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List the main components of the company profile

Default locale

Default currency

Licenses available

Fiscal year

Business hours and holidays

Name the User Interface Settings

Enable collapsible sections, show quick create, enable hover details, enable related list hover links, enable seperate loading of related lists, enable inline editing, enable enhanced lists, enable new user interface theme, enable tab bar organizer, enable printable list views, enable spell checker, enable customizable chatter user profile, enable collapsible sidebar, show custom sidebar components on all page

What does the Activity History track?

Completed tasks, past events, and sent emails.

What are 3 ways you can customize the way users search?

Limit the number of results per page (from 5 to 50)

Add up to 10 filters

Add, remove, or reorder columns (up to 10)

What are List Views?

Are created to facilitate frequency performed searches. You can: save for future use, filter on specific fields, specify which group of users have access, print, edit records in list views, and follow records via Chatter from the list view.

What are the filter/column limits for List Views?

Up to 10 filters and up to 15 columns

When importing records using the Data Import Wizard, what conditions will cause a record to not be imported?

a.The value of a field doesn't meet the data validation criteria.

b.The import file does not contain the Salesforce ID.

c.A universally required field is left blank.

d.A picklist value does not exist in Salesforce.

A & C

Notes: When using the Data Import Wizard, a record will not be imported if the value of a field doesn't meet the data validation criteria or a universally required field is left blank.

Why would a user choose data loader instead of the Data Import Wizard?

Select 2:

a.Export or delete data.

b.Choose whether or not to run data validation rules.

c.Import lead records and prevent duplicate records.

d.Save field mappings for later use.

A & D

Notes: The data loader can be used to: Import files that contain up to 5,000,000 records; Load certain standard objects, such as products or opportunities; Schedule imports; Save field mappings for later use; Export or delete data

A workflow rule contains an action that sends a task to a role called Global Sales Managers, which includes multiple users. When the workflow rule is triggered, to whom will the task be assigned?

a.All users in the Global Sales Managers role.

b.The owner of the record that triggered the workflow rule.

c.A single user in the Global Sales Managers role.

d.The default workflow user.


Notes: A single workflow task cannot be assigned to multiple users. If a task is assigned to a role that contains multiple users, the task will be reassigned to the record owner instead.

Which features are available with Salesforce Knowledge that are not available with Solutions?

Select 2:

a.Chatter feed collaboration

b.Article types and data categories

c.Article versioning

d.Multi-language support

B & C

Notes: Both Solutions and Salesforce Knowledge provided Chatter feed collaboration and multi-language support. However, only Salesforce Knowledge provides the following features: Administrators can configure article types and data categories to allow for article readability, consistency, and relevancy; Knowledge users can write, edit, publish, and archive articles; Knowledge users can create multiple versions of an article and track which version was attached to a case.

What are the capabilities of email-to-case?

a.Triggers assignment rules, escalation rules, and workflow rules.

b.Automatically associates customer email replies with the case.

c.Uses the company's email address to associate an account with the case.

d.Automatically populates case fields based on data the customer enters on the website.

A & B

Notes: Email-to-case has the following capabilities: Automatically create a case from an inbound email; Use the sender's email address to associate a contact to the case; Use email content to auto-populate case fields; Automatically associate customer email replies, including attachments, with the case; Trigger assignment, escalation, and workflow rules.

Which schedule type can be defined for a product? Choose 2 answers:

a. Revenue

b. Quantity

c. Production

d. Forecast

A & B

A system administrator at Company A created a custom object to capture custom feedback. How can the administrator ensure that users have access to this new object?

a. Assign the feedback page layout to the appropriate user profiles

b. Add fields from the feedback object to the account page layout
c. Create a lookup relationship from the account page to the feedback object

d. Create a role in the hierarchy to provide user access to the new object

Assign the feedback page layout to the appropriate user profiles

Notes: If you want to give access to a page, you do it by profile

What are the categories of Settings associated with a user profile?

Apps, Tabs, Record Types, Page Layouts, and Fields

What are the categories of Permissions associated with a user profile?

Administrative, General User, Standard Object, and Custom Object

Name the Standard Profiles.

System Admininstrator, Marketing User, Standard User, Contract Manager, Solution Manager, Read Only

What can users with the System Admin profile do?

View and modify all data, customize app.

What can users with the Marketing profile do?

Standard User + Import Leads

What can users with the Standard profile do?

View and edit records they can access and delete their own

What can users with the Contract Manager profile do?

