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359 Cards in this Set

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a couples based approach to sex researc
social comparative motive
we are all very interested in assessing whether we are doing what most people like us are doing
- we are denied sexual comparisons because sex is so private
__ % of canadian abortions are repats
2 factors quadruple the liklihood of abortion
1) partner is abusive
2) history of sexual asault
bacterial STI's are ____
viral STI's are _____
treatable, not curable
sexuality and gender accepted model:
- women pick and choose because they have limited eggs
- men have so much sperm so they are promiscuous
?/? of 18-24 year old women say they have been forced to have sex
invented term "sexology"
freud on sex (2)
"normal sex is crazy sex" "each of us spend our lives on a volcano of lust but try to keep it in check through the superego"
created the first sex research place (uni of Berlin)
- was a homo, women, and abortions rights activist
Why is Kinsey's work criticized?
because of the sexual social comparison
what did Masters and Johnson (MJ) write?
"Human sexual response" and "human sexual inadequacy"
why did doctors introcdice contraception?
to bring back patients from midwives to doctors
started planned parenthood
What case legalized contraception?
Conneticuit versus Griswald
what case legalized abortion?
Rae vs. Wade (1973)
read about someone being fired for selling a condom to an unmarried person. so she opened a b/c clinic aross from a police sttion
1969 contraception
was legalized by trudeau but not abortion
performed abortons illegally and no jury would convict him, these trials led to the abolishment of abortion laws in 1988
undue explotiation of sex
which theme of erotic images did both males and females like best?
casual sex
Canadian contraceptive study found that ___% of people had unplanned pregnancies
Freud on displacement
Adult Personality Development as
Displacement and Sublimation of
Infantile Sexuality
kinsey wrote
sexual behaviour in human male, and sexual behaviour in human female
Beginning of AIDS
crossover from primates and began to spreak in 1910
when was HIV identified
natural selection
darwin/wallace. some ppl are more likely to survive and reproduce and pass their genes to offspring
sexual selection
darwin. selection that results from differences in traits affecting access to mates. 2 processes:
1) competition among members of one gender for mating access to the other
2) preferential choices made by one gender for certain members of the other
the application of evolutionary biology to understanding social behaviour
evolutionary psychology
the study of psychological mechanisms that have been shaped by natural selection
criticisms of biological perspectives (4)
- impossible to test some
- biological determinsm
- not all traits are adaptive (spandrell)
- focus on reproductive importance (how explain gay?)
example: what is the purpose of male nipples or female orgasms?
psychoanalytic theory
personality= Id, ego superego
id (6)
- pleasure principle,
- wants to have fun
- unconscious
- contains libido
- basic, born at birth
- resevoir of psychic energy
ego (3)
realist principle.
-helps to troubleshoot the id
- straddles conscious and unconscious
superego (5)
- morals and values
- conscious
- idealism principle
- persuades ego to go for moral goals rather than just realistic ones
- develops last
what are the 2 learning theories
1) classical conditioning (pavlov)
2) operant conditioning (skinner)
Classical conditioning
pavlov. helps explain fetishes. Plaud and martini- piggy bank study
- conditioned stimulus will evoke a response over time
think pavlovs dog
operant conditioning
skinner. involves changing the frequency of a behviour by pairing behaviours with reinforcement/an o punishment.
- big bang clip
problem: punishment doesnt do a good job of shaping behaviour
Gender scema theory
(bem)set of attributes we associate with males and females. we distort our memory with gender scema expectations (example of children seeing pictures of wrong gendered activities). WE IGNORE WHAT DOESNT FIT OUR GENDER STEROTYPES
theory of planned behaviour
Ajzen and Fishbien. intention is the pychological precursor to behaviour. intentions are determine by:
1) attitudes (behavioural beliefs)
2) subjective norms (norm befis)
3) rejections of behaviour control (control beliefs)
sexual scripts theory
Gagnon and simon. people have expectations about asequence of events and how they should play out
difference between nonscience and nonsense?
