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51 Cards in this Set

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Robert Merton

Famous American sociologist who created the term "Self-fulfilling prophecy." Created lots of terms used in the Amer language.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Arlene Gerenimus

Demographer. Created the term "weathering".

"Poor people get older faster than anyone else."

Dorothy Thomas

Helped create the Matthew Effect

"If people define situations are real, they are real in their consequences."

Erving Goffman

Created "frontstage and backstage"

"People are like con-operators."

Anthony FC Wallace

Created "Revitalization-

Revitalization- Religious movements that urge people [in collapsed societies] to change."

The Indigenous man who was an alcoholic and made everyone stop.

Emile Durkheim

"Society is a relection of collective consciousness."

• Religion is the embodiment of collective consciousness

• All societies have something one could call a religion

• Religion explains what science cannot

• "the sacred" is everything that has to do eith religion

• "the function" the way something helps society

"Collective consciousness"

Self-fulfilling prophecy

The prediction that comes true because it is made.

Term by Robert Merton


Father's lineal side.

Pa ---> papa


Mother's lineal side (more common than patrilineal)

Ma ---> Mama


A part of both families

Bi ---> Ma and pa


Living with the mother's family


Living with the father's family


Doesn't live with either mother or father's family

Incest Taboo

Incest is not about biology, it's about social facts and definitions.


A relationship where one has only one partner

Not u bitch


Marrying more than one spouse, or having more than one partner

Its u bitch


When a woman has more than one husband

Still not u


Polyamory in which a man has more than one wife


Marrying within one's community


Marrying outside of the community

Macro - analysis

Focuses on large-scale interactions such as societies, social structures)

Mecro - analysis

Focuses on group interactions and behavior


Focuses on individual self-agency

White Hall Study

A team of social scientists spent a decade studying a businesses' health.

Social anxiety

When one is afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of others, so you isolate yourself.

Common in japan -> fear dishonoring their family

Taijin Kyofushu

An emotional disease in Japan where [mainly women] are scared to speak to others because they fear shaming their family.

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual

Was a book full of mental disorders. In the 80s, we went from 2% to 14% after the description changed.

Defined social anxiety in the 80s


A Native American tribe in Californa. A woman fell to the ground and her eyes would roll into the back of her head. They believe she was religiously connected.


Arlene Geronimus proposed this definition. "Poor people get older faster than anyone else" due to hard conditions.

Life Expectancy

How long one is expecting to live.

Infant mortality

The rate of which newborns die at birth


Koro is a culture-bound syndrome characterized by a fear that the genitals or breasts will retract into the body and cause death.


(Psychology) a psychological condition, observed esp in Malaysian cultures, in which an individual, after experiencing a shock, becomes anxious and suggestible, often imitating the actions of another person

Collective Delusion

Mass hysteria, a collective experience of delusions or hysteria in response to a threat

Matthew Effect

"The rich get rich and the poor get poorer"


Recidivism refers to reoffending, or the repetition of criminal acts by a convicted offender.


Primary socialization

Primary socialization is when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture.

Secondary socialization

Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.


The process in which lifelong process of learning social customs, norms, ideologies, etc.

Civil inattention

Civil inattention is the process whereby strangers who are in close proximity demonstrate that they are aware of one another, without imposing on each other – a recognition of the claims of others to a public space, and of their own personal boundaries

Structural Functionalism

Structural Functionalism is a sociologicaltheory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society (e.g., government, law, education, religion, etc).


Functionalisma stable orderly system

Emile durkheim

Prickle Disease

When Indian women fear that their nipples will disappear


Anorexia, but they dont remember they were anorexic


A society based on suspicion


When you ignore people's flaws

Latent functions

Unofficials rules that no one speaks

Manifest functions

Offical rules

Social solidarity

When a society unites together

Social control

Dressing, speaking, acting a certain a certain way

Symbolic Internationalism

Reacting based on culture