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97 Cards in this Set

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The oral expression oflanguage is called which of the following?


A structured, shared,rule-governed symbolic system for communicating is called which of thefollowing?


One of the most frequent communication disordersin preschool and school-age children is which of the following?
Articulation disorders

Which of the following reflects the interactive relationship of pitch, duration, intensity, resonance, and vocal quality?


Which of the following focuses on the use ofsocial language—the communication between a speaker and a listener within ashared social environment?

How can I assure my student understands what I am teaching, and how can I assure that my student canexpress what he/she knows, are two questions that should be asked when doingthe following:

Planning universal design for learning

Second grade teacher Mrs.Grimes teaches in a diverse classroom with students from various cultures,socioeconomic levels, and linguistic levels. She is a keen observer of languagein her classroom. Which of the following students in Mrs. Grime’s classroomshows an example of someone having difficulty with pragmatics?
Jill requests a crayon by saying, “Give it to me now!”
An inability to learn thatcannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors; an inabilityto build satisfactory relationships; inappropriate types of behavior orfeelings; a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; and a tendencyto develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or schoolproblems are characteristics of which of the following?
Emotional disturbance
Which of the followingteaches a student how his thoughts influence his feelings and behaviors?
Cognitive-behavior therapy
Behaviors that are persistently aggressive orinvolve acting-out and noncompliant behaviors are which of the followingbehaviors?


Which of the following behaviors include withdrawal,depression, anxiety, obsessions, and compulsions?


All of the following are environmental factorscontributing to emotional/behavioral disorders EXCEPT:

Being adopted

A student who lives in which of the followingsituations is more likely to develop emotional or behavioral disorders?


Neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, andemotional abuse are specific types of which of the following?
Child maltreatment
A family-driven, collaborative, individualized,culturally competent, and community- and strengths-based program is which ofthe following?
Which of the following uses students withemotional or behavioral disorders as tutors for nondisabled peers?
Reverse-role tutoring
Which of the following refers to instructionalactivities that integrate teaching activities with community service?
Service learning
Which of the following involves teaching studentsin small groups in which they focus together on common learning task oractivity?
Cooperative learning
Which of the following teaches studentsconflict-resolution through the use of a neutral party?
A student who has limited strength, vitality, oralertness due to chronic or acute health problems that adversely affect thechild’s educational performance would receive special education services underwhich disability category?
Other health impaired
Failing to give close attention to details, difficultysustaining attention, forgetful, easily distracted, difficulty organizingtasks, and loses things necessary for tasks are characteristics of which of thefollowing?
AD/HD inattentive type
Fidgeting, leaving seat in classroom, running or climbingexcessively, difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities, blurting outanswers, difficulty waiting to take turns, and talking excessively arecharacteristics of which of the following?
AD/HD hyperactive/impulsive type
Which of the following catergorizes a studentwho has features of both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity?
AD/HD combined type
According to the American PsychiatricAssociation, a student must manifest symptoms of AD/HD before which age, andthe symptoms must persist for at least how many months?


For students who have inattentive type ofAD/HD, teachers should make sure students have enough time to shift from oneactivity to another, allow flexible limits for finishing work, simplify tasksthat have multiple steps, and which of the following?
Teach organization skills
What is the name of a plan written for a studentwho does NOT require special education services but needs some accommodationsin the general education classroom?

