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22 Cards in this Set

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(mead) Social Process; is the active aspect of the person


(mead) is the socialized aspect of the person

Play Stage

(mead) is the first stage in childhood development, in which we learn to imitate the roles of other around us, or role-play.

Game Stage

(mead) stage of development marked by a "whole" self where the individual is able to take the attitude of multiple others at one time

Generalized Other

(mead) The organized set of attitudes that is common in the group to which an individual belongs

Significant Symbols

(mead) The words and gestures that have the same meaning for all those involved in a social act

Impression management

(goffman) Verbal and nonverbal practices we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others

Definition of the Situation

(goffman) An individual's behavior or reaction to a situation is constructed on the basis of the meanings that are attributed to the situation


(goffman) The part of the individual's performance which regularly functions in a general and fixed fashion to define the situation for those who observe the performance


(goffman) The region of the performance normally unobserved by, and restricted from, members of the audience


(goffman) Thinking self that is creating the fabricator of impressions


(goffman) A dramatic effect arising diffusely from a scene that is presented, and the characteristic issue, the crucial concern, is whether it will be accredited or discredited

Total Institutions

(goffman) Places of residence and work where a large number of similarly situated people, cut off from the wider society for an appreciable length of time, lead an enclosed, foramally administered life.

Secondary Adjustments

(goffman) Oppositional practices through which we refuse the "official" view of what we should be and thus distance ourselves from an organization

Mortification of Self

(goffman) Processess of killing off the muliple selves possessed prior to one's entrance into the total institution and replacing them with one totalizing identity over which the person exercises little, if any, control.

Feeling Rules

(Hochschild) Social rules that dictate what people should feel in certain situations

Emotion Work

(Hochschild) Attempts to change the intensity, quality and/or expression of emotions for individual reasons or to bring emotions in line with the feeling rules of the situation

Emotional Labor

(Hochschild) When one's emotion work is sold for a wage

Commodification of Feeling

(Hochschild) When our natural capacity to engage in emotion work is sold for a wage and bought to serve the profit motive, our feelings become a commodity, engineered to further corporate and organizational interests.

Doing Gender

(west & zimmerman) Gender is an accomplishment of interactions, not a quality of individuals (series of interactions that define the gender not the sex)


(west & zimmerman) Individuals' doings of gender and their outcome are oriented towards the perception and assessment of other individuals in interaction.


(west & zimmerman)The fact that just as words have different meanings in different contexts, so, too, all expressions and practical actions are interpreted in a particular context