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55 Cards in this Set

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(SA01) Dominance
(SA01) A dimension of Personal Profile System (PPS) that focuses on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.

(SA01) Influence

(SA01) A dimension of Personal Profile System (PPS) that focuses on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others.
(SA01) Steadiness

(SA01) A dimension of Personal Profile System (PPS) that focuses on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task.

(SA01) Conscientiousness

(SA01) A dimension of Personal Profile System (PPS) that focuses on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.

(SA01) SMSgt John calls TSgt Crews into her office and says, "I notice you like to do things by the book...so I'm assigning you a significant tasker. You'll need to re-accomplish this operating instruction. It's going to require you to be very precise, so I'm going to provide you plenty of time."

TSgt Crews' behavioral tendencies are MOSTLY aligned with the _________ dimension.

a. dominance

b. influence

c. steadiness

d. conscientiousness

(SA01) d. conscientiousness


a. INCORRECT: The dominance dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results. There is no evidence of the dominance dimension in the scenario.

b. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. There is no evidence of the influence dimension in the scenario.

c. INCORRECT: The steadiness dimension emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. There is no evidence of the steadiness dimension in the scenario.

d. CORRECT: The conscientiousness dimension emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. This includes adhering to key directives and standards (you like to do things by the book), delegating important tasks (so I'm assigning you a significant tasker), values of quality and accuracy (require you to be very precise), and giving them time to plan carefully (I'm going to provide you plenty of time).

(SA01) SMSgt Conley explains to his team, "MSgt Duke was put in the program manager position because he performs in a stable and reliable manner. Although he likes to socialize a lot, he has a lot of perseverance and dependability which will fit well with the job."

Because SMSgt Conley _____ of Personal Profile System (PPS), his actions will MOST likely _____ the mission.

a. understands the influence dimension; enhance

b. misunderstands the influence dimension; hinder

c. understands the steadiness dimension; enhance

d. misunderstands the steadiness dimension; hinder

(SA01) c. understands the steadiness dimension; enhance


a. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. Although the influence dimension includes contacting people (socialize a lot), there's more evidence of the steadiness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for steadiness.

b. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. Although the influence dimension includes contacting people (socialize a lot), there's more evidence of the steadiness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for steadiness.

c. CORRECT: The steadiness dimension emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. This includes being consistent (stable), predictable (reliable), patience (perseverance), and loyalty (dependability). Although the influence dimension includes contacting people (socializing a lot), there's more evidence of the steadiness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for steadiness. Understanding this will enhance the mission.

d. INCORRECT: There's no evidence that SMSgt Conley misunderstands the steadiness dimension.

(SA01) SMSgt Wilson calls TSgt Tilley into his office and says, "I have a tasker that requires you to communicate with every individual in the unit. We need to show the positive impact of these new procedures. You might have to tutor and advise some of our new folks on the new process and I know you like that kind of stuff, so I'm going to give you this one."

TSgt Tilley's behavioral tendencies are MOSTLY aligned with the _____ dimension.

a. dominance

b. influence

c. steadiness

d. conscientiousness

(SA01) b. influence


a. INCORRECT: The dominance dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results. There is no evidence of the dominance dimension in the scenario.

b. CORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. This includes contacting people (communicate with every individual in the unit), making a favorable impression (show a positive impact), and coaching and counseling (tutor and advise).

c. INCORRECT: The steadiness dimension emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. Although the steadiness dimension includes helping others, there's more evidence of the influence dimension in the scenario.

d. INCORRECT: The conscientiousness dimension emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. There is no evidence of the conscientious dimension in this scenario.

(SA01) SMSgt Todd remembers her Personal Profile System (PPS) lesson in the SNCOA DLC. She calls TSgt Smith into her office and says, "I noticed you are the type of person that likes to move fast on stuff at work. I have a project that requires you to take the lead and give me a hurried turnaround on it. It may also require to manage some of the concerns of others." Smith replies, "I do like to be in charge of things...when can I start?" The next day, Todd notices Smith directing several aspects of the project without any supervision.

SMSgt Todd's actions BEST illustrate her understanding that TSgt Smith is mostly in the _____ dimension of Personal Profile System (PPS).

a. dominance

b. influence

c. steadiness

d. conscientiousness

(SA01) a. dominance


a. CORRECT: The dominance dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results. This includes getting immediate results (move fast), authority (take the lead), quick decision (hurried turnaround), and power (be in charge). Although there is one aspect of steadiness (manage some of the concerns of others), there's more evidence of the dominance dimension in the scenario.

b. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. There is no evidence of the influence dimension in the scenario.

c. INCORRECT: The steadiness dimension emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. Although the steadiness dimension includes helping others, there's more evidence of the dominance dimension in the scenario.

d. INCORRECT: The conscientiousness dimension emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. There is no evidence of the conscientious dimension in this scenario.

