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110 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following statements regarding how Brazilians think about race is true?

Brazilians classify people based on specific combinations of skin color, hair color, facial features, and hair texture.

Sociologists describe race as a social construct. What does this statement mean?

Race is a social phenomenon created by individuals and shaped by social forces

Institutional (or structural) discrimination is always intentional.


Which of the following is an example of unintentional institutional discrimination?

federal sentencing guidelines that penalize individuals who use crack cocaine more heavily than those who use powder cocaine

When Europeans settled in the New World, they wanted to open up territories for settlements. This meant that Native Americans were not only forcibly removed from their land but sometimes killed. This deliberate and systematic destruction of Native Americans was __________.


During a lecture about race in his sociology class, Tomas becomes confused. He recently discovered, on his birth certificate, that he was labeled as white yet his much younger brother, Carlos, is classified as Hispanic on his birth certificate. What could best explain this discrepancy in labels?

How social institutions choose to label and identify racial and ethnic groups changes over time.

Sociologists describe race as a social construct


Which of the following statements regarding the racial gap in household wealth between white and black Americans is false?

Black Americans have made no gains in income since the civil rights movement.

Racial categories are more likely to be chosen by individuals for themselves.


In the United States, __________ has historically mattered more than __________.

race; ethnicity

The 1924 Immigration Act limited the number of people who were allowed to emigrate to the United States from Southern and Eastern Europe.


Max Weber's definition of race is based on a viewpoint referred to as __________


Rosa is a Guatemalan immigrant. She has learned to speak English and has taken to celebrating traditionally American holidays, such as Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July. Rosa is experiencing __________.


_________ refer(s) to the accumulated sum of assets (savings accounts, homes, cars) minus the sum of debts (mortgages, loans, credit card debts).


Sophia is a third generation Italian. She heard stories about how her grandparents experienced discrimination when they arrived in the United States. Her grandparents also maintained their culture and traditions by continuing to speak Italian in addition to leaning English. Sophia knows very little about Italian culture and does not speak Italian. What accounts for this lack of cultural knowledge?

Sophia's grandparents and parents gradually assimilated, taking on the traditions of their new country.

Mawenzi has sent out hundreds of résumés but has gotten very few replies, even though he graduated with honors from a top-tier school and has experience and excellent references. If Mawenzi suspected intentional discrimination, what statement would support his suspicion?

Mawenzi is experiencing the disadvantage of a having a stereotypical "black name."

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws banning interracial marriages in 1957.


Becky is an anthropology student studying in Brazil. She has noted that race labels are different in Brazil than in the United States. What are the differences that Becky probably identified?

Brazilians classify people based on very specific combinations of skin color, hair color, facial features, and hair texture.

Why are a disproportionate number of African Americans unable to vote?

Many African Americans have lost their right to vote following felony convictions.

Which of the following statements is false, in terms of the historical experience of whites living in the United States?

If you were white and poor, you were as likely as nonwhite minorities to face discrimination in the housing market.

Of the following indicators, which is generally considered a poor sign of assimilation?

whether immigrants are spatially concentrated

Which of the following statements about the first immigration era in U.S. history (1789-1874) is true?

During the first immigration era in U.S. history, noncitizens could vote.

Among the following, who is least likely to move out of an ethnic enclave?

Emilio Mendosa , who is 77 years old and plans to stay in the United States for the rest of his life

However great their desire to move, some people will not migrate. What is the most plausible reason for this?

Emigration and immigration policies bar some individuals from crossing borders.

Of the following factors, which would be more likely than the others to influence immigrants to live near kin or conationals?

limited English fluency

How many classes of nonimmigrant visas does the United States authorize?


Which groups did the National Origins Act of 1924 primarily attempt to exclude?

Italians, Jews, and Slavs

__________ is the act of arriving and settling in a place


Among sociologists, indication of assimilation is limited to acquisition of U.S. citizenship.


Which of the following factors explains why U.S. immigration rules and regulations are so often changed and adjusted?

war, racism, prejudices, changing ideologies and tolerances, and fluctuating needs for labor

The gender gap in education favors boys compared to girls with respect to achievement and attainment but favors females compared to males with respect to attending selective colleges and choosing majors that lead to higher paying careers.


Highly selective colleges and universities appear to be relying more on total online instruction than less selective universities.


What does allocation theory suggest about education?

