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238 Cards in this Set

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What is valvular stenosis?
The failure of a valve to open completely, obstructing forward flow.
What is valvular insufficiency?
Insufficiency results from failure of a valve to close completely, thereby allowing reversed flow.
Calcific Aortic Stenosis:
- The most common degenerative valvular disease.
- Usually age related
- Can be related to congenital bicuspid valves (more prone to calcification)
- The hallmark of calcific aortic stenosis is heaped-up calcified masses on the outflow side of the cusps.
- Significant outflow obstruction leads to left ventricular pressure overload with concentric hypertrophy.
- The hypertrophied myocardium tends to be ischemic and angina can develop.
- Syncope may develop due to poor perfusion of the brain.
- Sytolic and diastolic dysfunction collude to cause CHF, and cardiac decompensation eventually ensues.
Myxomatous Mitral Valve:
- Also called mitral valve prolapse.
- One or more of the mitral valve leaflets are "floppy", and balloon back into the left atrium during systole.
- Affects women much more than men.
- Histologically, the essential change is thinning of the fibrosa layer of the valve, with expansion of the middle spongiosa layer with increased deposition of myxomatous (mucoid) material.
- Common in Marfan syndrome and other disorders of connective tissue.
- Most patients are asymptomatic; auscultation will reveal midsystolic clicks caused by abrupt tension on the redundant valve leaflets and chordae tendineae as the valve attempts to close.
- May lead to regurgitation and CHF.
Rheumatic Valvular Disease Part 1:
- Rheumatic fever is an acute, immunologically mediated, multisystem inflammatory disease that occurs a few weeks after an episode of group A beta-hemolytic strep pharyngitis.
- Acute rheumatic heart disease is the cardiac manifestation of RF and is associated with inflammation of the valves, myocardium or pericardium.
- Chronic valvular deformities are the consequence of RHD; characterized by diffuse and dense scarring of valves resulting in permanent dysfunction (mitral stenosis being most common).
- Chronic RHD is characterized by organization of the acute inflammation and subsequent scarring. Changes to the mitral valve include leaflet thickening, commisural fusion and shortening and thickening of the chordae tendineae.
- The functional consequence of RHD is valvular stenosis and regurgitation.
- With tight mitral valve stenosis, the left atrium dilates and may harbor mural thrombi.
- Congestive changes in the lungs may lead to right ventricular hypertrophy.
- With pure mitral stenosis, the left ventricle is generally normal.
Rheumatic Valvular Disease Part 2:
- Pathogenesis:
Acute RF is a hypersensitivity reaction induced by host antibodies elicited by group A streptococci. The M proteins of the bacteria induce host antibodies that cross-react with antigens in the heart, joints and other tissues.

- Clinical Features:
Acute RF typically appears in children between 5-15. Symptoms occur 2-3 weeks after an episode of pharyngitis. Streptolysin O or DNAase can be detected in most patients.
The predominant clinical manifestations are arthritis and carditis. Begins with a migratory polyarthritis accompanied by fever. Features of the carditis are pericardial friction rubs and arrythmias.
Chronic rheumatic carditis does not cause problems for years or decades after the initial episode of RF.
- Patients will have cardiac murmurs, hypertrophy and dilation, CHF and often arrythmias and thromboembolic complications.
Jones Criteria for diagnosis of acute RHD:
Diagnosis is made by serological evidence of a previous strep infection, in conjuction with two or more of the following Jones criteria:
1. Carditis
2. Migratory polyarthritis of the large joints
3. Subcutaneous nodules
4. Erythema marginatum of the skin
5. Sydenham chorea; a neurological disorder with involuntary, purposeless, rapid movements.

* One of the Jones criteria and two minor manifestations (fever, arthralgia or increased CRP) are also sufficient to make the diagnosis.
Histopathology of rheumatic carditis:
Rheumatic carditis may affect all three layers of the heart. Examination of often reveals Aschoff bodies, an area of focal fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by inflammatory cells, including lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, that later resolve to form fibrous scar tisuse.
Pathophysiology of mitral valve stenosis:
In MS there is obstruction to blood flow from the LA to the LV generating an abnormally high pressure in the LA.
The high LA pressure is transmitted to the pulmonary circulation causing increased pulmonary venous and capillary pressures. This may cause transudation of plasma into the lung interstitium and alveoli; leading to dyspnea and other symptoms of CHF.
If highly elevated, collateral channels between pulmonary and bronchial veins may open and rupture, leading to hemoptysis.
Elevation of LA pressure can result in either "passive" or "reactive" changes; reactive changes lead to hypertrophy and fibrosis of the pulmonary arterioles which can decrease the blood flow through the lungs. This can cause back up into the RV; leading to hypertrophy and right sided heart failure.
LA dilation stretches the atrial conduction fibers and may lead to atrial fibrillation. This causes cardiac output to fall further due to shortened diastole.
LA dilation can lead to intra-atrial thrombus formation; possibly causing stroke. The bigger the LA gets, the higher the risk. The better the blood flow, the lower the risk.
Clinical symptoms of mitral stenosis:
Early manifestations are those of dyspnea and reduced exercise capacity.
With more severe MS dyspnea occurs even at rest. Orthopnea and PND occrs. May see jugular venous distention, hepatomegaly, ascites and peripheral edema. Compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by the enlarged pulmonary artery or LA may cause hoarseness
Examination findings with mitral valve stenosis:
Increased S1 sound resulting from the high pressure gradient between the LV and LA.
There will also be an opening "snap" that follows S2. This results from the sudden tensing of the chordae tendineae and stenotic leaflets on opening of the valve. The OS is followed by a low frequency decrescenod murmur caused by turbulent flow across the valve during diastole.
Etiology of mitral valve regurgitation:
MR may result from structural abnormalities of the mitral annulus, valve leaflets, chordae tendineae or the papillary muscles.
Pathophysiology of mitral valve regurgitation:
In MR, a portion of the LV stroke volume is ejected backward into the low pressure LA during sytole.
This causes; an elevation of the LA volume and pressure, a reduction of forward cardiac output and a volume related stress on the LV because the regurgitated volume returns to the LV in diastole along with normal pulmonary venous return.
In acute MR, symptoms include rapid pulmonary congestion and edema.
In chronic MR, the LA dilates and cardiac output decreases. This leads to weakness and fatigue along with atrial fibrillation.
Summary of differences between acute and chronic MR:
ACUTE: normal LA size and compliance --> High LA pressure --> High pulmonary venous pressure --> Pulmonary congestion and edema