Standard Users + manage contacts

What can users with the Solution Manager profile do?

Standard Users + manage purchased solutions

What can users with the Read Only profile do?

Only view records they can access

Name the 3 types of Chatter Profiles.

Chatter Free User, Chatter External User, and Chatter Moderator User

What can a Chatter Free User do?

Access all standard Chatter people, profiles, groups, and files.

What can Chatter External Users do?

Access groups they've been invited to and interact with members of those groups.

What can Chatter Moderator Users do?

Access same data as Chatter Free users, Activate/decactivate other Chatter Free users and moderators, Grant/revoke moderator privileges, delete posts and comments they can see

What are the main sections on a profile detail page?

Profile Detail, Page Layouts, Field-Leve Security, Custom App Settings, Tab Settings, Record Type Settings, Admininstrative Permissions, General User Permissions, Standard Object Permissions, Custom Object Permissions

What does the enhanced user interface do?

Enables you to search for settings, access all settings for an object in one place, access all permissions related to an app in one place, access all system-wide settings in one place.

What are Object Permissions?

They determine the kind of records users can view, create, edit, or delete but not the individual records themselves.

What are Tab Settings options?

Default On, Default Off, Tab Hidden

What do Chatter Free Users have access to?

Chatter App: Chatter, profiles, people, groups and files

What can't Chatter Free users access?

Any Salesforce data (accounts, contacts, opportunities, or custom objects)

What can Chatter External users do?

See groups and profiles of the members of groups they belong to. See files shared to groups they belong to

What can't Chatter External users do?

Post to profiles, see records or other Salesforce info, be followed, follow people/files.

True or false: Restricted login hours/IP ranges are set at the org-wide level?

False, only the profile level

What determines which individual records users can view and edit in each object they have access to?

Record Access

What are the 3 types of data access models?

Public, Private, and Hybrid

What can a record owner do on a record they own?

View, edit, transfer ownership, delete

True or False: Owners of records associated to an account additionally have access to the associated account, even when it is owned by another user.

True, additionally case owners can view contacts related to their cases

What are the 3 components of Sharing Rules?

1. Share which records: owned by certain users or meeting certain criteria

2. With which users: Public Groups, Roles, Roles and Subordinates

3. What level of acces: Read or read/write

How many Sharing Rules can you write per object? How many can be criteria based?

300 and 50

What does a public group do?

SImplies the creation of sharing rules that involve many users.

What can Account Teams access along with the shared account information?

Related contacts, opportunities, and cases

True or False: Account teams can be used to create a default team, which is added automatically?


What Objects can teams be built on?

Accounts, Opportunities, & Cases

What is field level security?

It lets you restric what fields users can view and edit based on their profile.

In what areas can field access be restricted?

On record detail and edit pages, in related lists, in search results and reports, in list views.

True or False: Field level security is on an object-by-object basis.

False: they are applied across Salesforce

True or Falses: Custom Formula Fields are editable.


What do Lookups do?

Link one object to another.

What can be stored in folders?

Email templates, reports, dashboards, and documents

True or False: Folder access follows Role Hierarchy.

False, you have to name explicitly who has access and how they get access.

True or False: Folder access is granted at the individual user level?

False, it is granted at the group, role, role to subordinates levels.

When thinking of an Excel spreadsheet, what can you liken Objects, Records, and Fields to?

Objects = the spreadsheet itself

Rows = Records

Columns = Fields

True or False: If a field is hidden from a user via their profile, they may still see that field in page layouts, list views, reports, data exports and via search?


What are the two types of Object Relationships?

Master-Detail & Lookup

True or false: When using a M-D Relationship, the child is deleted if you delete the parent?


How can you change previously established Master-Detail relationships?

Log a ticket requesting for the permission to do so.

What happens if the owner field on the detail and sub-detail records is not available?

It is automatically set to the owner of the Master record.

True or False: Child Objects inherit the security settings of the parent?


What does a rollup summary field do?

It allows you to sum or count across objects.

True or false: You can have rollup summary fields on any type of object?

False, only when their is a Master-Detail relationship.

What is the limit of child records that can be associated via a Master-Detail relationship?


What must you use when you have a Many to Many relationship?

A junction object

What does a lookup relationship do?

Links two objects togehter, similar to a Master-Detail except they do not support sharing or rollup summary fields.

True or False: You cannot delete one lookup-related object without deleting the other.


True or False: You can have different security settings between objects linked in via a lookup relationship?