(SA01) SMSgt White explains to his team, "MSgt Foy was hired for the Superintendent, Inspector General, because of his keen focus on specifics. He has a knack for excellence and correctness which is what the position calls for. He likes making a favorable impression, so he's the logical choice."

Because SMSgt White _____ of Personal Profile System (PPS), his actions will MOST likely _____ the mission.

a. understands the conscientiousness dimension; enhance

b. misunderstands the conscientiousness dimensions; hinder

c. understands the influence dimension; enhance

d. misunderstands the influence dimension; hinder

(SA01) a. understands the conscientiousness dimension; enhance


a. CORRECT: The conscientiousness dimension emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. This includes concentrating on key details (keen focus on specifics), and values of quality and accuracy (knack for excellence and correctness). Since MSgt Foy's tendencies include more than one aspect of the conscientiousness dimension and is what the position calls for, his actions most likely enhance the mission.

b. INCORRECT: SMSgt White seems to understand MSgt Foy's tendencies of the conscientiousness dimension and is what the position calls for. His actions will most likely enhance (not hinder) the mission.

c. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. Although the influence dimension includes making a favorable impression, there's more evidence of the conscientiousness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for conscientiousness.

d. INCORRECT: The influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. Although the influence dimension includes making a favorable impression, there's more evidence of the conscientiousness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for conscientiousness.

(SA02) SMSgt Johnson calls TSgt Hunt into her office and says, "I'm forming a team to solve a high visibility issue and I think you'd be a perfect fit. Due to the nature of the problem, your ability to analyze facts and work through them in a systematic fashion is exactly what the team needs. Even though I already have a few people that are experts on the issue, I think your way of looking at things can help keep us focused on the goal. I hope you'll agree to participate."

SMSgt Johnson's comments BEST identify the _____ of TSgt Hunt.

a. creativity

b. more innovative tendencies

c. problem solving level

d. more adaptive tendencies

(SA02) d. more adaptive tendencies


a. INCORRECT: SMSgt Johnson's comments are not about creativity. According to the chapter, all people solve problems and are creative whether they are more adaptive or more innovative.

b. INCORRECT: SMSgt Johnson's comments are not about the more innovative tendencies of TSgt Hunt. According to the chapter, those with more innovative tendencies prefer working with less structure. They're spontaneous and unconventional rather than "detail oriented" and "methodical".

c. INCORRECT: SMSgt Johnson's comments are not about problem solving level, which according to the chapter is "a measure of a person's cognitive capacity, or how much a person knows about different things." There is no indication that SMSgt Johnson is talking about cognitive capacity.

d. CORRECT: SMSgt Johnson's comments identify the more adaptive tendencies of TSgt Hunt. This is evident when SMSgt Johnson's comments, "...your ability to analyze facts (detail oriented) and work through them in a systematic fashion (methodical) is exactly what the team needs.

(SA02) While working on a team project, SMSgt White (a more adaptive individual) says, "At this point, we can't seem to agree on a solution. Some of you want to connect with peers to see if there's something other units have been using that's proven to be successful, while others want to use this as an opportunity to develop something new and transformational. However, I agree that we should see what the other units are doing and use what's already been working. I believe that will lead to a better solution." Some people are glad and ready to move forward...some are disappointed and feel like a team compromise could've been reached with a little more time and effort.

Because SMSgt White _____, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness.

a. misunderstands management of the cognitive gap; hinder

b. understands the management of the cognitive gap; enhance

c. misunderstands coping behavior; hinder

d. understands coping behavior; enhance

(SA02) a. misunderstands management of the cognitive gap; hinder


a. CORRECT: SMSgt White's comments indicate the he does not understand management of the cognitive gap. According to the Adaption-Innovation Theory chapter, optimal problem solving results from both adaptive (...see if there's something other units have been using that's proven successful) and innovative (...use this as an opportunity to develop something transformational) people working on the problem together because it brings all sides (perspectives) of a problem to light. By agreeing with the more adaptive solution, SMSgt White is making a decision based on his own preference instead of considering the idea of others that don't share his preference. Therefore, he doesn't manage the cognitive gap that exists between the more adaptive and more innovative team members. Because SMSgt White misunderstands management of the cognitive gap, his comments will MOST likely hinder mission effectiveness.

b. INCORRECT: SMSgt White's comments do not indicate that he understands management of the cognitive gap.

c. INCORRECT: SMSgt White's comments do not indicate that he misunderstands coping behavior. According to the Adaption-Innovation Theory chapter, coping behavior involves behaving outside one's preferred style by the minimum amount for the least time. Although some of the team members are disappointed with SMSgt Wilson's decision, there is no indication that they're behaving outside their preferred style.

d. SMSgt White's comments do not indicate that he misunderstands coping behavior. According to the Adaption-Innovation Theory chapter, coping behavior involves behaving outside one's preferred style by the minimum amount for the least time. Although some of the team members are disappointed with SMSgt Wilson's decision, there is no indication that they're behaving outside their preferred style.

