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38 Cards in this Set

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minorites incorporate themselves into the dominant culture by adopting its attitudes, values, and norms. externally they adopt the acceptable normaive behaviors and social patterns of the dominant group, but they also retain behavioral patterns unique to their own group. in the process they may forsake their own cultural heritage.
when a minority group integrates itself in into the dominant group. disparate groups fuse so that people cannot distinguish on group form another by their cultural characteristics.
the americanization of immigrants
the minority people strive to be accepted by another group, even emulate that goup, yet remain peripheral to it. they share the nomative goals of the dominant group, but it remains outside of the dominant group, coexisting beteen two cultures. conficts of values expectations and loyalties characterize these struggles
micro level
to facilitate chages in individual behavior and relationship
individuals families and small groups
work with teams community service groups and self help groups - the focus is on group change
formal groups and complex organizations
to achieve social change
neighborhoods communities societies
private nonprofit
the agency has a service motive rather than profit - they use their earnings for their programs and services
private for profit
a portion of earned income is returned to investors or shareholders or used to increase organizational fund balances.
sectarian affiliation
religious affiliation
nonsectarian affiliation
secular sponsorship all public domain organization in the US
primary setting
offer socail services that diretly relate to the organizational mission
host setting
offer sw services as adjuncts to their organizational purposes. the social service components complement, support or enhance the mission of the host institution
schools hopitals courts
uban settings
a wide range of services repnses emerge in metropolitan areas
rural settings
nonmetropolitan - unique characteristics and professionals being part of the communtiy creates problems - services are often unaccesible, limited, and burnout is more often
cultural competence
the provision of culturally relevant services that are sensitive to the requirements of cross cultural situations. they recognize the dynamics of ethinic reality in their clients and refine intervantins in light of cultural differences
ethnic competence
self awareness
personally examing your own ethnic background, identity, and values to provide the foundation for sw to practice with ethnic sensitivity. sw examines the perceptions and feelings about their cultural identity critically
associated with cultural competence
an ideology that perpetuates the social domination of one racial group by another. to legitimaize thier position, proponents of racism often claim that the races they label subordinate are genetically of cultually inferior. this exists because of sociatys tendency to maintain socail structures that benefit the self interest of powerful groups.
what levels does racism exist on?
individuals (discrimination through prejudicial attitudes and behaviors) - organizations (enfore rules in ways that adversely afftect certain groups ) - structural (discriminatory practices in one social institution limit opportunites in others)
the belief that one sex is better than the other. it is most used as attitudes against females giving privelages to men. has roots in gender socialization.
social Darwinism
Herbert spencer - applied evolutionary theory to society - he described evolution as the survival of the fittest and believed that eventually in ideal soicety would evolve
shapes our understanding of justice
resulting from in imbalace of pwer between the identified majority population and groups with minority stats, oppression denies minority groups access to opportunities and resources and limits theri rightful participation in society
an irrational fear of and negative emotional reaction to homosexuality that manifests itself in contempt condemnation and malice toward gays
clients must give express consent to disclose information such as their identity, their discussions with professionals
the right to privacy
social darwinism's 2 principles
"there is variety in the human race" and "struggle for existence takes place"
survival of the fitest
poverty (social darwinism view)
in survival of the fittest people fit people protect unfit people which leads to the detoreoration of society. this is the scientific origin of poverty
what is prejudice based on?
based on faulty and inflexible generaliztion which places people at a disadvantage not merited by their actions
an attitudinal response that expresses unfavorable feelings and behavioral intentions toward a group
what causes prejudice?
competition, involuntary or tension laden, prestige of a group is lowered as a result of contact, memebers of a group are in a state of frustration, the groups have moral or ethnic standards objectionavle to each other, members of minority group are of lower status in any characteristics than members of the majority
characteristics of racism
welldefined and distincive races, racial mixing lowers biological quality, mental and physical superiority, racial groups have ditingt racial culture to the extent that some races are naturally prone to ciminality sexual looseness or dishonest business, some races have temperamental dipostions which is a fro of stereotyping, the superior should rule and dominate the inferior
used to mean actions taken on the basis one ones prejudices, refers to a behavioral response, unfavorable to members of an ethnic or racial outgroup
service delivery system charcteristics
focus on the needs of clients - involvement by comsumers in shaping decisions - stable funding with flexible spending guidelines - allow for expansion of eligibility - address prevention of problems - contribute to the social welfare of the community
service delivery institutional view
integrated and coordinated system
service delivery residual view
discrete programs based on a variety of needs
social justice
the embodiment of fairness, equity, and equality
3 views of social justice
legal justice - concerned with wat a person owes to society

commutative justice - wat people owe each other

distibutive justice - what society owes a person
empowerment practice
helping perople take control of their lives
what does empowerment practice do?
develops individual competency- validate peoples stories and experiences - knowledge and skills for critical thinking and access to into is based on an analysis of the forces that impact people - develop strategies for action based on individual and social change - joint realationship
strength's perspective
as a sw we cannot jus pick out all the bad things a person does, we have to look and figure out how to help them using the strong points