correct answer is C. A simile compares two different things with "like" or "as." Speakers create imagery in their presentations by incorporating similes.
Which of the following is an appropriate way to provide closure in a speech conclusion?

a. Refer to information given in the introduction

b. Ask for a specific response from listeners

c. Restate the thesis of the speech

d. Tell a joke related to the topic
The correct answer is A. One purpose of a conclusion is to provide closure for the audience. Drawing a connection to the introduction helps bring the speech full circle for listeners.
Which of the following increases when a speaker makes frequent eye contact with an audience?

a. Active listening

b. Speaker credibility

c. Message clarity

d. Audience feedback
The correct answer is B. Speaker credibility increases when more eye contact is made during a speech. Audiences perceive a speaker who looks at them as a person who is trustworthy and competent.
A speaker who wants to include the words of Winston Churchill in a speech should search in which of the following?

a. International Who's Who

b. Encyclopedia Britannica

c. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

d. ProQuest Research Library
The correct answer is C. Bartlett's is the most well known collection of quotations and an excellent source for finding an appropriate quote to include in a speech. The reference book includes over 25,000 quotations from both modern and historical individuals.