True or False: Custom fields can be made universally required?


What are the two types of record owners?

Users and Queues

How many cross-object formulas are allowed?


What does a roll-up summary formula do on a parent record?

Sums, maxs, mins, counts from the child records.

True or False: Validation Rules will only fire if the condition specified is true?


What are the two parts to a workflow?

Criteria and Action

Where can you see approval requests?

Home page, Chatter feed, or via email

Can you create dashboards on Standard reports?


What can be transferred from one user to another during a mass transfer of Account records?

Open activities, open cases, and closed cases

What is affected by changing the default location for an org?

The date fields

Which schedule type can be defined for a product?

Revenue and quantity

What tasks can a delegated admin perform?

Manage users within specified roles, login as users who have granted access, and manage specified custom objects

What can Community Experts be designated for?

Salesforce Ideas

What is the order of rule processing?

Validation, Assignment, Auto-Response, Workflow, Escalation

When do you use a Custom Fiscal Calendar?

When you do not follow the Gregorian calendar or your calendar does not start on the first day of the month

What does advanced currency management allow you to do?

Ensure historically entered converted amounts are not impacted by updated exchange rates

What are User Interface Settings

Global settings that let you configure the way all users interact with Salesforce and their data

True or False: Sidebar search is enabled with Chatter is on.

False, only when Chatter is off

True or False: Global search is enabled only with Chatter on.


How does Sidebar Search treat searched terms differently than Global Search?

Sidebar looks for words to match in exact sequence and Global looks for each word seperately

Why would you create list views?

To faciliate quick access to frequently performed searches. You can save them for future use, filter on specific fields, specify which groups of users have access, print them, edit records while in the list view, and follow related records via Chatter

What is a profile?

A collection of settings and permissions that determines what users can see in their user interface and what they can do.

What do Settings control?

Applications, Tabs, Record Types, Page Layouts, and Fields

What are the types of permissions that can be granted?

Administrative, General, Standard Object, and Custom Object

Why would you enable the enahanced user interface?

To faciliate easier manage settings as they are grouped together logically

Define a User

Someone who has login access, who has a license and a user record containing personal, security and locale information

True or False: Personal profile restrictions override Org-Wide restrictions.


What does the Enhance Profile List View do?

Makes it easier to mass update profiles and compare across users

What are the various data access model options?

Public, Private, Hybrid

What does Access Level determine?

What a user can do with the records they do not own.

True or False: Owners of records associated with an account additionally have view access to the associated account.


How do you determine which records to share?

By the owner or criteria you define.

Who can records be shared with via sharing rules?

Public groups, roles, and roles/subordinates

What objects support Sharing Rules?

Accounts, Opportunities, Cases, Contacs, and Custom Objects

How many sharing rules can you do and how many of them can be criteria based?

300 and 50

What do Account Teams do?

Enable users to grant access to their accounts and related records and assign roles to each team member. They can automatically assigned or assigned by account owners, admins, and account owner managers. You can decide what level of access you want each team member to have to the account and its related contacts, opportunities, and cases

Who can a user share with via Manual sharing?

User(s), roles, and public groups

What are Products and Pricebooks?

Products are individual items that you can sell on your opportuninties and quotes. You can create a product and associate it with a price in a pricebook.

What do Quantity Schedules do?

Outlines the dates, number of units, and number of installments for payments and shipping.

What do Revenue Schedules do?

Outlines the date, revenue amounts, and number of installments for payments and recognizing revenue.

What is Salesforce Content?

How you organize files across the org to share, search, and manage. Users are given access to libraries. They can: subscribe to content, preview content. Contributers can tag content. It can be attached to accounts, contacts, capaigns, leads, opportunities, products, and custom objects

How do you create a quote?

From an opportunity and its products

What do Locale Settings control?

Date formats, time formats, name order, number formats

What happnes if you cahnge the data type associated with a custom field?

In most situations, it will result in the field's data being lost. List views based on the field will be deleted and assignment and escalation rules may be affected.

What is the only field type that can be both dependent and controlling?

Custom Picklist

What can Lookup filters reference?

Other fields on the same source, fields on the records of the lookup object, files on the user's record, profile or role. Fields on records directly related to the target object.

What do Record Types do?

Allow you to offer users different page layouts and picklist values for different business scenarios based on their profiles.

What do Business Processes control?

The picklist options depending on the object.

True or False: You must define your business processes before creating record types.


What objects support Business Processes?

