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81 Cards in this Set

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sexual problem where there is a major lack of desire in men

hypo active sexual desire

lack of sexual intrest in women is called

sexual intrest disorder

compulsivenees with which they ingage in sex or cannot refrain from having sex


painful intercourse that can occur in either men or women and can have variety of causes


most common sexual problem specific to men under 60 is

pre ejaculation

pre ejaculation is defined as

recurrent and persistent absence of reasonable control

psychologically devastatin male problem is

erectile disorder

difficulty reaching orgasm and ejaculation in a womans vagina is called

orgasmic disorder

some men suffer from a headache after orgasm known as

benign coital cephalalgia

for many women lack of secual inrest is due to what

relationship problems

involountary contractions of the muscles surrounding the vaginal opening when they attempt intercourse.. this is known as


most women go to sexual therapy because of problems doing what

Unable to reach orgasm

a woman having trouble reaching orgasm due to a variety of things like

poor techniques by the partner

sexual repression during womans upbringing

general relationship problems

when talkin about sexual differences be sure to emphasize what rather than what

positive rather than negative

it is easier to find out about your partners sexual desires and needs if you

self disclose

give four examples of good nonverbal communications

eye contact

facial expression

interpersonal distance


studies have found that how many of all couples in the united states will eventually experience sexual problems

t least half

when in a relationship it is best to consider the problem as whose problem

the couples problem

most therapist use this approach which recognizes the interpersonal and psychological aspects of the sexual behavior when treatingg a couples sexual problem

biopsycosocial approach

sensate exercises use what techniques

non demanding mutual pleasure techniques

in men painful intercourse can be caused by the foreskin of the penis being too tight. this condition is called what


if a man is totally unable to ejaculate in a womans vagina this is called

ejaculatory incompetence

most difficult sexual problem to treat succesfully is what

hypoactive sex desire

feelings of sadness or anxiety after otherwise physically satisfactory inercourse is called

postcoital dysphoria

a normal behavior is best defined as a what of behaviors or values


historically masturbation has been presented as unnatural immoral and bad for ones health. true or false


kinsey found that how how much of men and how much of wemon masturbate

92% of men

62% of women

most women masturbate by stimulating what

the entire vuvla

the more sex that a person has, the more likely he or she is to what


most people fantasize about someone else while having sex with their current partner. this is called what

replacement fantasy

sexual fantasies for women tend to contain more what




what type of fantisies are more common among men

dominance fantasies

what fantasies are more common among women

submission fantasies

most young married couples have sex how many times a week


sexual intercourse duration usually does what with age


the man on top is called what position

missionary position

two terms for oral genital sex



masturbation and oral genital sex is more commonly experienced by people with what type of education

higher education

what type of men are more likely to engage in anal intercourse

homosexual men

several states used to have laws that prohibited what two things

oral and anal sex

couples should not engage in anal and vaginal sex without washing in between because of what


what is the main reason that many poeple continue to masturbate after forming a sexual relationship


laumann found that the two sexual behaviors most preferred by amaricans are

vaginal sex and stripping

as children grow their curiosity about their bodies continues and during early childhood reaches a peak between what ages


what are some early childhood games that allowed children to explore their bodies (2 games)

house or doctor

what is he time in life in which an individual first becomes capable of reproduction


many bodily changes coccur by the reulft of what levels changing in your body

hormone levels

breast development in girls

increase estro

vaginal dryness at menopause

decrease estro

hot flashes inl women

increase fsh and lh

development of swet glands

increase testo


increase estro

pubic hair and body hair

increase testo


increase in fsh and lh

less firm erection nd longer refractory period

decrease testo

reversal of effects of menopause

increase estro

decreased sexual desire in women

decrease testo

decreased desire in men

decrease testo

childrens first sexual attractions

increase in dhea and increase in testo

puberty is at least a two part muturational process, the two parts are called

adrenarcbe and gonadnocbe

distinct preferences consistently made after adolescence in the presence of clear alternatives is called what

sexual orientation

a true bisexual would be a what on kinseys 7 point rating scale

2 3 or 4

psychologist used to believe that homosexuality resulted from problems in resolving the what complex


what theory regards homosexuality and heterosexuality as learned behaviors

social cultural theory

what society alls all boys to engage in same sex behaviors for many years before adulthood

sambian society

many reasearchers believe that differences in what before we are born predisposes us to a particular sexual orientation


most societies are more what of homosexuality


what saint viewed homosexuality as unnatural or against the laws of nature

st aquinas

what are the four stages of the coming out process

admitting homosexuality

getting to know other homos

telling friends and family

complete openess about sexual orientation

what disease is found in men with on or more extra X chromosomes

klinefelders syndrome

what disease is found in women with only one X chromosome

tumers syndrome

hormones determine whether a what will develop into a boy or girl


hormone disorders before birth can result in what

mismatch between genetic and anaomical sex

the most common hormone disorder in girls is called what

congenital adrenal hyperplasia

a hormone disorder where you feel like you are trappend inside a body of the wrong sex

gender dysphoria

this theory emphasizes unconscious indetification with the parent of the same sex

freudian theroy

what theory emphasizes the role of reinforcement and imitation

social learning theroy

what theory says that psychological sex diffences between men and women are inherent and the result of different reproductive pressures each faced over thousands of generations.

evolutionary theory

what theory emphasizes the role of the enviornment or social context in influencing the way gender roles develop over the life span

sociocultural theory

what is developed before gender identity and gender consistancy

gender roles

what theory says that a person can be both masculine and feminine

androgyny theory