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60 Cards in this Set

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Environmental risks of Lead in patients
1) Lead in gasoline (banned in US in 1981)
2) Lead-based paint in residences older than 1970, even if repainted
3) Lead more easily absorbed if around divalent cations (iron, zinc or calcium)
Toxic mechanisms of Lead
1) Interferes with sulfhydryl groups of many enzymes
2) Inhibit heme synthesis resulting in anemia
3) Blood smear shows basophilic stippling (blue-purple staining granules that are precipitated ribosomal protein common to any hemoglobin synthesis impairment)
Lead Poisoning Symptoms
GI Symptoms
- Vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, constipation
- Gingival "lead lines"

Bone Marrow
- Reduced hemoglobin synthesis and frank microcytic anemia

Nervous System
- Acute: headache, irritability then lethargy, seizure, coma then encephalopathy
- Chronic: Lower IQ, hearing and growth, behavioral problems
- Peripheral motor neuropathy

- Chronic nephropathy
- "Fanconi syndrome" - isolated proximal tubule absorption defects
- "saturnine gout"
- Hypertension

- Male infertility

Long Bones
- "Lead Lines" in knee/elbow, resulting from increased Ca+2 deposition, NOT Lead deposition
Lead Poisoning Symptoms Acronym
Anorexia, Anemia, Apathy
Behavioral disturbances
Developmental deterioration
Emesis and colic
Arsenic Risk Areas
1) Well water contamination - Bangladesh, Taiwan, New England, Great Lakes, Texas panhandle, Desert Southwest
2) Airborne contamination from coal burning, Southern Kentucky
Arsenic Uses
1) Dopant in semiconductors
2) Wood preservative (with chromium and copper)
3) Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides
4) Homeopathic/traditional medication
5) Arsenic trioxide used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia
Types of Arsenic and their relative toxicity
Toxicity: Trivalent (arsenite) > Pentavalent (arsenate) > Organic arsenic
Chelator for Arsenic poisoning
Arsenic Poisoning Symptoms
Rapid onset of severe gastroenteritis
- Burning lips
- Intense thirst
- Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
- Projectile vomiting
- "Rice-water-like" diarrhea
- Excruciating abdominal pain

Other Acute Symptoms
- Sudden drop in blood pressure
- Encephalopathy or coma
- Muscle cramps, facial edema, bronchitis, dyspnea and chest pain

Later symptoms
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Cardiomyopathy
- Renal failure
- Hepatic injury
- Bone marrow depression of all cell lines

Long term effects
- Sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy
- Skin eruptions
- Alopecia
- Mee's lines
Mees' lines
1) Transverse bands on the nails
2) Show up 5-6 weeks after poisoning
3) Caused by Arsenic and Thallium poisoning
Chronic Arsenic Poisoning Symptoms
Non-specific Symptoms
- Weakness, malaise, anorexia, GI complaints
- Mild encephalopathy, tremors, ataxia, lack of coordination, confusion
- Peripheral neuropathy, painful paresthesias, muscle weakness and pain
- Hyper pigmentation, palmar/plantar hyperkeratosis, peripheral edema and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
- Cancers of the skin, lung and bladder
- Chelation is not effective in chronic poisoning
Elemental Mercury (Exposure risks, symptoms)
Exposure risks
- Found in thermometers, dental amalgam, electronics
- Broken objects can leak elemental Hg

- Acute: pneumonitis after inhalation, ingestion is non-toxic
- Chronic: Renal failure, gingivitis, stomatitis, ptyalism (excessive saliva production), psychiatric abnormalities - "erethrism" - personality changes, Acrodynia: "pink disease"
Acrodynia: "Pink Disease"
- Painful, bright pink desquamating rash on hands and feet
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Excessive catecholamines in blood
- Hyper-adrenergic response
- Possibly hypersensitivity reaction to Hg

- Chronic Hg exposure
Inorganic Mercury Salts (Symptoms)
- GI tract corrosion, shock, acute renal failure
Organic Mercury Poisoning (Historical example, symptoms)
Historical Example
- Minimata Bay, Japan wide spread cerebral palsy

- Severe CNS dysfunction
Sources of Mercury Exposure
1) Fish
2) Thimersol to preserve vaccines
3) Dental amalgams
Chelators for Mercury Poisoning
Succimer, penicillamine or BAL
Thallium Poisoning Symptoms
- Severe acute gastroenteritis
- several days/week later, sensorimotor polyneuropathy and CNS abnormalities
- Complete baldness (alopecia)
Thallium Chelator
Prussian Blue
2,4-D (and other chlorophenoxys) (Trade name, symptoms, how to facilitate excretion)
Trade Name: Weed be gone

- Weak inhibitor of Ox Phos --> fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, flushing, sweating, metabolic acidosis
- Muscle weakness, rhabdomyolysis
- Lethargy, confusion, ataxia
- peripheral neuropathy after long exposure
- Weak organic acid, urinary alkalinization for enhanced excretion
Glyphosate (Trade name, symptoms, MOA)
Trade Name: Roundup
- NOT toxic, mixed with surfactant which is
- Severe GI irritation, hypotension, pulmonary edema

Inhibits chlorophyll synthesis
Paraquat (Symptoms, MOA)
- Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis from constant inflammation
- No therapy, even lung transplant fails

- Initiates an oxygen superoxide radical attack on cell membrane lipids
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids (Symptoms, MOA, Method of inactivation)
- Paresthesias (altered cutaneous sensations) - Treat with Vitamin E topically, bronchospasm, oculo-rhinitis

- Delays closure of sodium channels causing prolonged after-depolarization

Method of inactivation
- Near-instantaneous hydrolysis and inactivation in humans
Carbamates (Symptoms, MOA)
- Excess muscarinic symptoms

