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24 Cards in this Set

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What do you study in school?
I study English, Math, and Science.
Que estudia Ud. en la escuela?
Estudio ingles, matematicas, y ciencia.
Where did you learn Spanish?
I learned it in school.
Donde aprendio Ud. el espanol?
Lo aprendi en el colegio.
At what time do you return home?
I return home at three o'clock sharp.
A que hora vuelve Ud. a casa?
Vuelvoa casa a las tres en punto.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the movies.
Adonde va usted?
Voy al cine.
Where were you born?
I was born in New York.
Donde nacio Ud.?
Naci en nueva york.
What are you going to do this summer?
I am going to work in a restaurant.
Que va a hacer Ud. este verano?
Voy a trabajar en un restaurante.
Why would you like to go to mexico?
I think I would have a good time.
Por que le gustaria a Ud. ir a mexico?
Creo que me divertiria mucho.
How long have you been speaking Spanish?
I have been speaking spanish for two years.
Cuanto tiempo hace que habla Ud.espanol?
Hace dos anos que hablo espanol.
Do you know how to drive?
No, I dont know how to drive.
Sabe Ud. conducir/manejar?
Si, se conducir/manejar.
Do you know the president?
No, I dont know him.
Conoce Ud. al Presidente?
No, no lo conozco.
What is the matter with you? Are you sick?
I have a headache.
Que tiene Ud.? Esta Ud. enfermo?
Tengo un dolor de cabeza./Me duele la cabeza.
Are you having a good time?
Yes I am having a very good time.
Se divierte Ud,?
Si, me divierto mucho.
Is there something that you need?
Yes, I need medicine.
Hay algo que necesita Ud.?
Si, necesito medicina.
Where are you from?
I am from the United States.
De donde es Ud.?
Soy de los estados unidos.
What have you read recently?
I have read some newspapers and magazines.
Que ha leido Ud. recientemente?
He leido algunos periodicos y revistas.
How many people are there in your family?
There are five people.
Cuantas personas hay en su familia?
Hay cinco personas.
How was the meal in the restaurant?
It was delicious.
Como estaba la comida en el restaurante?
Estaba Sabrosisima.
When will you have finished college?
I will have finished in...
Cuando habra terminado Ud. la universidad?
Habre terminado en dos mil once
Do you know where there is an english speaking doctor?
Yes, his office is straight ahead on the corner.
Sabe Ud. donde hay esta un medico que hable ingles?
si, su officina esta derecho en la esquina
Do you want me to go with you to the bank?
Yes, if you have the time.
Quire Ud. que lo acompane al banco?
Si, si tiene el tiempo
would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Yes, but I have something to do tonight. Tomorrow would be better.
Le gustaria a Ud. cenar comigo esta noche?
si, pero tengo algo que hacer esta noche. Manana seria mejor.
If I had written to you, would you have answered me?
If I had had the time, yes.
Si le hubiera escrito a Ud, me habria contestado? Si hubiera tenido el tiempo, si.
what were you doing when it started to rain?
I was walking home
Que haciendo Ud. cuando empezo a llover?
Estaba caminado a casa
can you tell me what the current rate of exchange is?
Yes, it is ____ pesetas per dollar.
Me puede Ud. decir cual es el cambio corriente?
Si, el cambio corriente es ____pesetas por dolar