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88 Cards in this Set

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The ear is divided into 3 anatomical regions:

1. External Ear

2. Middle Ear

3. Inner Ear

What does the external ear do?

collects and directs sound waves to the eardrum.

The structures of the external ear include:

1. Auricle (pinna)

2. External acoustic meatus (canal)

3. Ceruminous glands

4. Tympanic membrane (tympanum)

wheres are the ceruminous glands found?

in the skin lining the external acoustic meatus

What does the External acoustic meatus (canal) do?

permits sound waves to strike the tympanic membrane

What separates the external and middle war?

Tympanic membrane

The middle ear consists of an air-filled space called the _______________.

tympanic cavity.

What connects the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx ?

auditory tube (Eustachian tube)

How can meningitis spread involving the ear?

The tympanic cavity also communicates with the mastoid sinuses in the mastoid process. It is through this connection that infections can spread from the middle ear to the meninges of the brain.

What do the auditory-ossicles do?

transfer the vibrations of the tympanic membrane to the fluid-filled chambers of the inner ear.

The ear ossicles act as ________ that amplify the force of vibration delivered to the inner ear.


The ear ossicles are called:

1. Mallues (hammer)

2. Incus (Anvil)

3. Stapes (Stirrup)

What 2 muscles dampen the vibrations produced by loud sounds?

1. Tensor Tympani Muscle

2. Stapedius Muscle

this muscles attaches to the malleus and by contacting stiffens the tympanic membrane reducing vibration

Tensor Tympani M.

this muscle attaches to the stapes and by contracting reduced the vibrations of the stapes

Stapedius M.

The receptors for equilibrium and learning are located within fluid-filled chambers and tubes that form the __________ __________.

membranous labyrinth

The fluid of the membranous labyrinth is called _____________.


What is the chemical ratio of potassium to sodium in endolymph?

HIGH potassium

LOW sodium concentration

What protects the membranous labyrinth?

bony labyrinth

What fills the space between the membranous and bony labyrinth?


What are the 3 regions the bony labyrinth can be divided into?

1. vestibule

2. semicircular canals

3. cochlea

At what 2 locations is the bony labyrinth not solid?

1. Round window

2. oval window

this window is spanned by a thin, flexible membrane

Round Window

this window is sealed by the foot plate of the stapes which is held in position by an __________ ____________ that attached the outer edge of the footplate to the edge of the oval window.

annular ligament

The vestibular complex is the part of the inner ear that preserves physical equilibrium by detecting ________, __________ and __________.

rotation, gravity, acceleration

These are designed to detect rotation:

Anterior, posterior and lateral semicircular canals

Each semicircular canal contains a:

semicircular duct

an expanded portion of the semicircular duct is called the ampulla which contains:

hair cells

The hair cells are associated with :

supporting cells in a raised portion of the lining of the ampulla called a crista.

the apical surface has stereocilia and one cilium called a _________________.


The kinocilium and stereocilia are embedded in a gelatinous substance called the:


Rotational movements in different planes are detected by the mechanical distortion of the :


the utricle and saccule are interconnected by a narrow __________________ that ends in a blind pouch.

endolymphatic duct

The utricle and saccule are interconnected by a narrow endolymphatic duct that ends in a blind pouch called the

endolymphatic sac

In each sac the hair cells are concentrated on an oval spot in the wall called a:


The gelatinous was with its crystals is called an:


the crystals are called :


The cochlea turns around a central hub called the:

modiolus (collecting sound info)

the cochlear nerve have their cell bodies in the modiolus in a ganglion called the :

spiral ganglion

The vestibular and tympanic ducts are confluent at the tip of the cochlea at a place called the:

helicotrema (top opening to allow the fluid to enter both sides)

The hair cells that are responsible for hearing are within the organ of:

Coriti, or spiral organ

The organ of Corti rests on a :

basilar membrane

Palpebrae =


The free margins of the eyelids form the :

palpebral fissure

The edges where the upper and lower eyelids meet are called the __________ and ____________ canthus.

