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56 Cards in this Set

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when a speaker considers the audiences positions, beliefs, values and needs they are being what?
audience centered
Care and concern for others, the thoughtful use of words and language, and the flexibility to see the many sides of an issue (what's this definition?
_________ is support material drawn from the opinions or observations of others
what are the types of public speech?



what are the five steps of the speeking process?
Invention: choosing your topic and gathering materials
Arrangement: organizing your ideas
Style: considering language and figures of speech
Memory: Practicing your speech
Delivery: Giving your speech
what is cognitive restructuring?
helps reduce anxiety by taking bad thoughts and replacing them with good ones
a considerate speech is....
easy to process and listen to
a critical listener....
focuses on the accuracy of a speech and the implication of the speakers message.
Anything that hinders or stops a listener from attending to and receiving a message is?
The process of generating ideas randomly and uncritically, without attention to logic, connections, or relevance
the _________ of a speech its its broad goal
general purpose
a person perception of an idea being true or false is a?
A list that shows the information you already have about your speech topic and the type of information you need to find
a research inventory
An ____________________ is an alphabetical listing of topics discussed in a publication
what is the of a midpoint of a set of data?
____________________ are summaries that help an audience make sense of large chunks of numerical information
This connective highlights an important idea or location in your speech
Main ideas that each address a different category of the overall topic would likely use the ____________________ organizational pattern
This is a very important task to be accomplished in your introduction, both piquing curiosity and addressing relevancy
catch the audiences attention
a question asked by the speaker that's not supposed to be answered aloud but rather contemplated by the audience
what's a hesitation or brief silence in a speech or conversation?
_____________ is the loudness of the speakers voice
a type of visual aid that can be seen or touched
____________________ is the relationship between the visual elements and the space they are arranged in
This organizational pattern allows you to organize main points according to east, west, north or south
a process speech is also known as a....?
how to speech
when you articulate a position you....
have an invitational speech where the speaker invites the audience to see things from their perspective
what are the type of organizational patterns?


multiple perspectives

the flexibility of this pattern allows a teacher to explore all perspectives of an issue
multiple perspectives
The condition of an invitational speech that requires the speaker to see audience members as holding equally valid perspectives and positions that are worthy of exploration
The condition of ____________________ requires that in an invitational speech the speaker sees audience members as being free to decide how to act and react to an issue
self determination
"By building bridges Bill brought bountiful beauty" is an example of:
an illogical and confusing comparison of two things
mixed metaphor
the word of phrase spoken by a speaker
Attributing human characteristics to non human objects or concepts
A speaker talks about AIDS and an audience member thinks about a dear friend that died of AIDS. This scenario best illustrates which of the following?
The speaking style that reflects the spoken rather than the written word is also known as ____________________.
oral style
Assuming one event caused another simply because it happened before the second is what form of faulty reasoning
false cause
the use of emotional appeals
The following claim illustrates which type of error in reasoning: "Out of 25 students surveyed from a student body of 1200, all said that parking on campus is a problem. Therefore, 100% of students on campus think parking is a problem.
hasty generalization
____________________ is the audience's perception of a speaker's competence and character
_________________ reasoning is the process of reasoning that uses a familiar and commonly accepted claim to establish the truth of a very specific claim
deductive reasoning
____________________ is a set of developed statements that allows a speaker to develop evidence and establish the validity of his/her claim
The following specific purpose statement reflects which type of persuasive question: "To persuade my audience to believe a massive meteorite strike caused the extinction of the dinosaurs."
question of fact
This strategy of addressing opposing arguments actually helps enhance speaker credibility
responding to counterarguments
This question addresses the morality, the "good" or "bad" of a persuasive issue
question of value
This five step organizational strategy works especially well for channeling audience motives into action
Monroe's motivated sequence
A threat of something undesirable happening if change does not occur is called a/an ________________ appeal.
fear appeal
A/An _________________ speech is one whose message attempts to change or reinforce an audience's thoughts, feelings, or actions
persuasive speech
what makes up speakers ethos?
perceived similarities between speaker and audience

audience perception of the speakers character

impressions of speakers intelligence and expertise
These are internal mental states consisting of feelings and can be tapped into persuasively
What fallacy attacks an individual personally rather than their arguments?
ad hominem
What fallacy is exemplified by the following statement: "If you are not for us, then you must be against us."
A/An ____________________ speaker uses sensation, theatrics and drama to try and persuade their listeners.
____________________ credibility is that which exists before a speaker gives a speech.
initial credibility
A/An ____________________ is an argument that seems valid but is flawed because of unsound evidence or reasoning.