Opportunities, Cases, Solutions, or Leads

What is Standard Data Validation?

Field data type, required field, unique field

True or False: All users can import their own accounts and contacts.


What does Report Format mean?

Summary, Tabular, or Matrix

What does Report Type mean?

The subject of the report (e.g. opportunities)

How many levels of grouping a summary report support?


How many filters can you add to reports?


What do report options control?

What data is being displayed and how it is sorted.

What do special data values allow?


What do Custom Summary Formulas do?

All you to create new summaries of your numerical fields in a report

How many Custom Summary Formulas can you have in a single report?


What can and can't Custom Summary Formulas reference?

Cannot reference other summary formulas. Can reference formula fiels in teh data.

What does a Cross Object Formula do?

It references the fields from parent objects, up to 10 parent levels

What does a Page Layout control?

Fields, sections, related lists, and buttons that appear when users view or edit a record.

How many page layouts can be assigned to a profile?

What is a record type?

Allows you to offer users different page layouts and picklist values for different business scenarios, based on their profiles.

What is the process for creating a Record Type?

1. Create the page layout 2. Create the record type, enable for profiles 3. Select the page layout for each profile. 4. Select picklist values

What record type is used for records created through web-to-case or web-to-lead?

The record type of the default case owner.

What is a Business Process?

Special picklist fields for Opportunities, Cases, Solutoins, and Leads that let you track these records through their lifecycle.

True or False: You need to define your required business processes before creating record types.

True: You select the process when you create a new record type.

What does history tracking do?

It enables you to track up to 20 standard or custom fields via the record's history related list or through history reports.

What does history tracking log?

Date and time of the change, user making the change, old/new values but not on multi-select picklist or large text fields

What is data validation?

It allows you to ensure the integrity of data before it is saved by preventing users from saving invalid field values

What are the two types of data validation methods?

System Data Validation: Field data types, required field, unique filed

Custom Validation Rules: Allows you to enforce more compelx conditions involving one or more fields

What are the qualities of a Required Field via Data Validation?

Universally required to save, auto-added to all page layouts, cannot be hidden, editable on all profiles, not for picklists or text

What objecs can you import data for via the Import Wizard?

Accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, and custom objects

True or False: You cannot opt to avoid workflow triggers using the Import Wizard.


What happens if the import values do not meet the data validation criteria when using the Import Wizard?

Import will fail on that one record

Which of the following are true about formula fields?

a. They are read-only

b. They will not display on record edit pages

c. They will not display on record detail pages

d. They are not searchable

e. They will not display on reports

A, B, & D

When creating a sales process, the System Admin will be modifying/filtering the values of the _____ field.

a. Amount

b. Stage

c. Next Steps

d. Status

e. Closed Date


What should a system admin consider before importing a set of records into Salesforce.

a. The import file should include a record owner for each record

b. Validation rules are not triggered when importing data using the import wizard

c. Data should be de-duplicated in the import file prior to import

d. Currency field values will defaul to the personal currency of the record owner

A & C

Which statement about custom summary formulas is true?

a. Reports can be grouped by a custom summary formula result

b. Custom summary formulas can reference a formula field within a report

c. Custom summary formulas can reference another custom summary formula

d. Custom summary formulas can be used in a report built from a custom report type

B & D

Users can post a static impact of a component to a dashboard feed, a user feed, or a group feed. What is this field called?

Dashboard Component Snapshot

The system administrator needs to ensure that all Leads coming from the website are assigned a website lead queue, that all Leads for a recent trade show are assigned to Matt Wilson and all other leads are assigned to Phil Smith. The system admin will:

a. Create 3 assignment rules

b. Create 1 assignment rule with multiple criteria entries

c. Creat an assignment rule and 2 workflow rules

d. Use workflow rules to accomplish this


The Chatter Free license gives user the ability to access People, Profiles, Groups, and Files as well as (choose all that apply)

a. Make posts

b. View Comments

c. Upload files

d. Join groups

e. View records

A, B, C, & D

What objects support business processes?

a. Opportunities

b. Leads

c. Campaigns

d. Accounts

e. Solutions

f. Cases

g. Contacts

A, B, E, & F

What are your options when selecting a Standard fiscal year?

The correct start month and if the fiscal year is based on the ending month or the starting month

True or False: Salesforce is single currency by default.

True, to display values in different currencies, request the multi-currency feature.

What does advanced Currency Management do?

Prevents previously converted deals from changing when the exchange rate is updated

True or False: User interface settings are global.


