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28 Cards in this Set

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The Fed Reserve Board was given the power to control margins on securities under this Securities and Exchange act....
1934 "Regulation T"
Reg T only applies to Non-Exempt Securities... which controls what?
credit from broker to customer
What is the second level of margin regulations?
applied by NYSE and NASD, which have their own margin requirements. "minimum maintenance margins".

- Ongoing
margin agreement where customer pledges the securities that are purchased in the account to the brokerage firm.

- in return for the pledge, the brokerage firm loans the customer a portion of the purchase price

- Loan is called "debit balance"
brokerage firm has right to repledge the securities to a bank.

- bank loans funds to broker (call or broker loan) --> broker then reloans funds to customer
Regulation U
credit relationship from bank to broker is controlled by this

- premise: brokerage firm cannot borrow more money from banks using customer securities as collaterol than the actual amount that they loan to their customers
What are the major exempt securities?
- U.S. Governments
- Agency Issues
- Municipal Issues
- Commercial Paper
If the Fed Reserve has no power to set initial margins for exempt securities, who does?
The Exchanges --> securities are marginable based on minimum maintenance margins
Even though corporate bonds are non-exempt, does the Fed Reserve set margins for these?
No, they CHOOSE not to. Only exchange minimum maintenance margins apply
Marginable Non-Exempt Securities
- actively traded securities
- specific OTC issues where there is sufficient trading volume
Non Marginable securities
- Non marketable
- OTC issues not included in the OTC margin list
- New issues for the first 30 days after issuance
What are the 3 types of accounts that Regulation T defines?
- Cash account
- Margin Account
- Arbitrage Account
Cash Account
- Reg T requires collection by settlement + 2 days

- extension can be filed with FINRA to add an additional 3 business days

- if not paid by then, account is frozen for 90 days
Call amount based on net purchases each day -- proceeds from sale that day can be used to meet Reg T Call
Buys 200 shares @ $50 = $10,000
Sells 300 shares @ $20 = $6,000

Total net = $4,000 --> 50% margin requirement in account = $2,000
Can proceeds from subsequent day be used to meet Reg T?
Customer Buys - Reg T requires payment when?
by Settlement + 2
Customer Sells and Fails to deliver must be bought when?
in 10 business days after settlement
What is the minimum account balance for a day trading account?
Cheap Stock Rule
an additional min margin requirement is set if a customer wishes to sell short an "inexpensive" stock.

Used to discourage this
The minimum margin to short a stock under $5 per share is the greater of ________% of the sale amount or $________ per share

The minimum margin to short a stock valued at $5 per share or more is $_______ per share or _____% of the sale amount, whichever is greater

FINRA: Stocks/Convertible Bonds Maintenance Margins
Long Position: 25%

Short Position: 30%
FINRA: Corporate Bonds Maintenance Margins
Greater of 20% of MV or 7% of face
FINRA: Muni Bonds Maintenance Margins
Greater of 15% of MV or 7% of face
FINRA: Options Maintenance Margins
100% of premium

LEAPS: 75% of premium if over 9 months to expiration
Critical maintenance Margins
Reg T (Long): 50%
Reg T (Short): 50%

Min Main Margin (Long): 25%
Min Main Margin (Short): 30%
Arbitrage Min Margin
5% on long position
Portfolio Margins are only available to whom?
institutional investors and wealthy individuals

100k min requirement