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28 Cards in this Set

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The term used to describe what a regression model does.

Dependent Variable Y

The variable that a regression model seeks to predict. Also known as the response variable.

Independent Variable X

A variable that a regression model seeks to use to predict the dependent variable.

Least-Squares Method

The calculational method that minimizes the sum of the squared differences between the actual values of the dependent variable Y and the predicted values of Y.

Simple Linear Regression

The regression model that uses a straight line (linear) relationship to predict a numerical dependent variable Y from a single numerical independent variable X.

Simple Linear Regression Equation

Slope (b1)



The sums of X and Y minus the sum of X multiplied by the sum of Y divided by the sample size. 

The sums of X and Y minus the sum of X multiplied by the sum of Y divided by the sample size.


The sum of each X variable squared minus the total sum of X squared divided by the sample size.

The sum of each X variable squared minus the total sum of X squared divided by the sample size.

Intercept (b0)

mean Y - slope * mean X


The difference between the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable Y for a given value of X.

Regression Sum of Squares

The variation that is due to the relationship between X and Y.

SSR = SUM (Predicted Y value - mean Y value)^2

Error Sum of Squares

The variation that is due to factors other than the relationship between X and Y.

SSE = SUM (Observed Y value - Predicted Y value)^2

Total Sum of Squares

The measure of variation of the Yi values around their mean.

SST = SUM (Observed Y value - Mean Y value)^2

Coefficient of Determination

The ratio of the regression sum of squares to the total sum of squares, represented by the symbol r^2.


Equivalent to intercept * sum of Y + slope * sum of XY - minus (sum of Y)^2/n.


Equivalent of sum of Y^2 - intercept * sum of Y - slope * sum of XY.



Coefficient of Correlation

The measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two variables, represented by the symbol r. Basically, the square root of the coefficient of determination.

Standard Error of the Estimate

The standard deviation around the fitted line of regression that measures the variability of the actual Y values from the predicted Y, represented by the symbol S_yx.

The standard deviation around the fitted line of regression that measures the variability of the actual Y values from the predicted Y, represented by the symbol S_yx.

Standard Error of the Slope

Or the standard error of the estimate divided by the square root of the sum of squares X.

Or the standard error of the estimate divided by the square root of the sum of squares X.

t Test Statistic

sample slope/standard error of the slope

Confidence Interval Estimate of the Slope

b1 +- t_n-2 * Sb1

Multiply the t statistic by the standard error of the slope and then add and subtract the product to the sample slope.

Multiple Regression Model

The statistical method that extends the simple linear regression model by assuming a straight-line or linear relationship between each independent variable and the dependent variable.

Net Regression Coefficients

The coefficients that measure the change in Y per unit change in a particular X, holding constant the effect of the other X variables. Also known as partial regression coefficients

Multiple Regression Equation

Coefficient of Multiple Determination

The statistic that represents the proportion of the variable in Y that is explained by the set of independent variables included in the multiple regression model.

The Overall F Test

The test for the significance of the overall multiple regression model.