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53 Cards in this Set

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agriculture that uses the cultivation and restoration of trees

Land Grabs

when a business buys land from another country and then farms that land and ships the crops out to their home country

Samuel Huntington

-clash of civilizations: said that problems aren't going to be over politics anymore but rather cultures

-believes in cultural differentialism


-either the jobs will come to the people willing to work for very low wages or the cheap labor will come to the work


-genetically modified organisms

-part of the green revolution; trying to create crops that won't die or be affected by inclement weather

Twin Epidemics

Obesity and Famine

Food Deserts

when there is little to no access to any food at all, especially good, healthy, fresh food

Transnational corporations

corporations that do businesses globally and are based in multiple countries

-made possible through globalization

Hyper debt

as a result of hyperconsumption; people go into immense debt because of increased market

seed patenting

-idea of claiming ownership of seeds

-Monsanta is a big seed company that has actually sewed small farmers when their seeds accidently get on their farms via wind and weather

-Vandana Shiva would greatly disagree with it


over purchasing of goods b/c of increased exposure to them either through television or internet; leads to hyperdebt

cultural differentialism

-Samuel Huntington

-the idea that globalization leads to the differences in cultures being emphasized

Food aid

government shipments of food to war-torn or impoverished areas

-US will typically send food from their country to be sold at local markets; instead of purchasing food from local farms and directly distributing it to the people

Disposable communities

communities that live and survive off of landfills


when developing countries skip steps that already developed countries took

-part of high tech global flows

-ex: Africa skipped landlines and went straight to cell phones

cultural convergence

when the culture of a dominant country overtakes that of the less dominant country; and the other culture is sort of just lost


cultural hybridity

globalization causes cultures to mix, creating something new

-japanese hip hop


Arjun Appadurai's five scapes

1. ethnoscapes

2. financescapes

3. mediascapes

4. technoscapes

5. ideoscapes


the movement of ideologies; especially pertaining to politics

-a result of globalization


the movement of people around the world via accessible and affordable transportation

-a result of globalization


-movement of money around the world

-result of globalization


the movement of media and news around the world and how different cultures hear about each other

-a result of globalization


-the movement of technology around the world

-a result of globalization


-community supported agricultural programs

-members of the community buy weekly shares and then get deliveries of the crops

exponential population growth

when the birth rate remains the same without any influence from disease or limitations of food

social movements

need to have a social goal, a sustained campaign, a leader, a group of followers

-ex: arab springs, civil rights

Oscar Olivera

-the leader of the Bolivian revolution against rising water prices after the government privatized the water

selection bias

a type of media bias

-the networks selects which stories to cover

description bias

a type of media bias

-the network decides what details of a story to cover

shopping the periphery

when a consumer only shops around the sides of the grocery store to avoid the processed foods which are usually located in the middle aisles

food swamps

when there is a surplus of unhealthy, processed foods but limited to no access to fresh foods

food soverignty

the idea that all people have the right to good, healthy, fresh food and the right to grow and get that food for themselves


electronic waste that is often shipped to African of Asian countries from developed countries to be recycled; this process is very dangerous and toxic

Agricultural subsidies

money is given to farmers or agrobusinesses to help with production prices

-leads to the decrease in consumer prices as well

food subsidies

-individual aid

-gives food to individuals that are impoverished and can't afford it themselves

Thomas Malthus

believed that exponential population growth was going to out grow the agricultural capabilities and people were going to start going hungry

-suggested population control

relative deprivation theory

the idea that people join social movements because they 1) feel as though they are deprived of rights 2) are angry and upset with this 3) don't think that normal actions would work

resource mobilization theory

focuses on the resources that allow social movements to begin;

-money, leaders, ability/rights to assemble,

rational choice theory

says that people join social movements because they weight the pros and cons of all their choices and conclude that this is the rational choice

Arab Spring

a series of protests and revolutions that took place in Arab countries

-against tyrant and unfair governments

-started by Mohammad Azizi's action

-social media was their medium to spread the word

Mohammad Azizi

a fruit vendor from Tehran

-set himself on fire to protest the governments poor treatment of its people

-initiated the arab springs


-water rights

-says that ownership of land does not equal ownership of the water that's on it; but you can use it

prior appropriate

-water rights

-says that the first person to own the land or use the water is the owner of that water

the commons

-the idea that the natural resources are open to everyone in the community to use

-nature, community and culture resources

Garret Hardin

-the tragedy of the commons

-said that everyone is using the resources but no one is going to have to deal with the consequences when they are depleted

-everyone just takes as much of the resources as they want - there's not going to be enough to sustain growing population

cultural imperialism

kinda similar to cultural convergence; one culture overtakes another and then kind of controls them

Globalization of nothing

the idea that globalization is leading to cultural convergence and there are no distinct cultures anymore;

-increase in sameness, decrease in different identities


-self serve grocery stores

-history of grocery stores

-piggly wiggly


that idea that with seed patenting, companies are stealing seeds and crops from local communities

-vandana shiva

vandana shiva

by taking the seeds and patenting them; companies are taking away freedom from the local communities

-the more seed patenting happens, the less sustainable the earth is going to be

musical fusions

the idea of cultural hybridity

-different cultures musics coming together and making something new

-japanese hip hop

theodor adorno

believes that transnational coporations are causing the value in products to go down b/c of mass production

-cultural convergence

food coop

a food distribution company

-decisions made by all members