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81 Cards in this Set

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Asexual reproduction
-Reproduction without fertilization or conjugation
-Parent passes on 100% if its genes to all its offspring
Sexual reproduction
-Occurs through fertilization to produce genetically new individual
-Each parent passes 50% of it's genes to offspring
Somatic cells
-All cells in body except sex cells
-Diploid (2n)
-Produced from diploid cells by mitosis
-Eggs and sperm
-Haploid (n)
-Produced from diploid cell by meiosis
Meiosis 1
-Separates homologous pairs
-2n-->4 single stranded
Prophase 1
-2n-->4 double stranded chromosomes
Metaphase 1
-2n-->double stranded but line up on metaphase plate
Telophase 1
1n-->2 double stranded chromosomes
Meiosis 2
-2nd division of meiosis separates sister chromatids
Prophase 2
1n-->2 double stranded
Metaphase 2
1n--> 2 double stranded chromosomes line up on metaphase plate
Telophase 2
1n-->2 single stranded
Sources of genetic variation
-Crossing over=recombination
-Independent assortment
-Random fertilization
Crossing over
-Exchange of corresponding segments of DNA by non-sister chromatids in a tetrad during prophase 1
Independent Assortment
-Random alignment of each pair of homologous chromosomes at Metaphase 1 plate
-2^n possible outcomes
Random fertilization
Any 2 parents produce a zygote with 70 trillion diploid combinations
Advantages of sex
-Introduces new combinations of heritable traits in offspring
-Accelerates the rate of evolution
-Potentially useful in a variable, dynamic environment
-Any of the alternative versions of a gene that produce a distinguishable phenotypic effect
-Alleles may differ on homologous chromosomes
Mendelian Genetics
-Scientific study of how traits are passed on from parent to offspring
-Study of heredity
Law of segregation
Mendels 1st law of heredity
-Two alleles for a heritable trait separate during gamete formation onto different gametes.
Law of Independent Assortment
Mendels 2nd law of heredity
-Each pair of alleles segregates independently of each other pair of alleles during gamete formation
The physical and physiological traits of an organism which are determined and shown by it's genotype's
Incomplete dominance
-When there is no dominant genotype
-Example: Rr=a different phenotypic expression from RR or rr
Rr=intermediate phenotype
-When each genotype determines a particular pheotype
-Example blood type ii=o, i^ai^a or ii^a=A, i^bi^b or ii^b=B, and i^ai^b=AB
Polygenic inheritance
-Multiple genes determine trait
-Polygenic characters have near normal frequency distribution
-Example: human skin color
-having two different alleles for the same gene
-having the same two alleles for a gene
Multiplication Law
-Probability of independent events A and B=
probability of A * probability of B
-Circle is female, square is male
-colored in is affected
-two types autosomal and sex-linked
-Both males and females pass on 2 alleles in form
aa, AA, or Aa
-Female has 2 alleles
-Male has 1 allele on the (X)
Natural selection
-Process by which the individuals that have the characteristics best suited to the environment survive and reproduce better than other individuals
-main mechanism for evolution
-evolution is the change in allele frequencies of a population over time
-Changes within species
-Changes in allele frequencies
-The evolution of new species
-The extinction of species
Allele frequency
Allele1 + Allele2=1
How do new alleles originate?
Horizontal gene transfer
The random changes in DNA that introduce new alleles into a gene pool
Point mutation
-Changes in a single base pair, that causes a change in a single amino acid
Gene duplication
If a gene is duplicated the second copy can accumulate mutations freely
Mutatuion can be
Horizonal gene transfer
-Genes passed from one organism to another
What affects allele frequency
-Genetic drift
-Gene flow
Genetic drift
-Random fluctuations in allele frequencies from one generation to the next
Name two types of genetic drift and describe them
-Bottleneck effect: Genetic drift that occurs when the size of a population is reduced by a natural disaster or human actions. Surviving population no longer genetically representative of original population.
-Founder effect: Genetic drift that occurs when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population and form a new population whose gene pool composition is not reflective of original population.
Gene flow
-Transfer of alleles from one population to another
-Immigration & emigration/ accidental movement are ways it occurs
Name and describe the 3 types of selection
-Directional selection: Favors variants at one extreme of distribution
-Disruptive selection: Favors variants at both extremes of distribution(middle die off)
-Stabilizing Selection: Favors variants in-between extremes of distribution (variants at extremes die off)
Examples to remember
-Guppy colours: Translocation experiment, Directonal selection
-Bill size of Galapagos finches:Medium sized bills suffered highest mortality, Disruptive selection
-Birth weight in humans: Birth weight frequency lowest in middle, stabilizing selection
What is behavioural ecology?
-Study of the survival and reproductive value of behaviour and how this behaviour contributes to survival and reproduction
What is fitness?
How well an individual does relative to others in the population.
