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114 Cards in this Set

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Which type of family is the nucleus, or core, on which larger family groups are built?
Nuclear family
Which type of family are grandparents, aunts, or uncles living in the same home as their parents and their children?
Extended family
Who are those that you are not related to but consider family?
Fictive kin
Which type of family is one you may or may not be related to but call your family?
Family we choose
What describes a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other?
What is when a person may have several spouses in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time? (a more accurate description of the form marriage takes in this country)
Serial monogamy
What form of marriage is when an individual has several husbands or wives simultaneously?
What refers to the marriage of a man to more than one woman at the same time?
What refers to the marriage of a woman to more than one husband at the same time?
What is the state of being related to others; not totally determined by biological or marital ties? (ex. adoption)
What refers to both sides of a person's family as being equally important?
Bilateral descent
What considers only the father's relatives are significant in terms of property, inheritance, and emotional ties?
Patrilineal descent
What considers only the mother's relatives are significant?
Matrilineal descent
Which type of authority pattern expects males to dominate in all family decision making?
Which type of authority pattern do women have greater authority than men?
Which type of authority pattern are spouses regarded to as equals?
Egalitarian family
Which perspective argues that the family contributes to societal injustice, denies women opportunities that are extended to men (inequality), limits freedom in sexual expression and mate selection, and the transmission of poverty or wealth across generations?
Conflict perspective
Which perspective focuses on the three ways in which the family gratifies the needs of its members and contributes to social stability?
Functionalist perspective
According to the functionalist perspective, what are the six paramount functions that a family performs?
-Regulation of sexual behavior
-Affection and companionship
-Provision of social status
Which perspective considers the intimate, face-to-face relationships that occur in the family?
Interactionist perspective
Which perspective examines the role of the wife and mother, especially in the absence of an adult male?
Feminist perspective
What specifies the groups within which a spouse must be found and prohibits marriage with others? (ex. marrying within their racial, ethnic, or religious group)
What requires mate selection outside certain groups, usually one's family or certain kinfolk?
What prohibits sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives; a social norm common to virtually all societies?
Incest taboo
What is the conscious or unconscious tendency to select a mate with personal characteristics similar to one's own?
T or F: Coupling of love and marriage is not culturally universal.
What marriage is engineered by parents or religious authorities; economic considerations play a significant role?
Arranged marriages
What is the transfer of legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to a new legal parent(s)?
Which class emphasizes lineage and maintenance of family position?
Upper class
Which class is likely to have only one parent at home, and children typically assume adult responsibilities; women often a significant source for economic support?
Lower class
What are children raised by stepmothers less likely to have?
Healthcare, education, and money spent on food than on children raised by their biological mothers
What are some factors associated with divorce?
-A more practical option in newly formed families
-A general increase in family incomes, coupled with free legal aid (more affordable)
-More and more wives are becoming less dependent on their husbands, both economically and emotionally
About how many divorcees in the U.S. have remarried?
T or F: The impact of divorce can extend beyond childhood, affecting a grown person's ability to establish a lasting marital relationship.
What refers to male-female couples who choose to live together without marrying?
What is the adoption of a non-white child by white parents or a hispanic child by non-hispanics?
Transracial adoption
What spans a broad range of behaviors, including some that are not condoned by particular societies?
Human sexuality
Whose current gender identity does not match their physical identity at birth?
Who take hormones or undergo surgery in an effort to draw physically closer to their chosen gender identity?
Who are typically men, either gay or heterosexual, that choose to wear women's clothing?
What refers to two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities?
Domestic partnership
What teaches knowledge, skills, and cultural values from an organized setting?
Which function of education is the transmission of knowledge, and the bestowal of status (intended and defined functions defined by the school)?
What happens under manifest functions of education?
-Teach student role, and academic subjects
Social placement
-Identify most qualified people to fill available positions
Which function of education promotes social and political integration by transforming a population composed of diverse racial, ethnic, and religious groups in a society whose members share a common identity (hidden, unstated consequences)?
What happens under latent functions of education?
Transmission of culture
-Dominant values, attitudes, and behaviors
Social control
-Discipline, respect, obedience, punctuality, conformity
Change and innovation
-Meet societal needs in changes in society
-New programs, and research
Which perspective sees education as one of the most important components of society?
Functionalist perspective
Which perspective sees schools perpetuate class, racial, ethnic, and gender inequalities; include a hidden curriculum, credentialism, and tracking?
Conflict perspective
What refers to the standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools? (ex. children must not speak until the teacher calls on them)
Hidden curriculum
What is used to describe an increase in the lowest level of education needed to enter a field?
What refers to the practice of placing students i specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores, and other criteria?
Under which approach do schools promote the values expected of individuals in each social class and perpetuate social class divisions from one generation to the next?
Corresponding principle
Which perspective focuses on classroom dynamics (self fulfilling prophecy, education and labeling)
Interactionist perspective
What seeks to answer questions as to why we exist, why people suffer and die, and what happens when we die?
Which perspective sees religion has a meaning and purpose, social cohesion and sense of belonging, social control and support for government?
Functionalist perspective
Which perspective sees religion tends to promote conflict between groups and societies, and imposes the dominant class belief on others
Conflict perspective
Which perspective sees meanings that people give religion in their lives?