- Temporarily block AChE

- Atropine
Organochlorines (Site of accumulation, Symptoms and Uses)
Site of accumulation
- Fat

- Nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness
- Agitation, confusion tremor, seizures

- Lindane used topically for lice treatment
- DDT used as pesticide
Salicylate (OD Symptoms)
OD Symptoms
- Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain
- Decreased factor V, VII, X, Hypoprothrombinaemia
- Increased capillary fragility
- Decreased platelet adhesiveness, thrombocytopenia
Salicylate (MW and meaning, pKa and absorption, Vd, protein binding, therapeutic level, normal half-life, OD half-life)
MW: 138 Daltons (easily dialyzable)
pKa: 3.5, rapid absorption in stomach
Vd: 0.2 to 0.3 (stays in blood)
Protein binding: 90% bound
Normal half-life: 2-4 hours
OD half-life: Possibly over 20 hours
Salicylate (MOA)
- Interferes with Krebs cycle
- Elevates anion-gap
- Elevates lipid metabolism (elevated ketones)
- Uncouples Ox Phos --> HR, Oxygen consumption, CO2 formation and heat production all go up
Salicylate treatment
Sodium bicarbonate, alkalinization of urine
Acetaminophen OD (MOA)
- 4% Acetaminophen metabolized by CYP2E1 to NAPQI (Toxic)
- NAPQI conjugated with glutathione and excreted
- If glutathione reserves are depleted, NAPQI binds to hepatic macromolecules causing damage
- May also damage renal cells that also have high levels of CYP2E1
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs safety level
1 pill per kg
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug treatment
Over 200mg/kg ingestion use gastric emptying and administration of activated charcoal
Cyclic Antidepressant Side Effects
1) Anticholinergic effects
2) Excessive block of norepinephrine reuptake
3) Quinidine-like effects on myocardium
Cyclic Antidepressant Poisoning Symptoms
- Dry mouth, decreased GI motility
- Tachycardia, hypertension, ventricular dysrhythmias
- Increased QRS duration, increased QT interval, increased PR interval
Cyclic Antidepressant MOA
- Blocks Sodium ion channel
- Blocks Chloride ion channel of the GABAA Receptor
- Catalyze redox reactions leading to lipid peroxidation and free radical formation
Iron OD Symptoms
Local Symptoms
- mucosal irritation, corrosive effect --> perforation
- mucosal congestion, venous thrombosis, infarction, mucosal ulceration and petechial hemorrhage

Systemic Symptoms
- Venodilation
- Increased capillary membrane permeability
- Increased clot time
- Metabolic acidosis
- Disruption of Ox Phos
Anticonvulsant OD Symptoms
- Nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), ataxia, depressed sensorium, blurred vision, convulsions and coma
Carbamazepine (Type of Drug, side effects)
Type of Drug
- Anticonvulsant

- Nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), ataxia, depressed sensorium, blurred vision, convulsions and coma
- Crosses placenta, causes asymmetric growth retardation, spina bifida
Opiate/Opioid OD Symptoms
- Respiratory compromise
- Coma
- Loss of corneal and deep tendon reflex
- Bilateral miosis (pinpoint pupils)
- Seizures from meperidine
Cocaine OD Symptoms
- Seizures in children
- Pulmonary edema
- CNS, cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms
Cocaine MOA
- Blocks reuptake of NE in the CNS
- Blocks reuptake of dopamine
Amphetamines MOA
- Disrupt vesicle pH gradients allowing vesicular DA to redistribute into cytoplasm
- DA exits neuron via reverse transport or channel-like activity
Amphetamine OD Symptoms
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
- Hyperthermia
- Agitation
- Seizures
- CNS hemorrhage
- Rhabdomyolysis
Phencyclindine (PCP) Symptoms
- Dissociation, agitation and violent behavior
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
Phencyclindine (PCP) MOA
- Antagonizes the effect of glutamate at the NMDA receptor by binding within the ion channel and blocking Ca++ influx
Antipsychotic OD Symptoms
- Somnolence
- Coma
- Agitation
- Insomnia
- Difficulty concentrating
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
- Prolonged QT
- Widened QRS
- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Aripiprazole MOA
- Stabilizes Dopamine levels
Digoxin OD Symptoms
- Bradycardia/arrhythmias
- Vomiting is common
- Altered color vision
- Hyperkalemia
Digoxin OD MOA
- Poisons the NA+/K+ ATPase pump
Digoxin OD Treatment
- Correction of electrolytes and Fab antibodies
Warfarin OD Symptoms
- Vitamin K problems
Warfarin OD Treatment
- Stop Warfarin
- Administer Vitamin K active form
Ethanol OD Symptoms
- Ataxia
- Lethargy
- Coma
- Seizures
- Loss of deep tendon reflexes
- Hypothermia
- Hypoglycemia leading to convulsions
Known causes of hepato-carcinogenesis
Viral hepatitis
Aflatoxin (Aspergillus flavus mycotoxin from infected grain and legumes)
Vinyl Chloride
Renal Toxins (Therapeutic agents and Chemicals)
Therapeutic agents
- Antimicrobials
- Antineoplastics
- Iodinated radiocontrast agents
- Analgesics

- Metals (Hg, Cd, Pb)
- solvents (CCl4, toluene)
- aniline dyes
- Diquat herbicide
- Ethylene glycol
Proximal convoluted tubule toxins
High CYP450 -> free radical damage

CCl4, acetominophen
Distal renal tubule toxins
Chronic toluene
Interstitial nephritis
Glomerular toxins