nonsense cannot be tested
3 reasons to do sex research
1) create knowlegde and understanding
2) inluence sexual behaviour
3) inform public policy
5 common themes in content analysis for sex stuff
1) genital closups
2) erections
3) fetishes
4) masturbation
5) homo
if people are aroused sexually and see pics of attractive people they believe they are _____ attractive
if you show people pics of an ugly person an then arouse them sexually, they now think the pic is ____ attractive
even less
problems with self-reports (4)
1) purposeful distortion
2) memory
3) difficulties with estimates
4) interpreting questions
gold standard
a high degree of agreement in results when different methods are employed
analogous organs
do the same thing
homologous organs
come from the same embryotic tissue
indirect labial traction
occurs duuring intercourse and helps female acheive orgasm
pain in vagina. can be provoked (only occurs when touched) or unprovoked (chronic pain)
150 mil plus have experienced
female genital cutting
what percent of cervical cancer is due to HPV
strands ___ and ___ account for 70% of HPV
16 and 18
possible pap results: (3)
1) normal
2) ASCUS (abnormal of uncertain significance)
3) CIN (dysplasia) - beginnings of precancerous changes
hpv vaccines (2)
1) Gardasil (prevents four kinds- 16 and 18, and the 2 common genital warts strands)
2) Cerverix
1960 and pap tests
they became routine
__ % of women get paps on the regular
BRCA 1/2 (breast cancer gene's one and two testing (4)
1) Askenegic jews (elevated risk)
2) family history
3) can be given tamoxifen
4) or an MRI
gene culture co-evoltuon
culture developed to/with idea of breasts as sexual attraction
the male seminal vesicle is ___% seminal fluid
where is testosterone produced (where specifically IN gonads)
in intersitial cells
risks for testicular cancer (3)
1) age group 15-49
2) delayed descnet
3) family history
Benign Prostatic
Hypertrophy (BPH
– Difficulty emptying bladder
– Transurethral resection of
– Drugs to facilitate flow of
PSA and PCA3 testing
prostate cancer tests. PSA is not specific so a biopsy is still needed. PCA3 is a prostate cancer anfrogen that is highly specific
solution to prostate cancer, and uses radioactive material through injections
benefits of circumsicion (2)
less UTI's
50-60% reduction in HIV in common areas
sex hormones
chemical substances made in gonads (testes/ovaries), an adrenal glands and are secreted directly to the bloodstream:
testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone
sex hormones function within:
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal "axis"
brain structures signaling hormones to be created
most fertilization happens in ____, not ____
fallopian tubes, uterus
what does birth control do?
fools hypothalamus into thinking theres no need to ripen an egg
ovulation occurs at day __
painful menstruation with high levels of muscle contractios
growth of the endrometirum in areas outside the uterus= painful!
(menstrual cycle)
emotional changes
physcial changes
sex dimorphic abilities
things certain genders are good at
found high estrogen levels led to high performace in female dominant activities
when do you know you're in menopause
one year without a period
In the ___ week after conception, sex chromosomes direct
gonads to begin differentiatio
Mullerian ducts
embryonic structures - are found in both male
and female fetuses.
– In males, testes secrete Mullerian Inhibiting Substnace (MIS) and Mullerian
ducts degenerate
– In females, Mullerian ducts develop into the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and
the upper part of the vagin
Wolffian Ducts
embryonic structures - found in both male and
female fetuses
– In females Wolffian ducts degenerate
– In males Wolffian ducts, supported by testosterone, develop into the
epididymis, the vas deferens, and the ejaculatory duct
physiological term referring to transition to
reproductive capacity during which there is sudden
enlargement and maturation of the gonads, external
genitalia, and secondary sex characteristic
social psychological term referring to transition
from the behavior and attitudes of a child to the behavior,
attitudes, and responsibilities of an adul
what stimulates puberty
Increased FSH and LH production
why did MJ stop studying only prostitues
bcause many of them had issues and/or were transient
MJ initiate vs accept
initiate= spontaneous desire
accept= receptive desire
*most desires overlap
__ % of Canadian women have used oral constraceptives at some point
female sexual response are dependent on ___
what is the big occasion that often kickstarts female masturbation?