(SA02) SMSgt Wilson calls TSgt Lanier into his office and says, "I heard you're having an issue with two Airmen on your team. One wants to do things strictly by the book, while the other thinks the 'book' is too restrictive and should be thrown away. As the leader, you need to fill the gap between them so they can get past their individual perspectives. Maybe then, they'll focus on the team's problem. This might be a little difficult for you at first, since both Airmen are strong-minded. However, the more you practice this skill, the better you'll eventually get at it."

SMSgt Wilson's comments BEST identify:

a. the role of the bridger

b. coping behaviors

c. the cost of coping

(SA02) a. the role of the bridger


a. CORRECT: SMSgt Wilson's comments identify the role of the bridger. A bridger is a social role that ideally has a cognitive preference (style) between those to be bridged. It is a learned skill that requires human relation skills. This is evident in SMSgt Wilson's comments when he says, "As the leader, you need to fill the gap between them so they can get past their individual perspectives...This might be a little difficult for you at first...However, the more you practice this skill, the better you'll eventually get at it."

b. INCORRECT: SMSgt Wilson's comments are not about coping behaviors (which when one's behavior is not in accord with one's preferred style). Although the comments include information that describes the Airmen's different styles (strictly by the book...the book is too restrictive and should be thrown away) there is no indication in the scenario that either Airman is engaged in coping behaviors as a result of their differences.

c. INCORRECT: SMSgt Wilson's comments are not about the cost of coping (another way of saying it causes stress). Although, the comments "might be a little difficult" hints at stress (a cost of coping), his comments are about the role the bridger.

(SA02) While working on a team project, TSgt White asks, "Why are we not making any progresses on the project? We're all focused on the topic; however, it seems like we can't agree on the way forward. We might need someone to help us channel this gap." SMSgt Browning replies, "Sometimes it depends on the other team members' perspective which makes it hard to make progress."

SMSgt Browning's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of _____ and its impact on mission effectiveness.

a. coping behavior

b. bridgers

c. problem A

d. problem B

(SA02) d. problem B


a. INCORRECT: Coping behavior is when one's behavior is not in accord with one's preferred style. Although other team members may not be in accordance with TSgt White's preferred style, the question is about SMSgt Browning's comments.

b. INCORRECT: A bridger is a social role that ideally has a cognitive preferency (style) between those to be bridged. It is a learned skill that requires human relation skills. Although TSgt White's comments is about someone to help channel the gap, the question is about SMSgt Browning's comments.

c. INCORRECT: Problem A is the original problem that a group has come together to solve. SMSgt Browning's comments are not about the problem to be solved...they are about the differences (perspectives) among team members.

d. CORRECT: SMSgt Browning's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of problem B. Problem B is the automatically inherited problem of managing differences among team members. SMSgt Browning's comments best illustrate his understanding of problem B by his words, "Sometimes it depends on the other team members' perspectives which makes it hard to make progress."

(SA02) One of the intelligence analysts, TSgt Webster, says, "I'm not sure I can handle the stress of doing this much longer. A lot of critical positions are at stake down range." SMSgt Smith responds, "I'm only going to ask you to do this for a little while longer...only while lives are at stake. Then we'll get back to a normal pace."

Because SMSgt Smith _____, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness.

a. understands problem B; enhance

b. misunderstands problem B; hinder

c. understands coping behavior; enhance

d. misunderstands coping behavior; hinder

(SA02) c. understands problem B; enhance


a. INCORRECT: Problem B is the automatically inherited problem of managing differences among team members. There is no indication that SMSgt Smith thinks that TSgt Webster's stress is a result of differences among team members.

b. INCORRECT: Problem B is the automatically inherited problem of managing differences among team members. There is no indication SMSgt Smith misunderstands this concept.

c. CORRECT: Because SMSgt Smith understands coping behavior, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. Effective leaders create environments where they only ask for minimum coping behavior most of the time and only have to ask for maximum coping behavior in times of crisis. It is evident that SMSgt Smith understands this by his comments "I'm only going to ask you to do this for a little while longer...only while lives are at stake. Then we'll get back to a normal pace." Understanding coping behavior will help you accomplish your mission."

d. INCORRECT: Because SMSgt Smith understands coping behavior, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission (not hinder the mission).

