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102 Cards in this Set

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CPUs can only read...

Machine Language


what are cpu commands known as?


what cycle is used to execute machine language instructions

fetch-execute cycle

what can the fetch execute cycle be split into?

Instruction time and Execution time

What does instruction time involve?

Fetching instructions from memory and decoding it

What does execution time involve?

executing instruction and storing result

How is the pace of fetch execute cycle determined?

By the system clock, each tick of the clock a part of the fetch execute cycle occurs

What is a register?

temporary but fast storage area of the CPU

What does a computer counter hold?

The address of the next instruction

What does the instruction register hold?

Holds the machine instruction waiting to be executed

What does the accumulator do?

stores data during and after processing

Fetch can be defined as:

the instruction at the address in the memory is read into the instruction register

Decode can be defined as:

control unit makes sense of the instruction. Directs other components to load required operands and appropriate registers

Execute can be defined as:

instructions actually carry out. The ALU is used here (arithmetic logic unit)

What is an ALU

arithmetic logic unit

Store can be defined as:

the results are stored in general purpose registers. Further instructions is needed to move result to RAM

what are computer systems commonly grouped into?

Hardware, Software, Data , Personnel , Procedures

What is Hardware?

The physical components of the system. This includes input, output and processing.

What is Software?

A set of instructions which direct hardware to solve a problem

what are the two main types of software?

Applications and Operating system

What is data

Raw information used during processing and transformed into usable output

What is personnel?

the people involved

what is procedures

sets of instructions on how to interact

How many generations of languages are there?


Which two languages are referred to as low leveled?

Machine language and Assembler language

Why are the first two languages referred to being low?

machine specific, difficult for humans to understand

Why are third and subsequent languages referred to as higher leveled languages?

They are machine independent, more "english" like, easier for humans to understand

What is translation?

Source code written into machine language as the CPU can only read machine language.

What are the three main methods of translation?

incremental compilation, compilation and interpretation

What is compilation?

Turning the entire source code into object code. this is usually turned into a .exe file.

what is interpretation?

an interpreter (computer) translates source code line by line

What is incremental compilation?

Individual modules of code, compiled and added to the main program

What is an assembler language?

The first attempt at making programming languages more english like

How is assembler language more english like?

through the use of mnemonic which represent different commands

How is assembly language translated into machine code?

through assemblers which changes a program written in assembly language into machine language

what is declarative language?

A classification of programming languages in which the language constructs represented relations. it focuses more on the output rather than the process of getting the output

What generation is declarative language apart of?

fourth and subsequent languages

what is abstraction?

the process of breaking down and separating a problem and solving it by its self (isolation)

what happens after the process of interpretation has occurred?

The code is executed immediately and continues to run until there is an error or the application ends

what is a context diagram?

used to show all the external inputs and outputs to and from a system

what is input into a process also know as?


what is output of a process known as?


What is a hierarchy chart?

graphical methods used to represent top-down designs of a problem

What are some examples of simple data types?

integer, boolean, floating point

What are the phases of the development cycle?

Defining, Planning, Building, Checking, Modifying

What is Defining in the development cycle?

Understanding the problem, identifying inputs and outputs

What is Planning in the development cycle?

Abstract/Refinement, Data types and data structures, structured algorithms

What is Building in the Development cycle?

Coding or implementing the solution in a programming language, error correction

What is Checking in the development cycle?

Using test data, evaluating the solution

What is modifying in the Development cycle?

Changing solution depending on new or changing requirements

What is the most common coding system for characters that use 1 bit?

ASCII (American standard code for information interchange

What are whole numbers known as?


what is meta language

Used to describe syntax of programming languages

What are Railroad diagrams?

railroad diagrams represent a context-free grammar. They represent a graphical alternative to Backus–Naur (EBNF)

What is EBNF

Extended backs- naur form, a text base description

what type of structure is this?

what type of structure is this?


what type of structure is this?

what type of structure is this?

Binary Selection

for loop

what type of structure is this?

what type of structure is this?

Post-test , Do while loop

what type of structure is this?

what type of structure is this?

Pre-test, While loop

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm consists of a set of explicit and unambiguous finite steps which, when carried out for a given set of initial conditions, produce the corresponding output and terminate in finite time.

What is iteration?


What are pre-test loops also known as?

Guarded loops

What are post-test loops also known as?

Un-Guarded loops

What is the pseudocode for binary selection?

IF (question)THEN





What is the pseudocode for a pre-test loop?

WHILE (question)



What is the pseudocode for a Post-test loop?



UNTIL (Question)

What is pseudocode?

Pseudocode essentially is English with some defined rules of structure and some keywords that make it appear a bit like program code.

What are variables?

Place holders for data

What is a stub?

A small routine that takes place in a yet to be written subroutine. It allows testing of the calling routine

What is a Flag?

A flag checks whether a section of code has been executed.

What are C.A.S.E tools

CASE tools are computer aided software engineering. They aid in the designing and implementation of applications.

What are IPO charts?

An IPO chart is a way to describe how information is processed. It shows the input data and the process that the data will undergo and the end result

What are comparison operators?

Used in Logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables and values

What are logical operators?

These are used to determine logic between variables and values

What does "&&" mean


What does "||" mean?


What does "!" mean?


What is a record?

A collection of fields. it has a fixed number and sequence

What is a field

Referred to the columns or data categories that are used by entries/rows. The data in a field is unique to a particular record.

What is an array

A data type which holds a fixed number of values of a single type. The length is fixed. It is used to store a collection of data.

What are the two software development approaches for prototyping?

Concept and evolutionary

what is R.A.D

Rapid application development

What is RAD aimed to do?

create usable software in the shortest amount of time at minimal cost

What is an end user?

Person developing the software solution is also the user, typical examples of this are spreadsheets (excel) and databases

What are Event Driven programs?

Event driven programs execute in response to an action due to certain occurrences

What are Sequential Approach programs?

Sequential programs have a start and end, it is a predetermined sequence. The user can not deviate from the order determined by the program

What is Lexical Analysis

First step in translating, it examines each element of the source code to ensure it is part of the high level language.

What is Syntactical Analysis

Checks the syntax of the source code is correct.`

What is Code Generation

The last step finally changing the source code into machine language.

Advantages of Compilation?

Difficult to change back into high level language Files can be executed repeatedly later without the services of the compiler

Advantages of Interpretation

Easy to alter and copy

Disadvantages of Interpretation

If commercial, code can easily be changed back into higher level language and stolen

Advantages of Incremental Compilation

Code is able to be worked on by multiple people, can be tested throughout working on it , always up to date

Disadvantages of Incremental Compilation

Large products can take a while to compile

What is concatenation?

the joining of things eg strings

What is a boolean

Something that can hold 1 of 2 values

What is encapsulation?

Holds methods and properties

what is an object?

A function

A method is something..

an object can do

an attribute is something...

an object knows

A function calling itself is...


What is OOP?

Object oriented programming