Interactionist perspective
What eliminated sex-segregated classes, prohibited sex discrimination in admissions and financial aid, and mandated that girls receive more opportunities to play sports, in proportion to their enrollment and interest?
Title X
What refers the impact that a teacher's expectations about a student's performance may have on the student's actual achievements?
Teacher-expectancy effect
What is Max Weber's five characteristics of bureaucracy?
-Division of labor
-Hierarchy of authority
-Written rules and regulations
-Employment based on technical qualifications
T or F: The status of any job reflects several factors, including the level of education required, financial compensation, and the respect given the occupation by society.
What are the four distinctive subcultures among college students?
-Collegiate (focuses on having fun/socializing)
-Academic (values knowledge for its own sake)
-Vocational (views college as a means of obtaining degrees for advancement)
-Nonconformist (seeks ideas that may or may not relate to academic studies)
T or F: Homeschooled students score higher than others on standardized tests, in every subject and every grade.
What allows parents to choose the school that suits their children's needs, and forcing schools to compete for their "customers"?
School choice programs
What are experimental schools that are developed and managed by individuals, groups of parents, or an educational management organization?
Charter schools
Under Durkheim's view of religion, what encompasses elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear; believers accept what they cannot understand?
Under Durkheim's view of religion, what includes the ordinary and commonplace?
Which function of religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine, provides an explanation for events that seem difficult to understand, such as what lies beyond the grave?
Which function of religion is unintended, covert, or hidden?
What refers to the use of a church in a political effort to eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice from a secular society?
Liberation theology
What help to define what is sacred and differentiate the sacred from the profane?
Religious beliefs, religious rituals, and religious experience
What are statements to which members of a particular religion adhere?
Religious beliefs
What can be defined as an emphasis on doctrinal conformity and the literal interpretation of sacred texts?
Who are worried by the secularization of society, and oppose teaching that directly or indirectly questions biblical scripture?
What are practices required or expected of members of a faith, generally affirms beliefs, as in a public or private statement confessing a sin; they also remind adherents of their religious duties and responsibilities?
Religious rituals
What refers to the feeling or perception of being with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being, or being overcome with religious emotion?
Religious experience
What is a religious organization that claims to include most or all members of a society and is recognized as the national or official religion, membership is by birth rather than conscious decision, and leaders hold vast power over actions of the state?
What is a large, organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or government, considered respectable and is not viewed as a challenge to the secular government, it lacks the official recognition and power held by the ecclesia?
What is a relatively small religious group that has broken away from some other religious organization to renew what it considers the original version of the faith, require intensive commitments and demonstrations of belief by members, exhibit a higher degree of religious fervor and loyalty, and is often short-lived?
What is generally a small, secretive religious group that represents either a new religion or a major innovation of an existing faith; includes a new religious movement (NRM)?
What is a modern form of Witchcraft, practiced for the last hundred years?
Who are considered the electronic church; facilitated by the cable television and satellite transmission, they direct their messages to more people in the United States?
Which religion is monotheistic, males wear turbans and don't cut their hair, and pursue their goal of spiritual enlightenment through meditation with the help of a guru?
What is the largest single faith in the world?
Which religion is monotheistic, introduced to India in 1000, and believes their holy scriptures were received by Allah (God) by the prophet Mohammad?
Which religion is monotheistic, and believe that Gods's true nature is revealed in the Torah?
Which religion recognizes a number of gods, is a predominant religion in India, and believes in reincarnation?
Which religion is founded as a reaction to Hinduism, follow meditation with the goal of reaching a state of enlightenment or nirvana?
What is the process through which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate to their culture?
What are the six elements of social structure?
Statuses, social roles, groups, social networks, virtual worlds, and social institutions
What is refers to any of the flu range of socially defined positions within a large group or society, from the lowest to the highest?
What is assigned to a person at birth, by society without regard of the person's unique talents or characteristics?
Ascribed status
What comes to us largely through our own efforts?
Achieved status
What is a status that dominates others and thereby determines a person's general position in society?
Master status
What is a set of expectations for people who occupy a given social position or status?
Social role
What occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two or more social positions held by the same person?
Role conflict
What's the difficulty that arises when the same social position imposes conflicting demands and expectations?
Role strain
What is used to describe the process of disengagement from a role that is central to one's self-identity in order to establish a new role and identity?
Role exit
What are organized patterns of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs, such as replacing personnel (family) and preserving order (government)?
Social institution
What are some examples of social institutions?
The mass media, government, economy, family, and health care system
What is deviance?
Any behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs
Who attempts to encourage conformity to norms, rules, and laws to discourage deviance?
Social groups
What is internal social control?
Within yourself; norms, and values
What is external social control?
Someone calling you out
What refers to the techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society?
Social control
What is a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy?
Social stratification
What are the four principles of stratification?
-It is a characteristic of society, not simply a function of individual differences
-Social stratification persists over generations
-Although universal, it varies in form
-Social stratification rests on widely held beliefs
What is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior?
What are the established standards of behavior maintained by a society?
What is the ability to view one's own society as an outsider would, rather than only from the perspective of personal experiences and cultural biases?
Sociological imagination
What is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority?
What are unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group?
What views provide a moral justification for maintaining an unequal society that routinely deprives a minority group of its rights and privileges?
What aggravates social problems such as poverty, delinquency, and crime, and places the financial burden of alleviating those problems on the dominant group?