(SA02) Adaption-Innovation Theory (AI)
(SA02) Developed by Dr. Michael J. Kirton, founded on the assumption that all people solve problems and are creative. Suggests that problem solving and creativity are both outcomes of the same brain function...think of creativity as a component of problem solving.
(SA02) Creativity
(SA02) Involves problem solving, decision making, and ideas for change.
(SA02) Cognitive Level
(SA02) A measure of your cognitive capacity, how much knowledge you have about a particular topic. It's about HOW MUCH you know.
(SA02) Cognitive Style Preference
(SA02) Your preferred manner of solving problems, making decisions, and bringing about change. It's about THE WAY you think...the manner in which you exercise creativity.
(SA02) Adaptive Style
(SA02) Method/preference of problem solving that's more structured and methodical. Creativity exercised INSIDE THE BOX. Someone that prefers this style usually comes up with ideas by modifying the current organizational paradigm...to make improvements to existing systems.
(SA02) Innovative Style

(SA02) Method/preference of problem solving that's less concerned with structure and details. Creativity exercised OUTSIDE THE BOX. Someone that prefers this style usually breaks (or goes against) the current organizational paradigm when coming up with ideas.
(SA02) Problem A
(SA02) The actual problem that a team has come together to solve.
(SA02) Problem B
(SA02) Encompasses issues (other than the actual problem itself) that arise as a result of human interactions and diversity. These issues (team problems) can include team dynamics, interpersonal relationships, communication, etc.
(SA02) Cognitive Gaps

(SA02) Differences in cognitive style preferences. They can exist between two people, two groups of people, or between a person and the requirements for a particular task.

There are two types:

- Task Gaps

- Social Interaction Gaps

(SA02) Task Gaps
(SA02) Represent the distance between an individual's preferred style and the behavior actually needed for the task (or problem A).
(SA02) Social Interaction Gaps

(SA02) Represent the distance between the preferred styles of:

- Two people

- A person and a group

- Two groups

This type of gap can be responsible for the problem Bs your team experiences.

(SA02) Coping Behavior
(SA02) Involves behaving...problem solving...outside one's preferred style by the minimum amount, for the least time.
(SA02) Cost of Coping Behavior
(SA02) The larger the cognitive gap is between your preferred style and the required behavior, the more effort you have to expend in order to 'close the gap' this makes it harder for you to cope. The longer you have to cope, the more stress you may experience.
(SA02) Bridging
(SA02) Reaching out to people in the team and helping them to be part of it so that they may contribute even if their contribution is outside mainstream.

(SA03) Full Range Leadership is sometimes compared to this earlier leadership theory because they both provide options for leader behaviors.

a. Psychodynamic Theory

b. Skills Theory

c. Style Theory

d. Situational Leadership

(SA03) d. Situational Leadership


a. INCORRECT: Psychodynamic theory supports the notion that leaders and followers are drawn to their roles by virtue of personality type. There is no mention of optional leaders behaviors.

b. INCORRECT: Skills theory focuses on leaders who can control their emotions and succe3ssfully solve problems. There is no mention of optional leader behaviors.

c. INCORRECT: Style theory focuses on two types of leadership, task-oriented and people-oriented. Task-oriented leadership concentrates on initiating structures and paths for followers to perform effectively. People-oriented leadership considers fostering good relationships between the leader and followers. There is no mention of optional leader behaviors.

d. CORRECT: Situational Leadership theory concentrates on two leader behaviors: directive and supportive. The leader chooses his or her appropriate behavior after evaluating the task and determining a subordinate's development.

(SA03) Which of the following examples supports the statement below?

The development nature of transformational leadership behavior is BEST illustrated through individualized consideration.

a. Individualized consideration relies upon leaders to treat others as individuals with different needs, abilities, and aspirations and not just as part of a group.

b. By spending individual time with your subordinates, you attain a greater awareness of their preferences, which helps you to personalize their mentoring and development.

c. Individualized consideration involves showing empathy and compassion; as a result of such attention, followers become more willing to improve.

d. All of the above.

(SA03) d. All of the above


a. INCORRECT: This example does support the statement, but it is not the only one.

b. INCORRECT: This example does support the statement, but it is not the only one.

c. INCORRECT: This example does support the statement, but it is not the only one.

d. CORRECT: All of the examples support the statement.

(SA03) MSgt Stock tells SSgt Jones, "Since you've never instructed before, let's begin an intensive training process that challenges you to teach as many of the lessons as possible in this first class. I have set a goal for you to teach 21 of the 28 lessons." MSgt Stock actively checks with SSgt Jones' trainer on his progress and gives SSgt Jones advice for teaching the new lessons. At the end of the first class, MSgt Stock congratulates SSgt Jones on attaining the goals set for him and then says, "Let's discuss the remaining 6 lessons and winning Instructor of the Quarter." SSgt Jones says, "Okay."

