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71 Cards in this Set

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This is the Belief that there should only be slow or no political Change.
This is the belief hat people are identified by what Nation they come from. The nation should also be their primary loyalty.
Grimm Brother
They wrote old German Folk tales to show a national German Spirit that was part of common past.
This is the belief of protecting the rights of individuals by weakening the power of the state. They believed in the Freedom of religion, press, and equality under the law.
John Stuart Mill(1806-1873)
He was a disciple of Bentham. He had ideas that leaned towards Socialisms. He questioned the freedom of private property, and he also thought that there was a more fair way to distribute society’s wealth.
Jeremy Bentham(1748-1832)
He believed that the government should seek for “the greatest happiness for the greater numbers.” His views were given the name of utilitarianism.
This is the belief that there shouldn’t be the right to hold private property, and all the wealth are distributed evenly, there is economic equality for all.
Utopian socialism
This was given the name to the early socialist. They believed that poor conditions corrupted humans, so if they all had the same conditions then there would be no corruption.
Henri de Saint-Simon(1760-1825)
He believed that society needed to be developed on a scientific basis. He thought a society should be lead by a group of intellectuals. He also believed that Europe should have one currency of money, transportation, and parliament
Charles Fourier(1776-1837)
He was A Utopian Socialist who had a layout for a corporative community. HE said that he work day should be rotated so you would all have to do the good and bad jobs, he also said since children like to play on the dirt that they should be the ones picking up the garbage.
Robert Owen(1771-1858)
He planned and built a community that he thought would work. He believed that the environment caused corruption. He made New Lanark, Scotland. They people where housed decently and all the kids were educated.
Charter of 1814
This was a new constitution written in France of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. He contained many of the ideas brought about by the revolution, like freedom of religion. It also said how the government would be run.
Charles X
He was Louis XVIII younger brother who took the throne when he died in 1824. He was bitterer about he revolution. He made a law saying anyone who attacked the church would be killed.
July Ordinance
This dissolved the newly elected assembly in France. It took the right to vote from the upper bourgeoisie, and enforced strict censorship.
Revolutions of 1830
This started as a revolution in Paris and then other revolutions happened all over Europe. They turned the Duke of Orleans, Louis Phillipe, who was later crowned monarch of France.
This was a secret nationalist society who helped oppose the monarch in Naples when he refused to make a constitutional monarchy and give up absolute power.
Troppau Protocol
This gave great European powers the right to help stop revolts. This took place in Troppau Austria.
Greek revolt of 1821 & the Eastern Question
This was a revolt, Europe wanted the people revolting to win. They wanted Greece to win and gain freedom from the Ottoman Empire since it was the birthplace of democracy. The Eastern Question was what to do with the weakening Ottoman Empire. France Brittan and Russia sent naval fleets to help the revolting Greeks in 1827, and Russia also sent people by land. In 1832 Greece was granted its independence.
Nicholas I & Decembrist Revolt
He was the second son of Alexander I. When his first turned down the throne after his father died Nicholas got it. A group of military leaders started a revolt, which was put down rather quickly. After that Nicholas ruled with an iron fist so no other revolts would break out.
Peterloo Massacre
This was when 60,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s square in Manchester. They demanded fundamental government change. The people where peaceful but the solders there shot 11 people.
Combination Acts & Reform Bill 1832
The Combination act was repealed in 1824 this act banned union activity. The Reform Bill it didn’t change much. It allowed people who became wealth thought industrialization be electorate. This did show that Great Britain could be reformed.
Poor Law of 1834
This force poor people in to workhouses, where conditions were harsh.
Factory Act of 1833
This reduced the number of hours that children could work in factories. This also made government instructors inspect the factories to make sure the conditions weren’t too harsh.
Corn Laws & their repeal
The Corn Laws had high tariffs on foreign and imported grain so people would but domestically. Their repeal in 1846 was supported by manufacturers, because it food cost less then they would have to pay their workers less.
Irish Potato Famine
This took place in 1846 and more than 1 million people died and 1 million people emigrated from Ireland.
Revolution of 1830
King Louis Phillipe & Guizot: This revolution brought about a small change in France. Guizot was Louis chief minister. He banned banquets where people where discussing politics. This was when people started to revolt in the streets of Paris. The first day Luis made Guizot resign but that wasn’t enough. The revolt stopped when Louis left.