CHRONIC: Increased LA size and compliance --> more normal LA and pulmonary venous pressures, but low forward cardiac output
Examination findings with MR:
Patients will have an apical holosystolic murmur that radiates to the axilla.
This murmur may resemble the murmur of AS. The way to tell the difference is to have the patient clench his fists:
Systemic vascular resistance increases and the severity of the MR murmur will intensify

In addition, an S3 may be heard reflecting increased volume returning to the LV in early diastole.
Mitral valve prolapse:
Mitral valve prolapse is a common and usually asymptomatic billowing of the mitral leaflets into the LA during ventricular systole sometimes accompanied by MR.
Usually the posterior leaflet is enlarged and the normal dense collagen and elastin matrix of the fibrosa is fragmented and replaced with loose connective tissue.
More common in women with thin, lean bodies.
Will hear a midsystolic click and late systolic murmur.

Ocassionally, rupture of the chordae can cause sudden severe regurgitation and pulmonary edema.
Aortic stenosis:
Most often caused by age related calcification, but may also be caused by congenitally deformed aortic valves, atherosclerotic valve disease and rheumatic disease.
In AS, blood flow across the aortic valve is impeded during sytole. Increased LV pressure is needed to drive blood into the aorta and hypertrophy results (reducing compliance of the LV). This in turn causes hypertrophy of the LA. Development of atrial fibrillation can cause marked clinical deterioration.
Syptoms of advanced AS:
1. Angina: develops due to increased myocardial oxygen demand because of increased muscle mass and decreased supply due to higher diastolic ventricular pressure.
2. Exertional syncope: Increased blood flow is impossible due to stenosis of the valve, plus exercise vasodilates peripheral vessels leading to decreased cerebral perfusion.
3. CHF: Increased LV diastolic volume and pressure can lead to increased pressure in the LA. This can lead to pulmonary venous congestion.

Angina: median survival of 5 years
Syncope: 3 years
CHF: 2 years
Afib: 6 months
Examination of patient with aortic stenosis:
Key features of advanced AS include:
A coarse late peaking systolic ejection murmur.
Weakened (parvus) and delayed (tardus) upstroke of the carotid artery owing to obstructed LV outflow.

Other findings may include an S4 because of atrial contraction into a still LV, and reduced or absent aortic component of the second heart sound.
Aortic regurgitation:
In AR, abnormal regurgitation of blood from the aorta into the LV occurs during diastole. So with each contraction, the LV must pump the extra volume plus the normal volume.
In acute AR: the LV is of normal size. The increased volume/pressure in the LV is transmitted to the LA and pulmonary circulation, often producing dyspnea and pulmonary edema.
In chronic AR: the LV compensates and hypertrophies. There is a significant difference between systolic and diastolic aortic pressure; a widened pulse pressure is a hallmark of AR.
Decreased aortic diastolic pressure results in decreased myocardial perfusion, when coupled with LV hypertrophy, can cause angina.
Presentation and examination of AR:
Common symptoms of AR include dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, decreased exercise intolerance and the uncomfortable sensation of a forceful heartbeat associated with high pulse pressure.

Physical exam may show bounding pulses and a blowing murmur of AR in early diastole along the left sternal border.
Tricuspid stenosis:
Is rare and usually a consequence of RHD. The opening snap and diastolic murmur of TS are similar to those of MS, but the murmur is heard closer to the sternum and it intensifies on inspiration.
The neck veins are distended as a result of right atrial contraction against the stenotic tricuspid valve.
Patients may develop abdominal distention and hepatomegaly owing to passive venous congestion.
Tricuspid regurgitation:
TR is usually functional rather than structural; it develops because of RV enlargement.

Physical signs of TR are waves in the jugular veins and a pulsatile liver because of regurgitation of RV blood into the systemic veins.

The systolic murmur of TR is heard at the lower left sternal border; louder on inspiration.
Pulmonic stenosis:
Is rare and its cause is almost always congenital deformity of the valve.
Pulmonic regurgitation:
Most commonly develops in the setting of severe pulmonary hypertension and results from dilation of the valve ring by the enlarged pulmonary artery.
Auscultation reveals a high-pitched decrescendo murmur along the left sternal border that is similar to AR.
Anatomy of the heart valves:
Histology of a normal aortic valve:
Histology of a normal mitral valve:
How does the blood supply to the annulus and leaflets in a valve differ?
The annulus is supplied by myocardial vessels.
The leaflets are supplied by diffusion from heart blood.
Picture of a calcified stenotic aortic valve:
Possible mechanisms of mitral valve regurgitation:
SAM: systolic anterior motion
Picture of infective endocarditis:
Picture of calcification of an anulus:
Consequences of increased pressure vs. volume overload:
Consequences of acute vs. chronic stenosis/regurgitation:
Etiology of common valvular pathology:
Pathology of acute and chronic rheumatic heart disease:
Findings in chronic rheumatic heart disease:
Histology of mitral valve in chronic rheumatic heart disease:
Fibrosis of the aortic and mitral valve seen in chronic rheumatic heart disease:
Major types of aortic valve stenosis:
 Major types of aortic valve stenosis. A, Normal aortic valve. B, Congenital bicuspid aortic stenosis. A false raphe is present at 6 o’clock. C, Rheumatic aortic stenosis. The commissures are fused with a fixed central orifice. D, Calcific degenerative aortic stenosis
How would arythmyias occur with mitral annular calcification?
The AV node may be affected as calcification approaches.
Histology of mitral valve prolapse:
Histology comparison of normal vs. myxomatous mitral valve:
Concentric vs. Eccentric Hypertrophy:
Graphs of mitral valve stenosis:
What is responsible for hemoptysis in MS?