first time sex
heteronormative society
assumption that hetero is normal
not sure, somewhat rejectinng, but not enough to be homophobic
benign variations
bi, homo, hetero... do these variations really matter> no
what kickstarted the gay rights movement
the New york stonewall riots of 1969
Toronto bath house raids
this occured in 1981, and owners were charged with "keeping a bawdy house"
emerging definition of gender role
and sexual attraction nonconformit
the levels of men who have sex with men are __ times higher than those who actual have a homo identity
5 times
what was Kinsey's most controversial statistic
that 30% of men have engaged in homo behaviours
"there is nothing intrinsically bad about being homo, however, they sometimes have bad life experiences"
what did the ancient greeks believe?
that people were originally double humans (some half men half women, some double me, and some double women)
- believe that was too powerful, so they were split in half
- spend entire life searching for other half
-i.e. double male=homo
when did the scientific study of sex begin?
19th century
discovered sperm
where was the first atual fertilization seen?
sea urchins
sexology is an
interdisciplinary field containing biologists, psychologists, antropologists, and physicians
communication theorists believe the media can have three types of influence:
1) cultivation= makes people believe that what they see in media represents mainstream what really occurs
2) agenda setting= media define what is important by which stories are and aren't covered
3) social learning= media provides role models whom we imitate
the tendency to regard one's own ethnic group and culture as superior, and that other cultures should be compared to our way of life
incest tabos
a regulation prohibiting sexual interaction between close blood relatives, it is nearly universal.
- postpartum sex taboo is common
Inis Beag (6)
island off ireland that is the most naive and sexually repressive society in the world.
- don't even know what french kissing is
- women are dangerous when on their period, and after childbirth
- men believe sex is hard on health
- premarital sex is unknown
- female orgasm doesnt exist
Mangaia (6)
island in south pacific that is very interested in sex
- at age 13, boys go under the superincision ritual
- 2 weeks after operation he has sex with an experienced women to remove the scab
- soon he has sex every night and goal is to last long time
- girls receive sex instruction from older women
- nothing is despised more than a dead partner who doesnt move
Mehinaku (6)
Brazilian village.
- openness about sex
- compete for sexual favours from females
- gender segregated (mens house)
- female orgasm is non existen
- female masturbation is dangerous
- all about the men and their high libidos
extramarital sex
ranks second only to incest as the most strictly prohibited type of sexual contact
3 universals of homo
1) found universally in all societies
2) men are more likely then women
3) it is never the predomnant form of sexual behaviour
social class and sex in canada
higher clases have more sex, while lower started having sex earlier and are more likely to get diseases
only cross povince sex difference
French people more likely to be liberal towards it (50s quiet revolution started this)
why are cross cultural studies important (2)
1) show sexual variations
2) show how culture shapes behaviour
health canada's 4 principles to guide protection and promotion of canadian sexual health:
1) all individuals are sexual beings
2) individual autonomy and responsilbity should guide decision making
3) greatest benefits will be achieved by emphasizing promotion of sexual and reporductive health and prevention of problems
4) access should be equitable
evolutionary perspectives believe (3):
1) physical appeal important (health woman=better babies)
2) natural selection
3) evolution
how does evolutionary perspevtives explain why the nuclear family is seen everywhere?
- because obstacles to reproduction (i.e. infant vulnerability and maternal death) are reduced by mothers care and fathers security
-there are 2 mechanism that facilitate this bond
1) pair bond (mother/father)
2) attachment (infant/parent)
* Infants chances of survical are better if parents are together and loving
parental investment
things invested in offspring to acheive survival and reproductive success
sexual strategies
males and females face diff adaptive problems in short term/long term mating.
- in short term dating, a female may choose a male who provides immediate recourses but choose someone diff for long term
- males may choose a sex available woman for short, but somwthing diff for long
found that men are more likely to relax their standards when lookign for a short term mate than women are
but, overall, similar strategies and both prefer long term
four major psychological theories
1) psychoanalytic theory
2) learning theory
3) social exchange theory
4) cognitive theory
sex drive/enegry
freud saw libido as one of the two major forces motivating human behaviour
according to freud, what is the other force motivating human behaviour?