Revolution of 1848
Louis Blanc(1811-1882) & the national workshops: Louis Blanc was the leader of the radicals. He and his supporters where ale to get the provisional government to set up national workshops where the unemployed could get jobs.
June Days
This was a clash between classes where 10,000 people died in the streets of Paris.
French Second Republic
This was created by the moderate republic. This was where a universal male body would elected a president. The fist person elected was Louis Napoleon, a nephew of the Emperor.
Revolution of 1848
Louis Napoleon(Emperor Napoleon III): His revolution broke out in France, and as a result the Second Republic became the government in France. They elected Louis Napoleon as their president. In 1851 he claimed dictatorial powers. In 1852 he made himself Emperor Napoleon III.
Frederick William IV
He was the King of Prussia, he ruled from 1840-1861. On March 1848 disturbances broke out in the streets of Berlin and two people where shot. Fredrick was horrified so he made the troops leave so he was unprotected. Then he allowed for an election of a new constitution.
Prussian Constitution
This gave the people rights like the freedom of press. It also made a two-house legislature; it gave universal male suffrage in the lower house. His became not as important because it weighted the votes of people who paid more taxes.
Frankfort Parliament
This started on May 18, 1848, where elected officials in Germany met to make a unified German nation. There was a disagreement over if the country should be a monarchy of a republic.
Chartism-People’s Charter of 1838
Chartism is the belief that the problems of the working class can be solved by changes in the government. The People’s Charter of 1838 allowed universal male suffrage, the secret ballot, abolish of property requirements for members of parliament, payment to members of parliament, equal electoral districts, annual parliament with yearly elections.
Industrial Revolution / end of Domestic system
The end of the Domestic system happened in 1760 when a group of inventors started to develop factories. The Industrial revolution was in the middle of the 19th century people started to build trains and other things that changed their lives.
Reasons why Britain industrialized first
They had political stability, religious tolerance, and they had an expanding population. The agricultural revolution help because they had a surplus of crops and they introduced scientific farming. They had a central bank, overseas trade, and they also had availability to iron and coal two important resources in the industrial revolution.
John Kay(1704-1764)
In 1733 he made a flying shuttle which increased the speed you could weave cloth. Cotton manufacturing had the first technological advances.
James Hargreaves
The invented a spinning jenny in 1765, which could spin 16 spindles of thread at once. This was took keep up with the demand of thread needed for the flying shuttle. He died in 1778.
Richard Arkwright
He made a water frame that combined spindles and rollers to make a cloth spinning machine. He employed 200 workers under one roof to run it. He made the first modern factory.
James Watt(1736-1819)
He made the first true steam engine with steam moving different pistons up and down. 10 years later the made an engine that turned a wheel so factories didn’t have to be next to a stream or river.
This was a customs between German states that abolished tariffs; this was started by Prussia in 1834.
Saddler Committee
This committee pointed out that children in Britain where being beaten in factories. The House of Commons in 1833 passed the factory act, which said that no kid under 9 could work in a factory and kids younger than 12 could only work 9 hours.
They were people who didn’t like and rejected new technology. Sometimes they would try to destroy the machinery.
Karl Marks(1818-1883) & Fredrick Engels(1820-1895)
Karl Marks made the most significant strand of socialism called scientific socialism. Fredric Engels was Marks’ colleague and together they made a Communist League.
Communist Manifesto
Bourgeoisie & proletariat: The Communist Manifesto was a pamphlet that Marks and Engels made. These were the laws that ruled their community. The proletariat was the working class that came from this period. The Bourgeoisie was the working class who had influence with money.
First and Second International
The First International was made by Marks in 1864. This was made to help protect the working class, this ended in 1876. Engels made the Second International in 1889, with the ideas of Marxism.
Crimean War(1854-1856)
This war was important in forming a centralized state in Italy and Germany. The France and great Britain were worried of Russia seizing Istanbul from the Ottoman Empire where they would have access to the Mediterranean. In the end Russia had to sign a peace treaty. Russia did not succeed.
Florence Nightingale
Due to the casualties in due to bad hospitals during the Crimean war she changed and improved the nursing profession. Most of the casualties weren’t in battle but in hospitals.
