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30 Cards in this Set

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Global variable

Variables that are declared outside any function, and they can be accessed (used) on any function in the program.

Local Variable

Variables are declared inside a function, and can be used only inside that function. It is possible to have local variables with the same name in different functions.

Object Orientated Programming

Is a programming language model organized around objects rather than "actions" and data rather than logic.

*Historically, a program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes input data, processes it, and produces output data.


Is a program that lets you type instructions into the computer, much like the terminal or command prompt.

Python Interactive Shell

Lets you enter instructions for the python interpreter software to run.

The computer reads the instructions you enter and runs them immediately.


Consists of values (such as 2) and operators (such as +) that evaluate (reduce) down to a single line.

*Evaluates to a single value.

Ex: >>> 2 + 2



Operators that can be used in Python

** : Exponentiation

%: Modulus/remainder

//: Integer division/floored quotient

/: Division

*: Multiplication (can only be used with 2 numeric values or for string replication.)

-: Subtraction

+: Addition


Order of operations of Python math operators. (PEMDAS)

** operator is evaluated first; the *, /, // and % operators next, and the + and - operators are evaluated last. (From left to right)

Data type

A category for values, and every value belongs to exactly one _____ type.

Common data types in Python

-Integers (-2, -1, 0, 1 , 2, 3)

-Floating-point numbers (-1.25, -1.0, -0.5, 0 , 0.5,)

-Strings ("a", "aa", "Hello")

Integer (int) Values

Data type that indicates values that are whole numbers.

*Helpful if you have a number as a string value that you want to use in some math.

Floating-point (float) Values

Data type that indicates values with a decimal point.

String (str) Values

Data type that indicate values with character surrounded by quotes. (' ', " ")

Blank string

A string with no characters in it.

(' ')

String Concatenation

When + operator is used to join two string values and combines them together.

String Replication operator

* operator used on one string and integer value to replicate/repeat the original number of times equal to the integer value.

Ex: 'Alice' * 5



Is like a box in the computer's memory where you can store a single value.

*If you want to use the result of an evaluated expression later in you program, you can save it inside a variable.

Assignment Statement

Where you store values in variables.

Consists of a variable name, an assignment operator (=) and the value stored.

Ex: spam= 42


When a variable is assigned a new value, the old one is forgotten. (Variable reassignment??)

Variable Names

3 Rules:

1. Can only be one word

2. Can only use letters, numbers and the underscore characters.

3. Cannot begin with a number.

* They are case-sensitive and best describes the data it contains.

File editor

Where you type your code. Similar to text editors like Notepad or TextMate. Has some specific features for typing in source code.

Interactive shell vs. File Editor

-Interactive shell window will always be the one with the (>>>) prompt.

- The file editor will not


Used to write notes or single lined comments to remind yourself what the code is trying to do.

*Commenting out is when programmers use # character in front of a line of code to temporarily remove it while testing the program to see what works and what doesn't. Then removing the # once they are all set testing.


Function that displays the string value inside the parenthesis on the screen.


Is a value that is is passed to a function.


Function waits for user to type in some text on the keyboard and press enter.

This function call evaluates to a string equal to the user's text, and then assigns the string value to a variable.

Always return a string


Function evaluates to the integer value of the number of characters in that string.

* You can pass this function a string value (or a variable containing a string.)


Function that can be passed an integer value and will evaluate to a string value version of it.

*Is handy when you have an integer or float that you want to concatenate to a string.

Difference between expression and assignment statement

One evaluates down to a single line, opposed to having a value stored into a variable.


Function that returns number rounded to the number digits position after the decimal point.

EX: >>> round(32.45)