thantos= the death instinct
oral= birth to one year (sucking and stimulating mouth)
anal= 2nd year. (focus on elimination)
phallic= 3-5/6. (focus on genitals)
latency= lasts until adolescence (nothing)
genital= everything comes together
oedipus complex
occurs in the phallic stage. it is the sexual attraction of a boy to his mothers, and he hates his father for having her. He fears castration so the only thing he can do is identify with father
female oedipus complex
attraction of a little girl to her father, but gets penis envy. she switches her ezone from clit to vag. there is no clear resolution to her problems so her superego never develips as far as a mans
frued on dreams
are a window to a persons id
critiques of freud (3)
cannot be scientifically tested
people he tested were therapy patients
male centrerd
social learning theory
based on learning theory but involves two more things:
1) imitation
2) identification
- successful experiences create self efficacy
- explains gender development
self efficacy
a sense of competence at performing an activity
social exchange theory (3)
assumes people will choose actions that max rewards and min costs.
- developed from social learning theory
- reinforcement explains relationships
social exchange theory involves two levels
1) comparison level= the level of expected outcomes
2) comarison level for alternatives= the level of outcomes in the best alternative relationship

i.e. people will stay in a rela when the rewards are high, costs low, and comparison level for alternatives is low
cognitive theory
80s and 90s were a cognitive wave
- what we think influences what we feel
melanesians (4)
-same sex behaviour necessary/normal
- older is inserter
- semen makes boys men
- man chosen by boys father
sociologists approach study of sex with three assumptions
1) every society regulates member sexuality
2) basic institutions affect rules governing sexuality
3) the appropriatness/inapprop. f a sex activity depends on the culture
5 institutions sociological perspectives see infuencing sex
1) religion
2) economy
3) family
4) Medicine
5) law
relational ideology
after the industrial rev, the link became marriage sex and love. eventually that became a direct link between love and sex so that in the 70's ppl began arguing that sex out o marriage was permissable as long as it was loving (same with same sex)
medicalization of sexuality
the process by which 1) certain sexual behaviours or conditions are defined in terms of health/illness
2) problematic experiences are given medical treeatment (i.e. viagra for erectile issues)
word "persons" finally includes both genders
role taking
the process by which a person imagines how he/she looks from the others' perspective
- conscequence= self-control
criticisms of role taking (3)
1) too rational, what about emotions in sex?
2) portrays us as obsessed with meeting others' standards
3) sometimes its just expeirence/habit... we dont always consciously role take
Why does Reiss think sexuality is important in all societies? (2)
1) pleasure
2) personal self-disclosure to others
Reiss belives sexuality is linked to structures of society in three areas:
1) Kinship
2) power structure
3) ideologies (right and wrong assumptions)
sex research techniques vary in 4 ways:
1) self reports or observations?
2) sample size
3) field vs. lab
4) naturally or experimentally manipulated?
population versus sample
pop= a group of people we want to make inferences about
sample= part of the population (because impossible to study all)
random sampling
simplest form of probabilty sampling. each member has an equal chance of selection
stratified random sampling
pop divided into groups and then random sampled in each group
volunteer bias
those who dont refuse are volunteers and may differ in many ways. Big problem in sex research
who is less likely to volunteer for some sex research?
2 problems with purposeful distortion
enlargement or concealment
to get best results for senetive topics, which methods should be emplyed?
face to face combined with surveys
what is the cardinal ethical principle
respect for human dignity
free and informed consent principle was adoped in
the risks of participating in the research and the benefits of it should be equally distributed across society. i.e. birth control pill was only tested on peurto rico women and was therefore not equally distributed
what is the reliability ususally like for sex questions?
about +0.6 to +0.9
why did Kinsey start his sex research (3)
because he was appaled by the lack of it.
