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205 Cards in this Set

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More than half of sub-Saharan Africa consists of
grassy plains or savanna
The soil of African rain forests
requires slash-and-burn cultivation due to low fertility
The largest rain forest area in Africa is located
along the equator between the northern and southern savannas.
African societies base their political units on
lineage and clans
All of the following have historically been true in African marriage and family relationships EXCEPT
the wifeʹs ability to own property
A major challenge in reconstructing sub-Saharan African history is
a lack of written documentation
African religious beliefs included
all of the above
Which kingdom is famous for producing bronze statuary comparable to the best craftsmanship of the European Renaissance?
Recent archeological investigations suggest that crop cultivation in Africa
began independently in Ethiopia, the West African savanna, the central Sudan, and the upper Niger.
Iron-working in Africa was
an important craft, which employed furnaces that produced steel equal to that of Egypt and Rome
Knowledge of iron-working allowed African societies to do all of the following EXCEPT
lessen population growth.
Bantu society originated from present-day
Tribes speaking Bantu languages predominated in
sub-Saharan Africa
Which of the following is NOT consistent with the state of Aksum?
Aksum became Kenya
The role of the Nine Saints in Ethiopia included all of the following EXCEPT
bringing Islam to Eastern Africa.
What common product originated in Ethiopia
Ethiopia was unlike its neighboring civilizations because it was
What is the most famous legacy of the Zagwe dynasty
rock-hewn cathedrals of Roha
According to belief, Ethiopia is the home to
the Ark of the Covenant
Which African civilization traced its lineage back to Solomon and Sheba
Ethiopia flourished under the leadership of Zara Yakob who accomplished which of the following
all of the above
The Berbers of the Sudan acquired great wealth from
the trans-Saharan gold and salt trade
Camel caravans crossed the Sahara
in two months
Ghana became an influential state based on wealth from trade in
all of the above
Which of the following statements concerning the trans-Saharan slave trade is TRUE?
The slave trade was operated by the Muslims
The founder of the kingdom of Mali was
Mansa Musa
was probably the first African ruler to be known throughout western Asia and Europe
Mali benefited from large trading cities such as
________ became the largest of the Sudanic empires
Which is an accomplishment of Askia Muhammad
all of the above
The Sankore Mosque in Timbuktu was famous in the 15th century for
its scholarship and trade in books
The central Sudan region
consisted of a series of Muslim states.
Zazzauʹs Queen Amina, a Hausa ruler, is considered legendary because
under her rule, the Zazzau controlled the regional and trans-Sahara trade
What was the source of the wealth of the Swahili sultanates located in eastern Africa
sea trade with Asia and Europe
The major Swahili cities were located
on islands off the coast of east Africa
Islamic influence on Africa was profound and included all EXCEPT which of the following
polytheistic religion
Which city did Ibn Batuta, the famous traveler and scholar, consider to be the most beautiful and well-built one that he had ever visited
Bantu peoples who migrated to Central and Southern Africa displayed their wealth by
In the southern highlands of East Africa, Bantu kings built a great capital with stone palaces at
Great Zimbabwe
The reason for the sudden collapse of Great Zimbabwe was
rise to power of Torwa and Mutapa
Which kingdom of Central Africa developed a centralized state, a political system, and a professional army?
