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22 Cards in this Set

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Beside strength what does every force have?

A. Gravity

B. Direction

C. Friction

D. Magnetism

A ball is rolled across four different surfaces with the same force. Which surface will slow the movement of the ball the most?

A. tile floor

B. Paved road

C. Grassy field

D. Cement sidewalk

How do electric and magnet forces act on different objects?

A. They only pull objects

B. They only push objects

C. They push and pull objects

D. They only push or pull objects when they touch each other

What happens when an object accelerates?

A. Its speed or direction changes

B. Only its speed changes

C. Only its direction changes

D. Its speed and direction do not change

What happens if balanced forces are applied to a moving object?

A. the object stops moving

B. the object moves faster in the same direction

C. the object moves slower in the same direction

D. the object keeps moving at the same speed and direction

Movement is measured by

A. speed

B. Force

C. Acceleration

D. Inertia

Which of the following is a contact force?

A. friction

B. magnetism

C. Gravity

D. electricty

A drummer hits a drum with a drumstick. The drumstick exerts a force on the drum. The reaction

A. Is stronger than the action

B. changes the motion of the drumstick

C. Drive the drum forward

D. Creates inertia

Something that makes an object start moving, stop moving, speed up or slow down

A. Load

B. Position

C. Force

D. Effort

A standoff in an arm wrestling match is due to

A. sliding frictional forces

B. rolling frictional forces

C. Fluid frictional forces

D. Balanced forces

Forces can cause objects to

A. stop moving only

B. Change direction only

C. Start moving only

D. stop moving, change direction, or start moving

If the person pulling a weight on a pulley, lets go of the rope, the weight (w) will fall to the ground. What force is acting to pull the weight to the ground?

A. Friction

B. Gravity

C. Collision

D. Magnetism

Which of the following is most likely to increase friction?

A. wax on wood floors

B. snow on a roadway

C. wheels on roller skates

D. grooved rubber soles on tennis shoes

A creeky door can be opened more easily if the hinges are oiled. What does the oil do to the hinges' moving parts?

A. reverses the motion

B. removes all friction

C. doubles the motion

D. decreases the friction

When a space shuttle is in orbit around the Earth, astronauts can float around inside of it. What stops them from floating around when the shuttle is parked on the Earth's surface?

A. the pull of gravity

B. Friction from the air

C. The size of the space shuttle

D. The mass of the atmosphere

How can the shape of a boat and airplane help them move faster? Be specific and give evidence.

They are made in a way to reduce air friction using curves etc.

A student kicks a soccer ball by applying a force. Describe what happens to the soccer ball. Then name one force that affects the soccer ball.

The ball begisn to move in the direction the kicker kicked it

-Air friction

-friction from hitting the ground


Which has more friction, a roadway before or during a heavy rainfall? Why?

Before- water reduces friction

Explain a time when friction is helpful.

Help stop a car at a stop sign

Help stop a bike when apply breaks

Calculate the speed of a car that goes 78 miles/hour in 2 hours (S=D/T) In your answer remember to include the units.

Show your work

A ball collides into a ball at rest. What will happen to the ball at rest? Be specific.

Move to the right

A ball collides into a ball moving in the opposite direction. what will happen tot he balls?

They will bounce off each other and go back the direction they came.