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37 Cards in this Set

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What components make up worldview?

History, Religion, Geography, Culture, Contact with other groups and Ideas and knowledge.

What three European cultures influenced the ''rebirth'' or the Renaissance in Europe?

The Islamic, Roman and Greek Empires

What area of culture was the most influenced by the ''rebirth''


What was the Renaissance worldview? How did it differ from the medieval worldview?

The Renaissance worldview was based around fine arts, the indivigual human and living life to the fullest. But the medieval worldview was about the afterlife and God.

What was humanism?

Humanism was the study of the human and the belief that the indivigual person could make the world different and better or worse.

Why did the Silk Road and the crusades and contact with the Islamic cultures have such an influence on worldview?                                                                                                                                                                                           

Because the Europeans were shown all the goods and they, being European, wanted it.

What was the Black Death and when did it occur?

The Black Death was a bubonic plauge that ravaged Europe throughout the 1300-1700s. It was brought over from the Orient on fleas on the rats that ships brought over.

What was the Hundred year war?

The Hundred Years' War, was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453, pitted the rulers of the Kingdom of Englandagainst the House of Valois for control of the French throne.

What were crusades for?

They were quest waged across the Middle East that the Pope ordered in order to gain control of the Holy lands. They were also for converting and spreading Catholicism.

Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

The Renaissance started in Italy because Italy had enclosed borders, lots of trade routes with the Middle East and wealthy upper class, who spent fortunes on paintings and other Fine arts.

Why was the printing press so important in the Renaissance?

The printing press was so important during the Renaissance because it spread ideas quickly and increased literacy in Europe. It spread contraversial ideas about the Catholic Church.

Who was Martin Luther? What was his "95 Thesis"? How did both contribute to Renaissance?

Marin Luther was a monk who challenged the Catholic church. On Hallows Eve, Luther posted 95 things wrong with the Church. Because of him break aways, called Protesant Churches, started up, and people questioned the church as they read the bible for themselves.

What was the worldview of Renaissance writers?

The worldviews of Renaissance writers was about Humansism and writing about things as they were, and explainging the bible as they interprited it.

Why did explorers look for alternate routes to the Orient when overland routes existed?

Because the only way on land was through the Ottomen Empire, but it was controlled by the Turks, and they would not let the Europeans pass.

What were three consenquences of European exploration on culutres they conquered?

The Europeans became Ethnocentric

Aboriginals were treated poorly

Took over land and resources

Converted to Catholicism

What was the worldview of the Aztecs?

They were superior fighters who focused on religon. Fighted and captured in order to survive.

What was the Center of the Aztec way of life?

Worship of their gods, especially Huitzilopochili.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people? Who did they want to use in their sacrifices?

The Aztec sactrificed people because they believed that as long as they gave the sun human blood it would have enough energy to move across the sky. The Aztecs favourite people to sacrifice were captured warriors.

What was the Aztec Hierarchial social system? Were you allowed to move up ranks?

Huey Tlatoani     You could move up the class 

Preists                 By capturing more warriors in

Warriors              Battle.



What was the Spanish Inquisition?

The Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and root out all Non-Catholics.

What two reasons did the Spanish try to conquer new lands?

God- The Spanish wanted to convert all savages to Catholicism

Gold- To gain the newly conquerd lands resources

Glory- For the glory of conquering new lands

What did Montezuma think of Cortes?

Montezuma thought Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl. This was because Cortes came to the Aztecs in the same year that Quetzalcoatl was prophicied to return and with the same guise Quetzalcoatl was said to have.

What Advantages did the Spanish have over the Aztec? What disadvantages did they have?

The Advatages for the spanish were guns, horses, steel, fear, dogs, sicknesses and the help of other tribes. The disavantages were the less men, not knowing the land as well and the Aztecs had spies.

What three factors led to the downfall of the Aztecs?

The three factors that led to the downfall of the Aztecs were the God Factor, the Technology factor and the Small Pox factor.

How did geography help keep Japan isolated for 250 years?

Geography helped keep Japan isolated because originally, countries weren't interested in exploring over seas, and since Japan is a Archipelago, its completly surrounded by seas. Japan also has no natural harbors for ships to dock, so even after ships came, they had to leave.

What was the major reasons for Japans leaders wishing to keep it isolated?

The Shogun and Bakufu wanted to keep Japan isolated because they wanted Japna to stay culturally unique, without any other influences. They also wanted to keep out Christianity, because they feared chritian Japanese would pay more respect to God than the Shogun.

The hierarchial class system had both Negative and Positive effects during Edo. What were one postitive and one negative?


Peace and Stability



No freedom of class. Non humans could be killed. Prejudice against classes.

Why did the Shogun demand that the Daimyo spendtime in Edo, build only one castle and register their commoners?

The Shogun demanded these things in order to keep the Daimyo poor, busy, registered and otherwse unable to rebel.

How did demanding the Daimyos to come to Edo lead to transportation routes and cities?

As the Daimyos travelled to Edo, they used the same path. Over the course of many years and uses the path soon became well known, and soon a series of path branched out of Edo to all other cities. As the Daimyos travelled along the paths they needed food, water and rest. So merchants came and set up shop along the roads offering these goods. As more merchants came to the stops, more were needed to meet the other needs and so on.

During Edo, what activities became popular?

During Edo, Kabuki theatre and Bunraku theatre beccame popular, along with haiku and fine arts like woodblock painting.

What role did the "Black Ships" of Commodore Perry play in the signing of the treaties?

The "Black Ships" scared the Japanese into signing the treaties.

What was the Treaty of Kanasawa?

The Treaty of Kanasawa was a treaty signed between Japan and the U.S stating that two ports would be open to the U.S and American ships could always get coal and supplies at those ports. It also stated that all shipwrecked sailors along Japans coastline would be helped.

What was the Treaty of Harris?

Harris Treaty, (July 29, 1858), agreement that secured commercial and diplomatic privileges for theUnited States in Japan and constituted the basis for Western economic penetration of Japan. Negotiated by Townsend Harris, first U.S. consul to Japan, it provided for the opening of five ports to U.S. trade, in addition to those opened in 1854 as a result of the Treaty of Kanagawa; it also exempted U.S. citizens living in the ports from the jurisdiction of Japanese law, guaranteed them religious freedom, and arranged for diplomatic representation and a tariff agreement between the United States and Japan.

What is the Charter of Oaths? What was its results?

The Charter of Oaths was a charter that outlined the new goals of the Regime. The results were an abolished class system, opened borders, ending the evil customs of the past and uniting the whole.

What was the Iwakra Mission? What were the results of this mission?

The Iwakura Mission was a 22 month long mission of 50 students and 50 adults around 12 countrys in order to get the best ideas from the best countrys. The results were a new education system, slowly moving to a new government, religous freedom, and new values.

What were the results of Japan trying to modernize?

Its economy suffered initially before making reforms to its ecomomy, it became a trade and military power, fixed unfair treaty's, peace and rest among people, unified country.

Some people want to return to the traditional ways?

Some people wanted to return to the traditional ways because