- his lifetime goal was to collect 100,000 sex histories
- 1947- he founded the institute for sex research
100 percent sampling
Kinsey. contacted a group, obtained their cooperation, and then got every single one of the members to give their history
why is Kinsey's stuff not accurate?
because he did not use probability sampling out of fear of the non-response problem
Kinsey was praised for his
interview techniques (i.e. what age did you begin masturbating? rather than do u masturbate?)
what is prof known for (3 areas)
1) teen pregnancy prevention
2) STI prevention
3) AIDS prevention
the Canada youth, sex health, and HIV/AIDS survey found 2 things:
1)age of first sex 14
2) percentage of students having sex is not increasing, but freqency is
exotic dancer study
Maticka-tyndale. Goal was to find if their dancing pout them at risk of HIV/AIDS
- used qual with snowballing
2 types of exotic dancers
1) goal oriented= treat as their jobs only and do not usually do dugs/drinks or sex
Career Dancers= usually part of strip club culture and drink drugs sex
first nations study
myers. goal+ assess knowledge behaviours and attitudes related to HIV infection.
reults= many high risk
- 60% no condons onr egilar
Prof's analysis model
information-motivation-behavioural skills analysis model
why did prof find that ppl who had the most erotophobic attitudes towards porn had most kids?
because they have a tough time talking about anything to do with not having kids
what was prof working towards
a theory of the basic psych factors that drive human sex, and from this he aimed at improving peoples sexual and reproductive health
critical discourse analysis
in content analysis, it is the alaysis of texts' underlying meanigns
MJ in the lab
- measured heart rate, muscle contractions, and Ph of vag.
- people has practice sessions, then had real sex, and then the female did artifical coiton
artifical coition
stimulation with a dildo. in M and J it had a camera and stuff in it
why were MJ not worried about getting a representative sample
because they believed they were studying normative behaviours that everyone had
MJ ommitted two types of people from study:
1) those not experienced
2) those uncomfortable in lab
correlational study
a study in which the researcher does not manupulate variables but rather studies naturally occuring relationsips among them
tigetning of vagina
removal of clitoral hood
toronto trim
reduction of labia and clit hood
what makes up the external female genitals (5)
1) clit
2) mons pubis
3) inner lips
4) outer lips
5) vaginal opening

* collectively known as the vulva
shaft of two corpora cavernosa that extends about an inch into the body. It is also two crura that lie deep in the body and run from the tip of the clit to either side of the vagina under the major lips
why is the clit unque
the only part of the sexual anatomy that has no known reproductive function
mons pubis
the fatty pad of tissue under the pubic hair. covers pubic bone
inner and outer lips
outer lips
labia majora. fatty tissue covered with hair
inner lips
labia minora. hairless skin folds lying alongside vagine. come together at the top, over the clit
bartholin glands
two tiny glands on either side of the vaginal entrance. their function is unknown but they are of interest because they sometimes get infected
the place where the innner lips come together behind the vaginal opening
skin between vaginal entrance and anus
another word for vaginal opening
small pathway for urine
area enclosed by the inner lips (entraceway)
vulvar vestibulitis
pain in vestibule
how many places is FGC placticed in?
25 african nations and several others
sunna (3)
midlest form of FGC.
removal of hood only...
closest thing to a female circumsicion
cliterodectomy. removal of entire thing an sometimes inner lips
infibulation/pharaoric circumsicion
most extreme for of FGC. removal of clit, all inner lips, and some outer. stitched together
__ % of cultures practicing FGC use the most severe form
a thin membrane that may partially cover the vag entrance. 4 types: imperforate, cribriform, septate, annular (ICSA)
- moves from stuck shut, to open
what 6 things make up the internal female organs?
1) vagina
2) vestibular bulbs
3) skene's glands
4) uterus
5) ovaries
6) fallopian tubes
walls of the vagina have three layers:
1) vaginal mucosa: inner layer, mucous membrane
2) middle layer is muscle
3) outer layer forms a cover
vulva of someone who hasnt had a baby
vulva of a woman who has had a baby
pelvic floor muscles surround three things:
1) vagina
2) anus
3) urethra
what is the most important pelvic floor muscle
pubococcygeous muscle= a muscle around the vaginal entrance. these are stretched through kegels
vestibular bulbs
erectile tissue running under the inner lips and skene's glands
skene's glands
female prostate. lies between wall of urethra and vagina. is dubbed the G-spot
what is the lower two thirds of the uterus called? the top?
cervix(which opens into vagina),
top= fundus
the uterus has 3 layers
1) inner: endometrium (glands and blood vessels)
2) middle: myometrium (muscles)
3) outer: perimetrium (forms uterus covering)
fallopian tubes
tubes extending from uterus to ovaries.. also called ovaducts. they are lines with hairlike projections called cilia.
