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23 Cards in this Set

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A small pigmented area or a spot that appears separate or different from the surrounding tissue.


A small solid raised skin lesions less than 1 cm in diameter.


A flat, often raised patch on the skin


A small, fluid-filled blister


A thin-walled blister greater than 1 centimeter in diameter containing clear serous fluid


A small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing purulent fluid


A circumscribed, crater-like lesion in the skin

Infection of the Keratin layer of the epidermis is often caused by what organism?

Dermatophyte fungi

Pyogenic infections include what?

Folliculitis, furnucles, carbuncles, erysipelas, cellulitis.

Diseases of the muscles include what?

Necrotizing fasciitis, myositus or myonecrosis.

Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by what organisms?

Usually caused by group a strep, clostridium, staph aureus, bacteroides, aeromonas.

Myonecrosis is caused by what organisms?

Clostridium causes gangrene.

Human bites are caused by what organisms?

Commonly polymicrobial and caused by normal oral Flora, both aerobic and anaerobic

Dog and cat bites are most commonly caused by what?

Was coming caused by pasteurella, staph aureus, capnocytophaga, B. Bronchiseptica, and N. wearvi

Snake bites are normally caused by what organisms?

Gram-negative rods and clostridia

Rat bites are caused by what organisms?

Streptobacillus monilformis, spirillium minus.

Postoperative wounds are usually caused by what organisms?

Staph aureus, coag neg staph, gram-negative rods

Burns are most commonly associated with what organisms?

Streptococci, s. Aureus, s. Epi. Enterobactereace, pseudomonas, candida, aspergillus, various anaerobes.

Decubitus ulcers

Pressure sores caused by decreased Mobility. Often in areas where contamination with normal bowel floor is likely. Anaerobes, enterobacteriaceae , enterococcus, MRSA.

Nodular lymphangitis

Sporothrix scenkii, N. Brasiliensis, m. Marinum, leishmania, f. Tularensis

Skin lesions secondary to bacteremia are?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, vibrio vulnificus, aeromonas. Rash of secondary syphilis

Characteristic rashes associated with zoonotic, viral and parasitic diseases include:

Borrelia, rickettsia, Bartonella. Measles, rubella, parvo b19, vzv, HSV. Schistosoma, filarial worms, hookworms.

What are the four ways to obtain specimens for skin and soft tissue infections?

Drainage, dermal scrapings, needle aspirates, swabs, tissue.