What are the 3 settings that impact how the user interacts with the sidebar?

Show quick create, enable hover details, and enable collapsible sidebar

What are the 4 settings that impact how users interact with record detail pages?

Enable collapsible sections, enable hoever details, enable related list hoover links, enable inline editing

What are the 3 settings that impact how users interact with list views?

Enable inline editing, enable enhanced lists, enable printable list views

What does enabling enhanced lists do?

Enables updating multiple records at the same time through inline editing, switch to traditional view or Chatter view, edit the number of entries available on a single page.

How many filters and columns can be used when creating the search layout?


True or False: List views are created on the object's tab?


True or False: Chatter is a global setting that applies to all users.


What happens when Chatter is enabled?

It is added to the Force.com app menu, the tab is added to all standard tabs, the following objects are Chatter enabled (account case, Chatter group, contact, lead, opportunity, and user), several fields on each of these objects can be enabled

What are settings and what are the main categories of them?

Settings control what users see. Categories include: Apps, Tabs, Record Types, Page Layouts, Fields

What are permissions and their main categories?

Permissions control what users do. They include: Aministrative (customize app), General User (run reports, mass email, etc), Standard Object (create leads) and Custom Object (edit positions).

What does a user record contain?

Personal info, security settings, and local information

What happens if required fields are unmapped when using the import wizard?

An error will be generated and it will stop you from continuing

Who becomes the default owner if hte owner field is left blank when using the Import Wizard?

The person doing the importing.

What happens if picklist values in imported data do not exist in Salesforce?

New values will be imported only for those records.

Where can the Salesforce record ID be located (3 locations)?

The record URL, reports, the data loader export file

What er the functions of the Data Loader?

Insert, update, delete, export, or upsert

True or Fales: The data loader is a Salesforce application.

False, it is a client application. It accesses SF data from outside of Salesforce.

True or False: The data loader uses the Salesforce API.


What are the 3 main qualities of the Import Wizards?

Maximum 50k records, prevent duplicates when importing new records, choose whether or not to trigger workflow rules.

What are the 5 main qualities of the Apex Data Loader?

Load up to 5 million records, load objects such as products and opportunities (in adddition to everything the import wizards can do), schedule imports, save mapping for later user, export or delete data

True or False: Sharing settins and OWDs are the same thing.


What types of records can be transferred?

Cases and Leads

What are the two main sections of a user profile?

System settings and app settings

What do OWDs control?

Access to records the user does not own.

What does baseline permissions control?

What a user can do on the objects and records they own.

True or False: Role Access cannot restrict record access to less than what is granted through OWDs.


True or False: Role access can give more than what is granted via the user profile.


What do profiles do?

They determine how a user see records and what they can do to the records they have access to.

Custom profiles are available in what editions?

Developer, enterprise, and unlimited.

Where would you find permissions that traditionally an admin is given?

System Permissions

What does Delegated Administration allow?

It allows you to limit the system permissions you give to someone. They will have admin like permissions but not ultimate authority.

True or False: View All and Modify All object permissions override sharing rules.


What does the Page Layout determine?

The fields and related lists accessible to the user.

What do record types do?

Allow you to offer different business processes, picklist values, and page layouts to users based on their profiles.

What are Object Settings?

Field level security, object permissions, record types, page layouts, and tab settings.

What are the two main steps to creating a profile?

Determine what applications should be accessible and then the object settings for that profile.

What are the available Object Permissions?

CRED (create, read, edit, delete, view all, modify all)

What are applicaiton permission settings?

Which applicaiton specific settings are available to the user e.g. convert leads in the Leads app.

What are system permission settings?

Which system actions are granted to the use e.g. Assign topics.

When does it make sense to freeze a user and not deactivate?

When a user is: assigned leads or cases as a part of an assignment rule, sole recipient of a workflow email alert, default workflow user, default lead owner

What are the 3 ways you can backup data?

Data loader, reports, or weekly export data service

How long do exported files last before expiration?

48 hours

What is a dashboard?

A visual represenation of summary data from multiple reports.

What do gauge components display?

The grand total row from the bottom of the source report.

What do table and chart components reference?

The summary rows from the source report.

What does a metric component show?

The grand total from the source report.

What does a dynamic dashboard do?

Enables the logged in user to be the running user.

How many components can you have on a dashboard?


By default who is the running user when creating a dashboard?

The person creating the dashboard.