1. Pulmonary venous hypertension
2. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
3. Elevated right atrial pressure
Pulmonary venous hypertension
The most likely cause of atrial fibrillation in a patient with long-standing MS is?

1. Left ventricle enlargement
2. Right atrial enlargement
3. Right ventricular element
4. Left atrial enlargement
Left atrial enlargement
What is the best test to assess mitral valve stenosis?
Transesophogial electrocardiography
Recommended pharmacological treatment for mitral valve stenosis:
Initial: Na restriction + diuretics

With progression: B-blockers or CCB

If A fib + M.S. – Coumadin (INR 2-3)
Graph of mitral valve regurgitation:
Radiograph of chronic mitral valve regurgitation:
Radiograph of acute mitral valve regurgitation:
Graph of aortic stenosis:
Pathophysiology of angina in AS:
Recommended medical treatment for aortic stenosis:
- Statins may help decrease progression of calcific AS

- Endocarditis prophylaxis only needed if previous history of I.E.

- ACE inhibitors /B-Blockers can be used for patients with CAD and preserved ejection fraction
Graph of aortic regurgitation:
Normal vs Aortic regurgitation pressures:
Medical treatment of aortic regurgitation:
- Acute AR: IV vasodilators/diuretics; B-blockers are contraindicated

Chronic AR: Diuretics first/ACE, CCB, hydralazine might be helpful
- Control of Systolic pressure to < 140 mm Hg
- Nitroglycerine can be tried for angina
Disorders of impulse formation in arrythmias:
No signal from the pacemaker site

Development of an ectopic pacemaker:
- May arise from conduction cells (most are capable of spontaneous activity)
- Usually under control of SA node, if it slows down too much conduction cells could become dominant.
- Often a result of other injury (ischemia, hypoxia)

Development of oscillatory afterdepolariztions:
- Can initiate spontaneous activity in nonpacemaker tissue
- May be result of drugs (digitalis, norepinephrine) used to treat other cardiopathologies
A normal EKG broken down into pieces:
The P wave represents the depolarization of the atria.
The PQ segment represents the time the atria are contracting.
The QRS complex represents the depolarization of the ventricles.
The ST segment represents the time the ventricles are contracting.
The T wave represents the ventricles are repolarizing.
Calculation of heart rate from EKG:
Characteristics of sinus bradycardia:
Characteristics of sinus arrhythmia:
Characteristics of a 1st degree AV block:
*This EKG shows a normal QRS complex
Type I 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz I):
Usually asymptomatic, but with accompanying bradycardia can cause angina and syncope especially in the elderly—will need pacing if symptomatic.
Also can be caused by drugs that slow conduction (BB, CCB, digoxin)
Correct if reversible cause, avoid meds that block conduction
Type II 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz II):
3rd Degree AV block:
Complete dissociation of P waves and QRS complexes; the SA node and AV-branch are firing at thier own rates.
Limb lead translation to electrical impulses on an EKG:
Diagram of all limb leads together:
Placement of precordial leads:
Indications for a pacemaker:
EKG of a patient with a pacemaker:
Red circled areas are some of the “pacing spikes” you can see on an EKG of a patient with a pacemaker.
Ventricular pacing results in slower conduction and a widened QRS complex.
What does ICD stand for (in regards to a pacemaker)?
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
Overview of the cardiac conduction system:
How to determine ST segment elevation or depression:
- Starts with the J point (where the QRS ends)
- Ends with the beginning of the T wave
- Elevation or depression of the ST segment is measured 0.08 seconds (2 small squares) to the right of the J point
Regions of an EKG and the areas of the heart they represent:
-ST segment elevation in leads I and aVL represent a lateral infarction
-Anteroseptal infarctions show ST segment elevation in leads V1 to V4.
-ST elevation in V4 to V6 is typical of an anterolateral infarction
-ST elevation in II, III and aVF is typical of inferior infarction.
Measurement of ST deviation part 2:
Hyperacute T waves in acute MI:
Rule 1 for reading EKG:
Rule 1:
The PR interval is the time from initiation of depolarisation of the atria to initiation of the depolarisation of the ventricles. The PR interval should be 120 to 200 milliseconds, or 3 to 5 little squares. A longer PR may imply a block in conduction and a shorter interval indicates a vulnerability to arrhythmias.
Rule 2 for reading EKG:
Rule 2:
The QRS complex is due to depolarisation of the ventricles. The width of the QRS complex should not exceed 110 ms (less than 3 little squares). A wider QRS is sometimes seen in healthy people, but may represent an abnormality of intraventricular conduction.
Rule 3 for reading EKG:
Rule 3:
The QRS complex should be dominantly upright in leads I and II. Slight disparities are likely to be acceptable.
Rule 4 for reading EKG:
Rule 5 for reading an EKG:
Rule 6 for reading an EKG:
Rule 7 for reading an EKG:
Rule 8 for reading an EKG:
Rule 9 for reading an EKG:
Rule 10 for reading an EKG:
Deep Q wave seen in MI:
Causes of sinus tachycardia:
Three mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia:
- Carotid massage or adenosine commonly terminate the arrhythmia, esp, AV re-entry or AV nodal re-entry.
- Can also use CCB or beta blockers to terminate, if available
- Counsel to avoid triggers, caffeine, Etoh, pseudoephedrine, stress
AV nodal reentry tachycardia:
- Is the most common form of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in adults.
- In a normal heart there is a slow and fast pathway for conduction from the AV to the AV bundle. Normally the fast pathway wins out all the time.
- When the atria prematurely beat, the slow pathway is able to conduct both downwards and upwards into the atria, then back down the slow pathway, initiating a loop leading to tachycardia.
- An EKG will show normal QRS complexes with P waves buried in the complex. When P waves are visible they are at the end of the QRS complex and inverted, due to the reverse direction of electrical flow.
- Usually well tolerated, but in some will produce syncope, angina or pulmonary edema.
AV re-entrant tachycardias:
- Similar to AVNRT, except the re-entrant loop is composed of an accesory pathway of abnormal myoctyes that span the AV groove and connects atrial to ventricular tissue separately from the normal conduction system.

