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35 Cards in this Set

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Feminist Theory
Is a form of Conflict Theory that explains human life in terms of a woman's experiences. Women's lives are said to differ from men's. It is a male dominated society.
What are the 3 ways that men's lives differ from women?
1) Women's Intuition
2) Women have less PWP
3) Feminist Theory view women as being oppressed.
A system of domination when men exersize power over women.
A system of domination when women exersize power over men
Expressive Role
A role that requires taking care of personal relationships;
ex: Women- Group oriented, relationships, family and more.
Instrumental Role
Goal-oriented, work, career and in Hollywood; men have the stronger roles.
A role that requires a performance of a task.
The belief that men and women should be equal in various aspects of their lives.
Gender Role
The patterns and attitudes and behaviors that a society expects of its members because of their being male or female.
The belief that women are inferior to men.
Prejudice and Discrimination based on one's gender, especially women.
Sexual Harassment
An unwelcome act of sexual nature.
Double Standard
A code of behavior that gives men greater freedom and opportunities than women.
ex: men have longer curfews than women.
Title 9, 1973
A Federal Legislation prohibiting sex descrimination in education and employment.
Pink Collar Occupations
Jobs or careers dominated by women that has less PWP than male-dominated jobs or careers.
Pay Equity
Equal pay for the same work and/or career
Comparable Worth
A policy in which women are paid the same as men doing different but equally demanding work.
Glass Ceiling
The level in which women are promoted but do not advance.
Power Feminism
A sense of unity that helps all kinds of women win more political offices.
A negative consequence of the Glass Ceiling is?...
Women get promoted but do not advance. It locks women out of the higher positions of power which includes the decision making process.
Quid Pro Quo
It involes an exchange. A kind of sexual harrasment aimed directly at a particular individual, involving a threat if the victim does not comply and cooperate.
ex: promotions for sexual favors, etc.
A kind of sexual harrasment that involves a workplace in which a situation is created that if offensive or intimidating for female employees.
Reverse Sexual Harrasment
When a male is sexually harassed by females.
Construction workers make more money than school teachers, but have less social status because
of the physical labor and teachers have their degrees.
Religion, Women clergy...what is it like?
Women are not allowed to be priests, women are sene as second in command to men in all kinds of religion.
Why does Sexual Harrasment continue?..
Because of Dominance and Power
Harris vs Hardy case, 1993
Sexual Harrasment in the workplace. Harris spent 6 years trying to convince judges of her case. Case concluded that any sexual conduct that makes the workplace hostile that people find it hard to perform their jobs. Also, it said that Harris's well being was not affected and psychological damage did not take place.
Income GAP
When women are paid less than men. American women on average earn .78 cents for every dollar men make, especially with young people aged 27-33, it's every .98 to one dollar.
According to Figure 9.1, what is the percentage of men to women enrolled in college?
*Bacherlor's Degrees Earned-
1970- 57%/43% men over women
2002- 42/58% women over men

50/50 today have earned Master's
35/65 men over women in professional degrees.
Female Clergy
Likely to be underemployed. They have earned the degrees, have the skills but do not get the jobs. If female clergy make it to the top, they lead small congregations.
How come only 6% of the population for female Catholic Priests?
Because there is simply not enough priests.
Emily's List
An organization into Power Feminism which it's purpose is to have more women elected into office.
According to Figure 9.4, what is the percent of women in congress?
only 16%. Spain 22%, Canada 21%, Britain 18%. France 11, Japan 5%
NOW stands for...
National Organization for Women. It strived for pay equity and was very instrumental in creating title 9 Laws.
Institutional Sexism
Sexual discrimination in education and work.
16% of women in congress hold which positions?
Senate- 16/100, House of Reps 71/435, 87/535= 16.3%
Power Feminism
To give women a sense of unity then hopefully more women will be elected in political offices.