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45 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of sub-threshold potentials
Proportional to stimulus strength, not propagated, decremental with distance, summation
Characteristics of action potentials
Independent of stimulus strength, propagated unchanged in magnitude, summation not possible
Factors that affect conduction velocity of the action potential
Cell diameter and amount of myelination are directly proportional to conduction velocity
Absolute refractory period
No stimulus can depolarize the cell
Relative refractory period
A large stimulus can depolarize the cell
Neuromuscular transmission
Action potential travels down axon and opens pre-synaptic Ca channels --> calcium influx --> release Ach vesicles --> Ach diffuses and attaches to nicotinic ion channels --> ↑gNa --> end-plate depolarization (local) spreads to areas with voltage-gated Na channels --> depolarization of muscle fiber
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
Transient subtreshold depolarizations due to ↑gNa --> summation reaches axon hillock at the junction of cell body and axon --> voltage-gated Na channels depolarize the axon
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
↑gCl or ↑gK hyperpolarize the cell and lower threshold for depolarization
Electrical synapse
Action potential transmitted from one cell to the next via gap junctions, without synaptic delay and in both directions. Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle.
Sarcomere A band
Contains overlapping actin and myosin. Does not shorten during contraction.
Sarcomere H zone
Contains thick myosin filaments. Shortens during contraction.
Sarcomere I band
Contains thin actin filaments. Shortens during contraction.
Sarcomere Z line
Within the I band.
Sarcomere M line
Within the H zone.
Structural protein of the thin filaments, contains attachment sites for myosin cross-bridges.
Structural protein of the thick filaments, contains cross-bridges that attach to actin. Has ATPase activity to terminate actin-myosin cross-bridges. ATP decreases actin-myosin affinity.
Part of thin filaments. Covers the actin attachment sites for the myosin cross-bridges
Part of thin filaments, binds calcium, which moves tropomyosin out of the way exposing actin binding sites for cross-bridges.
What happens if calcium is removed to the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
Muscle goes back to resting state. Removal of calcium requires ATP.
Rigor mortis
Depletion of ATP - cycling stops with myosin attached to actin - (muscle contracted).
Muscle contraction steps
Action potential travels down T-tubules --> activates dihydropiridine voltage sensors --> foot processes are pulled aways from ryanodine calcium release channels of sarcoplasmic reticulum --> calcium is released --> calcium attaches to troponin --> tropomyosin moves exposing actin binding sites for myosin cross-bridges --> myosin binds actin --> myosin ATPase breaks down cross bridges producing active tension and shortening --> contraction terminated by active pumping of Ca into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Myosin ATPase
Hydrolizes ATP to supply energy for active tension and shortening. ATP decreases myosin-actin affinity
Sarcoplasmic calcium-dependent ATPase
Supplies energy to terminate contraction and pump Ca back into sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Source of calcium for skeletal muscle contraction
Sarcoplasmic reticulum. No extracellular calcium is involved because it doesn’t have voltage-gated Ca channels.
Source of calcium for heart and smooth muscle contraction
Sarcoplasmic reticulum and extracellular. Cardiac and smooth muscle have voltage-gated calcium channels.
Multiple action potentials increase release of calcium thus increasing contraction. Muscle cells have a short refractory period.
Stretch prior to contraction. ↑ preload --> ↑ prestretch of the sarcomere --> ↑ passive tension
The load the muscle is working against. ↑ afterload --> ↑ cross-bridge cycling --> ↑ active tension
What is the best measure of preload?
Sarcomere length
Preload-length tension curve
It’s a function of the legth of the relaxed muscle. A positive parabola.
Isomertric contraction
Active tension is produced but length stays the same. Afterload is greater than active tension, load not moved.
How is active tension produced?
Calcium binds troponin --> tropomysion exposes actin sites --> myosin cross-bridges bond to actin --> myosin ATPase generates energy to break cross-bridge link --> cycle repeats --> active tension. The more cross-bridges that cycle, the greater the active tension.
Total tension
Passive (preload) tension + active (afterload) tension
Active tension curve
It's a function of the number of cross-bridges capable of cross-linking with actin. Negative parabola.
What is L0?
The optimum length to produce maximum active tension. Beyond L0, muscle is overstretched; below L0, it's understretched.
Isotonic contraction
Muscle contracts and shortens to move the load. Occurs when total tension equals the load.
Most energy demanding phase of cardiac cycle
Isovolumetric contraction. Active tension is generated. Equivalent to isometric contraction of skeletal muscle.
Relationship between load, muscle force and muscle velocity
↑ ATPase activity --> ↑ velocity; ↑ muscle mass --> ↑ force generated; ↑ afterload --> ↓ velocity
Regulation of skeletal muscle force and work
↑ frequency of action potentials, ↑ recruitment, ↑ preload and ↑ afterload --> ↑ force and work
Regulation of cardiac and smooth muscle force and work
Factors that regulate force and work are preload, afterload and contractility (which is altered by hormones). No summation nor recruitment.
Characteristics of white muscle
Large mass, high ATPase activity (fast muscle), anaerobic glycolysis, low myoglobin
Characteristics of red muscle
Small mass, low ATPase activity (slower muscle), aerobic metabolism (mitochondria), high myoglobin.
Characteristics of skeletal muscle
Actin and myosin form sarcomeres, sarcolema lacks junctional complexes, each fiber innervated, troponin binds calcium, high ATPase activity, triadic contacts by T-tubules at A-I junctions, no calcium channels on membrane
Characteristics of cardiac muscle
Actin and myosin form sarcomeres, gap junctions, electrical syncytium, troponin binds calcium, intermediate ATPase activity, dyadic contacts by T-tubules near Z-lines, voltage-gate calcium channels.
Characteristics of smooth muscle
Actin and myosin not organized in sarcomeres, gap junctions, electrical syncytium, calmodulin binds calcium, low ATPase activity, lacks T-tubules, voltage-gated calcium channels.