part of the fallopian tube closest to the uterus. fertilization usually occurs here
two organs that produce eggs and sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) the fallopian tubes and ovaries arent actually attached
15 or 20 clusters of mammary glands each with a separate opening to the nipple
2 parts of the male external
penis and scrotum
three long cylinders of spongy tissues running parallel to the urethra
coropora cavernosa
two spongy tissues along the top
corpus spongiosum
one spongy body running along the underside
tip of penis
raised ridge at edge of glans
penis and muscle?
penis does NOT contain muscle. it is a purely vascular act (blood flow only)
Tyson's glands
glands under the foreskin producing smegma
when did the anti-circumsicion movement begin in canada?
a slit is made on the lower side of the penis along the entire length. thus, urine is exrracted at base
pouch of skin containing testes
pair of glands in scrotum that manufacture sperm and sex hormones. left hangs lower
what are testes analogous to?
female ovaries
seminiferious tubules
tubes in the testes that manufacture sperm. this process is called spermatogenesis
interstitial cells
cells in the testes manufacturing testosterone. they pour hormones into the blood vessels
testes are ____
endocrine glands (hormone producing)
cremasteric reflex
the movement of testes to or away from the body in order to keep the temp steady
sperm goes through 4 stages of maturation
1) spermatogoium
2) spermatocyte
3) spermatid
4) sperm
an average ejaculate contains about ____ sperm
200 million
a highly coiled tube located on the edge of the testes were sperm mature
vas deferens
tube through which sperm (after maturing in the epidydmis) pass on their way our of the scrotum and to the urethra
seminal vescicles
saclike structures that lie above the prostate, which produce about 70% of the seminal fluid
the gland in the male, located below the bladder, that secretes some of the fluid in semen
therefore seminal vesicles ____ it, and the prostate ____ it
produce, secrete
Cowper's gland
gland that secrete a clear alkaline fluid into the male's urethra. pre-cum comes from these
after ____, breast cancer is the next most common
non-melenoma skin cancer
where does breast cancer come from?
genetics. the rest cases are diet or a virus
3 kinds of lumps
1) cysts
2) fibroandenomas
3) malignant tumours

80% are 1 and 2
radical mastectomy
entire breast as well as underlying muscles and lymph nodes are removed
modified radical mastectomy
everything but muscles
simple masectomy
only the breast
only the lump and small parts of the surrounding tissues are removed
if breast cancer doesnt spread, survival rate ____
what increases HPV risks?
early intercourse and multiple partners
removal of the uterus. used in advanced cervical cancer
- ovaries left in tact to keep hormones
what is the most common form of cancer in men?
sex glands (testes in males, and ovaries in females)
group of male sex hormones (one of which is testosterone)
group of female sex hormones
a female sex hormone secreted by ovaries
pituitary gland (4)
- often called master gland.
- small endrocrine gland below the hypothalamus.
- important in regulating levels of sex hormones
- it has three lobes
a small region of the brain that is important in the functioning of sex hormones.
- it also regulates behaviours such as eating drinking and sex
two important hormones produced by pituitary
1) follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
2) Lutenizing hormone (LH)
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
stimulates follicle development in females, and sperm in males
LH (lutenizing hormone)
regulates estrogen secretion and ovum development in females, and testosterone in males.
GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormon)
a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that regulates the pituitarys' secretion LH (lutenizing hormone)
HPG axis
the negative feedback loop between the hypothalamus, pituitary glands, and gonads
- it regulates sex hormone production
why is it a negative feedback loop?
because if testosterone gets too high, the hypothalamus reduces production of GnRH and thus testosterone decreses
a substance that regulates FSH levels. it shows a great promise in male contraception
endrocrine disruptors
chemicals in environment that affect endrocrine system as well as the biological functioning of animals and humans
what else does the pituitary produce in females?
prolactin= stimulates milk
oxytocin= ejection of milk and contractions in labour
most animals have a ____ cycle rather than menstrual
what are the three differences between menstruation and estrous
1) no menstruation in estrous, only spottong
2) tming of ovulation occurs during estros (heat) for animal. for humans, ovulation is at middle between two periods
3) estrous cycles- only have sex while in heat. humans can have sex anytime
menstruation has 4 phases
1) follicular phase
2) ovulation
3) luteal phase
4) menstruation
begins just after period. an egg matures and prepares for ovulation
ovulation (3)
- resease of an egg from ovaries. - follicle rutures due to high levels of estrogens (and thus low levels of FSH)
-high levels of estrogen trippers production of LH, which starts ovulation
follows ovulation. under LH stimulation, the follicle turns into a grandular mass of cells called the corupus luteum
corpus luteum (3)
- manufactures progesterone.