Depending on the characteristics of the pathway, one of two things can occur:
1) Ventricular preexcitation syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome:
- WPW patients have an accessory pathway between the atrium and ventricle. This allows bypass of the AV node.
- Simulation of the ventricle begins earlier than normal, and the PR interval of the EKG is shortened.
- But the electrical spread through the myocardium is slower than that of the normal purkinje fiber system....
- As normal conduction through the AV node occurs, ventricular depolarization represents a combination of both electrical impulses.
- As a result, the QRS complex in patients with WPW is wider than normal and demonstrates an abnormally slurred initial upstroke, called a delta wave.
Impulse conduction in WPW syndrome:
Note the shortened PR interval and slurred upstroke of the delta wave.
Characteristics of atrial flutter:
Characteristics of atrial fibrillation:
EKG findings with hypo and hyperkalemia:
Characteristics of premature atrial contraction:
Characteristics of premature ventricular contraction:
Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia:
- Need to exclude heart disease with Echo and stress testing
- If normal, there is no increased risk of death
- May need anti-arrhythmia treatment if sxs
- In presence of heart disease, increased risk of sudden death
- Need referral for EPS and/or prolonged Holter monitoring
Characteristics of ventricular fibrillation:
Factors affecting myocardial oxygen supply:
- The supply of oxygen to the myocardium depends on the oxygen content of the blood and the rate of coronary blood flow.
- The predominance of coronary perfusion takes place during diastole. Perfusion pressure of the coronary arteries can be approximated by the aortic diastolic pressure.
- The heart normally extracts the maximal amount of oxygen from the blood; therefore any increase in demand must be met by an increase in flow.
- During states of hypoxia, ADP and AMP accumulate and are degraded to adenosine, a potent vasodilator.
- Adenosine decreases calcium entry into smooth muscle cells leading to relaxation and vasodilation.
Endothelial factors affecting myocardial oxygen supply:
- Vasodilators produced by the endothelium include NO, prostacyclin and EDHF.
- Vasoconstrictor is Endothelin 1.

- NO produced by endothelium diffuses into smooth muscle cells; stimulated by thrombic agents, Ach and shear stress of blood flow.

- Prostacyclin is released from endothelium in response to hypoxia, shear stress, Ach and platelet products.

- EDHF released by the endothelium hyperpolarizes and relaxes smooth muscle cells. It is stimulated by Ach. It is more important in relaxing small arterioles than larger arteries.

-Endothelin 1 is a potent vasoconstrictor stimulated by thrombin, angiotensin II, epinephrine and shear stress.
Neural factors affecting myocardial blood supply:
- Both sympathetic and parasympathetic components.
- Stimulation of a-adrenergic receptors results in vasoconstriction.
- Stimulation of b2-receptors promote vasodilation.

* Although stimulation of a-receptors may initially cause vasoconstriction, stimulation will also increase O2 consumption through increased HR and contractility leading to metabolite production and a net vasodilation.
The three major determinants of myocardial oxygen demand:
1) Ventricular wall stress: wall stress increases with systolic ventricular pressure. Increased wall stress increases myocardial O2 consumption.
Conversely, a hypertrophied ventrical has less stress and a decreased O2 consumption.

2) Heart rate: increased rate increases oxygen demand.

3) Contractility: Increased contractility increases O2 demand.
Pathophysiology of ischemia; fixed vessel narrowing:
- The length of a stenotic vessel, and more importantly the degree of narrowing the stenosis causes greatly effects the hemodynamic significance.
- The larger proximal vessels are more prone to atherosclerosis, while the smaller distal vessels can dilate to compensate for reduce flow, up to a point.
- When dilation of distal vessels can no longer compensate, during times of increased oxygen demand myocardial ischemia results.
- At 90% compromisation, dilation cannot compensate at all and ischemia develops even at rest.
Pathophysiology of ischemia; endothelial cell dysfunction:
- In normal persons, increased O2 demand results in vasodilation of coronary vessels.
- In patients with dysfunctional endothelium (atherosclerosis) an impaired release of endothelial vasodilators results in vasoconstriction.
* It makes sense if the endothelium is damaged, that all the endothelial vasodilatory factors would be decreased
- Impaired release of NO and prostacyclin allows platelets to aggregate and to secrete their potentially harmful procoagulants and vasoconstrictors.
Other causes of myocardial ischemia:
- Decreased perfusion pressure due to hypotension (hypovolemia or septic shock)
- Severely decreased blood oxygen content (marked anemia or impaired oxygenation of the blood by the lungs)

- A profound increase in myocardial oxygen demand can cause ischemia (from rapid tachycardia, profound acute hypertension or severe aortic stenosis)
Consequences of ischemia:
- During ischemia, myoctyes convert from aerobic to anaerobic metabolic pathways. Metabolic products such as lactate, serotonin and adenosine accumulate locally. One or more of these activate pain receptors in the C7 through T4 distribution.
- The accumulation of local metabolites and abnormalities of ion transport may precipitate dangerous arrhythmmias
- There are four possible outcomes of myocardial damage caused by ischemia; irreversible necrosis, rapid and full recovery, stunned myocardium and hibernating myocardium.
Stunned myocardium:
Refers to tissue that, after suffering a period of severe ischemia (but not necrosis), demonstrates prolonged systolic dysfunction even after the return of normal blood flow.
Contractile function gradually recovers. The magnitude of the stunning is proportional to the ischemia. This state likely just fell short of causing irreversible necrosis.
Hibernating myocardium:
Refers to tissue that manifests chronic vetricular contractile dysfunction in the face of a persistantly reduced blood supply.
In this situation, irreversible damage has not occured and function can promptly improve if blood flow is restored.
Stable angina:
Chronic stable angina is generally caused by fixed, obstructive plaques in one or more coronary arteries. The pattern of symptoms is usually related to the degree of stenosis.
A pattern of chronic, predictable, transient angina during exertion or emotional stress is termed stable angina.

