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20 Cards in this Set

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Abase (verb)

The general was abased after the scandal.

to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem

Synonym: demote

Antonym: promote

Combatants (noun)

The combatants destroyed the country side.

a person, group, or country that fights in a war or battle

Synonym: fighters

Antonym: peacemakers

Impertinent (adjective)

The impertinent girl had no friends.

Not feeling or showing sorrow and regret because you have done something wrong

Synonyms: cold, rude

Antonyms: pertinent, kind

Probe (noun)

The probe of the suitcases lead to the discovery of the missing phone.

a careful examination or investigation of something

Synonym: examine

Antonym: ignore

Actuate (verb)

The boy actuated the teacher into forgetting to collect the class' homework.

to cause someone to do something or to act in a certain way

Synonym: manipulate

Antonym: ignore

Dormant (adjective)

The dormant volcano hasn't erupted in 100 years.

not active but able to become active

Synonym: resting

Antonym: active

Knave (noun)

The knave stole the woman's purse.

a dishonest man

Synonym: liar

Antonym: honest

Protract (verb)

The student protracted doing her homework.

to prolong in time or space

Synonym: delay

Antonym: quickly

Avert (verb)

The man averted his gaze when the child fell.

to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc.) away

Synonym: glance away

Antonym: stare

Dubious (adjective)

The dubious child couldn't make up her mind.

feeling doubt about something

Synonym: uncertain

Antonym: sure

Legion (army)

The legion invaded half the world.

a large group of soldiers

Synonym: army

Antonym: small group

Quarry (noun)

The quarry grew with return of the hunters.

a heap of the game killed in a hunt

Synonym: meat

Antonym: alive

Boorish (adjective)

The boys' boorish behavior got them kicked out of the movie theater.

esembling or befitting a boor (as in crude insensitivity)

Synonym: animalistic

Antonym: refined

Harangue (noun)

The leader's harangue inspired her followers to smash windows.

forceful or angry speech

Synonym: lecture

Antonym: silence

Liberality (noun)

The liberality of the Rebels led them to desire political change.

the quality of not being opposed to ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted

Synonym: revolutionary

Antonym: stability

Spurn (verb)

The traditionalist spurned the idea of technology.

to refuse to accept (someone or something that you do not think deserves your respect, attention, affection, etc.)

Synonym: stubborn

Antonym: flexible

Brunt (noun)

The mule did the brunt of the work.

the greater part

Synonym: majority

Antonym: minor

Harry (verb)

The tribe harried the enemy's campground.

to make a pillaging or destructive raid on

Synonym: plunder

Antonym: save

Plaintiff (noun)

The plaintiff wanted the defendant to pay her hospital bills.

a person who sues another person or accuses another person of a crime in a court of law

Synonym: accuser

Antonym: defendant

Subterfuge (noun)

The magician used subterfuge to make money.

the use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, or get something

Synonym: manipulate

Antonym: honesty