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50 Cards in this Set

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the system in the body that collects wastes produced by cells and remoes the wastes from the body.
Function of the excretory system
How is urine produced in the kidney's nephrons?
First, both wastes and needed materials, such as glucose, are removed from thee blood. Later, much of the need material is returned to the body.
In addition to the kidneys, what other organs play a role in excretion?
the other organs of excretion are the lungs, skin, and liver.
A chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins.
The major organs of the excretory system, elimatines urea, excess water, and some other waste materials. They are eliminated as urine.
A watery fluid produced by your kidneys. Contains urea, excess water and some other waste materials.
A narrow tube that carries urine from one of the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
A sacklike muscular organ that stores urine.
urinary bladder
A small tube through which urine flows from the bladder to outside the body.
tiny structures that remove wastes from blood and produce urine. (specilized cells of excretory system)
Normal urine contains both ____ and _____
urea and water
True or False: The ureter is the tube throuh which urine leaves the body
True or False: The lungs are excretory organs.
Explain 2 ways in which the kidneys help to maintain homeostasis in the body.
1. It filters the blood helping to maintain homeostasis
2. It plays an important role in excretion which helps maintain homeostasis
If the walls of a capillary cluster in a nephron were damaged or broken, what substance might you expect to find in the urine that is not normally present.
You may find urea, water, glucose, and other substances filtered out of blood in ur urine. Because in a capillary cluster in a nephron urea, water, glucose, and other ubstances are filtered out of the blood.
During normal weather, what is the major source of water loss?
During hot weather, what is the major source of water loss?
In cool weather, which of the following is most likely to happen
The body would lose less water in sweat than in urine.
The brain and spinal cord; the control center of the body.
Central nervous system
(all the inside and outside the body is brought to the Central nervous system)
Located in the skull, is the part of the central nervou system that controls must functions in the body.
Is the thick column of nerve tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system.
Spinal cord
nerves in the peripheral nervous system can be divided into 2 groups:
somatic nervous system
autonomic nervous system
control voluntary actions such as using a fork or tying your shoelaces. (skeletal muscles)
somatic nervous system
controls involuntary actions, such as contraction os smooth muscles that adjust diameter of blood vessels & breathing.
contains about 100 billion neurons, all of which are interneuron.
how much can each neuron recieve messages from other neurons and how much may they send messages to about___
10,000 can recieve
1,000 send
What protectss the brain from injury?
the skull, 3 layers of connective tissue & fluid all help to protect the brain
What are the 3 main regions of the brain?
The cerebrum, cerebellum, & the brainstem (medulla)
interprets input from the senses, controls the movement of skeletal muscles on the left side of the body.
contain neruons that send impulses to the skeletal muscles on the left side of the body. Is associated w/ creativity and artistic ability.
Right side of the cerebrum
controls the right side of the body and is associated w/ mathematical skills, speech, writing, and logical thinking.
left side of the cerebrum
the second largest part of the brain, coordinates the actions of your muscles and helps you keep your balance.
lies between the cerebellum and spinal cord, controls your body's involuntary actions- those that occur automatically.
(breathing and heart beating)
an automatic response that occurs very rapidly and without conscious control. Only the spinal cord not the brain. Give example
ex- you blink in response to someone clapping
A bruiselike injury of the brain. Only the spinal cord is involved not the head
how many nerves make up the peripheral nervous system and where are they located
a total of 43 pairs of nerve make up the peripheral nervous system. twelve pairs originate in the brain. The other 31 pairs- the spinal nerves-begin in the spinal cord. One nerve in each pair goes to the left side and the other goes to the right
when do spinal cord injuries occur
when spinal cord is cut or crashed
what happens when the spinal cord is cut and what is the result.
when the spinal cord is cut all the nerve axons in that region are split so impulses cannot pass through them. These time of injury results in paralysis, which is the loss of movement in some part of the body.
since the most common cause of spinal injuries is car crashes, what can you do to help protect yourself from spinal cord injury?
wear a seatbelt to help protect yourself and sit in the proper location for your size
what are the organs of excretion
lungs, kidneys, and skin
what do the lungs do in excretion?
get rid of CO2& H2O
What do the kidneys do in excretion?
excrete urea, water, & some salts (urine)
what does the skin do in excretion?
water, dissolved waste materials (perspiration)
What do the nephrons in kidneys do?
They filter out water, urea, glucose, and some other substances from blood.
which substances are reabsorbed into the blood so they are kept by the body and not excreted?
water and glucose
what are the 3 types of neurons?
sensory neuron
motor neuron
picks up stimuli from the internal or external environment and converts each stimulus into a nerve impulse
sensory neuron
a neuron that carries nerve impulses from one neuron to another.
sends an impluse to a muscle and the muscle contracts in response
motor neuron
The tiny space between the tip of an axon and the next structure.