Patients with variable-threshold angina may experience symptoms at random; due to inappropriate vasoconstriction even at rest.
Unstable angina:
A patient with chronic stable angina may experience a sudden increase in the tempo and duration of ischemic episodes, occuring with lesser degress of exertion and even at rest. This acceleration of symptoms is known as unstable angina, which can be a precursor to an MI.
Usually results from rupture of an unstable plaque with subsequent platelet aggregation and thrombosis.
Variant Angina:
Can occur due to coronary artery spasm, even in the absence of plaques.
Though to be an early manifestation of dysfunctional endothelium even before atherosclerosis can be seen.
Can often occur at rest.
What kind of ischemia is common among diabetic patients?
Silent ischemia; may be due to impaired pain sensation resulting from peripheral neuropathy
Clinical features of chronic stable angina:
- Angina is most often described as a pressure, discomfort, tightness, burning, or heaviness in the chest. It is not sharp or stabbing and does not vary with movement or breathing. It usually lasts at least a few minutes but no more than 10; but always more than a few seconds. The patient may perform the Levine sign when describing the symptom.

- Discomfort is usually diffuse rather than localized. Most often located in the retrosternal area and radiates to the shoulders and inner aspects of the arms especially on the left side.

- During an attack, generalized sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation may result in tachycardia, diaphoresis, nausea, shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness.
Precipitants and risk factors for chronic stable angina:
- Angina is caused by conditions that increase myocardial oxygen demand. These include physical exertion, anger and emotional excitement. Also large meals or cold weather can cause problems.
- Angina is quickly relieved by nitroglycerin.

- Patients may compensate by reducing activities of daily living.

- Ask patients about other risk factors that predispose to atherosclerosis and CAD: smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes and family history of premature coronary disease.
Diagnosis of chronic stable angina:
- Distinguish from GERD, esophageal spasm, biliary pain, pericarditis and chest wall pain.

- Murmurs may be detected during an acute attack of angina.
- Check for carotid or femoral bruits.
What stain is specific for endothelial cells?
Which coronary vessels are more susceptible to atherosclerosis, the sub-epicardial vessels or the
Intramyocardial (resistance) vessels?
The sub-epicardial vessels
Coronary artery anatomy:
Three-dimensional reformatted images of CT coronary angiograms showing the right coronary artery (long black arrow), left main (large white arrow), left anterior descending coronary artery (white arrowheads) and a diagonal branch (short black arrow), and left circumflex coronary artery (small white arrows). A segment of the coronary venous circulation is also seen (black arrowheads).
Diagram of metabolic effects of ischemia:
Mechanical effects of ischemia:
Electrical effects of ischemia:
Examples of different types of stenosis:
Injecting acetylcholine into coronary arteries would vasoconstrict or vasodilate or no change?
Vasodilate; Ach causes vasocontriction when directly applied to smooth muscles cells, but when applied to the endothelial cells it will cause vasodilation (maybe because it induces other vasodilator factors to be released?)
Pathogenesis of coronary thrombosis:
Aortic insufficiency
Accelerated hypertension
2 cm long 90% lesion
Laboratory tests to run in evaluating CAD:
Patient 2
Differences in an EKG of subendocardial or transmural MI:
Electrocardiographic stress tests:
Contraindications for a stress test:
- Rest angina within 48 hrs
- Unstable rhythm
- Severe aortic stenosis
- Acute myocarditis
- Uncontrolled heart failure
- Severe pulmonary hypertension
- Active infective endocarditis
Exercise treadmill test
Left heart cath
Adenosine assisted nuclear stress test
Treadmill nuclear stress test
Outcomes of coronary thrombi:
Histology of damaged myocardial tissue:
Red wavy staining myocytes; or no change because it was very early.
ST wave changes in MI:
Infarct location vs damaged areas:
What is the difference between STEMI and NSTEMI?
NSTEMI (non-ST elevatation myocardial infarction): is a result of a partially occlusive thrombus; also called non-Q wave MI.

STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction): is the reuslt of a complete occlusion of a coronary artery with more severe ischemia and a larger amount of necrosis; also called Q-wave MI.
What does an S3 heart sound represent?
Filling of an overloaded or non-compliant ventricle.
What does an S4 heart sound represent?
Atrial kick; contraction of the atria to push out the remaining blood into the ventricle.
How to tell the difference between unstable angina, NSTEMI and STEMI:
UA: patients symptoms (transient) + transient ST depression or T wave inversion

NSTEMI: Serum markers of necrosis + more persistent ST or T wave abnormalities

STEMI: More syptomatic with ST elevations on EKG + serum markers of necrosis
The use of troponin and CK-MB in testing for MI:
CK-MB rises 3-8 hours after an MI, peaks at 24 hours and returns to normal in 2-3 days.