What does allocation theory suggest about education?

What type of activity is possible with Web 1.0 technologies?

searching and reading

Highly selective colleges and universities appear to be __________ total online instruction than less selective universities

relying less on

Research shows that __________ students complete online classes compared to face-to-face courses.


Among the following, which plays a role in the sorting function of students into particular jobs?


Girls are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college in the United States than boys, especially among students of color.


In the science fields, the proportion of women receiving bachelor's degrees is higher in chemistry than in computer science.


Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the long-lasting effects of the hidden curriculum in schools?

Kelly and her twin brother Brent had very different experiences in school. While Brent's teachers encouraged him to focus on math and science, Kelly was directed toward home economics. Brent received more support from his coaches than did his sister. Kelly's interest in and talent for math and sports surpassed Brent's, but she never pursued those areas and abandoned them altogether when she got to college. She had learned her place as a female.

Prosperous and white children are __________ as poor or minority children to attend private schools.

Two times as likely

The fact that people with comparable occupations and incomes participate more in the civic and political life of their communities when they have more education is consistent the __________ view of education.


Besides learning skills and knowledge, schools serve three other major purposes. What are they?

economic, future preparation, and socialization functions

Tracking is __________.

assigning students to different ability or curriculum groups

The disparity in educational achievement between whites and Asian Americans, who tend to fare better, on average, than African American, Latino/a, and Native American students __________.

has persisted over 30 years

Over the last 50 years, family income __________ in explaining the educational achievement gap.

has become more important than race

Approximately 1.5 million children are home-schooled in the United States today.


What does socialization theory suggest about education?

that education transmits knowledge, skills, and values that persist in adulthood and that employers believe increase productivity

Mr. Pearson has the largest class of second graders he has ever had and is struggling to meet the wide variety of needs represented by a diverse group of students. How might he make the best use of technology in his classroom?

distribute digital pens to each student so that he can precisely identify every step of each student's work

Common competencies that sociologists have identified as necessary for successful functioning in the twentieth-first century include agility and adaptability. Of the following skills and capabilities, which is less likely to be associated with agility and adaptability than the others?

to listen effectively to discern meaning, knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions

According to almost any measure sociologists have explored, in the United States a clear racial hierarchy emerges with ____________ on top and __________ on the bottom.

whites (and sometimes Asians); Hispanics, blacks, and American Indians

Normative theories of prejudice state that __________.

people are socialized to think and act in a racist fashion

In a study involving fictitious résumés of applicants with stereotypical "white names" (Emily and Greg) and "black names" (Lakisha and Jamal), researchers found that __________.

résumés with "white names" received 50 percent more follow-up calls than résumés with "black names"

Sociologists estimate that __________ of adult black men have a felony conviction on their record


Of all racial and ethnic groups in the United States, _____________ have the highest median household income.

Asian Americans

Most sociologists reject Max Weber's definition of race.


Sociologists have observed that upper-middle class blacks earn __________ percent of what their white counterparts earn.


In 2012, the unemployment rate for black Americans was __________.

nearly twice the rate as that of white Americans

Sociologists accept all of the following factors as contributors to racial inequalities EXCEPT __________.


__________ have the highest rates of educational attainment in the United States.

Asian Americans

It is acceptable for sociologists to use the terms race and ethnicity interchangeably


The exodus of whites from residential areas when African Americans moved in is known as __________.

white flight

Guards stationed at the Berlin Wall had orders to __________.

shoot to kill anyone attempting to leave East Germany

Which of the following statements about refugee or asylum status is true?

A referral for refugee status can be sought only from outside the United States

In 2010, Mexico received more migrant remittances than any other country.


How many persons per year are admitted to the United States with LPR status?

about 1 million

Social scientists have rarely attempted to assess the impacts of immigration on the United States.


When it comes to migration, what pertinent assumption about people's motivations do sociologists make?

that everyone who migrates wants a better life

In general, there are two paths to citizenship for foreign-born persons. The first is naturalization, and the second is deriving citizenship from one's parent(s).


__________ is the act of leaving a place.


According to the U.S. Constitution, the power to educate is reserved to the states.


What do sociologists mean when they say that education serves a credentialing function?

that education limits entry into some occupations and thus raises the rewards for people in them

One major function of schooling is socializing young people into the habits, attitudes, and practices of contributing members of a community, religion, or nation.