Pope Gregory I (590604) contributed which of the following to the Christian church
all of the above
What is meant by the temporal power of the Catholic Church
its control over facets of society other than religion
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of missionary activity during the early Middle Ages
attacked the pagans and spread warfare throughout Europe
The medieval Christian Churchʹs missionary activity was successful in all the following conversions EXCEPT
During the Middle Ages, most education and learning took place
in monasteries
What is the Book of Kells
an illuminated manuscript produced by monks
The Germanic warrior-chieftain who first unified the Franks into a single kingdom from northern Gaul to the Pyrenees Mountains in the south was
The conversion of the Franks to Christianity was most significant because it
allied the Franks and the papacy
By the early 8th century, the Merovingian kings had grown weak, and power was concentrated in the hands of officials called
mayors of the palace
Charles Martel of the Franks
all of the above
Following a victory over the Lombards in 756, Pepin conferred to the Pope the ʺDonation of Pepin,ʺ which
consigned the exarchate of Ravenna to the Pope, making him a temporal as well as a
The name of the ruling family that initiated the development of strong central government in medieval France was the
The person most connected with the Carolingian Renaissance was
Which is NOT consistent with the reign of Charlemagne
conquest of England
Which of the following became a legacy of Charlemagne
a cultural revival that established a distinct European civilization
The Treaty of Verdun of 843 C.E.
contributed to shaping political problems into the 20th century by dividing Charlemagneʹs empire
The part of the Carolingian Empire that would later be disputed for centuries by German and French people and would be the scene of many bloody conflicts was
A major source of instability and anxiety in Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries was
invasions by Scandinavians, Muslims, and Magyars.
Which of the following peoples were NOT part of the Viking invasion of Europe
Viking incursions into France finally made the weak king Charles the Simple cede to the Norse chieftain Rollo a portion of France later called
In England, the Viking threat led to
the establishment of stronger and more unified states
The Viking invasions in France
strengthened centralized government.
The Viking invasions of France strengthened the economic position of
the landed aristocracy
In theory, all the land in a kingdom belonged to the
Which is NOT true of the origins of feudalism
It is characterized by a strong centralized political system
Which is not a necessary component of feudalism
In the feudal system, a grant of land that was made from the lord in exchange for vassal obligations was a
The feudal ceremony in which a vassal knelt before his lord and swore loyalty was known as the act of
The principal obligation that a vassal owed his lord in exchange for the use of land was
military service.
What attitude toward warfare prevailed among the nobility during the feudal period
It was honorable and norm
The code of conduct that was to govern the behavior of all knights is
Which of the following is NOT consistent with knights
All of the following are consistent with medieval farming methods EXCEPT
women were not allowed to work in the fields
All of the following are typical of the life of peasants during the Early Middle Ages EXCEPT
women did not work in the fields
The manor system established
economic self-sufficiency
Trade was reopened between Europe and the Near East when
the Normans and Italians broke the Muslim hold on commerce in the eastern
Factors leading to the rise of towns in medieval Europe included all of the following EXCEPT
foreign invasions
The most aggressive advocate of church reform during the High Middle Ages was
Pope Gregory VII
Which of the following is NOT a true assessment of Pope Innocent III
He was a monk
Interdict served to control and punish those rulers who dared contradict the Church because it
suspended all public worship and withheld the sacraments in the realm of a disobedient
The belief in doctrines officially condemned by the church i
The Franciscans and the Dominicans
ministered to the needs of the people
The earliest universities of Europe were in all the following cities EXCEPT
A reconciliation of the works of Aristotle and church dogma was completed by
St. Augustine
What was the goal of the Crusades
to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims
While attending the Council of Clermont, ________ called the First Crusade
Pope Urban II
Which of the following statements describing the Crusades is NOT accurate
The First Crusade failed in taking Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Which of the following orders was NOT founded to protect all pilgrims and to wage perpetual war against the Muslims
Who was chosen by the electors of France to assume the role of king
Hugh Capet
What permanent impact did the Crusades have
led to the revival of cities
Philip II Augustus succeeded in
seizing territory in France owned by English kings
Philip IV accomplished all of the following EXCEPT
expelling the Jews from France and confiscating their possessions.
In 1066 C.E., England was conquered by
William, duke of Normandy
Henry IIʹs chief contribution to the English monarchy was
all of the above.
Thomas à Becket
refused to subvert church courts to the royal courts
Who among the following kings of England was both inept and cruel
John I
Which of the following is a central principle of the Magna Carta
no man is above the law
The English Parliament
represented both landowners and townspeople
The power of the House of Commons lay in its ability to
control royal spending
The long struggle to drive the Muslims from Spain is known as the
During the High Middle Ages, who were the most powerful rulers of Europe
Saxon dynasty
All of the following were results of the Investiture Controversy EXCEPT
weakening of the papacy.