Troponin: levels begin to rise 3-4 hours after MI, peak between 18-36 hours and decline slowly, allowing for detection for up to 10-14 days.
What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
- Disease of the young
Incidence: 1 in 500 in the general population

- Asymmetric Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

- Genetic Transmission – Autosomal Dominant
Variable penetrance

-Individuals at risk for sudden death, syncope, life threatening arrhythmias

- Mutant cells cannot contract effectively and ultimately fibrose, so the other myocytes hypertrophy to take up the slack

- Hugely hypertrophied intraventricular septum and left ventricle
What are the most common genetic mutations in HCM?
Myosin binding protein C
B-myosin heavy chain
Histology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
Short, wide, hypertrophied fibers in chaotic directions
Numerous cardiac fibroblasts and extracellular matrix
Mechanism of disease in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
With exercise and increased heart rate, the volume in the left ventricle decreases due to less diastolic filling time, bringing the thickened walls closer together. This blocks off the aortic outflow tract. You may also hear a mitral valve regurgitation.
Pathology and symptoms of HCM:
Is EKG or echocardiogram better for diagnosis of HCM?
Echocardiogram, because it will show you areas of hypertrophy.
Treatments for HCM?
- Implantable defibrillator
- Beta blockers or calcium channel blockers
What is Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia?
- # 1 cause of sudden death in athletes in Italy

-Individuals are at risk of sudden death, heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias

- Genetic Transmission
Autosomal dominant
1/1000 – 1/5000 adults
Variable penetrance
Histology of Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia:
Clinical presentation of Arrythmagenic right ventricular dysplasia:
Early symptoms include palpitations and syncope. Over time the right heart fails and can progress to left heart failure as well.
Treatment of arrhythmagenic right ventricular dysplasia:
- Implanted defibrillator
- Antiarrythmic drugs
What is dilated cardiomyopathy?
Heart muscle disorder defined by dilatation and impaired systolic function of both ventricles in the abscence of CAD, valvular diseases, or pericardial disease.
What are some causes of dilated cardiomyopathy?
- 33% are genetic

- Other acquired causes are:
Prolonged hypertensive heart disease
Thiamine Deficiency(Beri-Beri Heart Disease)
Autoimmune diseases
Gross appearance of heart with dilated cardiomyopathy:
Development of thrombi in left and right ventricles are common due to stasis of blood flow.
Histology of dilated cardiomyopathy:
Pathophysiology of alcohol induced dilated cardiomyopathy:
Complications of dilated cardiomyopathy:
Peripartum cardiomyopathy:
Tocolysis: medications used to induce delivery
Presentation and diagnosis of peripartum cardiomyopathy:
Clinical presentation:
Similar to other dilated CM

Diagnosis of exclusion
No previous history of heart disease.
Endomyocardial biopsy: Sens:50% Specif:99%
Cardiac MRI: might help but can’t reveal specific pattern

> 50% - Improvement to normal or near-normal ejection fraction.
4% will require heart transplant
9% die of complications of heart transplant