504 plan

Arranging the classroom to maximize predictability,avoiding distractions, posting daily and weekly schedules, and arranging forsmooth transitions are suggestions for minimizing disruptions related to whichof the following?
Teaching students to use inner speech (self-talk) tomodify underlying cognitions that affect overt behavior is called which of thefollowing?
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Which three components comprise a successfulmulti-modal plan for young children?
Medication, parent training, and classroommanagement
Which of the following describes a procedurethat presents the discriminative stimuli and arranges the delivery of promptsin a learning situation in such a way as to ensure that the student providesonly correct responses?
Errorless learning
Collecting data on an ongoing basis and usingthe information to modify instruction is an advantage of which of thefollowing?
Curriculum-based measurement
José is a student with AD/HD combined type. Heis inattentive, withdrawn, restless, and impulsive. Which would be the mostappropriate intervention to help José with his behavior?
Teach José organizational and goal-settingskills.
Autism is generally evident before age three and ismanifest when the child resists environmental change, displays unusualresponses to sensory experiences, and which of the following?
Engages in repetitive activities and stereotypedmovements
Autistic disorder, Rett’s disorder, childhood disintegrativedisorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder aresometimes referred to as which of the following?
Autism spectrum disorder
Which of the following describes individuals withsignificant challenges in social and emotional functioning but withoutsignificant delays in language development or intellectual functioning?
Asperger syndrome
Problem behavior seen in students with autismincludes aggression, tantrums, property destruction, and which of the following?
Self-injurious behavior
Which of the following identifies specific relationshipsbetween a student’s behavior and the circumstances that trigger thosebehaviors, especially those that impede a student’s ability to learn?
Functional behavioral assessment
Mnemonic strategies help students learn and retaininformation. Mnemonic strategies include all of the following EXCEPT:
Number strategies
Which of the following is a systems-level andevidenced-based method for improving valued social and learning outcomes forall students?
Schoolwide positive behavior support
Which of the following uses the principles of operantpsychology to reduce problem behavior or increase positive behavior?
Applied behavior analysis
Students with TBI differ in onset, complexity,and which of the following from students with other disabilities?
Students with TBI often have the same or similarcharacteristics as students who have which of the following?
Learning disabilities
Which of the following is the term for lost orreduced muscle strength?
Which of the following refers to TBI resulting from acaregiver who has shaken a child violently, often in situations when thecaregiver is frustrated because of the child’s crying?
Shaken baby syndrome
Following a routine schedule, keeping appointments, takingmedications, remembering to perform a new task, and marking when to start orend a task are uses for which of thefollowing?
Electronic memory aids
Varying how fast you present information and howoften you ask your students to respond is which of the following?
Appropriate instructional pacing
Allowing students varying times to respond, taking intoaccount their processing capacity and giving some students more “think” time thanothers, is which of the following?
Adequate processing time
Considering the quality and nature of students’responses to determine if they are mastering the content of your course iswhich of the following?
Monitoring responses
Which of the following refers to linkingstudents together so one cannot succeed unless all group members succeed?
Positive interdependence
One way of assessing students individually duringcooperative learning activities is to do which of the following?
Assign each student a discrete, identifiable task thatcontributes to the whole group
Identifying relevant alternative options, identifyingconsequences of the alternative, identifying the probability of eachconsequence, determining the value placed on each option or alternative, andintegrating values and consequences to select a preferred option are steps ofwhich of the following?
Decision making
A rubric should focus on which of the following?
Outcomes rather than process
A person who has a hearing loss of 70 to 90decibels or greater is considered which of the following?
Which of the following is the ability to interpret words bywatching the speaker’s lips and facial movements without hearing the speaker’swords?
Speech reader
Which of the following encourages earlyidentification and subsequent amplification or cochlear implant?
Oral/aural format
The combination of hand, body, and facial movements toconvey both words and concepts rather than individual letters is consideredwhich of the following?
Sign language
Which of the following uses a handrepresentation for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet?
Which of the following is the most widely usedsign language among deaf adults in North America?
American Sign Language
Which of the following supplements spokenEnglish and is intended to make its features fully visible?
Cued speech
Amplification, speech reading, speech training, reading, andwriting are all used in combination with signs in which of the followingapproaches?
Total communication
Ear infections are called which of thefollowing?
Acute Otitis Media
Which of the following has special training intesting and measuring hearing?
Which of the following is an electronic devicethat is surgically implanted under the skin behind the ear and contains amagnet that couples to a magnet in a sound transmitter that is worn externally?
Cochlear implant
A machine to test hearing is which of thefollowing?
A system in which the teacher transmits hisvoice by using a lavaliere microphone and ceiling- or wall-mounted speakers iswhich of the following?
Sound-field amplification system
Which of the following involves closed-circuitwiring that sends FM signals from an audio system directly to an electroniccoil in the student’s hearing aid?
Loop system
Which of the following translates dialogue froma spoken language to a printed form that is then inserted at the bottom of the television,movie, or videotape?
Closed-caption technology
Which of the following involves modification ofa text of at least 250 words by eliminating every fifth word and replacing itwith a blank?
Cloze procedure
Which educational setting was the basis fordeveloping the Deaf community/Deaf culture?
The residential school
Chelsea, a student with a mild hearing loss, often hasdifficulty following the teacher’s directions in class, particularly when theteacher is doing work at the blackboard. Which of the following suggestionswould be a most appropriate first step for the teacher to try to improveChelsea’s behavior?
Do not give directions when facing the board.
Sheila is a deaf student in your class who has a signlanguage interpreter to help her during class instruction. At times, Sheiladoes not understand what is happening in the class because she missescontributions of her peers. What can you do to help Sheila fully participate inclass?
Ensure that the peers face Sheila when talking and raisetheir hand to give Sheila a visual cue.
Which of the following describes individuals who read print,although they may depend on optical aids, such as magnifying lenses?
Low vision
Which of the following describes thoseindividuals who do not receive meaningful input through the visual sense?
Totally blind
Which of the following is determined by havingan individual read the letters on a chart, each line of which is composed ofletters written with a certain size print?


