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16 Cards in this Set

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What does MacInnes argue?

There is no gene or brain pattern which make men incapable of ironing,shopping,changing nappies or expressing emotions,

There is none which stops women running governments or multinational corporations,flying fighter places,abusing children or committing murder.It is society which explains why women do more of some things and men do more of others.

What do McRobbie and Garber argue?

Parents treat girls differently to boys, giving more sanctions to girls if they misbehave than boys. Boys are given more freedom while girls are controlled more closely this leads to what they call bedroom culture.

What is 'bedroom subculture' (McRobbie and Garber)

This is where girls are forced to spend more time indoors for 'safety' than boys, and their key influences become media in contrast to boys who may be allowed out to play.

Criticisms of McRobbie and Garber? Alternative points

-McRobbie and Garber seem to have identified that families/carers seem to treat boys andgirls differently and this results, on occasion, on them engaging in differentbehaviour.

-A rise of girlsinvolved in violence and gangs leaves many questioning if girls are reallyadhering to a bedroom culture in 21st century.

Criticisms of McRobbie and Garber? Theorteical

-However, feminists question if there is any real need for this differing treatment. This is an example of the behavior of girls being controlled by men, therefore an example of patriarchy.

What does Furedi describe when discussing the role of parents historically?

He describes a change in the role of parents in recent years. Traditionally 'good' parents tried to take care of and stimulate their children. Nowadays they often see their main task as protecting their children from danger (accidents,pedos,bullies).

What does Furedi argue?

Furedi argues that parents have become paranoid . He thinks the risk of harm to children has been exaggerated and the new accent on protection is unhealthy.Children are shepherded from place to place by anxious parents. All sorts of risks - school trips, rough sports- are closed off to them.

What does Furedi argue is a result of the current parenting style.

This paranoid parenting prevents children from developing a healthy sense of adventure.

Criticisms of Furedi?

Otherssuggest that society is no more dangerous than the past, crime statistics areactually falling and have been since 1992. The increased fear may be the resultof an increase of media attention on sensationalist stories like MadeleineMcCann and crime stories in general.

What point of view does Murray argue from?

(Primary socialisation)

The New Right perspective

What does Murray argue?

(Primary socialisation)

Murray argues that single parents families are 'inadequate socialisers' because they do not have two role models, and the lack of father figure (90% of spf are female headed) is destructive for children as women cant discipline their children as well as men.

How does Murray relate his points on parenting to the underclass (Primary socialisation)?

Murray suggests that these spf are at the heart of the 'underclass' that has appeared in the inner city.

What is the underclass (Murray)?

(Primary socialisation)

A group of people living in inner city areas which supposedly socialise their children into a culture revolving around crime and delinquency,anti-authority,anti-work, and anti-family life.

What general New Right view linked to the 'underclass' also discuss spf?

-Teenage girls deliberately get pregnant in order to obtain state benefits

-There is a connection between spf,educational underachievement, and delinquency

-Underclass children may lack self-discipline and be emotionally-disturbed.

-African Caribbean crime and urban riots might be due to 'inferior' socialisation in one-parent families.

Criticisms of Murray? Alterntaive points

-Murray’s ideasare very controversial and fail to recognise that families made up of dual (2)parents that have low income are also seeing the same problems. Thisdemonstrates that income or livingin relative poverty is problem, notthe lack of a father. If this is the case perhaps an increase in benefits wouldhelp rather than make the situation worse. ·

Criticisms of Murray ? Theroetical

-Some feminists (Radical) argue that female headed single parent families represent women’s emancipation from patriarchal relationships and as a result are very critical of Murray’s damning views.