What can appear in the summary row of a report?

a. records

b. the fields by which the records are grouped

c. summarized field

d. custom summary formulas

e. record count

f. grand totals

B, C, D, & E

Where to do you select which objects you can track in Chatter?

Setup>Build>Cusotmize>Chatter>Feed Trackin

True or False: Cases can have multiple solutions associated withe them?


True or False: The Manage Solution Categories permission is default associated with the Solution Manager Role?

False, it is its own permission. By defaul a Solution Manager can create and manage solutions.

What is Salesforce Knowledge?

It allows users to easily create and manage content, known as articles, and quickly find and view articles they need. All Salesforce users can view articles without an add-on Knowledge user license.

How is Knowledge different from Solutions?

In Knowledge: A user can easily create new articles prior to the case being closed, article versioning is available, admins configure articles types and data categories.

True or False: Licensing is needed for Solutions?

False, licensing is needed for Knowledge

What field does the support process reference?

The status field

What do record types control?

The page layouts, picklist values for different business scenarios based on the user profile.

How many web-to-cases can be generate in a single day?


What must support settings specify for web-to-case?

The default case owner and automated case user.

What do auto response rules do?

Automatically send a response to web-to-case, email-to-case, or self-service portal emails after the case has been created. Uses email templates.

How can case queues be grouped?

By type of support request, product family, customer, and SLA

What are case assignment rules?

They automatically route cases to users or queues or case teams.

When must you define order criteria actions?

When using Escalation and Assignment Rules.

What is a workflow?

Workflow rules set workflow actions into motino when certain conditions are met. Actions can take place immediately or on a specific data account to the trigger.

What are the 3 components of a workflow?

Evaluation criteria, trigger criteria, and actions.

What is the Softphone?

A customizable call control tool that appears in the footer of the Service console or the sidebar. Layouts can differen based on inbound, outbound, and internal.

What does the CRM Call Center configuation do?

Allows Salesforce to communicate with third party CRM CTI

What does a Chattter free user have the ability to do?

Make posts, view comments, upload and view files, join groups.

What does a Chatter External user have the ability to do?

See groups they belong to and the profiles of members of that group. Share files common to the groups they belong to.

What do Object Permissions do?

They determine the kinds of records users can view, create, edit, or delete, not the individual records themselves.

When is the public read/write/transfer sharing option avaialble?

For cases and lead records.

How are associated records for contacts, opportunities, and cases controlled?

Via role creation and the hierachy.

Is field level security applied via the field, profile, or both levels?

Both, set field level security for multiple pforiles at the field level and set a profiles access to multiple fields at the profile level.

What are the two ways you can lose the data associated with a custom field?

Changing the data type and deleting the field

True or False: Formula fields are visible on edit pages?


True or False: Formula fields are read only.


True or False: Formula fields can reference standard custom or other formula fields.


True or False: Formula fields are available for weekly export service?


What are the objects for which business processes exist?

Sales, support, solutions, and leads

What are the steps to creating a business process?

Ensure picklist is adequate, create business process and select the picklist, specify the details of the record type, select the page layout.

What are Report options?

Summarize information by, timeframe, show types like my opportunities, and by stage

How do you create custom reports?

Via the report builder. It has 3 panes: fields, filters, and preview.

What does the report builder upgrade do?

Grants all users the access to the report builder, enables scatter charts, and can't be turned off.

How many custom summary fomulas can be on a single report?


What can be modified by using the report options at the top of the summary report?

Timeframe and how the records are grouped.

Can a custom summary formula reference other summary formulas?


What are the four types of emails?

text, HTML, custom without letter head, and Visualforce

What are the components of a workflow?

Evaluation criteria, trigger critieria, actions, time triggers, and actions.

What are the action types for a workflow?

Tasks, email alerts, field updates, and outbound messages

How many actions can a single workflow rule trigger?

Up to 80

How many web-to-cases can be generated per day?


What are the steps to prepare for web-to-lead or web-to-case?

Create custom fields, create queues, create email templates, create assignment rules, create auto-response rules, create web form

How many assingment rules can be active simulatenously?

1 but multiple criteria can be in play

What does the default lead creator do in the web-to-lead settings?

They will be the creator of online leads and the sender of lead responses. This user must have the modify all data permission and the send email permission.

True or False: the web-to-case features have more template options than the web-to-lead feature?


Which schedule type can be defined for a product?


Which settings cannot be modified for individual Users?

User interface & Search Settings.

