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37 Cards in this Set

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The systematic study of social behavior
The influence that social relationships have on people's attitudes and behaviors
How institutions, organizations, and whole societies are established, function and change theory
An interrelated set of logical statements which help explain and predict empirical phenomena
Function V Dysfunction
When one or more parts of society contribute to its equilibrium. If they don't, they're a dysfunction.
Egotistic Suicide
Loose bonds with others, reduced "we-feeling", Feel detached from society
Anomic Suicide (normlessness)
Substantial breakdown in controlling social influences, Feel no one is there to help, No firm beliefs to control people's influences and behaviors
Altruistic Suicide
Overly strong regulation of individuals, Individual needs subordinate to group needs, An extreme attachment to his or her group
Material Culture
Physical and technical items in our life
Nonmaterial Culture
Ways of using material objects, as well as customs, beliefs, philosophies, governments, and patterns of communication
Shares society's broader norms but has its own more specific norms
Opposes some or all parts of culture; doesn't want to coexist but to change culture
One culture in way of life and all others are inferior
Cultural Relativity
Practice of holding judgement by trying to view or understand their culture from their point of view first
Indian Caste System
1) Priestly(scholarly)
2) Warrior
3) Merchant
4) Laborer
*Dalit - Untouchables outside caste system
Two Focuses of sociology
Microsociology & Macrosociology
Theory Quote
"There is nothing quite so practical as a good theory" -Kurt Lewin
A theory does what?
Explains, predicts, and gives depth of meaning-goes beyond mere opinion and anecdote
Manifest functions
Open, stated, conscious functions
Latent functions
Unconscious or unintended functions that may reflect hidden purposes of an institution
Refers to an element or process of a society that may actually disrupt the social system ore reduce its stability
The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas
The loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective.
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
A hypothesis concerning the role of language in shaping our interpretation of reality. It holds that language is culturally determined
Specialized language used by members of a group or subculture
The totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, kowledge, material objects, and behavior
The process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society
Dominant ideology
A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests
A norm governing everyday behavior whose violation raises little concern
Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society. Thou shal not kill
The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior
A segment of society that shares characteristics of the larger society
Applied sociology
The use of sociology with the intent of yielding practical applications for human behavior and organizations
Basic Sociology
Sociology used to gain more knowledge of the aspects of social phenomena
Dramaturgical approach
A view of social interaction in which people are seen as theatrical performers
Interactionist perspective
A sociological approach that generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole
German for Understanding or insight used to stress the need for sociologist to take into account the subjective meanings people attach to their actions