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32 Cards in this Set

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Among Species

The difference between different species.

Example: cat vs dog

Within Species

The difference between the same species.

Example: human vs another human


A group of organism that share similar genetic and physical characterisic

Structural Adaptation

An inherited physical characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment. Example: the light feathers of birds or how their beaks are shaped.

Behavioural Adaptation

An inherited characteristic behaviours that helps an organism survive in its environment. Example: how bats are nocturnal or how bears hibernate in the winter.

Biological Diversity

The number and variety of organism in an area. The closer you are to the equator the more biological diversity.

Diversity Index

A measurement that compares the diversity of species in an area with the total number of organisms in the same area. The higher the number, the more diverse the area.


The Struggle amount individual organisms for access to a limited resource, such as food or territory. Some species avoid competition by using a different food sources or keeping different habits or behaviours. When organisms change to avoid or reduce competition, they alter their niches.


The role an organism plays in an area. It includes where it lives (its habitat) and what it does.

Narrow Niche

Have a very specific niche that makes them very efficient that surviving in their own environments. They have one very dependable food source, one soil type, and one type of level of light. These are known as SPECIALISTS. Example: Many species in the tropical rainforest.

Broad Niche

Can live in a wide range of areas. Such as wolves, they need a large land to live in a variety of temperatures and eat a variety of food.

These are known as GENERALISTS. Example: Magpies.

Symbiotic Relationship

Relationships which two organisms live in direct contacts.


Both species benefits


One species benefits, other is harmed


One benefits, the other is neither harmed nor benefits.

Asexual Reproduction

When only one parent supplies the genetics. The offspring are identical to the parent. An advantage is that there is no need to mate. As well it doesn't take a lot of time to get of offspring.

1. Binary Fission

Many one celled organisms

2. Spores

"Zoospores" can grow to be clones of the planet

3. Asexual Reproduction in plants

Through the specialized cells known as "meristem" cell. These cells can make up any of the structures of a plant that are damaged. As well, many plants can send "runners" and "tubers".

4. Budding

A cell produces a new group of cells called a bud, which develops into an exact copy of the parent. Once the bud has completely developed, it detaches itself and becomes independence.

Sexual Reproduction

Occurs when two parents supply the genetic material to the offspring.

1. Zygospores

These contain material from two different sources.

2. Bacteria Conjugation

This is primitive form of sexual reproduction that doesn't result in more offspring BUT bacteria are able to transfer genetic material directly from one cell to another. This is genetic Recombination.

3. Sexual reproduction in plants

Angiosperm and gymnosperms reproduce sexually by forming seeds. In this process, fertilization occurs when an egg and sperm cell join to form a new cell. The first cell of the growing organism is called zygote.

4. Sexual reproduction in animals

Both male and female gametes must arrive at the same time. They are delicate and dry out quickly so a moist and warm environment is ideal.


Receives the pollen during fertilization.


A tube on top of the ovary.


Female reproductive organ.


Small leaves under the flower.


Contains pollen; the male reproductive cell.


Holds the anther.


To create the exact copies of a parent. There is no genetic variation.