What percentage of U.S. college students attends public nonprofit colleges and universities?

75 percent

Jeff wants to start his own business and he's eager to make it successful. He remembers his sociology professor talking about socialization theory, human capital, and allocation theory. Armed with this knowledge, what should be Jeff's strategy in building up his business?

Hire mostly college graduates. They'll have the needed skills and productivity levels.

The growing use of digital technologies outside of school will ___________ in education and society

likely magnify existing inequalities

Theo went to a prestigious private high school and, afterward, attended a well-respected university, where he earned a degree in finance. After working at a reputable firm for a few years, Theo branched out on his own. As a financial planner in private practice, Theo was sure he knew exactly what each of his new clients needed but had trouble making them understand his precise instructions. Every client eventually left him, saying that he was brilliant with figures but not so bright with people. Which of the following concepts would Theo's clients likely emphasize when describing their dealings with him?

his lack of "soft skills"

Given what you know about gender differences in educational attainment, which of the following scenarios is most likely?

Jane is more likely than Bob to earn her bachelor's degree.

__________ refers to the practice of marrying individuals whose educational levels are similar to one's own.

Educational homogamy

Closure practices operate independently of the human capital that a person possesses.


For lower-class white males, educational attainment is __________ to occupation and income.

moderately related

Which of the following life outcomes for Sylvia is more likely than the others because she failed to complete high school?

Sylvia is unmarried.

An unintended consequence of high-stakes testing is the response by schools to shed students with low scores by encouraging them to drop out.


The fact that people with comparable occupations and incomes participate more in the civic and political life of their communities when they have more education is consistent the __________ view of education.


Teachers of high-track students spend more time on discipline than teachers of low-track students.


Smokers with more education are more likely to quit smoking than smokers with less education.


Tracking is __________.

assigning students to different ability or curriculum groups.

The postwar boom ended the Bracero Program between the United States and Mexico after soldiers returned home at the end of World War II.


Which of the following is least likely to be considered an ethnic enclave?

Greenwich Village of New York

The idea of an ethnic enclave has roots in historical periods when people were forced to live with their similars


Under U.S. immigration law, a legal immigrant __________ to be eligible to sponsor a married daughter or son for immigration to the United States.

must obtain citizenship status

The way in which race is perceived is consistent throughout the world.


Robert is taking a black history class. He learned that the one-drop rule labeled anyone who had a black ancestor as black. He concluded, based on this definition, that this was a racist rule. What is the bestexplanation as to why Robert would arrive at that conclusion?

When the one-drop rule became enshrined, blacks in the United States were slaves, a source of free labor; it was in the best interest of white Americans to increase the numbers of the enslaved.

_________ can be described as negative, simplified generalizations about a group, whereas __________ involves actions that harm individuals.

Stereotyping; discrimination

African American men account for 40 percent of the U.S. prison population.


Hispanics have the highest rate of infant mortality in the United States.


Which of the following statements is true, according to the analogy of the red-, blue-, and yellow-colored blocks cited in The Sociology Project?

We grow up learning to look for certain pieces of information about a person's body, to decide which race they belong to, but disregard things like height and hand size.

Kendra has noticed that there are many homes for sale in her neighborhood. What explanation might she ascribe to this phenomenon, if she were aware that most people leaving the neighborhood were white, whereas most people moving into the neighborhood were black?

white flight

How did U.S. students rank in comparison with other students of the world on the International Student Assessment tests in 2009?

better than average in reading, better than average in science, and worse than average in math

In the science fields, women earn larger percentages of bachelor's degrees in which two disciplines?

biology and chemistry

One factor that might help girls perform better in school is that they tend to spend more time on homework and are less likely to have disciplinary problems.


Education in the United States is a single, uniform system that is available to every child in the same way


Which of the following statements about less educated workers is true?

They are more likely to do manual labor

In the United States how much funding for schools comes from the federal government?

Less than 10 percent

People with more education tend to live longer. This is true of __________.

men and women, whether white or black

The United States __________ the world in the amount of education its citizens receive.

no longer leads

What does human capital theory suggest about education?

that people with more education are paid more because they are more productive

Social closure practices, which __________, include licensing

limit entry into some occupations

Of the following skills, which type may be harder to learn online than the others?

The skill to think critically

The pay gap between high school and college graduates has been narrowing since the late 1970s.