MSgt Stock's _____ will MOST likely _____ his and SSgt Jones' effectiveness.

a. effective use of Transformational Leadership behavior; enhance

b. ineffective use of Transformational Leadership behavior; hinder

c. effective use of Transactional Leadership behavior; enhance

d. ineffective use of Transactional Leadership behavior; hinder

(SA03) c. effective use of Transactional Leadership behavior; enhance


a. INCORRECT: There is an indirect hint of some aspects of Transformational Leadership behavior, which according to the Full Range Leadership lesson is, "Inspirational Motivation, Idealized Influence, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individual Consideration." However, this scenario shows MSgt Stock's use of Transactional Leadership behavior.

b. INCORRECT: There is an indirect hint of some aspects of Transformational Leadership behavior, which according to the FRL lesson is, "Inspirational Motivation, Idealized Influence, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individual Consideration." However, this scenario shows MSgt Stock's use of Transactional Leadership behavior. In addition, the appropriate use of Transformational Leadership behavior would enhance subordinate effectiveness (not hinder).

c. CORRECT: MSgt Stock correctly used Contingent Rewards, which are a component of Transactional Leadership behavior. According to the FRL lesson, "CR transactions are like agreements where the leader establishes goals, identifies ways to reach these goals, and supports the follower in meeting these goals. After a subordinate fulfills the leader's expectations, a reward is provided to reinforce the positive behavior." If MSgt Stock continues this behavior, he will enhance his own effectiveness as well as SSgt Jones' effectiveness.

d. INCORRECT: MSgt Stock's use of Transactional Leadership behavior is correct; however, according to the FRL lesson, the appropriate use of Transactional Leadership behavior will enhance subordinate effectiveness (not hinder).

(SA03) MSgt Earls sat down with SSgt Purdue to discuss the task she gave her to organize the section's training records, "I appreciate the phenomenal job you did organizing our records...you really got into it! From the look of the folders and labels, someone would think you've been doing this for a while." Purdue replied, "Thank you...I enjoyed the challenge, plus it gave me a break form our normal duties, which was nice." Earls suggested, "You seem like a natural organizer...could you come up with a process or checklist to help prevent this from happening again?" Purdue answered, "Sure, I'd be glad to."

MSgt Earls' actions BEST illustrate her combined use of _____ and _____ behaviors and its impact on subordinate effectiveness.

a. Laissez-faire and Contingent Reward

b. Inspirational Motivation and Management-by-Exception-Passive

c. Idealized Influence and Individual Consideration

d. Contingent Reward and Intellectual Stimulation

(SA03) d. Contingent Reward and Intellectual Stimulation


a. INCORRECT: Laissez-faire behavior was not displayed in this scenario, but when MSgt Earls was complimenting SSgt Purdue, she was displaying Contingent Reward behavior, according to the FRL lesson.

b. INCORRECT: Neither Inspirational Motivation nor Management-by-Exception-Passive behaviors were displayed in this scenario.

c. INCORRECT: When MSgt Earls suggested creating the 'process/checklist', she was challenging SSgt Purdue with a supervisory task, therefore she demonstrated Intellectual Stimulation according to the FRL lesson. Individual Consideration was not displayed in this scenario.

d. CORRECT: According to the FRL lesson, when MSgt Earls was complimenting SSgt Purdue, she was displaying Contingent Reward behavior; and when she suggested creating the 'process/checklist', she was challenging SSgt Purdue with a supervisory task, therefore she demonstrated Intellectual Stimulation.

(SA03) Contingent Reward

(SA03) Component of Transactional Behavior. Intended to motivate followers by rewarding them for meeting expectations and demonstrating desired behaviors.

(SA03) Laissez-faire

(SA03) Letting things take their own course

(SA03) Idealized Influence

(SA03) Component of Transformational Behavior. Ensuring we are communicating the right kind of influence.

(SA03) Individualized Consideration
(SA03) Component of Transformational Behavior. Supporting each person as an individual and providing guidance specific to their needs.
(SA03) Inspirational Motivation
(SA03) Component of Transformational Behavior. Motivate and inspire followers via your words and actions.
(SA03) Intellectual Stimulation
(SA03) Component of Transformational Behavior. Encourages followers to be innovative.
(SA03) Management-by-Exception-Active
(SA03) Component of Transactional Behavior. Is an effort to prevent problems from occurring by keeping people and processes in control.