How did Frederick IIʹs policies destroy hopes of German unification
He sacrificed Germany in an attempt to unite Italy
Pope Nicholas I and Patriarch Photius collided over
conversion of the pagans
Cyril and Methodius affected the
Slavic people
During the Byzantine Golden Age
all of the above
The Byzantine Empire could NOT withstand the superior military and administrative power of the
Using the language of a particular region is to speak in the
All of the following are consistent with the Great Schism EXCEPT
it ended in 1962 with the Vatican Conference
During the First Crusade
Alexius successfully saved Constantinople
Which of the following is NOT a major theme in Russian history
a strong merchant class
The Russian people are predominantly
Kievan Russiaʹs first ties to the Byzantines were
At the end of the 10th century, Prince Vladimir converted the Russian people to
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
The name of the succession principle enunciated by Yaroslav the Wise was
the seniority system
For two centuries the Mongols controlled Russia, during which time all of the following affected Russia EXCEPT
gaining the political control of the Balkans
The person who fought the Swedes and Teutonic knights, placated the Mongols, and helped establish the line that would rule the rising city of Moscow was
Alexander Nevsky
Bulgaria served as a(n)
transmission line to spread Orthodoxy throughout the Balkans and Russia
The conflict between the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes is based on
religious differences
Which of the following is TRUE of Russia during the 14th century
Moscow became the political and religious center of Russia.
Which of the following did NOT apply to Romania through the 14th century
Romania was united by the Latin Catholic Church
The only indigenous Bronze Age people in the Balkans who were able to preserve their language and culture are the
The major contributions of the Guptas were all of the following EXCEPT
the creation of Hinduism.
The power of the Guptas was based on
an imperial secret police and strong local authorities
Traditional Indian literature was written in
Indiaʹs prosperity during the Gupta Empire resulted from all of the following EXCEPT
the discovery of gold in the Bengal Province
Which religion dominated the subcontinent of India
What was the importance of the Bhagavad-Gita?
It assured that salvation was accessible to all
Most of the knowledge of Gupta India was provided by
Art during the Gupta period
included religious topics
Of the following mathematical ideas, Indian scholarship developed
the concept of zero
Achievements in medicine during the Gupta Empire included
sterilization of wounds
The major reason for the fall of the Gupta Empire was
a Huna invasion
During the 7th century, the unity of northern India was restored by Harsha, a strong Hindu leader, who accomplished all of the following EXCEPT
conquest of the Deccan
When regional kingdoms prevailed after the rule of Harsha ended in 647 C.E., what resulted?
The Indianization of Southeast Asia and China from the fifth to the eighth centuries.
In 1000 C.E., Mahmud of Ghazni
all of the above
The major force behind the Delhi Sultanate, which unified India in the 13th and 14th centuries, was
Which of the following is NOT consistent with the Delhi Sultanate
It was unable to conquer the Southern region of India
How was Delhi destroyed in 1398
army of Timur (Tamerlane)
Urdu, one of the major spoken languages of India today, reveals
Indiaʹs ability to synthesize and incorporate many languages and cultures.
Muslim rulers of India
erased Buddhism from India
A synthesis of Hinduism and Islam can be found in
Resistance among Hindu leaders in India against Islam
continued during the era of Muslim rule.
A continuous feature of China between the 6th and 13th centuries was
political and cultural continuity
All of the following were responsible for Chinaʹs stability from the 6th to the 13th centuries EXCEPT a(n)
absence of foreign invasion
The Sri-vijayan Empire
none of the above
The period of the Sixteen Kingdoms from 304 to 439 C.E. was significant because
it extended the Chinese civilization southward.