- high levels of this inhibit LH, and the corpus degenrates.
- with this comes a decline of estrogen and progestrone, which begins the period.
edometrium leaves through discharge. low levels of estrogen and progesterone. FSH increasing (to start cycle over)
what is menstrual fluid made of? (3)
blood (endometrium)
degenerated cells
mucus from cervix/vagina
anovulatory cycle
menstruation without ovulation
cervical mucus cycle
glands in the cervix secrete mucus during menstrual cycle. helps protect cervix from bacteria
basal body temperature
body temperature is low during follicular phase and takes a dip on day of ovulation
chemicals secreted by uterus that causes uterine muscles to contract and will cause pain
what do MJ believe to help menstrual pain?
absense of menstruation. called primary if she has not menstruated by age 18, and secondary if she has before
Klinefelter's syndrome
a genetic male has an extra X (XXY)... as a result, testes are abnormal, no sperm is made, and testosterone is low
at 7 weeks a fetus has (3)
a paid of gonads, two sets of ducts, and rudimentary external genitalia
when do gonads develop?
male- 7 weeks
female -10-11 weeks
sex determining region , Y ZONE (SRY)
a gene on the Y chromosome that causes testes to differnetiate prenatally
if SRY is present...
then a substance called testis determining factor (TDF) makes gonads become testes.
- if TDF is not present, female development occurs.. making female the default
inguinal canal
testes travel down this path to the spot where they remain. they are in the correct spot by about 7 months
undescended testes. 2% of males.
inguinal hernia
when the pathway that the testes descend down do not close off properly
homologous organs (2 pairs)
scrotum and outer lips, seminal vesicles and fallopian tubes
both homologous and analogous (4 pairs)
testes and ovaries, penis and clit, prostate and cowpers, skene's and bartholin
8 variables of gender
prenatal hormonal
prenatal and neonatal brain differnetiation
internal ograns
external appearance
pubertal hormones
assigned gender
gender identity
3 most common things causing intersex
1) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
2) progestin-induced psuedohermaphroditism
3) angrogen insensitive syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
genetic female produces too high levels of testosterone prenatally and thus has male genitals
progestin-induced psuedohermaphroditism
resulted from a drug that was given to women. fetus was exposed to high andreogens because of it
androgen insensitive syndome (AIS)
genetic condition in which body is unresponsive to androgens so that a genetic male may be born female body
5-alpha reductase syndrome
Domincan case. Due to genetic-enrocine issues, genetic males appear as felames. gets fixed at puberty
What does the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) argue?
that intersexuality represents gential variability, not abnormality
standard medical practive for intersex
make it a clit if less than 0.9 cm
make a penis if more than 2.25
first menses
protein produced in body that is related to onset of puberty
percent of body fat hypothesis
% of body weight that is fat must reach a certain level before menses can happen
adrenal glands
endocrine glands above kidneys. in female, major androgen producers
a time of increased secretion of adrenal androgens, before age 8 usually
MJ human sexual response has 3 phases:
excitment, orgasm, resolution
MJ two basic physiological processes during these phases are:
1) vasocongestion and 2) myotonia
accumulation of blood in blood vessels as a result of relaxation of smooth muscles around arteries
muscles contracting everywhere in body
erection in male
coropra cavernosa and corpus songioisum fill with blood
the process that makes erection go away
orgasm platform
a tigetning of the entrance of the vagina caused by contractions of the bolbopongiousus muscles that occur during plateau stage
what engorges the clit?
