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10 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics that discredit people. These include violations of norms abiity/blindness, deafness, mental handicaps. They also include involuntary memberships, such as victim of AIDS, or brother of a rapist. It can become a Master Status
Control Theory
Two control systems work against our motivations to deviate:
Inner controls (internalized morality, conscience, religious principles, ideas of right and wrong, fears of punishment, feelings of integrity, and desire to be a good person.)
Outer controls (people, family, friends, police, who influences not to deviate)
Labeling Theory
Focuses on the significance of the labels (names, reputations) we are given. Labels tend to become part of our self concept and help to set us on paths that either propel us into or divert us from deviance) example: "whore, pervert, cheat, slob"
Differential Association
We learn to deviate from or to confront to society's norms mostly by the different groups we associate with. What we learn influences us towards or away from deviance. Ex: if you join the Boy Scouts, or it you join the Satan's servants
White Collar Crime
Crimes that people of respectable and high social status commit in the course of their occupations.
Ex: corporate crimes
Strain Theory
People who experience strain, are likely to feel anomie, a sense of normlessness. Because mainstream norms (work, education) don't seem to be getting them anywhere, people who experience strain find it difficult to identify whit mainstream norms. They may even feel wronged by the system, ad its rules may seem illegitimate.
Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
"when a different door opens to the poor", the "hustler" is a role model, glamorous, in control, the image of "easy money", one of the few people in the area who comes close to attaining the cultural goal of success. For these reasons these activities attract disproportionate numbers of the poor.
Criminal Justice System
The police, courts, and prisons that deal with people who are accused of having committed crimes.
Hate Crime
A crime that is motivated by bias (dislike, hatred) against someone's race ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability or national origin
Study notes from class!