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51 Cards in this Set

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Interactions between people are constantly changing and forming reality

Opposes Weber's thought that meanings are not subjective or private.



Does not have a grand theory because understanding comes through many different interactions.

Practical and Tacit Knowledge


We use this knowledge in our everyday lives not

Practical: Can be taught

Tacit: Can't be explained. You don't have to think about how to do it.

Live by Inference


We work with the info we have not statistically

WE treat people based on who we think they are

Definition of the Situation


When 2 people come together one person tries to define the situation by telling them who they are, what they're about, and what this the manner of the interaction is. This all frames the props for the other person to perform their response.

The information game


Limited and asymmetric information

We know ourselves better than we let anyone else know

Play by selecting traits you want to highlight or hide

Impression Management


We create impressions through expression

WE select our expressions to project our desired definition of the situation.

The Self


Constructed by both the owner and the situation

The self does not preexist a situation

"It is not men and their moments, but moments and their men"



Instrumentalist approach

WE are heavily circumscribed to our roles

We have certain scripts for certain situations

Ceremonies and Rituals


What seems like every day behaviour is actually ritual.

We only notice that it is a ritual when someone violates it and makes things awkward.

Identifying these helps to expose underlying dynamics

Total Institutions


Causes a radical break from previous reality

Highly regimented, high surveillance, no autonomy.

Stripped of former self and new self is created.

Creates a self that constitutes the being in the institution

Ritual Insubordination


Within a total institution there is nothing to belong to so no stable self.

To cope with these people act out to have some individuality or autonomy.

Dialectic of the Self


The more we put into managing our impressions, the more distant we feel from the standards we portray which results in higher standards. Cycle.

Merton Sociologist type

Merton is a functionalist.

Views society as an organism with various parts, each part has a function to perform.

Some functions are intentional others are not.

Merton's Structuralism

Critique and redevelopment of functional theory

Individuals and their actions are anchored in a network of social relations

4 social structures


1. Genetic

2. Functional

3. Static

4. Dynamic

Positive Cumulation of Science

Merton- positivist

Research needs to be based off empirical observations like hard sciences.

Keep building upon existing research

Use middle range theory

The Middle Range Theory


Series of theories about small groups at a specific time, allowing for empirical observation

Challenge to classical approach

MRT--> consolidate special theories --> form general concept

Manifest Functions


The expected functions an institution will fulfil

Intended consequences

Latent Function


The unrecognized/ unintended functions of an institution

Unforeseen consequence



Examines how individuals use everyday convos and gestures to construct a common sense view of the world.

We don't notice until they are broken

Practical Reasoning


Draws on common sense knowledge to solve problem at hand.

Not rational reasoning

Can't explain reasoning but you understand it

Tacit understanding

Tacit Understanding


The unstated/ implied understanding

Competence of Natural Actors


Social interaction is very complex but we find it easy because we are so well practiced.

Sense Making


Fundamental to social life.

Constant use of of background knowledge and always in a specific context.

Certain words mean totally different things in different situations.



Any word that depends on context to have meaning (I, here, that).

Breaching Experiments


Efforts aimed at discovering the constitutive assumptions of 'perceivednormality' by trying to disrupt it.

People engage in activities that go against social expectations.

Social Order


Contingent upon continuous interpretative acts by the individuals involved.

Skillful product of actors



Seeks to uncover the underlying assumptions that are dominant over a long period of time.

The level of what made an event or a situation possible

Strict analysis of discourse

Find out the historical conditions of possibility of forms of knowledge

Historical A Priori


A long period of time



The total set of relations that unite at a given period

Makes things intelligible

It is not the things you see but how you see it

A system of understanding or body of ideas that give shape to knowledge at that time.



History of the Present

Shift away from archaeology to lots of little changes over time, it is discontinuous, it shifts over and over.

By going back in time and exposing the lay roots of our our understanding it disenchants (shows that it is arbitrary)








Power and Freedom




His the goal of his historical analysis is to highlight the arbitrary ways of modern ways of understanding.

Humans do not have agency, we are influenced by structures like the rest of nature

People reproduce existing discourse and structures.

Weaknesses of Structuralism

Internal coherence, synchronicity, makes it harder to explain major changes over time.

Administered Society


Society was subject to ever more extensive bureaucratic control.

Efficiency and convenience was the dominant ideology and led to mass standardization

Everyone has a role, no one has much autonomy.

Technological Rationality


Instrumental Rationality

Means to an end rationality instead of action being intrinsically valuable. This is problematic because things have a value separate from their use.

Culture Industry


Used to critique mass culture.

We are tricked into thinking the mass influences practices but really it is a select few.

Bottom up process

Fake diversity

Never fully satisfy us with products because then we would not have the need to consume.

Reinforces common sense form of social control



Key condition of the success of the culture industry.

Exhaustion and a desire to distract from real life, leads to culture as entertainment and distraction

We collectively create structures and processes that then escape our control and then come to oppress us

Negation and Transcendence

Structuralism- Hegel

Some approaches to society reify social facts, treating them as independent things, rather processes that we can modify.

Surplus Repression


Fundemental problem with our era

For society to function we have to repress our primal urges.

Now, people repress themselves more than they need.

Capitalism is the reason for these extra restraints.

False Needs


Created by capitalism

Constant need for new products

Planned obsolescence

Tricking people into thinking they have freedom but they are just choosing between set brands.

Totalitarian Societies


It is so hard to escape the domination to achieve genuine freedom

Rationalization, standardization, false needs stalk us everywhere.

Where are we truly free?

Synchronic vs Diachronic

Synchronic: Study a system at a particular point in time.

Diachronic: Change over time

Langue vs Parole

Langue: The structural form of language. Power to understand speech through grammar and back ground knowledge.

Parole: Specific instances of speech

Relational Perception

Perception through difference

Your perspective changes how the whole field looks.

We look at the world through a structural framework

Relational vs Substantive

Relational: Meaning is based on surrounding context. There is a field of meanings.

Substantive (essentialism): There is an essential essence to what a would means

Structuralism is shifting from substantive way of thinking to a relational one.

Signifier vs Signified

Signified: What we understand (concept)

Signifier: What we hear (acoustic image)

Sign: Unites the concept and the acoustic image