What does Salesforce authenticate before allowing a user to log in through the user interface?

Whether the user's profile has IP address restrictions
Whether the user's profile has login hour restrictions
Whether the organization has trusted IP addresses

What are two sources from which Cases can be created?

Connect for Outlook

What Does a custom report type determine?

The fields that can be used as columns when building a report
The objects that are available when building a report

Which permission is required to convert a lead?

"Create" and "Edit" access for leads, accounts, contacts, and opportunities
"Convert Leads" profile permission

Which field type can be used as an external ID?

Number field
Text field
Email field

What should a system administrator consider when deleting a custom field?

Deleted fields and values can be restored from the recycle bin within 15 days.
Field used in workflow and assignment rules cannot be deleted
Field values should be archived before a field is deleted.

What can be transferred from one user to another user during a mass transfer of account records?

Closed cases
Open activities
Open cases

Sales managers need to view and report on sales revenue across an entire company without having access to a custom object that tracks personal time off requests.

Which permission should a system administrator enable in a custom profile to meet this requirement in a private sharing model?

Read for opportunities

Where can the multi-language solution feature be enabled?

Public solutions and self-service portal

Which field types can be designated as an external ID?

Email, Number and text

What are the ways you can ensure a field is mandatory?

Check the required field box on the filed defition, check the required filed box on the page layout, create a validation rule for the filed

Which standard fields are added when a custom object is created?

ID Last modified by, name

Which of the following are required in a force.com custom application?

name, ordered list of tabs

Which statements are true about master-detail relationships?

The parent field on a child is required, access to parent determines the children, the lookup field on the page layout is required

What elements does a custom object automatically contain when it is created?

page layouts, standard controller.

Which is true about encrypted custom fields?

They cannot have defualt values, they cannot be an external ID, they cannot be set as unique

True or false: a field designated as required is only required when it is added to a user's page layout?


A field flagged as an external ID is not required to be unique.


What are the three tiers of salesforce platform?

Data, Business logic, user interface

What is Force.com?

A cloud based platform for builidng applications.

What id database.com

the cloud based database platform underlying the force.com platform. it includes the security model and the integration mechanisms.

What are some attributes of cloud computing?

Multi-tenant, subscription, no large start-up fee, fixed and predictable cost, scales with your business, automatic upgrades

What are the ways you can customize and build using force.com?

Declarative interface, apex programming language, visualforce user interface framework

What are the ways you integrate with externam systems?

Declarative interface, apex programming language, force.com api

Where do you use Programmatic customization?

UI: Force.com pages, web controls, sites

Business Logic: Force.com Page Controllers, Force.com code, webservices api, Rest api

Data Model: Web Services api, meta data api, rest api, bulk api

What tools are available for application development?

Force.com sandbox, Setup Menu, Force.com IDE, Metadata Migration Tools, Developer Force

What is metadata?

Data that describes configuration data. Force.com metadata describes the customization you make declaratively or programmatically

What are the design questions you need to ask when creating a custom application?

Who are the stakeholders and business partners?

What are the business requirements?

Who will use the application?

What do you want to be able to report on?

How will people learn to use the application?

What is a ID?

A key that uniquely locates each record, system assigned and not updateable, indexed and the first 3 digits identify the object type

What are the standard fields?

ID, Name, Owner, and Created/Last Modified.

True or false: relationship is defined ont he child recrod via a field?


How many Master-Detail relationships are allowed per Object?


How many lookups are allowed per object?


True or fales: A Lookup Field is required when a Master-Detail relationship is used?


What is a self-relationship?

A lookup relationship to the same object.

When can lookup filters be used?

Lookup relationship, Master-Detail, and Hierarchical

What is an application?

A logical container for all the objects, tabs, processes, and services associated with a given business function.

What does a force.com custom app consist of?

A name, description, an ordered list of tabs, and optionally a custom logo and landing page.

What are the standard apps SF provides?

Sales, Call Center, Marketing, Community, and Chatter

What are the 3 types of custom tabs?

Custom Object Tabs: Display the data of your custom object in the user interface.

Web Tabs: Display any external web-based applicaiton or web page

Visualforce tab: Display a Visualforce page in the user interface.

What do page layouts define?

The organization of fields, custom links, related lists on an object detail page

What are the various page layout customizations?

Field locations, page section customizations, field properties (visible, read only, and required)

True or False: Roll-Up Summary fields are read only.


What are the ways you can move metadata?