corpora cavernosa
what is a key chemical transmitter associated with vasocongestion
nitric oxide
the upper 2/3 of the vagina expand to allow for penetration, and the cervix and uterus pull up
male orgasms occur in 2 stages
1) vas deferns, seminal vesciles, and prostate contract, forcing the cum into a bulb at base of urethra (ejaculation inevitability)
2) bulb, muscles at base, and urethra contract, forcing it out

* first interior orgasm, then exterior
caropedal spasms
hands and feet splaying
loss of erection. happends in 2 stages
1) emptying of corpora cavernosa (penis still enlarged here)
2) emptying of corpus spongiosum and glans
___ is secreted during arousal, an ____ is secreted at orgasm
oxytocin, prolactin
more prolactin is secreted following ____ than from _____
intercourse, masturbation
What did freud think of vaginal orgasms?
saw them as more mature
who first thought of the idea of multiple orgamsms
wallen and roth's cognitive model (3)
1) perception
2) evaluation
3) arousal
spinal reflexes (3)
1) receptors (message trasmitted through these)
2) transmitters (receried, interpreted, and send out response)
3) effectors (muscles responding in response)

* think jerking away of hand when hitting something hot
mechanisms of erection
it is produced by spinal reflex or cognitive factors. there is an erection reflex centre at base of spinal cord.
erection messages are sent via ____, and ejaculation messages are sent via ____
parasympatheric, sympathetic
retrograde ejaculation
goes into bladder... dry orgasm. during orgams an internal sphincter blocks access to bladder at same time it opens access to penis. this is messed up in retrograde
what system of the brain is crucial to both male and female arousal
limbic. it forms border between central an outer part of brain
hormones have organizing and activating affects:
organizing= effects in early develipment resulting in permanet change in brain/reproductive system
activating= effets in adulthood. activation of behaviours, sexual ones and agressive ones
castrated man
biochemicals secreted outside the body that are important in communication between animals, and may serve as sex attractants
- dogs and urine
Vomeronasal organ (VNO)
located inside the nose and its a chemoreceptor- activated by chemicals like pheremones
odorous steroid in armpits that serves as pheremone
menstrual synchrony
merging of periods. thought to be due to pheremones
self stimulation
vibrators made in the
interfemoral intercourse
a man moving his penis between thighs of partner
typological conceptualization
the notion that homo and hetero are like black and white- two separate categories
kinsey created...
a scale of 0-6 homo hetero to homo. believed we should look at behaviour rather than identity
internalized homonegativity
some LGB internalize negative things said about them
hate crime bill
passed in 1995 and called for loner sentences
hate propaganda ban
consensual same sex activity was decriminalized in ___
specific laws regarding discrimination of LGB were passed
same sex marriage
can be parents
6 stages of identity development in LGB
1) identity confusion (confused)
2) identity comparison (maybe..?)
3) identity tolerance (probably)
4) identity acceptance (i am!)
5) identity pride (good and bad)
6) identity synthesis (good and bad everywhere)
attracted to people in general, regardless of gender
medical model
LBG is thought of as sickness or mental illness
when was homo removed from DSM
1974, and by WHO in 1992
conversion therapy/reparative therapy
any treatment designed to turn them into heteros
what genes influence sex orientation
7.8. 20
twin concordence rates
monozygotic: 52%
dizygotic: 22%
adoptive brother: 11%
birth order?
gay men more likely to have late birth order and to have older brothers but not older sisters

found in right handed men only
why does this birth order thing happen?
mother buids up an antibody against a antigen to a gene on the Y chromosome after each pregnancy. believed 15-30% of gay men have been caused this way
found gay men's cells were more similar to females than straight men
learning theory on LBG
assumes himans have a pool of undifferentiated sex drives that may be channeled into a direction based on positive or negative reinforcements
believes bio factors exert their influence over sex orientation through influence on child teperament. (agression and activity level)
- children not born with correct gender temperments seen as non-gender conforming to playmates
- therefore see ppl of their own gender as exotic and have a generalized attraction to them
- eventually that becomes erotic
societies with greater _____ involvement an low ___ involvement and have rigid ____ are this which have the ____ rate of homo
greater, low, gender roles, higher
deprivation homosexuality
homo activity that occurs in certain situations like prisons, when people are deprived of their regular hetero activity