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58 Cards in this Set

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scientific study of society and human interaction

sociological perspective

being able to see that people are affected by the culture and time in history the person lives in

comte's 3 stages

1) theological stage: religion explains things

2) metaphysical stage: reason explains things

3) scientific stage: science explains things

structural functionalism

-different parts of a society working together to ensure a societies smooth functioning



(social) conflict theory

-conflict is a natural / typical occurrence and is what drives a society



symbolic interactionism


-the sociology of everyday life (how small groups interact with eachother

-university of chigaco

scientific method steps

1) select topic/ narrow it down

2)review literature

3) hypothesis

4) decide metheds

5) collect data

6) anallize data

7) draw conclusions about data

8) write up results and share findings


educated guess about the relationship between 2 variables



- lab




-non participant observation/detached observation

-participant observation

-using existing data

-content analysis


social class, gender


concept whose values change (age, edu)

opperational definition

very specific def

what it does and doesn't include


consistancy in measurement


does it measure what its supposed to


association or predictability


the total way of life of a particular people

material culture vs non material culture

physical things vs ideas


people who share a common culture and a common territory

subculture vs counter culture

-culture with in a culture

-subculture: like dominant group

-counter culture: have ideas opposed to dominant group


seeing and judging a another culture in terms of your own cultures standards

cultural reletivism

seeing and judging a another culture in terms of its own cultures standards


-expectations/guidlines for behavior


norms of less importance


norms of greater importance


absolutely forbidden


standards of judgement

high culture

culture patterns that distinguish a societies elite

popular culture

cultural patterns that are wide spread among a societies pop

core values

-made by williams after civil rights movemnt

1) acheivemnt and success

2)material comfort

3) activity and work

4) progress

5) practicality and effieciency

6) science

7) freedom

8) democracy

9) free enterprize

10) equal opportunity

global communication

flow of info

global economy

flow of goods and services

global migration

flow of people

hunting and gathering society

-hunt wild animals and gather veg

-bowl, cutting utensil


-most equal of all societies

pastoral and horticultural society

-garden and animals in pasture

-digging stick, hoe

agrarian society



development of cities

industrial society

-steam engine, machine power, factories

-ppl move from farm to cities

post industrial society


-rise of service industries

who did what

society and tec: lenski

society and conflict: marx

society and rationalization: weber

society and function: durhiem

2 classes of people in industrial society



class conflict

struggle between 2 classes

false consciousness

capitalists lie to say its fair and make workers work

class consciousness

workers need to know the situation is unjust

the answer to class conflict

revolution--> replace old system with system without classes


isolation and misery that results from powerlessness

capitalism and alienation

alienation from

-no choice in work type


-human potensial

-products they made


customs, values, norms that are passed along from 1 gen to next


way of thinking that emphasizes deliberate, matter of fact, calculation

the rationalization of a society

the historical change of society from traditional to rational

marx vs weber (is capitalism rational)

WEBER: yes - making money makes sense

MARX: no - creates inequality and fails to meet needs of majority of pop

webers book

The prodestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

inner worldly ascetism

work hard to get ahead economically and reinvest capital


-god has alread sealed your rate (heaven v hell)

-worldy economical success is a sign of gods approval


rational organizations

social fact

-whole is greater than its parts

- objective realities (norms, culture, values) that exist over and above the individual , but exert great influence on the individual and groups

division of labor


mechanical solidarity society


-same/similar types of tasks performed

ex) hunter and gatherer

organic solidarity society


-very different types of tasks and a great deal of division of labor



-idea of a state of change --> norms changing --> may produce alienation (don't know norms to follow)