Risorgimento & Camillo di Cavor(1810-1861)
Risorgimento was the idea of making a unified state in northern Italy. Cavor was the count of the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. He had this idea and he waned to get rid of all the Austrians in this region to do so. He with the help of France was able to get rid of most Austrians but not all.
Giuseppe Mazzini(1805-1872)
He was a early nationalist who thought to build a unified state in a romanticized terms. He had a Young Italy Movement.
Giuseppe Garibaldi(1807-1882)
He was a nationalist which at one point was part of the Young Italy of Mazzini. The treaty between France and Sardinia angered him because Italy gave up the land of Savoy and Nice. He March on the Kingdom of Two Sicilies with 1,000 “red Shirts.” He was able to conquer southern Italy and take it away from the Bourbons.
Unification of Germany
Prussia attacked Austria and took the German States under their control. After that Prussian attacked France and took the German States that was under French rule. Then all the States made a unified Germany under Prussian leadership.
Otto von Bismarck(1815-1898)
He was Prime Minister of Prussia. He was the mastermind behind the Unification of Germany and seizing the German states from Austria and France.
William I (Wilhelm I)
He was the King of Prussia from 1861-1888, and named Bismarck Prime Minister. H later named himself the Emperor of Germany.
They were rulers of territories in Demark who were fighting. The lands of Schleswig went to Prussia and the land of Holstein went to Austria. Later this gave Prussia reason to attack Austria in its efforts to unify Germany.
Seven Weeks War
In 1866 this was the War between Austria and Prussia. Prussia won and was lenient to Austria in its treaty so it wouldn’t interfere with the next stage of uniting Germany.
North German Confederate
This was the all the German States that helped Austria in the Seven Weeks War, combined with the other Northern German States who were convinced to help Prussia, to make a unifyed state in Northern Germany.
Ems dispatch
Bismarck rewrote a telegram that was sent to him from the Prussian King saying what happened when he talked to the French ambassador. He made it sound like the king was insulting France. The French were outrage so Napoleon III waged war against Prussia.
3 ways German Unification changed the direction of European History
1. France became a bitter enemy of Germany because they took some French land and France had to pay indemnity to Germany for starting the War. 2. This created tension with Britain because of Germany’s economic power.3.The nations of Europe tried to create overseas empires to gain more political and economical intrws tin Europe to adjust to the tension that arose with the new German State.
This is where the Germany demanded controlling the Catholic Church’s appointments and Catholic education. This never really happened.
Second French Empire (liberal Empire):
This was created by Napoleon III as a constitutional monarchy. This didn’t last long becasue Napoleon was captured during the Franco-Prussian Wars.
Georges Haussmann(1809-1891)
He was the leader of the transformation of Paris to a Medieval City to a modern one. He cleared the slums into wide avenues.
Paris Commune
This was a new radical government that was made because of a revolt in Paris. This was created out of anarchy from the Franco-Prussian War.
Third French Republic
This was created after the liberal empire ended. It was made up of a two-house parliament body. This republic had many problems but was one of longest lasting French republics.
Great Exhibition of 1851 & the Crystal Palace
The Great Exhibition displayed 13,000 exhibitors in Great Britain, with a variety of goods due to industrialization. The crystal palace was the first prefabricated building; Jon Paxton made it.
Benjamin Disraeli & Reform Bill of 1867
He was Prime Minister and part of the Conservation Party. The Reform Bill of 1867 of the Second Reform Bill allowed the head of a household to vote.
William Gladstaone
Was the rival of Disraeli and was also Prime Minister. He was Part of the Liberal Party. He allowed the heads of households in the countryside vote.
Queen Victoria
She watched the power of the crown of Britain become weaker as the Prime Ministers gained power. She ruled from 1837-1901.
Alexander II & Emancipation Act of 1861
He ruled Russia from 1855-1881. He got rid of serfdom with the Emancipation act of 1861. Life was still hard for the free serfs because they were given the worst land.
Austro-Hungarian Empire
In 1867 Austrian signed a treaty with Hungary forming one Empire. Each state was independent but was united under one common ruler.
Young Turks
They were liberal intellectuals that pushed reform farther then the Ottoman Empire planned. They were able to make a constitutional monarchy.