Similar other DCM; HF treatment
Restrictive cardiomyopathy:
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is characterized by abnormally rigid ventricles with impaired diastolic filling but usually normal or near normal systolic function.
This condition results from either fibrosis or scarring of the endocardium or infiltration of the myocardium by an abnormal substance.
The most common cause of restrictive cardiomyopathy is amyloidosis.
Gross appearance of restrictive cardiomyopathy:
Histology of restrictive cardiomyopathy with amyloidosis:
Key Points from the cardiomyopathy lecture:
Hemangiomas (benign tumors):
- Characterized by increased numbers of normal or abnormal vessels filled with blood.
- Common in infancy and childhood. Most regress spontaneously.
- The majority are superficial and localized to the head or neck
- Some can occur internally; mostly in the liver.
Capillary hemangioma:
- The most common hemangioma
- Occurs in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes of the oral cavities and lips.
- The "strawberry" type of the skin found in newborns is very common; it grows rapidly in the first few months then fades at age 1-3 and completely regresses by age 7 in most cases.
Picture of capillary hemangioma and a regressed one:
Cavernous hemangioma:
- Are characterized by large, dilated vascular channels; compared with capillary hemangiomas, cavernous hemangiomas are less well circumscribed and more frequently involve deep structures.
- Although benign in nature, they may be locally destructive and not spontaneously regress; therefore requiring surgery.
Gross and micro of a cavernous hemangioma:
Pyogenic Granuloma (a benign hemangioma):
- A rapidly growing peduncular red nodule on the skin, gingival or oral mucosa; it bleeds easily and is often ulcerated.
- 1/3 of lesions develop after trauma.
- The proliferating capillaries are often accompanied by extensive edema and an acute and chronic inflammatory infiltrate.
- "Pregnancy tumor" occurs in the gingiva of 1% of pregnant women. These lesions can spontaneously regress after pregnancy or undergo fibrosis.
Simple (capillary) Lymphangioma (benign):
These are composed of small lymphatic channels predominately occuring in the head, neck and axillary subcutaneous tissue.
- They are slightly elevated and sometimes pedunculated lesions 1-2 cm in diameter.
- Histology shows networks of endothelium lined spaces that are distinguished from capillary channels by the absence of blood cells.
Cavernous Lymphangioma (cystic hygroma) (benign):
- These lesions are typically found in the neck or axilla of children.
- Are common in the neck of patients with Turners syndrome
- These lesions can occassionally be enormous and may fill the axilla or produce gross deformaties about the neck.
- Tumors are composed of massively dilated lymphatic spaces.
Glomus Tumors (benign):
- Painful tumors originating from modified SMC's of the glomus body.
- Commonly found under the fingernails.
Nevus Flammus (benign):
- A birthmark; the most common form of ectasia.
- Include the "port wine stain" birthmark; these lesions tend to grow and not fade.
Spider Telangiectasia (benign):
- Grossly resembles a spider
- Blanches when pressure is applied.
- Frequently associated with hyperestrogenic states; pregnancy or cirrhosis
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (benign):
- Also called Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
- An autosomal dominant disorder
- Malformations of dilated capillaries and veins present from birth; widely distributed over the skin and oral mucous membranes, as well as in the respiratory, GI and urinary tracts.
- Ocassionally these lesions rupture, causing serious nosebleeds, GI bleeding or hematuria
Kaposi Sarcoma (intermediate-grade tumor):
A malignant neoplasm with endothelial (lymaphatic or vascular) differentiation and often has spindle cell morphology in addition to presence of vascular channels. Has multiple clinical presentations including classic cutaneous form (less aggressive), Endemic African and AID-related (most aggressive) types. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) also known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is considered the causative agent of all forms of Kaposi sarcoma. Tumor cells stain for CD31 and HHV8 related protein.
Histology of Kaposi Sarcoma:
Hemangioendothelioma (intermediate grade tumor):
- Wide spectrum of vascular neoplasms with histology and clinical behaviors intermediate between benign, well differentiated hemangiomas and frankly anaplastic angiosarcomas.
- Involves medium sized and large veins.
Angiosarcoma (malignant tumor):
- Malignant endothelial neoplasms.
- Older adults are more commonly affected with no gender preference.
- Occur most often in the skin, soft tissue, breast and liver.
- Hepatic angiosarcomas are associated with carcinogenic exposures; arsenic, thorotrast, and PVC.
- Can also develop in the setting of lymphedema, usually after mastectomy for breast cancer.
- Can also be induced by radiation or by foreign material introduced into the body accidentally.
- Stain positive for CD31 and vonWillebrand Factor
Histology of angiosarcoma:
Gross appearance of angiosarcoma:
Hemangiopericytoma (malignant tumor):
- Rare tumors derived from pericytes; myofibroblast like cells that are normally arranged around capillaries and venules.
- Most common in the lower extremities.
- Spindle cell proliferation outside the basal lamina of blood vessels. Biological behavior ranges form local recurrence to high metastatic potential
- Tumor cells stain for CD 34
What are the most common tumors of the heart?
Metastatic tumors
Some tumors have more predilection for spread to the heart; lung, lymphoma, breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma, liver and colon.
Cardiac Myxomas (benign):
Cardiac myxoma are most common cardiac tumor in adults and arises specifically from endocardial surface. Tumors probably arise from primitive pluriopitential mesenchymal cells. Mean age of detection is 50. Slight female preponderance.
Clinical presentation: Classical triad;
Constitutional – fever, arthralgia, weight loss, fatigue, malaise. Tumor cell elaborate interleukin 6 (IL-6) a mediator of acute phase reactants
Valvular obstruction, mostly mitral , Classic- ball valve obstruction, may mimic rheumatic mitral stenosis, heart failure, arrhythmia
Embolization of tumor fragments in systemic circulation , mostly to brain and extremities
Diagnostic and Imaging studies:
Chest Xray – may show cardiomegaly and sometime calcification in the mass
Echocardiography is the main diagnostic modality
CT and MR performed prior to surgery to delineate surgical margins
Blood work – acute phase reactants
70% arise from left atrium from fossa ovalis. Soft glistening mass with areas of hemorrhage attached with a pedicle (stalk) to endocardium
Neoplasm consists of myxoma cells ( cells with stellate appearance, abundant cytoplasm which may show focal endothelial differentiation . Cells are embedded in abundant acid mucopolysaccharide ground substance
Differential diagnosis: Mural thrombus . Occur in background of underlying cardiac disease. Most commonly in patients with atrial fibrillation with or without mitral valve disease (stenosis causing stasis). Most common location in atrial appendage and NOT atrium. Ventricular thrombi are usually superimposed on underlying acute or healed myocardial infarct. The thrombi generally consists of layered clots and microscopically may show focal myxoid areas (early fibrosis) in addition to signs of old hemorrhage (hemosiderin pigmented macrophages)
Treatment: surgical excision
Gross appearance of cardiac myxoma:
Histology of cardiac myxoma:
Cardiac Rhabdomyomas (benign):
Cardiac rhabdomyomas are the most common neoplasms of neonates, infant and children < 16 yrs.
Rhabdomyomas most likely are hamartomas (malformation) rather than true neoplasms.
50% of cases are associated with Tuberous sclerosis complex (hamartomas of brain, kidney, retina, skin and heart).
Autosomal dominant inheritance, Disruption of Tumor suppressor genes (TSC1 – hamartin) and TSC2- tuberin) .
Most commonly arise in free wall of ventricles. May present with outflow tract obstruction, arrhythmias or heart failure.
Some tumors spontaneously regress. Appear as solid fleshy mass. Microscopically m marked vacuolization of cytoplasm (glycogen).
May mimic glycogen storage disease
Cardiac Angiosarcomas (malignant):
Angiosarcoma are the most common sarcomas with differentiation to specific cell type. Undifferentiated sarcoma is the most common primary malignancy overall.
Age 40-50. Right atrium most commonly involved. Generally present with advanced disease (metastases) and may extend into pericardium,
Clinical presentation _ right atrial mass with valve dysfunction, hemopericardium or from metastases.
Pathology – polypoid masses with infiltration, and microscopically evidence of vascular differentiation (capillary or venous type vessels). Tumors cells express endothelial markers (CD31, CD34m,fFcator VIII)
Poor prognosis
Undifferentiated sarcoma – most common sarcoma of heart. Age distribution similar to angiosarcoma. Most commonly arise from left atrium My present with mitral valve stenosis, pulmonary hypertension. 1/3 of the patients present initially with metastases.
Polypoid tumors with infiltration. No significant endothelial differentiation.
Histology of angiosarcoma 2:
"Most Commons" for cardiac masses:
Rheumatic Fever:
- Initial episode is a disease of children and young adults ( 5-15 years of age)
- Recurrent RF can be common in young adults
- 3-6% of the population is susceptible
- Susceptibility appears to be inherited

- Incubation is usually 3 weeks (1-5)
- Sore throat can be subclinical
- Most common symptoms:
Polyarthritis (60-75%)
Carditis (50-60%)
Chorea (jerky movements) ( 2- 30%)
Erythema marginatum (<5%)
Subcutaneous nodules (<5%)
Pancarditis in Rheumatic Fever:
- 60% of patients with ARF progress to RHD.
- Valvular damage is the hallmark of rheumatic carditis
- ARF causes inflammation on the mitral valve with mitral regurgitation as a result
- Myocarditis can be present affecting conduction pathways; leads to P-R interval prolongation.
Erythema Marginatum from Rheumatic Fever:
Antigen mimics in acute rheumatic fever:
- Recently, found T cells specific for streptococcal M protein peptides cross react with self proteins in the heart.