lateral, medial

These are sebaceous glands associated with the eyelashes

Glands of Zeis

these glands line the inner margin of the lid and produce a lipid-rich product that prevents the lids from sticking together

Tarsal glands

this is around of tissue i the medial canthus that produces thick secretions

Lacrimal caruncle

The eyelids are supported internally by sheets of connective tissue that form the :

tarsal plate

The ____________ is the epithelium that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and continues onto the outer surface of the eye.


this lines the inner surface of the eyelid

palpebral conjunctiva

this lines the anterior surface of the eye

bulbar conjunctiva

What type of epithelium does the conjunctiva consist of?

specialized stratified squamous epithelium

What enzyme does the Lacrimal Gland contain?


Tears drain into canals called the superior and inferior lacrimal canaliculi through pores called the __________________.

superior and inferior lacrimal puncta.

Where do the tears drain into?

Lacrimal Sac

This duct opens near the inferior meatus:

Nasolacrimal Duct

This cavity of the eye takes up most of the internal space and extends anteriorly to the lens. It contains a gelatinous vitreous body and is also called the vitreous (glass) chamber.

Posterior cavity

This cavity of the eye is in front of the lens and is filled with a clear liquid called the aqueous humor. Has anterior and posterior chambers by the iris.

Anterior cavity

The wall of the eye has 3 layers:

1. Fibrous Tunic

2. Vascular Tunic

3. Neural Tunic

The outermost layer of the eyes is the :

fibrous tunic- most of it is sclera

The fibrous CT of the sclera also serves as attachment sites for the :

extraocular muscles

The anterior portion of the fibrous tunic is transparent because of the precise aliment of collagen fibers and the absence of BV's. This portion is called the :


This portion of the eye is primarily responsible for focusing light rays onto the retina.

the cornea

What are the 3 parts of the vascular tunic?

1. Iris

2. Ciliary body

4. Choroid

this portion of the vascular tunic contains BV's, pigment cells and SM which control the opening called the pupil.


The epithelium that covers the ciliary body is thrown into folds called :

ciliary proceses.

_________________ are attached to the anterior rim of the ciliary body and holds the lens in position.

Suspensory ligaments

The remaining vascular tunic contains extensive capillaries and is called the ___________. This supplies O2 and nutrients to the outer portion of the retina.

choroid (like a placenta)

The neural tunic is the:


What 2 layers does the retina consist of:

1. Pigmented Layer

2. Neural Layer

this layer is a single-cell layer of pigmented cells that absorb light after it passes through the retina.

Pigmented layer

The pigmented layer also provides __________ support for the photoreceptors of the retina.

vital metabolic

The neural layer extends anteriorly to the boundary called the ____________

ora serrata

these photoreceptors are more sensitive to light but there is only one type and color discrimination is not possible with these


these photoreceptors are less sensitive to light but there are 3 types with sensitivities in different regions of the light spectrum. They provide color discrimination and GREATER detail.


This appears as a yellow spot on the retina where it only contains cones.

macula lutea

The depression in the center of the macula lutea is called the:

fovea which provides the greatest visual acuity.

the photoreceptors synapse with ____________.

bipolar cells

The transmission of visual info through the bipolar cells is modulated by _____________ found in the Neural layer.

horizontal cells

The transmission at the layer of the ganglion cells is modulated by ____________.

amacrine cells

What emerges onto the surface of the retina at the optic disc?

central retinal artery and vein

The anterior and posterior chambers of the anterior cavity of the eye are filled with ______________.

aqueous humor.

Where is the aqueous humor continually produced?

ciliary processes of the ciliary body

where does the aqueous humor drain init ?

canal of Schlemm at the limbus of the cornea

The posterior cavity of the eye is behind the lens and is filled with a gelatinous body called the :

vitreous body (glassy body)

The vitreous body maintains the :

shape of the eye, supports the lens, and presses the neural layer against the pigmented layer.

The visual info received and initially processed in the retina travels to the ______________ of the thalamus .

lateral geniculate nucleus