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6 Cards in this Set

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Document A-Social Hierarchy
Samurai: warriors who owed loyalty and military service to daimyos for land or regular payment.
Knights: warriors who owed loyalty and military service to lords for land.
Doc A.
Both the samurai and knights recieved land, (or regular payment for the samurai) in exchange for military service.
Document B: Social Hierarchy
Samurai: owed allegiance to his lord
Knight: swore an oath to his lord
Doc B.
Knights and Samurai had to be loyal to their lord, by the samurai owing allegiance to his lord and a knight swearing am oath to his lord.
Document C: Military Training and Armor
Samurai: training began in childhood, with physical training, poetry, and discipline.
Knight: began at age 4 or 5, using blunted or wooden swords, had religious instruction, weapon training, and were produced into skilled poets.
Doc. C
For knights and Samurai, training both started at a young age, with religious, physical, and weapon training. Also, knights and Samurai were developed into poets during their training.
Document D: Military Training and Armor
Samurai: armor had small iron scales linked together, had iron plates, full body armor, and could become very heavy.
Knight: armor was made of chain mail, entire body was covered, armor was iron, and could become very heavy.
Doc. D
The armor of the samurai and knights were to protect themselves during battle. Also, their armor was full body, was made out of iron, could get very heavy, and was had iron chains linked together (chain mail).
Document E: Feelings About Honor and Death
Samurai: had to abide to a code of honor called bushido. He also had to show loyal service to his master, and loyalty towards friends and those who need it.
Knight: had to vow to true knighthood called chivalry, show loyalty to the king, and to give mercy to those who need it.
Doc. E
Samurai and knights had vow to a code of honor, be loyal to their king/master, family, friends, and others who need or ask for mercy. Both had to show honor and responsibility.
Document F: Feelings About Honor and Death
Doc. F