-Fitness=0-no representation of allele x in the next generation
-Fitness=1 100% allele x in next generation
Altruistic behaviour
-Acting to increase another individual's life time number f offspring at a cost of one's survival and reproduction
Inclusive fitness
Fitness can be gained 2 ways
-Directly-through personal reproduction
-Indirectly-by contributing to the survival and reproductive success of relatives
r=coefficient of relatedness between two individual
-probability that a particular allele, present in one individual, is also present in another individual because of their descent from a common ancestor
L=the number of generation links between the 2 individuals concerned
Kin selection
Process by which characteristics are favoured due to their beneficial effect on the survival or reproduction of relatives.
-Kin selection should occur if hamiltons rule is met
Hamilton's rule
-B=benefit to the recipient of the altruistic act
-C=cost to the donor
-r=coefficient of relatedness between donor and recipient
Reciprocal altruism
Occurs when Brecipeint>C donor and help is reciprocated later
Example: vampire bats favour but also help non-related roost mates
Difference between males and females
Females: Produce few, large energetically expensive gametes
Males: Produce numerous, small, cheap gametes
Reproductive success
Males: Great potential but highly variable
-Males select to maximize quantity so males compete with each other
Females: Low potential but low low variability
-Females select to maximize quality so females choose their mates carefully
Sexual selection
-Process by which individuals that have traits that increase mating success are favored over individuals that do not have these traits
Name and describe two forms of sexual selection
Intrasexual selection: Process the favouring the ability to compete directly with member of the same sex (usually males) for access to the opposite sex
Intersexual selection: Process favouring the ability to attract members of the opposite sex
Mating systems
-The pattern of mate acquisition by both sexes
-Shaped by male/females reproductive potential, parental care, ecology and phylogeny
-Major determinant of how strong sexual selection will be
Types of mating systems
-Monogamy(1:1)-care of young by both parents, low male rate of reproduction
-Polygyny(1male:+2female)-Care of young by female only, patchy resources
-Polyandry(+2males:1female)-Care of young by male only, Low male rate of reproduction
-Polygamy/promiscuity(+2males/+2 females)-No care of young or care by female only, evenly distributed resources
Direct benefits of choosing mates carefully
-Mate with member of the correct species
-Have access to good/safe territory
-Get fed lots of food
-Get a good parent for offspring
-Get a fertile mate
Indirect benefits of choosing mates carefully
-Good genes: Sexually selected traits advertise genetic quality because they are costly to produce
-Sexy sons: Females choosing males with well-developed sexually selected traits produce sons with the same traits
What is a species? (according to biological species concept)
Groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
How does speciation occur?
Allopatric speciation-physical separation of two populations=interruption of gene flow
Sympatric speciation-No physical barrier
Sympatric speciation can occur through two types of reproductive isolation.
-Reproductive isolation by mutation: Polyploidy
-Reproductive isolation by ecology and behaviour
Reproductive isolation by ecology and behaciour
-Prezygotic mechanisms: prevent mating or fertilization
Postzygotic mechanisms: Prevent zygote development or reproduction
What happens when divergent populations come into contact?
1. Populations hybridize but hybrids less fit than parents-->reinforcement of differences
2. Populaitons hybridize and hybrids are as fit as parents-->Fusion
3. Populations hybridize and hybrids preferentially mate with each other-->stable hybrid zone
Adaptive radiation
-Sudden and rapid diversification of a phyletic line into several lineages
-Occurs when new set of niches opens up:
-Evolution of a new feature
-Opening up of a new habitat
-Extinction of other species or clade
Adaptive radiation-galapagos finches
Causes: Archipelago, New habitat, new food sources
-speciation by island hopping
Adaptive radiation-Bats
Caues: Extinction of pterosaurs, peak insect diversity, new features
Tempo of speciation
-Gradualism:traditional view, not supported by fossil record
-Punctuated Equilibrium: rapid appearance, slow to no change later
Permian Extinction
-250 mya
-90% + of all species
-96% marine species
-Victims: Ammonites, Trilobites, Blastoidea, mammal like reptiles
Causes of permian extinction
-Siberian volcanoes
-Formation of Pangea: Changed ocean circulation patterns, drop in sea level
-Reduced oxygen in oceans
-Climate change
Cretaceous-Tertiare extinction
-65 mya
-60-80% of all animal species extinct
-Victims: Pterosaurs, dinosaurs, many plants & invertebrates
-spared: mammals, crocodiles, non-north american plants
Causes of K/T extiction
-CLimate change
-Sea level chagnes
-Increased volcanic activity
Meteorite impact
Causes of megafauna extinctions
-Climate change
-Overexploitation by humans
-Mammalian order
-Derived characters: 5 digits, flat nails, large bran, long parental care, complex social systems
-Primate suborder
-Includes monkeys apes, humans
-Derived characters: Fully opposable thumb, larger brain
-Antropoid superfamily
-Includes apes and humans
-Derived characters: tail-less, arm-swinging, more erect posture, larger body size, larger brain