Disease presents pathologically as inflammation of the heart valve

Antibodies against the group A carbohydrate on the valve surface endothelium upregulate cell adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 on activated surface endothelium of the valve.
M protein-reactive T cells extravasate into the valve through the surface endothelium by binding to cell adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1.
Pathology of acute rheumatic fever:
Gross and histology of acute rheumatic fever:
Clinical diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever:
- Fever- usually significant > 39 centigrade
- Elevated inflammatory markers: c-reactive protein and sedimentation rate
- Elevated leukocyte count
- Evidence of preceding strep infection: Anti - streptolysin O and anti-Dnase titers

- Rheumatic fever is mainly a clinical diagnosis:
No single diagnostic sign
No specific laboratory test
Diagnosis based on Modified Jones Criteria and evidence of recent strep infection.
Jones Criteria for diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever:
Pathogenic pathway in the development of RF:
Treatment of acute rheumatic fever:
- PNC p.o. 500mg bid for 7 days OR benzathine PCN IM 1.2 million units once

- Salicylate or NSAI’s- for fever and arthitis

- Primary prevention- treat streptococcal pharyngitis within 9 days of onset

- Secondary prevention- important due to the fact that patients who have had RF have a higher incidence of recurrence
Pathophysiology of myocarditis:
Clinical presentation of myocarditis:
Evaluation of myocarditis:
Treatment- similar to other types of heart failure with systolic dysfunction ( ACE, BB, diuretics)
Histology of myocarditis:
Causes of myocarditis:
More causes of myocarditis:
Presentation and prognosis of myocarditis:
- Acute presentation:
Children, adolescents
Viral prodrome (viremia)
Immune activation (injury)

Chronic presentation:
Insidious onset
Ventricular dysfunction → cardiomyopathy

Acute presentation:
Mild carditis→ recovery
1/3 residual dysfunction
1/3 recover
1/3 → trasnplantation / death, chronic course

Giant cell /chronic active myocarditis
Poor prognosis
Diagnosis of myocarditis:
Echocardiography and cardiac MRI are most useful diagnostic tools
Causes of endocarditis:
Histology of infective endocarditis:
Active infective endocarditis
Healed infective endocarditis lesion
Common problems associated with infective endocarditis:
Infarcts in the spleen, coronary septic embolus, renal embolization leading to acute glomerulonephritis.
Gross and histo appearance of non bacterial thrombotic endocarditis:
Note that the lesions are evenly spaced around the valve as opposed to the single or bunched lesions in infective endocarditis.
Causes of pericarditis:

Noninfectious (More common):
Post myocardial infarction
Radiation induced
Rheumatic diseases
Drug induced
Possible outcomes of pericarditis:
- Effusion
Hemodynamic consequences
- Complete resolution
Viral infection
- Chronic fibrosing inflammation
Constructive pericarditis
Clinical presentation of pericarditis:
- History of previous viral syndrome is common
- Pain usually abrupt and severe and pleuretic
- Precordial with radiation to left shoulder, left upper extremity, and left trapezius ridge ( most specific historical symptom for pericarditis )
- Pain relieved by leaning forward and worse by laying flat

- Sinus tachycardia
- Low grade fever
- Pericardial friction rub ( present in 85% of patients )
- Rub can be evanescent and best heard at LSB with patient leaning forward
- 3 Phase rub corresponds to: ventricular systole, early diastolic filling, and atrial contraction
Diagnosis of pericarditis:
- Elevated white blood cell count with mild lymphocytosis in viral/idiopathic disease. If bacterial, severe elevations with left shift noted
- Elevation of sed rate and C-reactive protein can be seen
- Modest elevation of cardiac enzymes ( troponin I and CK MB) can be seen

CXR- usually normal. Enlarged cardiac shadow can occur with pericardial effusions / tamponade

Echo- Usually normal but is done to exclude silent effusion
Complications of pericarditis:
Pericardial effusion- Small effusions common

Pericardial tamponade- In one series ( Imazio M, Circulation 2007 ) present in 3.1% of patients

Pericardial constriction- ( Imazio M, Circulation 2007) 1.5%

Relapse of pericarditis- 15-30%
NSAIDS and aspirin and colchicine (used for gout) can prevent recurrences
Pericardial Effusion:
Pericardial Tamponade:
Severe elevation of pericardial pressures will overcome the diastolic pressures in all 4 chambers of the heart. This is called “equalization of pressures” ( diastolic pressure on all 4 chambers will = pericardial pressures )

The above will result in impaired diastolic filling → Decrease LV filling → decrease stroke volume → decrease cardiac output → hypotension
Pericardial Tamponade consequences:
Beck’s triad: Distant or absent heart tones, JVD, hypotension
Pulsus paradoxus: Exaggerated systolic B/P drop during inspiration

Septum has to move over to the left to accept increased venous return; makes less space for blood in the left ventricle
Treatment of pericardial tamponade:
Pericardiocentesis- Patient at 45 degrees, needle inserted in below the xiphoid process angled toward the left shoulder. A catheter is then passed and pressure recordings are compared to right side of the heart
( concomitant right heart cath). There should be
equalization of pressures across all 4 chambers and
pericardial space

Catheter is maintained in place for 48 hours for continual drainage
Constrictive pericarditis:
Complication of pericarditis whereby the fluid in the pericardium over time becomes organized with fusion of the pericardial layers followed by fibrous scar formation

Over time calcium can form in the pericardial sac and can be useful in diagnosis with chest radiography or CT scanning

Systolic contraction remains uninhibited

Diastolic relaxation is abruptly interrupted when the relaxing myocardium comes in contact with the stiff pericardium

When the right ventricle, while filling, comes into contact with the non-compliant pericardium ventricular filling is abruptly halted
Pathophysiology of constrictive pericarditis:
Clinical features:
- Fatigue, hypotension and reflex tachycardia
- Right sided failure- JVD, peripheral edema, ascites,
- Positive Kussmal sign- Increase of jugular venous
distention during inspiration
- Early diastolic “knock” in patients with calcium
surrounding the heart
Diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis: