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19 Cards in this Set

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What did Tycho Brahe contribute and believe in?
He had mass data and believe in that all planets revolve around the sun and that they revolve around the earth and the moon.
What could he gain with an observatory?
What revolves around what?
Who wrote Siderius Nuncius and what does it explain?
Galileo Galilei
The moon is not smooth and the galaxy is clusters of stars.
What is the texture of the moon and what is the galaxy?
What did Aristotle introduce and why were his ideas accepted?
-a geocentric view of the universe and the ten crystal spheres around it

-He had a comprehensible explnantion and it fit with Christian doctrines.
What is the center of the universe in his view and what surrounds it?

The acceptance has to do with religion.
Who wrote the Dialogue of the Two Chief Systems of the World and what did it do?
Galileo Galilei
It defended Copernicus and went against Aristotle and Ptolemy.
This person wrote Two New Sciences.
Whose ideas did it defend and whose ideas did it go against?
Who discovered the law of universal gravitation and what did it explain?
Isaac Newton
It explained that every body in the universe attracts every other body in a mathematical relationship.
This man was called the "last of the magicians".
What did it explain about the bodies in the universe.
What idea did Copernicus prefer and what were his theories? Who attacked his theories?
He preferred the heliocentric view and his theories were that the stars appeared to move because of earth's rotation and that the universe is possibly infinite.
Religious leaders, especially Protestants attacked his theories.
He preferred the opposite of Aristotelian view and his theories have to do with the stars moving and the size of the universe.
Who would attack him if it went against Aristotelian view?
Who formulated the law of inertia?
Explain what it is.
Galileo Galilei
It says that rest is not the natural state of an object and it continues in motion unless it is stopped by an external force.
The same person who wrote Two New Sciences.
What is the natural state of objects and what about it?
Who wrote Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, also known as Principia? Explain what it is.
Isaac Newton
It was laws of cetain motions and powers or forces. It tied all the ideas together.
This man was called the "last of the magicians".
What laws did it have?
Who formulated the three famous laws of planetary motion and what were they?
Johannes Kepler
1. The planets' orbits ar elliptical.
2. Planets do not orbit at the same speed.
3. The time of a planet's orbit is proportional to its distance from the sun.
This person was Brahe's assistant.
How are the planets' orbits and is it related to the sun?
Who discovered the first four moons of Jupiter?
Galileo Galilei
This person used a telescope and made one after the invention of it in Holland.
What did Ptolemy contribute and believe?
He explained complicated rules in the irregularities in the movement of planets.
He believe that there was a relationship between the planets and the stars, which influences the future.
This helped stargazers and astrologers to track planets better.
He believe in the basis of astrology.
Name the consequences of the Scientific Revolution.
1. International Scientific Community
- It stressed competition.

2. Fundamental of the Enlightenment
- The scientific method is applied to all life reasoning. Social sciences are born.

3. Advancement and Progress
- People can create better socities by analyzing themselves.
Who wrote the Two New Sciences and what did it show?
Galileo Galilei
It showed that uniform force produces uniform acceleration.
Who conducted controlled experiments?
What did it show about gravity?
Name the causes of the Scientific Revolution.
1. Foundation of Medieval Universities
- There was a shift from theology to philsophy and science.

2. Renaissance started scientific progress
- It revived classic ideas of math and science.

3. Gresham College
- It esatblished longitude. Important instruments were created.

4. Scientific Method
-There was inductive and deductive reasoning.
Think of previous eras, navigation, and an idea.
Who wrote On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres?
This person believed that the stars and planets revolve around the sun.
Who wrote the System of Nature?
What is the Scientific Method?
Francis Bacon - empiricism
- Inductive reasoning- learn through experiment

-Deductive reasoning- start with doubt
Who was tried heresy by the Catholic Church?
Galileo Galilei
Name some instruments created as a result of the measurement of longitude.
1. telescope
2. barometer
3. pendulum clock
4. air pump
5. microscope
6. thermometer