(SA03) Management-by-Exception-Passive

(SA03) Component of Transactional Behavior. Similar to laissez-faire but with a follow-up if there's a problem.
(SA03) Transactional Leadership
(SA03) Providing compensation in exchange for desired follower behavior, or a consequence for undesired behavior.
(SA03) Transformational Leadership
(SA03) Motivates followers by genuinely caring about their concerns and appropriately addressing those concerns through open channels of communication.
(SA04) Open-Mindedness
(SA04) Listening and thinking about an idea with an unbiased perspective, even if it's considered 'outside the box'.
(SA04) High Motivation
(SA04) Putting in the necessary work in order to understand a subject better.
(SA04) Healthy Skepticism
(SA04) Asking questions to determine what is true instead of simply accepting what others think.
(SA04) Free Thinking
(SA04) Avoiding the pressure to conform to others opinions in order to think for yourself.
(SA04) Intellectual Humility
(SA04) Examining new evidence even if it leads you to find flaws in your own beliefs.

(SA04) MSgt Rowe's subordinate, A1C Sterling, seems to be causing trouble on his shift. A few airmen on the same shift told MSgt Rowe that A1C Sterling is displaying a bad attitude and is questioning the relevance of everything they have to do. They complained that his behavior is causing interpersonal problems in the work center and they asked MSgt Rowe for help. She initially thought of giving him a LOC to correct his behavior, but decided it might be too early to jump to that solution. So, she decides to talk with a few more people, including the shift leader, to get a more complete picture of what the problem is. Even though MSgt Rowe knows A1C Sterling can be difficult to work with at times, she doesn't think it's right to base her decision solely on what the airmen have said and her opinion of him.

MSgt Rowe's actions BEST illustrate the use of the _____ standard.

a. Relevance

b. Clarity

c. Fairness

(SA04) c. Fairness


a. INCORRECT: The universal standard of Relevance helps you to 'weed' out the irrelevant information by asking whether or not the information you have is connected to your problem.

b. INCORRECT: The universal standard of Clarity helps you to ensure the problem is clear by asking others to elaborate further, provide an example, or reword the problem so it can be understood better.

c. CORRECT: The universal standard of Fairness helps you to consider the viewpoints of others (talk with a few more people, including the shift leader) and avoid distorting information due to your own biased perspective (MSgt Rowe knows A1C Sterling can be difficult to work with at times). MSgt Rowe concludes it's not right to base her decision solely on the perspective of a few airmen and her own biased opinion.

(SA04) SMSgt Alexander was tasked figure out why his unit has experienced a high CDC failure rate over the past six months and to develop a solution to fix the problem. He conducted some a fact finding and identified a solution. While briefing the commander about his idea, he explained he talked with airmen on the night shift that passed the test and was told they felt more comfortable with the material because they had time to study at work, since their shift isn't very busy. When he talked to those on day shift that failed, they said they didn't have much time to study at work because their shift is the busiest of the day. He also told the commander the day shift the most CDC failures, the night shift only had one. So, because those on nights had time to study at work and those on days didn't, he suggested the commander provide study time for those on the day shift in order to help increase the amount of study time they have.

This scenario BEST identifies SMSgt Alexander's use of the _____ Reasoning Element.

a. Purpose

b. Inferences

c. Implications

(SA04) b. Inferences


a. INCORRECT: The Purpose reasoning element focuses on ensuring your purpose or goal is clear and justifiable by taking the time to state it clearly, distinguishing it from related purposes, and choosing significant and realistic purposes.

b. CORRECT: The Inferences reasoning element focuses on the conclusions and/or solutions that logically follow the evidence. SMSgt Alexander engaged in fact finding in order to gather his evidence. He found that those days didn't have as much student time as those on nights. Therefore, he inferred that to decrease the number of CDC failures, his commander should provide time during the duty day for those on the day shift to study.

c. INCORRECT: The Implications reasoning element focuses on considering all possible implications and consequences before acting. It includes searching for negative as well as positive implications.

(SA04) During a flight production meeting, MSgt Marley stated his people are always the ones tasked for additional duties such as Honor Guard or Demand Reduction. They explained to him that every time they're tasked with an additional duty, someone else has to pick up the extra workload while they're out. MSgt Marley pointed out that while he does understand these duties have to be done, the first sergeant always comes to his section first. He finished by stating, this has to be worked out before my people are burned out! Before the other section leaders could chime in, Chief Twain, the flight superintendent, says, "Have you ever considered why the first sergeant comes to you, MSgt Marley?" MSgt Marley didn't answer. Chief Twain then said, "Who has the largest section in the flight with least impact on the daily mission?" MSgt Marley embarrassingly responded, "I do." Chief ended the conversation by saying, "Good SNCOs are able to look at the overall picture from multiple standpoints instead of just their own. Next time you have a similar concern, first try to consider the entire organizational perspective instead of focusing on your piece of the pie."