Change Sets, Force.com IDE, Force.com Migration tool

When will sandboxes be deleted?

180 days if no one has logged in or 60 days if it is locked

True or False: Change sets are deployed entirely or not at all?


What are the license types?

Chatter External


Salesforce Platform

Salesforce Platform Light

Chatter Free

What are the feature license types?

Marketing User

Apex Mobile User

Offline User

Force.com Flow User

What do profiles control?

Apps users can access

Tabs users see

What users can do to records they can access

What are record types?

Used to tailor user interaction experience to specific business needs

What do page layouts control?

How detail and edit pages are organized

Page section customizations

Which fields, related lists, and custom links a user sees

Filed properties (visible, read, required)

What is a role?

It controls the level of visibility that users have to an organization's data

What do debug logs contain?

Information about database changes and automated workflow processes

True or false: Developers can retain and manage the debug logs for specific users.


What does the developer console contain?

Area to work with code, view execution stats, logs, test tools, and query editor

What are the debug log limits?

20 per user, 2MB per log, and 50 MB per org

What are the types of validation rules?

IsChanged, PriorValue, IsNew

How do you enforce data consistency?

Use validation rules and vlookups

How do you prevent data loss?

Validation rules and roll up summary fields (RSF)/ 1. first build a RSF on the parent that counts the number of child records, then create a validation rule on teh parent object that conditionally prevens changes to the number listed on the RSF

What are the actions associated with a workflow rule?

Assign task, update field, send email alert, Post Outbound SOAP message

How do you define an approval process?

1. Initial submission actions

2. Step definition

3. Final rejetion actions

4. Final approval actions

5. Recall actions

When are approval processes triggered?

When the user clicks submit for approval

What is dynamic approval routing?

It routes approval request to users listed in lookup fields on teh record requiring approval. It allows complex approval matrices

What are the steps to create a dynamic approval process?

1. Create lookup fields on object being approved.

2. Create a custom object as an approval matrix.

3. Populate the approval matrix

4. Create Apex code to fill in the lookup fileds from the approval matrix

5. Create or update an approval process

What does Visual Workflow do?

Automates complex business processes through:

Navigating users through screens

Execute business rules

Query and update Salesforce data

What are the steps that underlie a visual workflow?

1. Define resources 2. Add elements 3. Connect elements 4. Set start element

How many versions of a flow can be active at a time?


What are faults?

Exceptions that can happen during the processing of a flow.

What does the Setup Audit Trail do?

shows changes made to an organization's setup, up to 20 changes are displayed within the application, can be exported to see full list, changes are tracked for 180 days

What is field history tracking?

Enables developers to choose up to 20 fields per object to track

What is tracked in field history tracking?

the old and new values (not on text or MS picklists), data dnd time, user who made the change

Where can you get salesforce IDs?

URL, Report, SOAP-based web services API, formulas

How can you transfer records across owners?

Update data or mass transferring records

How many external IDs can an object have?


What is the Bulk API?

For high-volume data loads it is designed to:

Improve throughput when loading large data sets, increase stability, monitoring and control of high-volume data loads, allow better control and optimization of data center resources during data loads.

What is visualforce?

A component based user interface framework for the force.com platform It provides full control of user interface and behavior. Visualforce pages are created using a tag-based markup language.

What is MCV?

Model, View and Controller. Model is the salesforce data and objects, controller is the business logic either standard or custom apex, and the view is the user interface so page layouts and visualforce

How is visualforce different than page layouts?

Does not automatically get new features and can be accessed outside of SF.

When do you use visual force?

When data is not stored in sf, standard behavior needs to be overriden, business processes do not meet needs, look and feel needs to be changed.

How do you access visualforce pages?


What are the tools that allow you to develop visualforce pages?

Inline editor, force.com IDE in Eclipse, and developer console

What are the elements of a visualforce page?

Comment, controller, text, html, component, and component attribute.

What are visualforce controllers?

A set of instructions that specify what happens when a user interacts with the components specified in the page. Controllers provide access to the data that can be displayed. they exist for standard and custom objects, and support both single records and list views.

What are the parts of a visualforce component?

Prefix, component, component attribute

What are the parts of an attribute?

Attribute name and attribute value

How are objects data and fields referenced?

Using dot notation

What does a custom component enable you to do?

Place a custom user interface element in a custom component to reuse it several times in one or more visualforce pages

How do you change the look and feel of a visualforce page?


What is force.com sites?

Creates public websites using Visualforce that can include data and content from a SF application.