The area around them that a person can visuallydetect when looking straight ahead is which of the following?
Field of vision
Which of the following is an impairment invision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educationalperformance?
Visual disability
Because of the important role played byincidental learning for most individuals, the presence of a visual impairmenthas the potential to influence which of the following?
Motor, language, cognitive, and social skills
Which of the following describes how a studentuses vision in a variety of natural environments and activities?
Functional vision assessments
An IDEA-related service for students with visualimpairments to know where they are in their environment and how to move aroundthat environment safely is called which of the following?
Orientation and mobility training
Early intervention programs for young childrenwith visual impairments are generally which of the following?


What one characteristic do all students withvisual impairments share?
Limited ability to learn incidentally from theenvironment
Where do most students with visual impairments receivetheir education?
In the general education classroom
Expressive/Receptive Language etc. (X)

Expressive language- is characterized by difficulty formulating ideas and information

Receptive language- is characterized by difficulty receiving or understanding information

Language acquisition
is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate.
AD/HD types


Autism Spectrum Disorder/pervasive developmental disorders

in the 2000 edition autism as defined as being part of a broader group of disorders referred to as pervasive developmental disorders, which included five discrete conditions: autistic disorder, rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger syndrom, and pervasive developmental disorder; now they just have 1 name autism spectrum disorder or autism

Mnemonic strategies for Autism

mnemonic strategies are memory strategies to help students learn/retain info; 3 different types

Keyword- links a keyword to a new one to remember it

Pegword- helps remember numbered or ordered info by linking words or numbers that rhyme

Letter strategy- acronyms or string of letters

TBI causes

Traumatic brain injury

- falls- #1 cause for TBI 35%

- automobile accident 17%

- being struck by or against something 17%

- assaults 10%

- unknown/other 21%

Multiple Disabilities/Severe Disabilities & inclusion

- expectations & results



augmentative and alternative communication system

consist of integrated components that supplement the communication abilities of individuals who cannot meet their communication needs through speaking

an AAC device contains a set of symbols

Orthopedic Impairments


Topographical system for describing physical disability


Cerebral palsy/Spina bifada/Epilepsy


Hearing Loss/Deaf Culture//language


Incidental learning


IDEA vs. Gifted & Talented


Gardner’s model of intelligence (8)

Musical- unusual awareness and sensitivity to pitch, rhythm, and timbre

Bodily-kinesthetic- ability can be seen before formal training; remarkable control of bodily movement; unusual poise

Logical-mathematical- Loves dealing with abstraction; problem solving is remarkably rapid; solutions can be formulated before articulated; ability to skillfully handle long chains of reasoning

Linguistic- remarkable ability to use words; prolific in linguistic output, even at a young age

Spatial- Ability to conjure up mental imagery and then transform it; ability to make transformations of one element into another

Interpersonal- great capacity to notice and make distinctions among people, contrasts in moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions; ability to read intention and desire of others in social interactions; not dependent on language

Intrapersonal- extensive knowledge of internal aspects of a person; increased access to one's own feelings and emotion; mature sense of self

Naturalist- relates to the world around him or her in tune with the environment