Chief Twain's comments BEST illustrate the Essential Intellectual Trait of _____.

a. Intellectual Perseverance

b. Intellectual Integrity

c. Fair-Mindedness

(SA04) c. Fair-Mindedness


a. INCORRECT: Intellectual Perseverance includes being comfortable with confusion and unsettled questions until you can achieve a deeper understanding.

b. INCORRECT: Intellectual Integrity includes recognizing the need to be true to your own thinking and practicing the type of reasoning you expect from others.

c. CORRECT: Fair-Mindedness includes treating all viewpoints alike without referencing your own. It also includes engaging in thinking without considering the advantage of your group. MSgt Marley doesn't think it is right (fair) that his people are always tasked with unit additional duties. He's looking at the situation using his own lens, considering his own interests (his people's interests). However, Chief Twain asked him to consider others' viewpoints ("Why do you think the first sergeant comes to you", "...looking at the overall picture using multiple standpoints") and tells him to think without referencing his own vested interests ("...try to consider the entire organizational perspective instead of focusing on your own piece of the pie.)

(SA04) MSgt Chase called a meeting with his section NCOICs to discuss how they can improve the service at the base Dining Facility. Even though he hasn't received any complaints, MSgt Chase has noticed the serving lines are starting to slow down during peak hours. He knows the Dining Facility is a high visibility interest for the base commander, so he needs to address the issue quickly. He states, "Look, moving people through our serving line is just like launching aircraft on the flight line, we have to do it fast. If we don't act now to speed up the serving time, people might stop coming to eat here and we could lose some of our special programs like Steak and Lobster Night."

MSgt Chase's comments BEST illustrate the hindrance of _____.

a. Faulty Logic

b. Use of Language

c. Psychological / Sociological Pitfall

(SA04) a. Faulty Logic


a. CORRECT: The hindrance of faulty logic can lead you to make erroneous conclusions or accept false ideas. MSgt Chase makes an irrelevant comparison when he compares moving people through their service line to launching aircraft on the flight line. Serving people isn't the same as launching aircraft. Additionally, he commits a slippery slope fallacy by stating that if they don't speed up the serving time, they could lose Steak and Lobster Night. Sins MSgt Chase hasn't received complaints about the serving time, there is no proof this adverse chain of events will even occur.

b. INCORRECT: The hindrance of use of language deals with the use of words that are intended to conceal the truth, mislead, confuse, or deceive. Examples include the use of meaningless comparisons, assuring expressions, and doublespeak jargon.

c. INCORRECT: The hindrance of psychological and sociological pitfalls deals with perceptions that are misinterpreted because of psychological and sociological influences. Examples include pitfalls such as evading the issue (red herring) and Ad Populum (bandwagon fallacy).

(SA04) MSgt Longman, the unit first sergeant, is PCSing. However, his replacement won't be available for another three months. MSgt Longman needs to find someone to fill his position in the interim. There are quite a few people that have volunteered for the job, but he wants to ensure he selects the right person. To keep him focused during his selection process, he writes down what he actually needs. Since he wants to find the right person for the job, he brainstorms the skills he thinks a good first sergeant should have. Then, he makes a list and separates the items into two columns: what he absolutely needs and skills that would be nice to have. So that he can prioritize the 'nice to haves', he orders them based on how important they are. Now, he's ready to look at the people that volunteered for the job and compare them to his list.

To select the best person for the position, MSgt Longman still needs to:

a. Categorize his criteria and develop a list of alternatives

b. Create a decision statement and conduct a risk analysis

c. Determine his criteria and assign weights to his WANTs

d. Select the best alternative and conduct a risk analysis

(SA04) d. Select the best alternative and conduct a risk analysis


a. INCORRECT: MSgt Longman has already categorized his criteria (separates the items into two columns: what he absolutely needs (MUSTs) and skills that would be nice to have (WANTs). Additionally, he already has a list of alternatives (quite a few people have volunteered for the job).

b. INCORRECT: While it is correct that MSgt Longman still needs to conduct a risk analysis, he has already created a decision statement (to keep him focuses during his selection process, he writes down what he actually needs), therefore he doesn't need to accomplish this step.

c. INCORRECT: MSgt Longman has already determined his criteria (Since he wants to find the right person for the job, he brainstorms the skills he thinks a good first sergeant should have). Additionally, he has assigned weights to his WANTs (So that he can prioritize the 'nice to haves', he orders them based on how important they are).

d. CORRECT: Based on where MSgt Longman is in the decision analysis process, he still needs to select the best alternative based on his comparison of the alternatives to the MUSTs and WANTs criteria. Additionally, once he determines which person is best based on his comparison, he needs to conduct a risk analysis to see if there are any adverse consequences he should consider if that individual is selected.

(SA04) Colonel Freeman says to MSgt Wilson, "Your flight seems to question a lot of our processes...I'm not sure if that's a good thing. MSgt Wilson replies, "I encourage all my people to ask lots of questions and to think for themselves...to come to their own conclusions. I tell them to be true to their own thinking, but also see things from other viewpoints, including yours. I'm attempting to help create and environment where they are able to grow into effective decision makers."

