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18 Cards in this Set

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In group decision making, a form of tunnel vision that develops in which suggested alternatives are perceived as signs of disloyalty is called
a. group polarization
b. group thinking
c. mental programming
d. brainwashing
The first social revolution, the domestication of animals and plants, occurred approximately ______ years ago.
a. 10,000
b. one million
c. 50,000
d. 100,000
The classic experiment addressing the power of peer pressure that included six "stooges" and one actual test subject was the.
a. Asch Experiment
b. Small Group Phenomenon Experiment
c. Zimbardo Experiment
d. Milgram Experiment
What are the two characteristics a people must share to qualify as a society?
a. the same culture and the same territory
b. the same race and the same territory
c. the same race and the same social class
d. the same social class and the same territory
The conclusion Milgram reached based on his small group phenomenon experiment was:
a. on the average, everyone in the United States is separated by just six individuals
b. corporate loyalty supercedes patriotism
c. people have a tendency to emphasize trivial issues
d. increases in communications have destroyed international boundries
Charles Horton Cooley characterized ______as being the "springs of life".
a. aggregates
b. associations
c. primary groups
d. secondary groups
When criticizing Milgram's experiment on small group phenomenon, Kleinfeld made the analogy that "we live is a world that looks a lot like ______".
a. a bowl of clumpy oatmeal
b. a tossed salad
c. a pan of baked lasagna
d. an ice cream sundae
Sociologically, all college women who belong to a sorority would be called ________.
a. clique
b. social frame
c. an aggregate
d. a category
A key feature of post-industrial societies is that a majority of the work force is involved in ________.
a. leisure time activities
b. the transmission and use of information
c. the production of durable goods such as automobiles, refrigerators and washing machines
d. high efficiency production of food and fiber products
The leadership style that has a tendency to encourage either aggressive or apathetic behavior among group members with aggressive members growing increasingly hostile towards their leader is ________.
a. the democratic style
b. expressive leadership
c. authoritarianism
d. laissez faire leadership
Because of our sense of belonging and loyalty to in-groups, we often tend to judge our own group's traits as virtues, but see the same traits in other groups as vices. This judgment of superiority is an example of ________.
a. subcultural relativity
b. a double standard
c. objectivity
d. lack of judgment
According to Simmel, which of the following groups is the most unstable?
a. primary group
b. secondary group
c. triad
d. dyad
A group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation is referred to as a ________.
a. secondary group
b. community
c. primary group
d. clique
The plow was to the second social revolution as the ________ was to the third social revolution.
a. domestication of plants
b. invention of the steam engine
c. domestication of animals
d. invention of the microchip
With respect to group size, Georg Simmel noted that ________.
a. as small groups grow larger, they become more stable
b. marriages become less stable with the arrival of children
c. as small groups grow larger, they become more intimate
d.as small groups grow larger, they become less stable
In his classic experiment on group conformity, Solomon Asch used:
a. monkeys separated from their mothers at birth who were raised in isolation.
b. "starters" and "targets" who discussed if they knew randomly selected third parties.
c. two sets of cards, one with a single line and the other with three lines on it.
d. participants of different age groups to determine exactly who comprised "the Pepsi Generation."
Jane, Mark, Courtney, and Kelly are enrolled in the 8:00 a.m. sociology course at their college. After studying together for the first test, they started sitting together in the class and chose to work together on group projects. During spring break, they decided to go on a trip as a group. These four students would be considered member of an ________.
a. aggregate
b. clique
c. reference group
d. secondary group
The concept of "groupthink" was developed by ________.
a. Stanley Milgram
b. Georg Simmel
c. Solomon Asch
d. Irving Janis