The Northern Wei dynasty
introduced the equal-field system
Buddhism became popular in China for all the following reasons EXCEPT
the absence of monasteries
Accomplishments of the Sui emperors included all of the following EXCEPT
fair and consistent rule.
The major reform of the Tang rulers was the
creation of a highly centralized government supported by a complex bureaucracy
The Tang legal code of 653 C.E
all of the above
All of the following apply to the rule of the Empress Wu EXCEPT
she strengthened the aristocracy
The Tang nationalized land register was designed to
check the growth of large estates and guarantee land to peasants
Prosperity under the Tang dynasty was largely due to
government intervention in the Chinese economy.
A major feature of Tang society was
openness and responsiveness to foreign stimuli
Women during the Tang dynasty
all of the above
The most important contribution of Tang scholarship was
the study of history as a guide to future actions
Painting during the Tang dynasty emphasized
Tang rule brought all of the following improvements to China EXCEPT
an improved legal status for women
The Tang dynasty fell due to
all of the above
A major feature of Song China was
the use of scholar-officials to strengthen the central power of the state.
What did the Song dynasty do to placate its neighbors
paid annual tributes
One of the major results of the economic prosperity and technological innovations of the Song dynasty was
a population explosion
All of the following were economic or technological contributions of the Song dynasty EXCEPT
the steam-powered seagoing ship
The resurgence of Confucian ideals reinforced all of the following for Chinese women EXCEPT
widows were encouraged to remarry
Neo-Confucianism included
the existence of a Supreme Ultimate
The major reason for the success of the Mongols was their
The man who began the Mongol successes was
Temujin (Chinggis)
Chinggis Khan (Temujin) conquered all the following EXCEPT
A major feature of Mongol conquest was
All of the following illustrate contributions of the Mongols EXCEPT
the spread of a new written language that unified Asia during their reign
Khubilai moved his seat of government to
The Mongols established a new Chinese dynasty known as
Most of our knowledge about Khubilai Khan and China under the Mongols has come from
Marco Polo
The Yuan dynasty was responsible for
extensive trade and travel across Eurasia
All of the following were brought to Europe during the time of the Mongols EXCEPT
governmental techniques
The major products of trade between Europe and China in the age of the Mongol Empire were
silk and spices
The Mongols brought to China
Persian astronomy
The major contributions of the Yuan dynasty include
the integration of knowledge between East and West.
The major reason for the decline of the Mongol Empire was
none of the above
Korean Koguryo accomplished all of the following EXCEPT the
formation of a confederacy of noble families
A pagoda is
a Buddhist monument
The Koryo dynasty established in 936 C.E.
emancipated the slaves
According to Chinese observers, ancient Japanese were
expert weavers and fishermen
Shint_, the ancient Japanese religion, included
the belief that deities were everywhere in nature
Since 660 B.C.E., the emperors of Japan have been of the clan called
The ________ family became the main advisors to the Japanese emperor in the 7th century.
The Taika, or ʺGreat Change,ʺ in Japan refers to
basic reforms patterned after the Tang state
The Heian Period resulted in all the following EXCEPT
a renewed domination by the Buddhist clergy
The samurai were
military men or their retainers
Women of the elite class during the Taika Reform period in Japan
all of the above
During the Nara and Heian periods, Japan experienced all of the following EXCEPT
an increase in the number of literate farmers
During the Heian period, what dominated as a theme in the arts
The Heian period ended with
all of the above
The True Pure Land sect
broke with Buddhist tradition
During the Heian period, Japan
experienced little conflict
The major Zen sects stressed
meditation and riddles
In the 12th century, Yoritomo of the Minamoto clan reformed the Japanese political system by establishing
rule by shogun
Unlike China, where scholar bureaucrats eventually rose to positions of dominance, in medieval Japan the ________ class rose to dominance
What is meant by kamikaze
divine winds
By the 14th century, ________ had become increasingly important in Japan..
All of the following constitute Oceania EXCEPT
In Pacific island and Australian societies
all of the above