MSgt Wilson's encouragement of _____ will MOST likely _____ his subordinates' effectiveness.

a. System-1 thinking; enhance

b. System-1 thinking; hinder

c. Essential Intellectual Traits; enhance

d. Essential Intellectual Traits; hinder

(SA04) c. Essential Intellectual Traits; enhance


a. INCORRECT: There is no evidence that MSgt Wilson is encouraging System-1 thinking, which according to the chapter, relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, and trial and errors to arrive at decisions.

b. INCORRECT: There is no evidence that MSgt Wilson is encouraging System-1 thinking, which according to the chapter, relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, and trial and errors to arrive at decisions.

c. CORRECT: MSgt Wilson is encouraging the development of Essential Intellectual Traits which include Intellectual Autonomy (think for themselves), Confidence in Reason (to come to their own conclusions), Intellectual Courage (be true to their own thinking), and Intellectual Empathy (see things from other viewpoints). His actions will most likely enhance effectiveness.

d. MSgt Wilson is encouraging the development of Essential Intellectual Traits; however, his actions will most likely enhance, not hinder his subordinates' effectiveness.

(SA04) While discussing manpower issues during a production meeting, SMSgt Rodriguez asks, "Why is it that my flight's additional manning requests never get approved? The current process seems to favor the larger flights and I'm getting to the point where my mission might be negatively impacted if I don't get more people!" While trying to understand the viewpoints of senior leadership and the manning process, SMSgt Rodriguez asks all sorts of questions to determine why his flight hasn't been successful in acquiring additional manning slots. After receiving answers to his questions, SMSgt Rodriguez ends the conversation with, "Although I still need the additional manning, at least I understand why my requests have been disapproved. I'll work on a plan to meet my mission requirements with the manning I have."

SMSgt Rodriguez's actions BEST illustrate _____ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness.

a. Critical thinking hindrances

b. Steps to decision analysis process

c. Proficient critical thinking characteristics

(SA04) c. Proficient critical thinking characteristics


a. INCORRECT: Critical thinking hindrances include basic human limitations, use of language, faulty logic, and psychological/sociological pitfalls.

b. INCORRECT: The steps to the decision analysis process include creating a decision statement, focusing on decision criteria, looking for alternatives, and conducting a risk analysis.

c. CORRECT: Proficient critical thinking involves 1) Open mindedness, 2) Healthy skepticism, and 3) Intellectual humility. SMSgt Rodriguez's comments or actions demonstrate all three. He asks questions to clarify the facts, examines the situation, and gets at the truth. He examines viewpoints different from his own, examines issues from as many sides as possible, and looks for good and bad points of the various sides examined. Finally, although he still didn't get what he wanted, he is willing to support the decision, which indicates intellectual humility. Because he demonstrates characteristics of a proficient critical thinker, he is more effective as evidenced by his actions to develop a plan to meet his mission requirements with his current manning.

(SA04) SMSgt Horton and his team are getting ready to deploy next month. His people are heavily engaged in completing pre-deployment tasks and reviewing their training records. As a result of the review, SMSgt Horton finds a few of his Airmen aren't trained on critical tasks needed for the deployment and they are running out of time. SMSgt Horton has been in this situation before, so he decides to team them up with his most experienced Airman to get them up to speed. Then SMSgt Horton will follow up with the Airmen to ensure they are comfortable with the tasks. SMSgt Horton thinks this is the quickest way to get everyone back on track and deployment ready.

SMSgt Horton's use of _____ will MOST likely enhance mission effectiveness.

a. System-1 Thinking

b. System-2 Thinking

c. Reasoning Elements

(SA04) a. System-1 Thinking


a. CORRECT: System-1 thinking involves relying on intuition, prior experience, and/or situational cues to arrive at a decision quickly. SMSgt Horton used System-1 (reactive) thinking to solve the training problem as evidenced by the timeliness of the decision. Due to the importance of the issue (deployment in a month), a decision needed to be made quickly (running out of time). Therefore, SMSgt Horton relies on his prior experience (has been in this situation before) to make a decision. Based on SMSgt Horton's actions, his people can get just-in-time training and be ready to effectively accomplish the mission.

b. INCORRECT: System-2 thinking involves reflective thinking that relies heavily on information, deliberation, time, planning, and comprehensive consideration when dealing with unfamiliar situations. SMSgt Horton's people are getting ready to deploy soon, so he needs to fix the problem quickly. Additionally, due to SMSgt Horton's experience, the situation is not unfamiliar to him. As a result, he uses System-1, not System-2 thinking.

c. INCORRECT: Reasoning Elements are intended to change unstructured thought into purposeful thinking. They include Purpose, Question at Issue, Inferences, Concepts, Assumptions, Implications, and Point of View.