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84 Cards in this Set

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Qualitative data and Quantitative data
Qualitative--> data that can be measured. Quantitative--> descriptive data; data that can be observed, not measured
Exogamy and Endogamy
Exo--> marriage outside of specific groups
Endo--> marriage inside of specific group
Polygyny and Polyandry
Polygyny--> man w/ several wives
Polyandry--> woman w/ several husbands
a shared cultural heritage that defines a group of people
- By Goffman
-Life is a never ending play in which people are the "actors"
-Max Weber
-Mentally put one's self in "the other person's shoes" to understand their perspective
Independent vs. Dependent variables
Independent-->changes in order to do your experiment.
Dependent--> effected variable
Significant Other*
-a person in our lives whose opinion matters to us the most/influences our thinking the most
I vs. Me*
I--> creative aspect, giving acts energy
Me--> conformity w/ the expectations of society
Cultural Pluralism
Different groups in a society maintain parts of their distinctive cultures while coexisting peacefully.
Iron Law of Oligarchy
In every organization, a small # of people actually make the decisions
Generalized Self*
the internalization of the norms and values of a culture
Halo Effect
Physically attractive people are perceived as having more positive characteristics
Looking-Glass Self
We form our self images on the basis of what we perceive to be other's views of us
Anticipatory Socialization
Kids draw on their parent's experience to learn about their possible futures
Trait that we posses that causes us to lose prestige in the eyes of others
-Emile Durkeim
The feeling of being disconnected from society; normlessness
False Consciousness*
-Marxist theory
-Capitalist society are misleading to the proletariat
Bourgeoisie and Proletariat
Bour--> owners of means of production
Prolet--> working class
Ideal Type
-Max Weber
-Theoretical model of how a formal organization should function
-Max Weber
-a type of formal organization in which a rational approach is used for the handling of large tasks
Social class, Social status and party
-Max Weber
-a three-component theory of stratification
Comte's law of "three phases" in all sciences
Theological, Metaphysical, and Scientific.
How much less do women earn than men in the workplace approx?
around 30% less
Regarding migration, adoption of new culture pretty thoroughly
Regarding migration, finding a role in society but not necessarily adopting new culture completely/at all.
The Power Elite*
-a small group of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, and access to decision-making of global consequence
The Caste System
Social stratification based on ascription. Pure caste systems are "closed" with no social mobility.
The Class System
social stratification based on individual achievement. Open social mobility is critical to this type of system.
Group Think
each member of the group attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group.
Patterns of conventional behavior in a society, norms that apply to everyday matters.
More about society tradition and culture norms, much more serious if broken than folkways
Basic moral convictions of "right and wrong"
-Emile Durkheim
-Focuses on the structure and workings of society. Functionalists see society as made up of inter-dependent sections which work together to fulfill the functions necessary for the survival of society as a whole.
Conflict Theory*
-Karl Marx and Max Weber
-Society is characterized by conflict and power struggle
Symbolic Interactionism
-George Herbert Mead
-People act toward things based on the meaning those things have for them; and these meanings are derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation.
Intragenerational Mobility
the social mobility within a single generation. It is measured by comparing the occupational status of an individual at two or more points in time
Intergenerational Mobility
the social mobility between generations. It is measured by comparing occupational status of sons with that of fathers
Dependency Ratio*
-Developed from theory of Thomas Malthus
-The # of people dependant on 100 people in the working population
a married couple typically establish residence with or near the parents of the bride.
a married couple establish residence with or near the parents of the groom.
a married couple establish their own residence in a “new” place—in a household neither that of the groom’s nor the bride’s parents.
Humanistic Perspective
viewing sociology as a means to advance human welfare
The Sociological Imagination
- C. Wright Mills
- Expresses an understanding that personal trouble can and often reflect broader social issues
A Representative Sample
one that accurately reflects the population from which it is drawn
The "Hawthorne" effect
the mere presence of a researcher affects the subject’s behavior.
the process of discarding behavioral practices and adopting new ones as part of a transition in life.
Sigmund Freud's Three Parts of the mind and their "principles"
The Id-Pleasure Principle
The Ego-Reality Principle
The Super Ego-Morality Principle
Jean Piaget's Four Stages of Cognitive Development
0-2 years--> Sensorimotor
2-7 years--> Pre-operational
7-12--> Concrete operational
12+--> Formal Operational
represents something to which a certain meaning or value is attached by the persons who use it.
the rules or expectations that govern or to which people orient their behavior
Cultural Relativism
social scientist’s efforts to be objective in their observations either by not imposing their own meaning on the events being observed, or by focusing solely on the reason why the element exists
Sociocultural Evolution
the tendency for society to become more complex over time
Ascribed Status
a status automatically conferred on a person with no effort made or no choice involved on their part such as race or sex.
Achieved Status
a status assumed largely through one’s own doings or efforts.
Master Status
the status with which a person is most identified. The most important status that a person holds
Role Conflict
when a person occupies multiple statuses that contradict one another.
Role Strain
the situation where different and conflicting expectations exist with regard to a particular status.
a number of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time
small communities characterized by tradition and united by the belief in common ancestry or by geographic proximity in relationships largely of the primary group sort.
the contractual relationships of a voluntary nature of limited duration and quality, based on rational self-interest, and formed for the explicit purposes of achieving a particular goal.
a two person group
a three person group
Reference Groups
social groups that provide the standards n terms of which we evaluate ourselves
The Peter Principle
in any hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
departure from the norm
Social control
a series of measures that serve as a general guarantee of people conforming to norms.
The family of orientation
The family you were born into
The family of procreation
The family that you make via procreation
when the father is vested authority
when the mother is vested authority
where descent may be traced through father
where descent may be traced through mother
Primary Sector
Involved in the extraction of raw materials and natural resources
Secondary Sector
- Involved in turning the raw materials acquired through primary production into the manufactured goods we use such as furniture, cars, and homes.
Tertiary Sector
Involved in providing services in such areas as health, education, welfare, and entertainment
The Free-Market System
Value is determined by supply and demand
Traditional authority
based on long-held and sacred customs
Rational-legal authority
stems from within the framework of a body of laws that have been duly enacted
Charasmatic authority
based on the extraordinary, uncanny, and supernatural powers or abilities that have been associated with a particular person
The Contagion Theory
The individual embers then succumb to the collective mind of the crowd
The Convergence Theory
- The individuals, not the crowd, posses particular motivations
When a number of like-minded individuals converge, they are likely to generate a collective action.
Push Factors
reasons to leave current place of living and migrate elsewhere
Pull Factors
reasons to migrate somewhere